Montreal Times 25 11 November 23 2019

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Receive the Mtl Times via E-mail - Saturday, November 23, 2019

Vol. 25 No. 11

Bogdan Calita Courtier immobilier / Real Estate Broker Profusion Immobilier Inc. Real Estate Agency

"Proudly serving my clients for over 18 years"


Covering Montréal & Surrounding Areas



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REM West Island - fares and park-and-ride concerns O

available at all four stations, the REM has only confirmed a total of 700 spaces to date: Des Sources (500), PointeClaire, Kirkland and Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue (a total of 200). It is simply not enough to accommodate those who would like to use

SOLD FOR SALE 4476 Dumas, Pierrefonds STUNNING turn-key raised bungalow, 3+1 bed, 2 bathrooms, central A/C, 2 car garage.


FOR SALE 4841 rue Parkinson Pierrefonds H8Y 2Z2 Semi-det bungalow, 3 bdrms, 1 1/2 bathrooms, great starter home - asking $314,999

muters to easily access and even more challenging during the cold winter months. Many residential areas in the West Island are a fair distance away from the main roads where people can conveniently catch a bus. In a good part of the community, the roads are designed to keep flow-through traffic away from quiet neighbourhoods, where children can safely ride their bicycles or play hockey on the streets. The roads twist and turn, making any walk longer than average. It can be a formidable experience for those who have mobility issues, especially the elderly. Moreover, the problem is not just about getting to and from the REM stations. It is also about dropping off and picking up children from daycare centers, schools as well as running errands. Carpool-

NEW! Sun Nov 24 2-4:30 p.m. 1410 rue Fraser (x Atlantic) Chomedey H7W 3P5. 3+1 bdrm split level home, 3 bathrooms, HANDICAP - READY for 3 levels!eat-in kitchen, MOST AMAZING storage, central A/C,Garage

FOR RENT $3.975/month 240 Martinique D.D.O. Very large home in central D.D.O. Inground pool 4 bedrooms, 3 1/2 bathrooms,Central A/C, 2 car garage

FOR SALE $4,500,000 7190 FrederickBanting - In the St Laurent Technoparc 2 floors at 10,000 s.f. each floor, call centre, labs, researchplease inquire!

Lauren Marks Vesely Courtier immobilier Real Estate Broker 514-944-8336

Many Montrealers have concerns over parking lot spaces at the REM stations ing is not an option in many cases. The REM does acknowledge the problem and is aware of the importance cars are for West Island commuters. Although they have confirmed only 700 parking spaces to date, they are discussing the issue of adding more spaces with RioCan, owners of the lot at the Kirkland station and the owners of Cadillac Fairview for the Pointe-Claire station. But their goal is to develop an 'integrated parking option, rather than increasing the number of parking spaces on the West Island, in order to limit traffic congestion around the stations'. They 'are convinced that it is critical to provide many different ways to access the REM, rather than de-

pending too heavily on park-and-ride lots… the future of transport is contingent upon increasing users’ options for accessing the stations'.They see the system as a chance to review the bus networks in order to improve service and have been working with the transit companies on new routes - and want to make sure as many users as possible have easy and practical access by bus to the REM stations. In order to do so, they are planning to have car-sharing services like Car2Go, Communauto and Netlift made available and to make sure cyclists have safe paths along the routes. Those who are concerned about environmental issues should find the REM's direction in line with Montreal's plans to

fight climate change. As for how much it will cost commuters to use the system, they have not yet been able to announce the exact price, as it is the ARTM (Autorité régionale de transport métropolitain) that is independent of the REM, who will be setting the rates. The ARTM set the current public transit rates for the bus, metro, commuter trains and Opus cards. Rates for the REM are expected to be comparable to what it currently costs and users should be able to use their Opus cards.The system is expected to start being operational with the South Shore to Bonaventure stations running in 2021 and then fully rolled over the next few years with the West Island line ready in 2023.


By Bonnie Wurst

it. However, the REM is taking the concerns seriously and the number of spaces at the PointeClaire and Kirkland stations are still being discussed. 'We can confirm that there will be at least 700 parking spaces, and we are working hard to increase that number' they stated this past August in response to questions raised at an information meeting held last spring. The West Island is not like most other areas in Montreal - where access to a bus or the metro system is easier and often less than a 10-minute walk away. The West Island is set up differently. There is no metro system and although there is the Exo Train line, for those who have to commute daily into the city, depending on where they work, it is often not practical. It is also too far for many comH OP O E U N SE

ne of the major apprehensions for West Island commuters concerning the REM transit system is about the number of parking spots at the Park-and-Ride lots. Although parking will be


November 23, 2019 •

Just minutes from Downtown! Sale of entire 2nd floor, approximately 9200 square feet divided in 4 large offices, 6 indoor garage spaces, elevator, ideally suited for medical/healthcare business as well as law offices, insurance companies, accounting firm. MLS#17341631

Bogdan Calita Courtier immobilier / Real Estate Broker Profusion Immobilier Inc. Real Estate Agency


