Montreal Times 24 57 August 31 2019

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Receive the Mtl Times via E-mail - Saturday, August 31, 2019

Vol. 24 No. 57

Bogdan Calita

Courtier immobilier / Real Estate Broker

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Smile of the week REM and the realities of a harsh Montreal winter


ontreal has been experiencing some of the harshest winter conditions on record lately. In fact, last January we had the coldest temperatures

Yona sent us this great pic while at a wedding in France*

Welcome back to school time! Please drive carefully!

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By Bonnie Wurst

recorded in almost 100 years, with a daytime high on the 20th of only minus 19.4 Celsius, accompanied by close to 30cm of snow. Last January also broke records for rain, which in turn left the city with thick, dangerous and slippery conditions as the temperatures plummeted conditions even the best of machinery available could not deal with. And it is quite possible the city and surrounding areas will see even more records broken in the years to come. It begs the question many people are asking: How will the REM network and trains be able to deal with the realities of our winters? Last February in Ottawa, trains for their light-rail network, built by Alstom (the French company also manufacturing the REM trains for Montreal), were being tested and ran

into challenges during a snowstorm. A train was stuck in the snow between stations for two days. A report obtained by CBC Ottawa stated that 'the vehicles are unreliable to the point where it is not known if they would be able to function during a snow storm' and it went on to explain that 'snow build up is causing panels to come loose and break off the light-rail vehicles and that snow and ice are frequently causing the doors of the trains to freeze shut'. Their trains appear unable to handle winter conditions. However, there is one big difference - Montreal's REM trains, the Alstom 212, will be customized to meet its unique climate. They will have heated double-paned windows and door thresholds and heated floors to ensure doors can open and close in cold weather and snow.They will also be equipped with ice scrapers at the contact points where the trains connect to overhead electrical wires and have heated automatic couplers at each end. The trains are also ergonomically designed to avoid snow pile-ups on both ends of each car - and will also be tested next winter in the South Shore and a cold chamber in Austria. As the REM states on their website, harsh winter conditions represent a significant chal-

lenge for any train or light rail system operator. For the purpose of the REM’s winter plan, specialized equipment will be used for maintenance and a dedicated field team will make sure the system runs smoothly. Since trains will be running regularly over the tracks, it will help prevent ice and snow from accumulating as it would on a highway. In exceptional cases, it will be possible to keep the REM running through the night, to prevent precipitation from accumulating on the track and 'catenary' (the cables and wires that hang over electrified rail-lines providing current to the train). As well, the high frequency of trains running on the tracks will allow them to monitor the system at all times, giving them the ability to quickly address any issues that might arise. The REM is applying the latest in advanced technology, utilizing everything available to circumvent the potential challenges the system (alternating between underground, ground and elevated stretches) can offer. If they can handle a Montreal winter with success, perhaps comparable solutions can be found for the city's sidewalks and road network - making the cold season far more welcome to pedestrians and drivers. August 31, 2019 •

Just minutes from Downtown! Sale of entire 2nd floor, approximately 9200 square feet divided in 4 large offices, 6 indoor garage spaces, elevator, ideally suited for medical/healthcare business as well as law offices, insurance companies, accounting firm. MLS#17341631

Bogdan Calita 514.582.8348 Courtier immobilier / Real Estate Broker Profusion Immobilier Inc. Real Estate Agency

Public consultations on Chinatown


Public consultations underway on the future of Chinatown

nything wrong with Chinatown? We hope not, but in any case, this month the Ville Marie borough launched a process of public consultations on the future of this iconic

By Sergio Martinez

neighbourhood of our city. Termed "Together for the Vitality of Chinatown" this consultation process must finish in the fall and provide some elements for future planning. "This participatory approach is essential. It will enable us to strike a balance between the needs of residents, cultural preservation, and sustainable commercial dynamism. On this basis, the borough will be able to better support and enhance the community and commercial life of Chinatown" said Robert Beaudry, city councillor for the Saint Jacques district and responsible for economic and commercial development in the city executive committee. The organization of • August 31, 2019

the consultation has been put in the hands of the Montreal Centre for Urban Ecology (CEUM for its French acronym) "because of its expertise in developing and facilitating consultation processes to redevelop urban space with and for citizens." The process so far has started with the consultations with residents, merchants, and visitors for which a kiosk was installed in the main street of Chinatown. This first stage has taken place during August and now the next step is to meet with the different social, cultural, business, and community organizations of the neighbourhood, a process to be held during the fall. All the documents, proposals, and data will then be assembled in the online city

platform "Réalisons Montréal," from where it could be accessed by anyone. A final report will be submitted by the CEUM to the borough in 2020. Of course, Chinatown has experienced several transformations in recent years. Some people who have been asked about the future of the area have expressed fears that it may lose its character, especially for the disappearance of small stores due to higher rents which lead instead to gentrification, displacing old traditional businesses. A problem that undoubtedly will be mentioned in the public consultation. There is also the question of some residents leaving the neighbourhood, a phenomenon that is more or less nat-

Overall, Chinatown is a very lively part of our city

ural as, young people especially, move to other areas of the city. To some extent, we have even seen the development of what one may call a Chinatown 2, in the west end of downtown. Especially for the arrival of new restaurants (oriental, not only Chinese), on Ste. Catherine between Concordia and the border with Westmount. We don't know whether this means an exodus of businesses from the traditional Chinatown or if it is

merely an expansion of Chinese and other Asian businesses, especially restaurants and food stores. A process stimulated by an influx of Chinese and other oriental residents into that section of downtown, especially students attending Concordia or McGill. In any case, Chinatown, despite facing problems common to other areas of the city, seems to be in good shape, although there is always room for improvements. Most visi-

tors to Chinatown go to De la Gauchetière or St. Laurent, its main commercial streets, where most restaurants are located, and which have good lighting and are relatively well kept, other streets such as Clark for instance, would certainly need brighter lights, more trees, and better sidewalks. Public consultations should address these issues together with the long-term questions about the future of this emblematic neighbourhood.