What Ste. Catherine Street West would look like culate, not a place where A potential con- going shopping or to a people would stay put. tentious point is going to restaurant, can better be This characteristic of the be whether to reduce done by car. Any new vistreet should eliminate parking space on the sion for old Ste. Catheror reduce the options of street further either to ine St. must also take adding more space for accommodate cyclists or into account this reality. people to gather or for to enlarge the sidewalks. A timeline for all these holding events. The idea is to make peo- changes? Well, renovaThe idea of taking ple use public trans- tions for sure won't hapspace to hold celebra- portation to get tions or events has usu- downtown. Still, again, pen too soon. The ally been hotly debated, that idea which in gen- section between Mansindeed Ste. Catherine is eral is very dear to the field and Bishop is set for a place for celebrations, current city administra- 2022-2024, the section some of them are pro- tion has to be con- from Bishop to St. Marc grammed, like the St. fronted with the reality for 2014-2016, and the Patrick Parade, the of Montreal –a winter final section up to AtwaCanada Day Parade, or city.This is a place where, ter Ave. is scheduled for The city already conducted consultations on the future of the Santa Claus parade. especially for the elderly, 2026-2028. Ste-Catherine St. between Bleury and Mansfield Massive sidewalk sales s anyone living, 3, the last section, from infrastructure, etc. On organized by merchants working, or Bishop St. to Atwater these recommendations, in the summer are also studying on Ste. Ave. there is room for a con- in this category of Catherine Street The consultation trast between different scheduled events. Then should have noticed, this process on phase 2 had visions. The greening of there are the spontacelebrations: main commercial artery two main activities, the Ste. Catherine is some- neous Canada hockey team in the downtown area participatory workshops thing that everybody wins gold at the which took place be- may agree on, as long as Olympics, people would tween November 16 it means planting trees and 19, and an online (in fact there are whole go on Ste. Catherine to survey that ended this sections of this street party, the Canadiens win November 22. For phase where trees have been the Stanley Cup –doubt3, there will also be con- removed without being ful– people for sure sultations to be an- replaced, I have ad- would converge on this nounced later. The dressed this sad situa- famous street. There is survey on phase 2 ad- tion in a previous no need then to eardressed issues such as article). The addition of mark a particular site for what is pleasant about ornamental flower pots such eventualities. that section of the in the summer may also street: stores, restau- contribute to the greenBy Sergio Martinez rants, bars, events, its at- ing of the area. However, mosphere. There were people get less interalso questions about ested if by adding green will undergo an overhaul what type of recommen- space, the city planners which was actually dations people would mean reducing sidewalk, MONTREAL - West Island - Every Catch 22. Before you hire any profesresearch the planned during Mayor make regarding the road, or parking space to month, thousands of homeowners are sional, you should Denis Coderre's admin- street: more green areas, put grass and plants. Ste. faced with the stressful dilemma of market to find out who can do the best istration. The replace- creating space to gather Catherine is primarily a whether to buy first or sell first.You see, job for you. When interviewing agents, ment of obsolete water and celebrate, improve- commercial artery, a if you buy before selling, you could run find out what kind of guarantee they are and sewage pipes under- ment of parking, cycling place where people cir- the risk of owning two homes. Or, just willing to give you with respect to the as bad, if you sell first, you could end up selling of your home. Unfortunately, neath this street with all homeless. It's what insiders in the indus- you'll find that most agents simply canthe construction work try call the Real Estate Catch 22, and it's not make such a guarantee. involved became an opTo help you learn more about this proan extremely anxious position to find portunity to rethink its gram and how it can make your move yourself in. character. For Montrealless stressful, a FREE special report has This financial and emotional tightrope been prepared ers, this renovation has "How to is one you usually have to walk alone be- Avoid Getting entitled provided the occasion to Stuck with Two cause most agents have no way of help- Homes". express their opinions ing you with this predicament. But one To order a FREE Special Report, visit on the changes they may local realtor is using a unique Guaran- or want to see on this teed Sale Program which solves this to hear a brief recorded message about iconic thoroughfare. dilemma. This program guarantees the how to order your FREE copy of this reWorks in the section sale of your present home before you port call toll-free 1-800-727-7105 and between Bleury and take possession of your new one. If your enter 3005. You can call any time, 24 Mansfield streets are alhome doesn't sell in 120 days, they will hours a day, 7 days a week. ready underway, the buy it from you themselves for the preGet your free special report NOW to next two phases should viously agreed price ensuring that you find out how to guarantee the cash sale involve the segment benever get caught in the Real Estate of your home. tween Mansfield and This report is courtesy of Group Sarroino. Bishop Streets, and step Not intended to solicit buyers or sellers currently under contract. Copyright [C] {2017


Free Report Reveals How to Avoid Getting Stuck Owning Two Homes

• November 23, 2019



November 23, 2019 •

A new fully equipped CT-Scan room in the West Island

A brand new fully equiped CT-scan room in the Lakeshore Hospital oday, the Lakeshore General This morning, in front of elected Hospital Foundation and the local officials, major donors, corpoLakeshore General Hospital, a rate partners and hospital staff, Ms. facility of the CIUSSS de Heather Holmes, Managing Director l’Ouest-de-l’Île-de-Montréal (Mon- of the Foundation welcomed guests treal West-Island IUHSSC), an- and introduced Yvan Carbonneau, nounced the opening of the brand Director of the Executive Office of new, fully equipped CT-Scan room. the CIUSSS de l’Ouest-de-l’Île-deThanks to the generosity of donors, the new CT-scan is equipped with in- Montréal, who highlighted the benenovative elements to improve the fits of this new room for the West quality of care offered to patients. Island population. He was followed Centrally located in the hospital, the by Dr. Fadi Aris, Head of Medical Imnew facility is easily accessible for all aging of the CIUSSS de l’Ouest-depatients and can perform up to 75 l’Île-de-Montréal, who presented the tests per day. new equipment. Dr. Aris also ex-