Free Report Reveals How to Avoid Getting Stuck Owning Two Homes

MONTREAL - West Island - Every month, thousands of homeowners are faced with the stressful dilemma of whether to buy first or sell first.You see, if you buy before selling, you could run the risk of owning two homes. Or, just as bad, if you sell first, you could end up homeless. It's what insiders in the industry call the Real Estate Catch 22, and it's an extremely anxious position to find yourself in. This financial and emotional tightrope is one you usually have to walk alone because most agents have no way of helping you with this predicament. But one local realtor is using a unique Guaranteed Sale Program which solves this dilemma. This program guarantees the sale of your present home before you take possession of your new one. If your home doesn't sell in 120 days, they will buy it from you themselves for the previously agreed price ensuring that you never get caught in the Real Estate

Catch 22. Before you hire any professional, you should research the market to find out who can do the best job for you. When interviewing agents, find out what kind of guarantee they are willing to give you with respect to the selling of your home. Unfortunately, you'll find that most agents simply cannot make such a guarantee. To help you learn more about this program and how it can make your move less stressful, a FREE special report has been prepared entitled "How to Avoid Getting Stuck with Two Homes". To order a FREE Special Report, visit or to hear a brief recorded message about how to order your FREE copy of this report call toll-free 1-800-727-7105 and enter 3005. You can call any time, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Get your free special report NOW to find out how to guarantee the cash sale of your home.

This report is courtesy of Group Sarroino. Not intended to solicit buyers or sellers currently under contract. Copyright [C] {2017


Turcot Interchange opening new sections this autumn


or people living near the Turcot Interchange, having endured endless months of construction noise, and drivers who faced never-ending traf-

By Bonnie Wurst

fic congestion and detours - the news of the Turcot project entering its final stages should help ease some of their anxiety. The light at the end of the tunnel (or ramps) is in sight. On Thursday August 22nd, KPH Turcot, the consortium responsible for building the interchange invited the media for a tour of the site and announced that several new sections will be opening this autumn -

with the first section to open this Monday. Drivers heading North on HWY 15 from the Champlain Bridge will now be able to directly access HWY 20 West. And then HWY 20 East to Decarie North and HWY 15 South to HWY 20 West is expected to be opened in the next few weeks.The temporary structures now in place will then be taken down. Following that, three out of four lanes for drivers heading West from the Ville Marie Tunnel to the Turcot Interchange, as well as the exit to De la Verendrye from HWY 15 South, will reopen - although the exact dates are not known.Then by the end of 2020, the balance of the sections will finally be opened. “We are on time and on budget and the project is going very well. Nearly 80% of the construction is finished,” Chantal Rouleau, Quebec Deputy Transport Minister said and then




added, "The new interchange will have bus lanes, wider lanes for cars and more room on the shoulders for emergency vehicles… it’s more than just a highway." The Turcot project is nearing completion and once all the work is done, a 'small forest' will be planted. "It's roughly 10,000 trees we're going to install as well as lots of bushes. I think it's 55,000 bushes that we'll install. It's going to be green everywhere around the interchange," said KPH Turcot deputy project director Olivier Beaulieu. “It will be a very nice entry into the city of Montreal at a human level,” added Rouleau. With the new Samuel de Champlain Bridge and Turcot Interchange finally all in place, Montreal just might regain its reputation as one of the most welcoming cities in North America.

September 31, 2019



August 31, 2019 •



The summer is ending

ummer is coming to an end. Well, technically its ending is happening only on September 21, but by convention, this weekend followed by Labour Day and the return to school marks

By Sergio Martinez

The Jazz Festival was once again the greatest summer event in the city

that the Montreal International Jazz Festival has positioned itself as one of the best in the world not only for its always spectacular lineup but also for its focus that goes beyond the traditional definition of jazz. It also displays a high level of organization. In the outdoor concerts, everyone was impressed by the performance of Charlotte Cardin, while the indoor show by Roberto Fonseca was simply unforgettable. In general, once again, the Jazz Fest was the greatBEERFEST: BACK AT est music event of the summer. This edition, WINDSOR Beer and summer are the 40th, also had a speinextricably associated, cial significance: its two so it is no surprise that founders, Alain Simard the Mondial de la Bière and André Menard re(Montreal Beer Festival) tired from the actual also marked the begin- programming of the ning of the warm sea- event.The occasion was son. This year the Beer marked by an emoFest returned to Wind- tional farewell at the sor Station, a location it last press conference. used before moving to the Palais des congrès. I noticed fewer expositors and therefore, a smaller representation of breweries from around the world compared to previous occasions. Windsor station is a smaller place, and besides, this time the Mondial only used the Portuguese pyrotechnic team celebrates their indoor area. I hope this win at the Mtl 2019 apparent downsizing Fireworks Competition doesn't indicate any trouble for this iconic FIREWORKS: event. THE PORTUGUESE JAZZ FEST: ADIEU TO ON TOP THE FOUNDERS L'International des There is no question feux Loto-Québec the closing of the season. For Montrealers, it is also the end of festivals and of most outdoor activities, for obvious reasons. It is time then, to look back at some of what summer offered in the cultural and entertainment fronts.

(Fireworks Competition) celebrated its 35th edition this year. As usual, fireworks companies from all over the world tried to win the favour of the jury by presenting spectacular, multi-coloured performances where synchronization between pyrotechnics and music is the essential ingredient. This year the first prize, the Golden Jupiter, went to Portugal for its show "Stay Tuned" with a soundtrack based on TV series old and new. A decent presentation, but in my view, the ones by Australia (second prize) and the United States (third place), were aesthetically better.

ties added the necessary ingredients for its success. THE ABSENT FESTIVAL For movie lovers, for more than forty years, late August meant one thing: lining-up outside some of the many venues where the screenings of the Montreal World Film Festival took place. In the 1980s and 1990s, those venues were more than a

dozen. Some already disappeared (Cinema Parisien on Ste. Catherine, and the multiplex at Place Desjardins), the opening and the closing ceremonies were held at the Maisonneuve Theatre at Place des Arts, and the main shows took place at the majestic Imperial Theatre. The latter is today the only remnant of the glorious days of a festival that, after a sad decline, this year simply announced its suspension, not its cancellation nor its death, as some – disgracefully– would want. The truth is that the survival of this festival founded by Serge Losique is very improbable. Who is to blame for that? Some journalists have directed vicious attacks on Losique, particularly for what they consider his authoritarian style. But although Losique certainly did his best to make enemies among almost everyone in the local movie business, it is important to point out that a great respon-

sibility in the fall of the WFF lies with the cultural bureaucrats (i.e., Telefilm Canada, SODEC) and some members of the local film industry, who –the truth be told– never liked the man. The problem is that the killing of the WFF only hurts movie lovers, and our city, which is now somewhat culturally more impoverished because of this loss. WHAT IS COMING Of course, film enthusiasts may still take advantage of festivals with a specific niche: Animaze (Aug. 29-Sept. 1), the New Cinema Festival (Oct. 9-20), Cinemania (Nov. 7-17), the Montreal International Documentary Festival (Nov. 14-24), among others. Those willing to take the trip to Toronto may attend the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF, Sept. 5-15), regarded by critics and those in the movie industry, as the second most important in the world after Cannes.