• November 23, 2019

plained how the Foundation’s contribution enhances the quality of the service offered at the Lakeshore General Hospital with the purchase of:  An Advanced Detector for the CTScan, which improves the image resolution so much that radiation doses can be reduced and sensitive body parts can be protected. The high quality images this detector provides is a paramount advantage when monitoring the effectiveness of treatments of our oncology patients.  A virtual skylight to make the room more welcoming and less intimidating.While lying down to receive their diagnostic tests, patients can now benefit from a stress-reducing view of the sky. It increases the comfort level, which is key for a successful scan. “The New CT is the most advanced in its class. Thanks to quality of the images, our patients benefit from a faster diagnosis. It also enables us to perform tests and procedures that we could not do on-site before. For example, we can now use lowdose radiation for early detection tests for lung cancer. In short, the quality of the image is so much better that we can perform the same tests but with a reduced dose.This is great news for our patients” explained Dr. Aris.

“I am very grateful to the Lakeshore General Hospital Foundation for their generous support. Thanks to their important contribution coupled with a grant from the Ministry of Health and Social Services, the Lakeshore General Hospital now has a state-of-the-art CT Scan to offer its patients. Faster and greatly improved images will help the health care team arrive more quickly to the right diagnosis. Modernizing equipment at the Lakeshore General Hospital is a priority for the CIUSSS de l’Ouest-de-l’Île-de-Montréal. Thanks to the generosity of the Lakeshore General Hospital Foundation, we are getting closer to reaching our goal,” says Lynne McVey, President & CEO of the CIUSSS de l’Ouest-de-l’Île-de-Montréal “It’s a very exciting time for us since this new service in medical imaging follows a series of good news announcements at the Lakeshore General Hospital, including the reduction of the infection rate by 35%, the inauguration of 4 new ICU rooms and the opening of the multifunctional radiology room. I must confess that it is a great feeling for us at the Foundation to show everyone in the West Island what we can achieve together, for our hospital,” adds Heather Holmes.


3551 boul. St. Charles, Suite #547, Kirkland, Quebec, H9H 3C4


Lufa Farms breaks ground on their fourth greenhouse, making Montreal home to the world's largest rooftop farm

60 Atlantic ave., Suite #200, Toronto, Ontario, M6K 1X9


Distribution Hudson, St. Lazare, Sennevil e, Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, Baie d’Urfe, Beaconsfield, Kirkland, Pte. Claire, D.D.O., Pier efonds, Roxboro, Dorval, Lachine, NDG, Vil e St-Laurent, Châteauguay, Cote St-Luc, Snowdon, Hampstead, Mtl-West, Westmount, Laval, Verdun, Lasalle, Montreal, St. Leonard, Anjou, Ahuntsic, Lit le Italy, Nuns’ Island

ADVERTISING DEADLINE (Wednesday at 5 p.m.) 514-951-3328 Managing Editor:

Tom West

Contributors: • Alyssa De Rosa • Catherine Maisonneuve • Marco Giovanetti • Sergio Martinez • Bonnie Wurst • Stuart Nulman • Deborah Rankin • John Symon • Helen (Eleni) Akrivos

SUBSCRIPTION General subscriptions in Canada: 1 year $150, 2 years $275 Subscription to the U.S. and outside North America:1 year $250 US All contents of this publication are sole property of The Montreal Times Newspaper. Opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily intended to reflect those of the publisher. Any reproduction in whole or in part and in print or in electronic form without express permission is strictly forbidden. Permission to reproduce selected editorial may be granted by contacting the publisher in writing.


Lutha Farms anounced their fourth commercial rooftop greenhouse, soon to be completed in the borough of Saint-Laurent ufa Farms is excited to announce the construction of their fourth commercial rooftop greenhouse, soon to be completed in the borough of Saint-Laurent. The greenhouse will measure 163,800 square feet (about 3 football fields), making it the largest rooftop farm in the world. Construction began in September of this year and is expected to be finished by March 2020. This milestone also coincides with the tenth anniversary of Lufa Farms' founding in 2009. This greenhouse repurposes an existing industrial rooftop to further their vision of growing food where people live and doing so sustainably. "With each greenhouse, we hold ourselves to an everhigher standard for sustainable design. Our new farm will be the most energy efficient to date and integrate all our learnings from the last ten years to responsibly grow more vegetables for Lufavores year-round," says Lauren Rathmell, CoFounder and Greenhouse Director. Responsible agriculture meets innovative greenhouse technology The greenhouse will feature double-paned glass and two sets of


energy-saving screens for improved insulation, and its integration with the building below provides additional thermal benefit to both structures. The greenhouse will also capture rainwater to be used in the closed-loop irrigation system, as well as offset waste with an on-site composting system. At this fourth and largest site, Lufa Farms will be growing eggplants and more than ten unique tomato varieties without the use of synthetic pesticides. Scaling urban agriculture to feed

Montreal Lufa Farms' most recent greenhouse will have a greater surface area than their three current greenhouses combined. "This rooftop greenhouse will double our growing capacity and allow us to feed 2% of Montreal with fresh, local vegetables. It's an unbelievable step forward for hyperlocal, sustainable urban farming," says Mohamed Hage, Co-Founder and CEO. Saint-Laurent's Mayor, Alan DeSousa, further stated that "as a sustainable municipal territory,

Saint-Laurent is proud to welcome the fourth greenhouse for Lufa Farms. Located in the heart of Saint-Laurent's biodiversity corridor, this greenhouse will facilitate residents' access to local, sustainablygrown products and further promote healthy habits. It will also make it possible to fight against heat islands in our district, where more than 70% of the surface area is devoted to industrial and commercial activities. And lastly, it confirms SaintLaurent's position at the forefront of the

new 4.0, particularly innovative green technologies." Lufa Farms' mission is to create a better food system by growing food sustainably on city rooftops and partnering with hundreds of farmers and food makers, to provide customers with fresh, local, responsible food via their online Marketplace. For more information about Lufa Farms, please visit their website. Lufa Farms new greenhouse in SaintLaurent (CNW Group/Lufa Farms)

Antiquités Ste-Genevieve Flea Market



Rooms “Kiosks” for RENT Sell everything at the best Flea Market in the West Island Every Sunday 9 AM - 4 PM ALL YEAR ROUND 15,674 Gouin Blvd. West Ste-Genevieve (Pierrefonds) H9H 1C4

Answer is online Saturday, November 23rdpage 25 November 23, 2019 •

Christmas Gospel Celebration ONE19 - Jireh Gospel Choir & Montreal Gospel Choir fter dazzling more than 2,000 people last year, Jireh Gospel Choir and Montreal Gospel Choir present a new edition of their Christmas show "ONE19" on Saturday, December 7, 2019 at 3pm and 8pm at the majestic Saint-Jean-Baptiste Church (309 rue Rachel E). More than 100 voices accompanied by a band and directed by Carol Bernard. Jireh Gospel Choir creates music that combines authenticity and audacity, gaiety and depth, in the purest tradition of gospel music, from negro spirituals to hip-hop.Their album Get Up received the Gospel Album of the Year award from the Gospel Music Association Canada. This summer, the 15 singers and 5 musicians set fire to the outdoor


stage at the Festival international de jazz de Montréal.This December, the singers will participate in the 3 Christmas concerts of the Orchestre Symphonique de Montréal. Let's bet that no one will be able to stay still while listening to their songs! Montreal Gospel Choir, launched in 2011, features men and women from different cultural backgrounds.The words family, love, joy, contagious energy and goose bumps are often associated with these 90 voices. Born in Montreal to Jamaican parents, Carol Bernard graduated in mathematics and computer science from McGill University and in music from the University of Montréal. She left her senior

management position at CN Rail to devote herself to music full-time. The ONE19 gospel concert will leave no one indifferent! Gospel music brings a message of love, joy, and hope in a warm atmosphere. This evening is definitely an event you won't want to miss. Tickets: Click on the link below for a video preview of this beautiful evening: ONE19 - Christmas Gospel Concert Jireh Gospel Choir & Montreal Gospel Choir Saturday, December 7, 2019, 3pm & 8pm Église Saint-Jean-Baptiste, 309 rue Rachel E.

New management agreement for the Beaconsfield Centennial Marina to provide residents with better access


• November 23, 2019

which will be dedicated to the operation of docks and related equipment, for the benefit of residents and other users. By signing this agreement, the City recognizes the expertise of the Lord Reading Yacht Club in the management of quality boating activities. With a 15-year term and two renewal options of five years each, the agreement entails long-term projects for this municipal facility, and the Club is committed to a number of development, maintenance and improvement projects in order to ensure the sustainability of the facilities. "I am very pleased with this agreement with the Lord Reading Yacht Club, which demonstrates the importance of working together to best serve our citizens. I want to acknowledge the openness of Commodore Wagner and his team, as well as the City managers involved in this community-based project," said Mayor Bourelle.

• Eye examination ( by appointment) • Eyeglasses & Contact lenses David Sebag Optician


BUY ONE PAIR OF GLASSES and get, free of charge, one of the following choices

1) A second pair of glasses* such as: a) A spare pair of glasses b) Prescription sunglasses c) Sports glasses D) Computer glasses, etc. 1) Or 60% discount on the frames *Coatings not included


he Mayor and members of Council are proud to announce an agreement with the Lord Reading Yacht Club regarding the management of the Beaconsfield Centennial Marina. Adopted at the Council meeting of November 18, this agreement will allow the City to offer residents access to the banks of Lake St. Louis and the services of a marina. City of Beaconsfield (CNW Group/City of Beaconsfield) "We are completely rethinking the space currently in use by the Lord Reading Yacht Club by renaming the future marina "Beaconsfield Centennial Marina" and by reducing the occupied area to allow more space for the park," explains Mayor Georges Bourelle. As a property of the City, the marina will be located near the lake, and current buildings will be gradually replaced by a harbour master's office



HWY 40 closures in Vaudreuil-Dorion this weekend




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rivers beware. Due to the demolition of the Chemin des Chenaux overpass, part of HWY 40 in the Vaudreuil-Dorion area will be closed this weekend starting on Saturday November 23rd at 8:30pm. Although it is scheduled to re-open on Sunday at 10:30am, some ramps will be closed until 8:30 pm on Sunday evening November 24th. Here is what you need to know: EASTBOUND *From Saturday 8:30pm to Sunday 10:30am: - Hwy 40 EAST from Exit 32 (Sorel-Tracy) will be closed. - Hwy 30 ramp at Exit 1 from Valleyfield to Hwy 40 will be closed.