ComicCon has managed to grow and become the major pop culture event in Montreal

COMICCON: BIGGER THAN EVER This celebration of pop culture once again congregated thousands of enthusiasts, many of them dressed up as some of their favourite heroes or villains. Comic book artists and writers, TV and movie stars, and other celebri-

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3551 boul. St. Charles, Suite #547, Kirkland, Quebec, H9H 3C4


60 Atlantic ave., Suite #200, Toronto, Ontario, M6K 1X9



Hudson, St. Lazare, Sennevil e, Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, Baie d’Urfe, Beaconsfield, Kirkland, Pte. Claire, D.D.O., Pier efonds, Roxboro, Dorval, Lachine, NDG, Vil e St-Laurent, Châteauguay, Cote St-Luc, Snowdon, Hampstead, Mtl-West, Westmount, Laval, Verdun, Lasalle, Montreal, St. Leonard, Anjou, Ahuntsic, Lit le Italy, Nuns’ Island



(Wednesday at 5 p.m.) 514-951-3328 Managing Editor:


The Water Lantern Festival

f you’re interested in doing something a little different and would like to create some lovely memories, then The Water Lantern Festival could be a great option.

By Annette Aghazarian

Featuring live music and gourmet food trucks at the scenic Oka Beach, this lovely event takes place on September 28th from 4:00-09:00 pm. Created to inspire the human spirit, this Festival is an incredible ex-

• Alyssa De Rosa • Catherine Maisonneuve • Marco Giovanetti • Sergio Martinez • Bonnie Wurst • Stuart Nulman • Deborah Rankin • John Symon • Helen (Eleni) Akrivos


overs of animation films will be delighted this weekend with the new edition of Animaze,

By Sergio Martinez

Montreal's own festival devoted to the genre. Directed by Laurie Gordon, this year marks the ninth edition of this event. The screenings and other events take place at the ESMA ExCentris (3635 St. Laurent), and for the first time, there will be free outdoor screenings at the Parc des Amériques (St. Laurent at the corner of Rachel St.) Animaze runs between August 29 and Sunday, September 1. Around 170 movies produced in a variety of countries, mostly


General subscriptions in Canada: 1 year $150, 2 years $275 Subscription to the U.S. and outside North America:1 year $250 US All contents of this publication are sole property of The Montreal Times Newspaper. Opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily intended to reflect those of the publisher. Any reproduction in whole or in part and in print or in electronic form without express permission is strictly forbidden. Permission to reproduce selected editorial may be granted by contacting the publisher in writing.


string bag, marker, and wristband. After coloring and designing your personal lantern, you are encouraged to write down some of your hopes and dreams, or a letter to a loved one. Then as the sun sets, all of the lanterns are lit and sent out into the water. The beauty of thousands of lanterns re-

flecting upon the water creates magical moments and stunning scenery. In case you’re concerned for the environment, the price covers the cost of collecting and removing the lanterns from the water following the event as well as cleaning up any trash that may have been previously been in

or around the water. For more information please visit. http://www.waterlanternfestiva l. ca /m o n trea lfrench.php *Tickets purchased before August 31st are $33.99 Tickets purchased after this date are $38.99 and tickets purchased on the day of event are $50.00.

Animaze 2019 - Not only cartoons

Tom West


perience and suitable for all ages. Bringing people together all across Canada and the United States, family, friends, and strangers gather to celebrate life together in a beautiful outdoor setting. The ancient ritual of sending floating lanterns across the water is known to have healing qualities. In some parts of Asia it is done to commemorate the dead. The modern practice of floating water lanterns represents life and new beginnings. As new age methods of seeking peace and well being are becoming more popular and widespread in North America, it’s no wonder that The Water Lantern Festival has made its way to Montreal. Each adult ticket includes a floating lantern, commemorative draw-

shorts, are being screened during the four-day event. Among the feature films, we could mention "The Snow Queen: Mirrorlands," described as a story in which "A powerful king nearly lost his family due to the Snow Queen's evil deeds. He finds a way to withdraw all the magic from the world – they who master the magic powers get trapped into the Mirrorlands. The only one who can stop him and keep the fairytale in our world is Gerda – as her own superpower is not sorcery, but her faith in kindness and friendship. In Gerda's new adventures, the Snow Queen herself will help her along with trolls and pirates." This movie is presented at ESMA ExCentris on August 31 at 3 p.m. That same day at 1 p.m. Animaze offers a selection of shorts in the Kids' Film Block (ESMA ExCentris). On Sunday, September 1, there are three main screenings at ESMA ExCentris: Animation Minshar, at 1

One of the films in the Kids' Block series

p.m. featuring Minshar's Animation Department Director Yoni Salmon presenting a curated selection of some Israeli animation films from the last decade. At 3 p.m. The Best of Animix Festival, "The Best Animation films from Israel presented by the Director of Tel Aviv Animation Film Festival Nissim Hezkiyau." Finally that day at 5 p.m. Glitch Art: Digital Dreams and Data Disruptions, "a special program dedicated to animated glitch art, with special focus on the semantic breakdown of neural network technologies and AI visualizations. Curated by Iona Pelovska."