- The entrance ramp from the Cité-des-Jeunes Boulevard roundabout to Hwy40 EAST will be closed. *From Saturday 8:30pm to Sunday 8:30pm: - The entrance ramp from Cité-des-Jeunes Boulevard under Chemin des Chenaux to Hwy40 EAST will be closed. WESTBOUND *From Saturday 8:30pm to Sunday 10:30am: - Hwy 40 WEST at Exit 40 (Senneville Road) will be closed. - The HWY 40 service road heading WEST at Blvd. des AnciensCombattants will be closed. - The entrance ramp at Morgan Blvd. to

Hwy40 WEST will be closed. - Blvd. Anciens-Combattants heading NORTH at the entrance ramp to the Hwy40 WEST will be closed. *From Saturday 8:30pm to Sunday 8:30pm: - The entrance ramp at Exit 36 (Dumberry Rd.) from Hwy40 WEST will be closed. The Chemin des Chenaux overpass crossing Highway 40 was built in 1965 and approximately 4,700 vehicles used it daily. As a result of regular inspections, the bridge was closed to traffic in September of 2018 for safety reasons.

November 23, 2019 •

(514) 425-6068

283 1re Ave, L'Île-Perrot, Quebec J7V 5A1 • November 23, 2019


Courage World Tour: Celine’s comeback to Montreal By Maude Carrier

fter cancelling her shows in Montreal last October, Celine Dion was making her comeback on Monday to the big city and her fans couldn’t wait to see her perform. With a stage that lights up, amazing video projections during and in between songs, and costumes worthy of grand runway shows, Celine shined on stage


during her two-hour performance. From her classic songs like “My heart will go one” and “All by Myself” to her newly released album hits like “Courage” and “Lying Down”, Celine took time to address the crowd, happy and emotional about being back home. “We can really tell that she’s expressing more than ever her creativity now that she’s leading the show”, said a fan who has seen her 12 times on stage. Ce-

line Dion is indeed putting her creative touch to stage design, costumes and set list, including a medley of cover songs by Queen, Prince and David Bowie.The full band and chorus help bring magic to the stage and light up all the classics loved by the crowd, happily singing along. Celine Dion was in town for three nights this month, at the Bell Center with her show Courage and two nights in February 2020.

Amazing Angus beef hamburgers (Picture is totally an exaggeration, but freshness isn’t)

All You Can Eat Fries!


November 23, 2019 •

All cakes are sold by volunteers, and all money raised goes to local charities, among them: Light a Dream, Lucky Harvest, Citizen Advocacy, West Island Association for the Intellectually Handicapped (WIAIH), Quebec Special Olympics, Generations Foundation, AVATIL (Training for Independent Living), as well as our annual distribution of Easter Food Baskets to the underprivileged in the West Island. Please help Lakeshore Civitan lend a hand to people in need!

Celebrating over 60 years of service to the community! We need new members! If you would like to join our dynamic team, or for more information, please contact or call 514-802-0102. Like us on Facebook.

This ad has been financed by the following merchants and we thank them for their support. Cakes can be purchased at Calzone and Turner Chauffage-Heating. Cakes will also be available at the following locations as of November 4th. •Bank of Montreal, Fairview Shopping Centre •Bank of Montreal, 3190 blvd. St. Charles, Kirkland •Bank of Montreal, 3761 blvd. des Sources, D.D.O. •CalZone, 3717 blvd, St-Charles, Kirkland •CIBC, 2959 St. Charles, Kirkland •Concordia Arts Program – 7079 Terrebonne, N.D.G. •Familiprix, 308 Bord-du-Lac, Pointe Claire •Fleuriste Westmount, 343 bord du Lac, Pointe Claire •Microvin, Plaza Pointe-Claire •Pharmacie Jean Coutu, 485 Beaconsfield Blvd. •Pharmacie Jean Coutu, 900 Chemin Herron, Dorval •Pharmaprix @ Southwest One, Pointe Claire •St. Viateur Bagels, 821 Tecumseh, D.D.O. •TD Canada Trust Branch, 3131 Cote-Vertu, St. Laurent •Turner Heating, 6 de Lourdes, Pointe Claire •Uniprix, 3708 St. Jean, Dollard-des-Ormeaux •Westmount Stationery, 4887 Sherbrooke W.

We are also sitting at the following locations: •Residence Wellesley, 230 Hymus, Pointe Claire – November 5th •Reno Depot, 400 Brunswick, Pointe Claire – November 9th •Plaza Pointe Claire – November 14th to 16th •Lakeshore General Hospital – November 18th to 22nd •Residence Belvedere, 3000 Notre Dame, Lachine – November 28th & 29th •Le Cambridge - 340 Hymus Blvd, Pointe-Claire – December 6th • November 23, 2019



November 23, 2019 •

Book Reviews

Catch and Kill by Ronan Farrow

robably the biggest news story of this decade was the downfall of Hollywood movie mogul Harvey Weinstein, the meteoric rise of the Me Too