The festival also includes several panels each covering a different aspect of animation production and creation, an industry conference, and many free screenings in the Parc des Amériques. One exceptional event will be The Yellow Submarine Sing-Along, a free presentation at the Parc des Amériques where the spectators are invited "to sing along this psychedelic animation classic in the main street of Montreal" on August 31 at 8 p.m. For detailed information, including the whole list of movies, panels, ticket prices, and schedule visit

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August 31, 2019 •

What’s happening in Montreal C By Stuart Nulman

after his previous two appearances at the club played to sold out crowds. Montreal comedian/song satirist Leighland Beckman will be the opening act for the evening. The bilingual Ward has made headlines with his appearances at festivals, on tour and on television around the world. He has hosted Just For Laughs’ notorious Nasty Show; performed at JFL 42 in Toronto, the Edinburgh Fringe Festival and the Montreux Comedy Festival; and his standup specials have aired in over 20 countries such as Canada, the U.S., France, South Africa and Australia; and his special “Mike Ward Infamous” can currently be seen on Amazon Prime Video. This show is for mature audiences only (18+). Tickets for Mike Ward’s show at the Wheel Club are $20 in advance, $25 at the door, with one drink included in the ticket price. To get your tickets, go to:

• August 31, 2019

farm sanctuaries. There will also be plenty of kiosks where visitors will have the chance not only to watch cooking demos, but also sample many types of delicious vegan food, and purchase a wide assortment of vegan goods. There will also be 20 new workshops, where for a fee of $20, visitors can get special handson training in a private, small-scale group setting and can learn about such topics as cruelty-free cosmetics, animal first aid and

Montreal Vegan Festival September 21 and 22 /e/comedy-night-at-the- Avenue, three-time Georges Laraque, John wheel-with-mike-ward- Canadian Comedy Lewis and this year’s tickets-67978805437?af Award recipient Debra festival spokesman, f=ebdssbdestsearch . DiGiovanni will be 2016 CFL East All-Star *** making her only tour Marc-Olivier BrouilThe Cummings Jewish stop in Montreal this lette of the Alouettes. Centre for Seniors will year for a night of As well, there will be be hosting two events laugh-out-loud stand- plenty of experts in atthis September that are up comedy; show time tendance, such as Dr. not to be missed. On is at 7 p.m. Tickets are Kim Allan Williams who September 18 at 7 $45 for members, $60 will talk about nutrition p.m., former CTV for guests. For more in- and heart disease, Dr. News Montreal re- formation, or to pur- Jonathan Balcombe, porter/anchor Tarah chase tickets, call how to live a vegan life Schwartz will speak on 514-343-3510, or go to at home, and life on the topic “Why Change www.cummingscentre.or is Good”, especially g owing to the fact that *** she made a bold deciAfter last year’s event sion earlier this and de- that attracted over cided to leave her long 20,000 visitors, the time job at CTV News sixth annual edition of Montreal without any the Montreal Vegan backup plan to speak Festival is set for anof. The event will take other weekend at the place at the D.D.O. Palais de Congres; this Community Centre, time, it will take place Room F-214, which is on September 21 and located at 12001 boul. 22. de Salaberry. Tickets The festival will incost $15 for members, clude plenty of bilingual $20 for guests. Call activities, such as a 514-343-3510, or go to panel discussion on the www.cummingscentre.or topic “All Gain, No g to get your tickets. Pain:World-Class Vegan On September 25 at Athletes Break Stereothe Gelber Conference types”, which will inCentre, 5700 Westbury clude former Hab

David Sebag

what foods are ideal for sporting performance. As an added bonus, this year’s festival will give 1,000 people a chance to be “Friends of the MVF”; for a $20 membership, they will get exclusive early access to the festival from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. on September 21, as well as receive a 10% discount on all purchases from participating vendors. Admission to the 6th Montreal Vegan Festival is free. For more information, go to:

• Eye examination ( by appointment) • Eyeglasses & Contact lenses



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ontroversial Quebecois comedian Mike Ward returns for a night of outrageous, in-your-face comedy on September 6 at the Wheel Club on Cavendish Boulevard,


Sun Youth’s 16th Annual Mordy Gordon Golf Tournament and Cyclothon


or the 16th consecutive year, the Mordy Gordon Sun Youth Annual Memorial Golf Tournament brought together dozens of people for a worthy cause in an en-

chanting setting. The tournament was held at the Elm Ridge Country Club for the third time. In addition to golf, Sun Youth, in collaboration with Burovision, organized the third edition of

its Cyclothon, which proved to be a great success with more participants than ever before since its creation. On August 8th, 140 golfers and 45 cyclists gathered to support

Sun Youth’s Sports and Recreation Programs for children. During this special day, the guests had the opportunity to play golf on the magnificent Elm Ridge golf course, or admire the picturesque landscape of Île-Bizard by bike. Golfers were treated all day with food from Boulangerie Marguerita, Les Délices Lafrenaie, EuroMarché, Roma Foods, Les Service de Traiteur M. Gérard, Importations L. Mara Inc. and gifts from Stokes Inc. Bikers were provided with energy bars by Noble Foods Inc, and a bicycle tune-up by Bicycles MCW. After the ride, they were invited to take a dip in the pool, and enjoy refreshments from Les Brasseurs RJ. Sponsors also included BMW Laval and Deshaies Moto. After a sunny day spent outside, cyclists and golfers both joined for cocktails and were treated to a delicious


The starting line of Sun Youth’s 3rd Annual Cyclothon. Photo: Wayne Oliver

supper. As is now the tradition, guests could bet on an array of items at a silent auction while a few selected prizes were offered in a live auction. Both auctions featured various eyecatching items including a pair of tickets for the Raptors/Warriors basketball game, as well as for the Raptors/Lakers game along with a VIA Rail voucher of a value of 250$. They also had the chance to win tickets for the Habs/Maple Leafs game, and for the Maple Leafs/Senators game. A BMW Bicycle was also among the prizes. Thanks to the generosity of all those in attendance and to the support of all donors, past and present, Sun Youth was able to raise more than $1,000,000 in 16 years. Special thanks go to the tournament partners Des Sources Chrysler Dodge Jeep RAM Fiat and Burovision for once again renewing their support, as well as the

tournaments major sponsors Fabricland Distributors Inc., Pipe & Piling Supplies Ltd., Herzing College, the National Bank of Canada and RBC Dominion Securities. The event concluded with a raffle featuring this year’s grand prizes, a $500 prepaid credit card and a Jean Béliveau signed Jersey. Sincere thanks to the organizing committee, sponsors, all golfers and cyclists for their enthusiasm and generosity, special guests President of Sun Youth Bob Mironowicz, Mayor of Pierrefonds Dimitrios Jim Beis, and former Mayor of Montreal Denis Coderre. Special thanks to Montreal comedian Joey Elias and Nicolas Carpentier for hosting the evening. Sun Youth hopes to see everyone back next year for the 17th Edition of its Mordy Gordon Memorial Golf Tournament and Cyclothon on August 13, 2020!