By Stuart Nulman movement, and the snowballing effect towards increased awareness of sexual harassment and sexual assault in today’s society. But another part of this story was how it got to the public, which was basically thanks to the diligent, old school journalistic efforts of Jodi Kantor and Megan Twohey of the New York Times, and Ronan Farrow of NBC. If this story sounds like it took a page from “All the President’s Men”, at first glance, you would be right about that assessment. The only difference is – especially when it came to Ronan Farrow’s case – was that while Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein were facing plenty of skepticism and doubt from other major newspapers and the editors of the Washington Post, it was the faith of the Post’s editor in chief, the late Ben Bradlee, to pursue the story no matter what obstacles were thrown in front of them;

for their efforts, their collaborative articles broke open the Watergate scandal and led to the resignation of thenU.S. President Richard Nixon in 1974. Regarding Farrow, as he was gathering more and more damaging information about Harvey Weinstein from many of his sexual assault victims and other anonymous sources, a number of his bosses at NBC and MSNBC became reluctant to air the story, caving into fear and intimidation of what kind of wrath Weinstein could bring about if the story became public; to make a long story short, NBC killed the story and didn’t renew Farrow’s contract. This could have been the end of the story as such. However, like Ben Bradlee, it took the faith of David Remnick, the editor in chief of The New Yorker magazine, to publish Farrow’s story without fear of consequence. The after effects of his story spread like wildfire, not only for Harvey Weinstein, but also for other visible personalities like Bill Cosby, Matt Lauer, Charlie Rose, Louis C.K. and to an extent, Donald Trump. To find out how Ronan Farrow used journalism to such a devastating effect to break years of silence and shame – and the feverish efforts employed to quash the story and cover-up Weinstein’s indiscretions -definitely check out his hard-hitting account Catch and Kill. Just like All The President’s Men, Catch and

Kill (which is a phrase that refers to the actions the National Enquirer used to quell controversial stories that involved close friends of publisher David Pecker, in which the whistle blower would be paid a substantial amount of money, and subsequently, the story in question would never appear in the paper) chronicles Farrow’s step-by-step journalistic methodology on how he exposed a long hidden secret; in this case, it’s Harvey Weinstein being exposed as a sexual predator throughout his most successful period as a Hollywood movie producer, and how he used young female models and actresses as the bait, promising career advances if they acquiesced, or ruination if they resisted. As well, he reveals the difficulties he had to try and convince many of Weinstein’s victims to go on the record and tell their respective stories of sexual abuse at the hands of Weinstein; the psychological

wounds and the fear of reprisals still too fresh on their minds. Farrow also recounts the consequences and the pressures he faced if he went ahead with this story, especially with the cabal-like methods Weinstein employed to try and suppress the story and discredit Farrow, which was exemplified in Weinstein’s relationship with the “Black Cube”, a secret black ops-type organization that specialized in dirty tricks

that were similar to what the “plumbers” did during the height of the Watergate scandal. And as an added bonus, the book describes in detail the sexual indiscretions of Matt Lauer (who believed in Farrow’s quest for truth in pursuing Weinstein), which eventually led to his abrupt termination as host of the Today Show in November of 2017. In another fine exercise of journalistic diligence, Farrow finally names Lauer’s accuser

and describes in harrowing detail the blatant abuse of power Lauer used for his sexual satisfaction, regardless of the psychological trauma that continues to plague that NBC employee who had no choice but to cave into Lauer’s advances. It makes for rather shocking reading. Catch and Kill is a vivid argument for why Ronan Farrow earned his Pulitzer Prize, and how his nonstop determination to seek the truth in a rather sordid affair ended up as a quest for justice for those who were terribly wronged and were silenced out of a sense of fear and retribution. It’s a stark example of journalism as more than a means of giving the people the right to know, but also provide a social conscience.This is required reading for aspiring journalists and anyone who really wants to know what was so wrong with this decade.


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• November 23, 2019


Health Access Home and Nursing Care 4226 St Jean Blvd. Suite 209 Dollard des Ormeaux, H9H3X4

great stories and seen how much better the quality of life for seniors can be if they are supported in their homes, I was surprised reading the article in the Gazette earlier this month saying “province pushes to move seniors out of hospital” The plan is, as the article outlined, to inject $16 million for homecare and support in the homes. How can that be a bad move? The slant in the article was not about the seniors at all. It was to free up beds. Most people I have worked with over the years have desperately wanted to go home. So often they have been told “you cannot go home” and have had to By Donna Byrne spend many days, weeks and even months sitting in a chair, often restrained, the beginning; it is where waiting for the next meal. we start. "There is noth- With proper support in ing like staying at home the home many do not for real comfort." - Jane have to be there to wait Austen. When you are for another residence… tired, run-down, sad, .They can stay there. If lonely or sick… is there even one half of the $984 anything better than stay- for each day in hospital ing at home? There is was spent on home supsomething about the walls port, frail patients could of your own home; they be at home. For many seem to just reach down seniors help can be proand give you a big hug, and vided for as little as tell you that everything is $60.00-$120.00 per day. going to be all right. More often, people can “Home is where the stay home with support heart is.” This all may costing as little as sound corny or like old $200.00/ week and less if clichés but are they not the need is to assess and true? It is not surprising follow without a lot of then that moving from physical care needs.To me, what we have thought of it is a no brainer. Let me as home for 40 years, is stay home! The longer we often very difficult to even keep people in the hospicontemplate let alone re- tal the faster they lose many abilities to function ally do. We at Health Access independently. Hospitals Home and Nursing Care are confusing places to be have been providing home even for the young and care for thousands of strong. Nights turn to people for the past 17 days and bells ring, mayears. We have worked chines beep and people with people who, with walk into your room at all some support, have been hours. Who wouldn’t be able to stay home safely confused? If there is a real move and happily in their own environment. Because we toward better funding and have witnessed so many coordination of home "Home is where one starts from." -T. S. Eliot. Home is our starting point. Most of our first experiences happen at home. First laugh. First steps. First words. In our homes we build relationships and skills that will deeply affect us for the rest of our lives. Home is