August 31, 2019 •

• August 31, 2019


Canada's first ever Free-Fly Roller Coaster to open at La Ronde in 2020


pected drops, vertical free-falls and gravity-defying somersaults. This thrilling, new ride will give guests the feeling of weightlessness as they soar outside the confines of a traditional track. "La Ronde is committed to offering our guests unique and inno-


a Ronde, Quebec's leading destination for thrills and family entertainment, will introduce the country's first ever free-fly coaster, Vipère, for the 2020 season. Vipère takes coaster riding to the next level, sending riders on a tumbling journey with unex-

vative experiences every year," said Park President Janine Durette. "The state-ofthe-art configuration of Vipère is unlike any other ride in Canada and the experience of being suspended outward on either side of the track is the kind of extreme thrill only a Six Flags brand like La Ronde could deliver." Vipère features a massive serpentine track frame in which winged vehicles begin their journey by traveling up a vertical 107-foot elevator-type lift before being released on an exhilarating course that includes undulating track, multiple free falls and 360-degree headover-heels flips. Vipère highlights include:

- Four winged vehicles that extend outside of the track; each vehicle seats 8 riders sitting four abreast and backto-back; - 360-degree headover-heel spins providing guests the feeling of weightlessness; - Each vehicle free spins on its own, giving riders a different ride experience each time. Vipère is scheduled to open in late spring of 2020. For more information on Vipère and next season at La Ronde, visit arondeen/newfor2020 . La Ronde is also an-

Saturday, September 14th from 9AM to noon

nouncing the start of 2020 Season Pass sales with its special Flash Sale through Labor Day weekend featuring the best deal of the year— savings up to 70% off on a 2020 Pass. August 29 through September 2, guests will receive a free upgrade to a Gold Season Pass with every pass purchased as well as a Golden Ticket valid for a friend's free admission to visit any day this fall. Season Passes include admission to La Ronde and any other Six Flags theme park, as well as free parking on selected days and special admis-


sion offers for friends. During the Flash Sale, guests who sign up for a Membership will also receive one free Golden Ticket. Launched last year at La Ronde, the Six Flags Membership program offers guests a wide range of valuable benefits such as preferred parking every visit, unlimited soft drinks, 50% off almost all food and merchandise in the park, and exclusive perks that are only available to Members. About La Ronde and Six Flags La Ronde is the property of Six Flags Entertainment Corporation, the world's largest regional theme park company with $1.5 billion in revenue and 26 parks across the United States, Mexico and Canada. For 58 years, Six Flags has entertained millions of families with world-class coasters, themed rides, thrilling waterparks and unique attractions. For more information, visit

Fees: Children: Sept to Dec 2019 $110 Adults:

Jan to April 2020 $110 Oct to Dec 2019 $175 Jan to April 2020 $210

Schedule: Sept 21st, 2019 to April 25th 2020

Saturday mornings from 9 AM to noon Schools: You can consult the list of our schools at:

Also courses for adults in different levels given during the week, day and evening at the head office: 6865 Christophe Colomb, Montreal Registration: Saturday September 21st from 9AM to noon



Sun - Thurs 11 a.m. - 1 a.m. Fri - Sat 11am - 1 am

August 31, 2019 •

Solution exists for excessive sweating Dermadry for hyperhidrosis relief treal-based startup company with an effective and inexpensive way to treat hyperhidrosis. The company founder, Maxime Calouche, suffered from the condition, providing motivation for him to work on a treatment using an iontophoresis ew people know neuro-physical condition machine. The Dermadry what hyperhidrosis, but this can lead to sec- machines have now been is and this probably ondary problems such as licensed by Health includes many of the warts, ingrown nails, skin Canada. Various studies have one million Canadians infections. Psychologically, who suffer from it. The it can also lead to a reluc- evaluated this method's medical condition con- tance to hold hands, cause effectiveness at between sists of excessive perspi- anxiety, social ostraciza- 92 and 100%. Contraindiration, or sweating--above tion, and even depression. cations are listed in the and beyond what is Hyperhidrosis can affect product literature and inneeded to keep the body patients physically, men- clude pregnancy or using cool. The hands, under- tally, and socially. But many a heart pacemaker. are too shy to talk “Dermadry is an all-natarms, and feet are typically people about this,” explains ural, non-invasive, needleaffected, but other parts Mathieu Mireault, sales difree, and drug-free of the body can be, too. rector at Dermadry. treatment option that has “Hyperhidrosis is a Dermadry is a Mon- revolutionized conven-


“Dermadry products are very affordable compared to our main competitors,” explains Mireault. “Other iontophoresis machines typically cost about $1000 USD or more. They can head office, and at select also be more difficult to Montreal area pharma- use.” cies, most sales are made A lucky (and sweaty) online. Asia--especially student will also be able Japan--and Europe have to win a free Dermadry seen the most customers machine—and a $1,000 USD scholarship—by tional hyperhidrosis treat- to date. “Our machines are making a winning video ment. Dermadry only requires the addition of tap guaranteed for year, but about their hyperhidrosis water, which has made in- are expected to work for story. “Be creative! You jections, aluminum-con- 5 years. The cost per can talk, dance, sing, act, or taining antiperspirants, treatment can thus be do anything in your video and prescription medica- ridiculously low. Initially, that showcases your inditions for excessive sweat- perhaps 3 to 5 treatments viduality!” reads the webare required per week, site. The contest ends ing a thing of the past.” Mireault's job is not only but once results are ob- Aug. 21. A few peripheral prodto push sales at Der- tained, this can be reduced to perhaps once ucts such as towels, unmadry, but also to raise awareness of hyperhidro- monthly to maintain re- derarm pockets, and sis. He is helped on that sults. The machines are electrodes are also offirst objective by the ap- super easy to use and fered by Dermadry. proval of Health Canada take about 20 minutes per as well as the Canadian treatment.” Currently, the company Podiatric Medical Associais selling three main prodtion and the Australian ucts: 1) Dermadry Hands Register of Therapeutic & Feet; 2) Dermadry UnGoods. Dermadry made its first derarms; and 3) DerDermadry sale in late 2018 and now madry Total - For hands, has a staff of about 30 try- feet and underarms. They 9223, Langelier, Montreal, H1P 3K9 ing to meet demand. retail from $329 to $349 USD ($445 to $472 1 866-LIVE-DRY(5483-379) While the products are available at the company CDN).

Fall off the bone delicious Rib Festival!

514 363 5555 150 Notre Dame, Lachine, Quebec, H8R 1H1 • August 31, 2019



August 31, 2019 •




La Boutique Earth to Body

By Martha Shannon

f you are in our Montreal area, please do stop by. Our shop ‘La Boutique Earth to Body’, in the suburb of Valois, Pointe Claire, has been in production for over two years now. Customers have dropped in from as far away as Vancouver.We have customers from Toronto and Ottawa who shop when in town and as we become more known in this area, we now have many regulars to frequent our store. We attend craft shows across Canada, thus are fortunate to have a varied clientele whom we have met personally. We love it when they, too, come to visit. As many of you know, we are doing the Ste Anne de Bellevue Market in the summer and people are thrilled to learn we have a shop. Chef Steph is usually busy making soaps or creams and you can see him at work when you drop by. If he is at a

• August 31, 2019

vital stage he may call out, “I’ll be with you in a sec.” but no worries, he is an expert and will most certainly ‘pause’ asap to serve you. The door and window to the production area are always open for a ‘peek-in’. Adam may also be in production or if not, up front in the shop. Another charmer. You will love him too. Laura is our new Earth to Body market chief at Ste Anne’s market. She has great enthusiasm for our products and you will enjoy her spirit. When Laura was on vacation, I was present at the market for most of July. Our 12 and 13year-old grandsons helped out in setting up the booth, organizing the product on the shelves, running the inventory sales and dealing with the cash and cards. I was thrilled to see your warm encouraging smiles for their efforts. Thank you. The experience was invaluable for them and you, our customers, make it a most pleasant experience. Thank you.





each, plus taxes)

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While at the shop, please do enjoy perusing the perishables in the display fridge: creams, lotions, toners, oils. While we offer only 3 soap choices at the market on Saturdays, we have over 10 lovely soaps available at the shop. Our recipes vary, are all unique and we are sure you can find one for your needs. We are most concerned with the ingredients in each product. Our goal is the nutrition. We choose worldwide, Canada for sure, and if you have a particular need or goal, please do ask. Testers of creams, lotions, butters etc are available for you to smell and feel the textures. We can advise you if you have a query please call or write. We stand behind our products.We give great customer service. Visit us at Subscribe to our newsletter. Visit our store: ‘La Boutique Earth to Body’, 89 Lucerne, Pointe Claire, QC, H9R 2V1.

Day : September 3rd and 30th 2019 Evening : September 9th 2019


Teen : Spanish, Mandarin and Japanese: September 14th 2019 English: September 7th 2019



option #1


Five warning signs that your loved one should be considering a move to a retirement home / senior community

pendence. However, here are 5 warning signs that your loved one should be considering a move to a retirement / senior residence: 1. Physical

Have an online article written on your business or event today! Have your business on Front Page E-mail for details!

When there are physical and anatomical signs of deterioration that will affect their wellbeing and their safety. A person who is having trouble getting out to shop or remembering how to cook or when to eat can result in significant nutritional issues. This could range from unhealthy weight loss or conversely, excessive weight gain. Check the fridge and watch meal-prep skills. Other examples include loss of sight or hearing, loss of balance, stroke, disease. or physical conditions, such as arthritis and osteoporosis. 2. Mental Behaviour – Cognitive, Language, and Decision Making Cognitive decline can have serious ramifications, especially if your loved one can't take medications correctly, is not able to fix a meal or doesn't remember to eat. If a loved one exhibits confusion, poor judgment, or other signs of cognitive impairment, assisted living

is often a good next step. 3. Caregiver Stress There are the psychological costs of caregiving and of making difficult care decisions, which can be compared to the effects of posttraumatic stress disorder. Caregivers may experience symptoms like disabling anxiety, hyper-vigilance and more. The emotional, mental and physical toll of caregiving can be particularly pronounced for adult children or spouses of those who need care. In cases like this, when the demands of care become too great, it might be clear immediately. In other cases, it might not be so obvious. 4. Safety and Security This is a common reason why families consider a move. They noticed that their loved ones are not as sure on their feet as they used to be or their eyesight is less clear, causing them to be a fall risk. According to the Cana-

dian Public Health Agency, falls remain the leading cause of injuryrelated hospitalizations among Canadian seniors. 5. Loneliness It’s normal for activity to decrease with age. But if your loved one once enjoyed spending time in the yard gardening, or simply being with friends, and then chooses to no longer engage in these activities, or rarely leaves the house, it may be time to consider a senior living residence. This is a sign that behavioral changes are underway. Helping your loved ones to recognize the signs of when it is time to move, having an open dialogue with the family members involved and taking the time to discuss the options will go a long way in making the transition to senior care residence more agreeable for everyone. Please see Lianas ad next page.