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care why can’t this be an option? If the province just uses the plan to save money and cut funding, I understand the concern. As we age though there may have to be some planning for extra care and help around the house. Some of the cost for these additional needs usually have to be absorbed by the family or the senior themselves. Families may help with some of the difficult tasks for their parents or hire people to do so. I think it is unrealistic to think that the “Government will look after us for all of our care”. However if they do inject funds and eliminate the waiting list and provide a reasonable amount of hours of care for those going home, it can work to supplement what the families have to do. The plan for discharge from the hospital has to start the day of admission so that the eight hospital days can be used to assess needs prior to a last minute panic. As seniors age this can be an ongoing process. It should not be a surprise that certain adjustments need to be made in the home. I know that changes may not be easy but the alternative is worse. The access to care and follow up using technology is far behind in Quebec. The remote teaching and monitoring used in our studies with McGill clearly demonstrated that we can keep costs down and provide better care helping people manage their health, if only there was the will to do so. The need for changes to our health care/ sick care system is now! The years of “same old, same old” has resulted in the desperate situation we find ourselves in today. Contact me: See ad below. November 23, 2019 •

• November 23, 2019


Montreal Chimney Sweeping - Can I still use my chimney? By Ryan Dohnalek Montreal Times

ou're as lucky as lucky can be to see a chimney inspector & sweeper yearly! 'Tis the season to have your chimney swept and maintained, before the cold


weather rolls into town. Everyone who heats with oil, gas or wood has a chimney. Yearly maintenance ensures the good working condition of your appliance and keeps your houshold safe. Get your chimney sweep today! Can I use my chim-

ney? We hear this a lot. For those living in the city of Montreal the short answer is that you now need an low emission fireplace insert. These inserts still burn wood, and are designed to heat the house. Residents of Montreal can still use

Have an online article written on your business or event today! Have your business on Front Page E-mail for details!

their old fireplace in the case of emergency, or a blackout of 3 hours or more. Please call Montreal Chimneys for more information and a free estimate for EPA certified low emissions fireplace insert. For those who live in a de-merged city, you can still use your fireplace or wood stove as usual, whenever you want to! Chimney sweeping is a historic profession which many think has gone extinct, however having your chimney cleaned and inspected is still important as ever. Some common issues including animal nesting, soot build up, deteriorating brickwork & water damage can all be fixed by a chimney sweep. We spoke to Valerie Adams of Montreal Chimneys, the only fe-

male chimney specialist in the region, about the fate of her profession: "Wherever you live, chimney maintenance is still necessary to keep your home safe. Small repairs can make a big difference before damage gets worse and more expensive." Says Valerie, who has over 15 years of experience, she goes on to explain, "If you are not going to use your fireplace we can seal the chimney flue with insulation and a metal crown to prevent cold drafts, and water infiltration. It will help to save on heating bills. Later, if you choose to upgrade we can easily re-open the crown and install a wood burning appliance that conforms to the new regulation. It is important to get a professional to check the condition of your

chimney yearly. Go outside and look up at your chimney. If you see bricks crumbling you should get that repaired before winter. A chimney crown and cap are also very important." Valerie is a popular chimney sweep servicing the island of Montreal and surrounding areas. Customers agree that her attention to detail, professionalism and cleanliness sets her apart from other companies. Montreal Chimneys includes a visual inspection with each chimney sweep and a free estimate for repairs. To contact Montreal Chimneys please see ad below or their website:. 438-345-6687 montrealchimneys@gma You're as lucky as lucky can be to see a chimney inspector & sweeper yearly!

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November 23, 2019 •


The sensual allpurpose sanitizer By Jasper Palov Montreal Times

irst, let me note that the All Purpose Sanitizer is one of my favourite products to date and I use it frequently.The main bunch of ingredients in this product form the powerful and legendary Thieves oil blend of Clove, Lemon, Cinnamon, Eucalyptus, and Rosemary*. This concoction has been used for over six hundred years, arising during the Bubonic (Or Black) Plague which nearly wiped out Europe and Asia in the mid-1300s. It gets its name from the thieves dressed as plague doctors who robbed the dead and dying, using the oil in their beaked masks to protect them from the presumably airborne disease. Thieves oil has an endless array of benefits and properties, including boosting the immune system, being diluted and used on wounds and skin issues, such as warts and even shingles pain! The oil gives off a strong, spicy, and rich


aroma, vastly different from the harsh, toxic smell of most commercial disinfectants and cleaning products. A great additional ingredient Earth to Body adds to their sanitizer is Manuka, which hails from Australia and New Zealand and although it doesn’t give off a strong smell like the other oils it has great medicinal benefits. Manuka oil soothes irritated skin, combats body odour, is anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and anti-histaminic (cells damaged in allergic or inflammatory reactions). But what exactly do I most commonly use the All-Purpose Sanitizer for? I utilize its properties most commonly as an odour neutralizer, everywhere from my shoes or socks to my bathroom or dirty laundry. To me, the sanitizer smells like fall and although it's terribly hard to explain, its aroma reminds me of baking, spices and dew covered leaves. This is possibly because the clove has the strongest smell of all the oils in the concoction.

Then comes the sanitizer aspect of this product of course. I often walk through the spray before a basketball or volleyball game just for the scent and pleasant feel but also on to my hands and feet after. The anti-bacterial and fungal properties of the sanitizer are very powerful for killing germs and also preventing infections, both the essential oils in the Thieves oil and the manuka working together to thoroughly disinfect and clean both skin and household materials and of course, it’s all-natural! I just can’t help but feel naturally clean after using this wonderful product, and I hope you will enjoy it as much as I do. * We make our own blend of “Thieves Oil’ from scratch We stand behind our products.We give great customer service. Visit us at Subscribe to our newsletter. Visit our store: ‘La Boutique Earth to Body’, 89 Lucerne, Pointe Claire, QC H9R 2V1.