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August 31, 2019 •



family member into a senior care residence is never a simple decision. t’s not easy to admit It may not be easy to that one is getting broach the subject with older, especially when your loved ones. In fact, your body and your they may be resistant to mind are not what they moving and they may used to be. Moving a fear losing their indeBy Matt DelVecchio Montreal Times

• August 31, 2019


Laughter is the best medicine for stress M ost of us have some experience with stress, anxiety, panic attack disorders, inflammation and pain whether suffering ourselves or ex-

By Donna Byrne

periencing it through a friend or family member. All of these health concerns are related to various diseases. In every disease one or more of the afflictions exist. If no obvious disease is diagnosed at present, ongoing stress, anxiety, inflammation and pain will precipitate a health problem. The chaos around us and fast paced living adds to the problem amplifying the reaction/disease response. Looking for answers or suggestions to avoid illness or slow its progress by helping ourselves, I found the usual exercise and eating well to stay


3” x 3” every week for six months








by e-mail

healthier studies. I think many of us are trying to follow some guidelines however there are confusing and conflicting claims out there making choices difficult….a topic for another week. The one claim I found interesting was about the effects of Laughter. The positive side of exploring laughter is that it is not complicated! Laughter can help all disorders. It only has positive side effects and everyone can do it! Some may believe that they don’t have a sense of humor…No Problem! Humor can be learned. In fact, developing or refining your sense of humor may be easier than you think. Start with simple things like finding a few simple items, such as photos, greeting cards or comic strips that make you chuckle. Then hang them up at home or in your office. Keep funny movies and books on hand for when you need an added humor boost. Look online at joke websites. Laughing does you good. Laughter is a great form of stress relief, and that's no joke. A good sense of humor can't cure all ailments, but there is evidence about the positive things laughter can do. A good laugh has great short-term ef-

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fects. When you start to laugh, it doesn't just lighten your load mentally, it actually induces physical changes in your body. (Mayo Clinic stress management) Laughter isn't just a quick pick-me-up, though. It's also good for you over the long term. Laughter may improve your immune system. Negative thoughts manifest into chemical reactions that can affect your body by bringing more stress into your system and decreasing your immunity. In contrast, positive thoughts can help fight stress and potentially more-serious illnesses. It can relieve pain by causing the body

to produce its own natural painkillers. Laughter can also make it easier to cope with difficult situations and improve your mood. Many people experience depression, sometimes due to chronic illnesses. Laughter can help lessen your depression and anxiety and may make you feel happier. The laughter information I really enjoyed was about Laughter Yoga. In laughter yoga, people practice laughter as a group. Laughter is forced at first, but it can soon turn into spontaneous laughter. At first people feel shy and silly participating in this group laugh-

ter but it becomes catchy. I watched a few u-tubes about it and must admit that they made me chuckle. Go ahead and give it a try. Turn the corners of your mouth up into a smile and then give a laugh, even if it feels a little forced. Once you've had your chuckle, think about how you are feeling. Are your muscles a little less tense? Do you feel more relaxed? If so that's the natural wonder of laughing at work. Comments suggestions welcome. Check out the website To be continued…..

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I Must Say by Martin Short


By Stuart Nulman

(Harper $19.99)

fter reading Martin Short’s memoir I Must Say (which is now available in paperback), I have to admit that his life and career has mirrored that classical image of a person whose chief occupation is to make people laugh: laughing on the outside and crying on the inside. Besides going through episodes of self-doubt (which led him to turn down an opportunity to audition for Second City back in 1972, a decision he later regretted, but ended up joining the Toronto troupe later in the decade), Short endured a series of personal tragedies throughout the course of his 64 years. His older brother David was killed in a car accident in 1962; his mother died of cancer in 1968, followed by his father from heart disease two years later; and in 2010, he lost his beloved wife Nancy (whom he first met while they were appearing together in the Toronto production of “Godspell” in 1972) after a brave battle with cancer after 30 years of marriage. But somehow through all that sadness, Short has remained a shining example of strength and courage, as he continues to entertain millions through his kinetic, nonstop abilities to sing, dance and make people laugh through his memorable stints as a regular cast member on SCTV and SNL, from such hit movies as “Three Amigos”, “Innerspace” and “Father of the Bride”, and his assortment of eccentric characters including vain celebrity interviewer Jiminy Glick, androgynous wedding planner Franck, albino rock star Jackie Rogers Jr., and of course, his best known alter ego, the frippy-haired, rapidlytalkative, constantly gesticulating Ed Grimley (whose catchphrase “I must say” is borrowed for the title of this book). The book traces Short’s


life from his early years in Hamilton (where his father was a top executive at the Stelco steel company), and shared his love of show business and Broadway with his mother (and she gave him an actual taste of the Great White Way during a memorable family vacation to New York City in

Martin Short playing ed Grimley

1965). It was while studying social work at McMaster University that he met two fellow students who were to forever change his life and career: future SCTV colleagues Eugene Levy and Dave Thomas, and began performing onstage in different university productions. In February of 1972, after he graduated from McMaster, Short gave himself a year to find himself steady work as a performer. Shortly afterwards, he landed a role in the legendary Toronto production of the musical “Godspell”, which also included Levy, Andrea Martin, Victor Garber and a young aspiring comic actress from Detroit named Gilda Radner, whom Martin fell for immediately and started a passionate – and sometimes tempestuous – relationship. Although Short has experienced many ups and downs in his professional career, he has recalled them with a great deal of honesty and insight, not to mention utilizing plenty of fascinating behind-thescenes anecdotes that will keep the reader wanting to continue along nonstop, eager to find out

more about Martin Short’s world. For example, we find out why he found working on SCTV such a delight, while he regarded his first and only year as a regular on SNL such a nightmare (although on his first show, he appeared in four sketches and segments that became instant sensations with the audience, including the short film about the brothers duo who were the most unlikely Olympic synchronized swimmers); how he became the buffer between the volatile relationship that developed between Chevy Chase and director John Landis on the set of “Three Amigos”; how his star-studded Christmas parties that he and Nancy hosted in their California home (which attracted the likes of Steve Martin, Tom Hanks and Paul Shaffer) became notorious for the biting song parodies that Short performed, which were specially written for the occasion; and in the most interesting feature of the book, Short gives some page time to six of his most memorable characters, in which he explains their respective origins, followed by a page or two where they get to have their say on what it’s like to be a part of their creator’s book (for example, Ed Grimley was created in 1977 on the stage of Second City Toronto’s Old Firehouse venue, and has used the character whenever he and Nancy needed to smooth out some tense moments throughout their relationship). Well I must say that I Must Say is a very engaging memoir of a comic actor of the highest calibre who is more than a very funny, talented individual; Martin Short is also a very humble, spiritual person who is indeed grateful for what he has and what he had over the past 65 years. As well, he has the strength to face such professional and personal difficulties by finding solace through his first love – the stage – and for a couple of hours a night, give a live audience a great deal of laughs. It is what Ed, Jackie, Jiminy – and Nancy – would want him to do.

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Across 1. Founder of PLF 6. Time out? 10. Morrison and Cramer 14. It was founded in 1909 15. Burgeon 16. Berry touted as medicinal 17. Home-builders association? 20. Skeleton parts 21. Laurels 22. Asportation, e.g. 25. Marshal 26. Aggregation 30. To boot 32. Succulent plant 35. Benign tumor 41. Extortionist? 43. Ranges 44. 1992 Christopher Reid movie 45. Bibliographic abbr. 47. Kid 48. Group of eight 53. Rice 56. Involuntary response 58. Entry 63. Grimm duo? 66. Bladed weapon 67. Descendant of Hezekiah

68. Harden 69. 1990 World Series champs 70. Mug variety 71. In a pen Down 1. Hill dwellers 2. Thai currency 3. Plain 4. Maple genus 5. Done for 6. Special effects: Abbr. 7. Food scrap 8. Sacred songs 9. Some punches 10. Quipster 11. Less cordial 12. Fruit residue 13. Cream puff 18. ___-di-dah 19. Pilot's announcement, for short 23. All ___ 24. Train part 26. Normal prefix 27. Astringent 28. ___ jellies 29. Cap 31. Guisado cooker 33. Chow checker 34. It may follow something

36. "___ De-Lovely" 37. Head-turner 38. Thumbs-up 39. Jagger 40. Penny, perhaps 42. In a bad way 46. Plant native to South America 48. Catchall category 49. ___ myrtle 50. Shaded 51.Vaulted recesses 52. Expire 54. Make a sharp turn 55. Large amounts 57. Blind segment 59. Copper 60. Case 61. Dehydrated 62. Winter toy 64. Kan. neighbor 65. Like some humor Please see answers on-line Saturday edition Page 25 August 24th, 2019 edition:

August 31, 2019 •

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August 31, 2019 •

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Great setting! Country Bungalow with open floorplan sits on 3 forested acres 5 minutes from Alexandria. Finished basement and 505 sq. ft. in-law suite with its private entrance. Small barn and trails. $247,000.00 MLS# 1166076 on



3bdrm raised bungalow w. att. garage in Green Valley has open concept kitchen/dining room/living room; patio doors to deck & back yard. Bright lower level w. 2pc bath; potential for 2 extra bdrms. MLS# 1146376 on $219,000.00

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• August 31, 2019


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August 31, 2019 •

The First-time Home Buyer Incentive officially launched

By Eleni Arrivos

The First Time-Home Buyer Incentive (FTHBI) officially launches on Monday September 2nd across Canada, aimed at boosting the down payment of firsttime home buyers and lowering their mortgage payments anywhere between $150 to $300 per month. Let’s hope this program gives buyers the boost they need keep the market moving. Why did the government of Canada introduce this program? Following a list of government changes to the mortgage rules, it has been a challenge for first time home buyers to qualify for a mortgage. Specifically, the new “stress test” rules introduced in January of 2018 now require buyers to qualify using an interest rate of 2% higher that the negotiated rate. These changes along with rising

property prices, have pushed first-time buyers to the curb. Many are priced out of the market. Here is what the government offers if you are an eligible first-time home buyer: The incentive will provide an interest free loan of an extra 5% towards the down payment for a resale property and up to 10% down payment towards a new construction property. There are of course rules about who qualifies as a first-time buyer, the maximum purchase price and how the loan is repaid back to the government. Do you qualify as a firsttime buyer? To be considered a firsttime home buyer you or a spouse/common law partner need to have not owned a property within the past 4 years or exceptionally if you went through a divorce or separation. The combined household income of the

buyers cannot exceed $120 000 and the maximum loan amount cannot






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• August 31, 2019

exceed 4 times the family income. You also need to have the minimum 5% down payment. What can I purchase with the First-time Home Buyer Incentive? The maximum purchase price is around the $500 000 price point and the home needs to be lived in and under 5 doors, meaning you cannot buy an investment property. In Montreal, property prices are still well below the rest of Canada and a buyer can find a condo or even a single home under $500 000. Here is an example provided by the Government of Canada website How does the “interest free” loan work? The loan is registered as a second mortgage on the property you purchase,

and no interest is charged. You can pay back the loan at anytime without penalty, but when your first mortgage comes due after the 25 years or you sell the property, the loan needs to be repaid. It is considered a “shared equity” loan, so the repayment amount is calculated on the fair market value of the property at the time of repayment, which can increase or decrease. Say you received a 10% incentive for a property you purchased for $200 000. The incentive received was $20 000. The property is sold at $300 000 many years later. You are required to pay 10% of the market sale price which is $30 000. The repayment may fluctuate up or down, depending on the market value of the home at the time of a sale.

Will this incentive put more money in the pockets of First-Time home buyers? As a first-time home buyer, if a 5% extra down payment will allow you to qualify, where you otherwise would not, then this may be for you. If an extra 10% down payment allows you to afford that new construction town house that is perfect for your new family, then go for it! Keep in mind that you do not control market values and they fluctuate. Keep in mind that the first mortgage may be changed or altered but that would require extra fees, if you would want to refinance for example. This also may work if it a short-term purchase and you know you are selling within 2-3 years. There won’t be a dramatic fluctuation in the market value. As usual, the best thing to do is meet with a realtor and a mortgage broker who can look at your situation and counsel you accordingly. Helen Akrivos is a Montreal real estate expert who is passionate about educating and inspiring everyone to succeed in real estate! She holds a Chartered real estate broker license and is President of North East Realties agency in Montreal. As a lecturer in the Residential Real Estate Program at College Lasalle, Co-Host of “The Real Estate Show” on CJAD AM800 radio and contributor to the MTL Times newspaper, Helen shares her stories of real estate success to help as many people as possible! E-mail your comments to



August 31, 2019 •

Answers for August 31, 2019

• August 31, 2019



August 31, 2019 •

• August 31, 2019


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