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Mara Gourd-Mercado, Executive Director of the Doc Fest, Bruno Dequen, Artistic Director, and Selin Murat of the Selection Committee, during the press conference

"The Disappearance of my Mother" by Beniamino Barrese will open the Festival

Now is the turn of documentaries

he 22nd edition of the Montreal International Documentar y Festival will be held


By Sergio Martinez from November 14 to 24, at various venues in the city. This past Wednesday the organizers unveiled the list of films that will be shown at the Festival as well as other related events included in the program. The Italian documentary "The Disappearance of my Mother" directed by Beniamino Barrese will be screened at the opening night at Concordia University. The Canadian film "Drag Kids" by

Megan Wennberg will be shown at closing night on November 23 at the same venue. Barrese's film tells the story of his mother, Benedetta Barzini "a fashion icon in the 1960s and muse to Warhol and Dalí who now prefers to avoid the camera at all costs." For her part, Megan Wennberg focuses on a controversial and perhaps provocative story: "four colourful preteens with a shared passion: drag performances. With a sympathetic eye, the filmmaker captures their triumphs and moments of doubt as they seek liberty and self-expression." In total, 154 films from 47 different countries will be screened in nine venues.There is an Official Competition in turn divided into five categories: International Features, National Features, New Visions, International Short and Medium-Length, and National Short and Medium-Length Com-

petitions. Besides those categories, there will be others devoted to showing works by wellknown directors, films focused on recent historical events, nature, and social and political activism. Among the films in the non-competitive categories, "State Funeral" by Sergei Loznitsa seems exciting, especially for people with a taste for history. This movie follows previous works by Loznitsa ("The Event" and "The Trial") that documented significant moments in the history of the former USSR under Stalin's rule. The one being presented at the Festival is a visual testimony of the funerals of Stalin in March 1953. According to the film description: "Through the mind-boggling grandiosity and grotesqueness of the commemorations, the film explores the complex construction of Stalin's image…" Another interesting documentary is "The





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Cordillera of Dreams," the third instalment in Patricio Guzman's trilogy started with "Nostalgia of the Light" and followed by "The Pearl Button." Like the previous movies, this one to be shown at this Festival is a sort of socio-

political and geographic essay. The Andes Mountains are featured as a witness to recent historical events that occurred in Chile, in particular, the repression during the Pinochet's dictatorship and the people's resist-

ance. For detailed information on the Montreal International Documentary Festival, including the complete list of films, schedule, venues, and ticket prices, please visit

Across 1. Bohemian, e.g. 5. Foreshadow 10. Beat 14. Calcite rock 15. Kind of force 16. Deplaned 17. Hoagie, e.g. 20. "What's Happening!!" character 21. Grand 22. 1965 Ursula Andress film 23. Delineate 26. Fertilizer ingredient 28. Common contraction 31. Some deer 33. B & B 34. Creamy dessert 40. The "B" in N.B. 41. "Arabian Nights" menace 42. "___ cost you!" 43. Basic 48. Blinking light, maybe 49. Jewish month 50. Cow, maybe 51. Zoroastrian 54. Nile wader 56. ___ system 57. Hot 61. Didn't walk 65. Cooking style

69. As a result 70. Doozie 71. Dance 72. Dither 73. Mesh 74. With understanding Down 1. Bustle 2.Vermeer's "Woman With a ___" 3. A long way off 4. Care for 5. Dr. J's first pro league 6. Mantel piece 7. Surge 8. Bryce Canyon locale 9. City near Sparks 10. Aviary sound 11. Elite 12. Corner 13. Aromatic solvent 18. Foreword 19. "Beats me!" 24. Rank above maj. 25. Got wind of 27. Indigenous Canadian 28. Part of a nuclear arsenal, for short 29. Biblical pronoun 30. Lady of Lisbon 32. Ore remover

33. "___ Not There," 2007 film 35. Sea monster of myth 36. Dangerous bacteria 37. Greek promenade 38. Knocked off, in a way 39. If not 44. All excited 45. ___ Doubt, rock band 46. It has a certain ring to it 47. Excuse 51. Glazier's items 52. Scrub 53. Cheek cosmetic 55. Bar offering 58. Skin products maker 59. Swift fly 60. Oenologist's interest 62. Municipality in France 63. Organic compound 64. Buck 66. Word 67. Nod, maybe 68. Adaptable truck, for short Please see answers on-line Saturday edition Page 25 ,November 23rd, 2019 edition:

November 23, 2019 •

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Chiroposture Montréal celebrates a record year of food collect for Sun Youth!

n last week’s article, various ways to help Sun Youth support families in need during the holiday season were mentioned. Among these, people were invited to organize money and food drives at their workplace, and to include stimulating challenges to maximize the impact of these initiatives. Since the article was published, Sun Youth got excellent news! Chiroposture Montréal announced on Facebook last weekend : "Yippee! We did it! Thanks to your generosity, we have raised $6000 in money and food donations! This is our alltime record! Sun Youth Organization will make a lot of people happy! Thaaaaaanks!" Dr. Pascale Dion, chiropractor, has been organizing Christmas drives for Sun Youth for a dozen years, and she has found creative ways to encourage giving. During one week, the clinic offers its patients a $50 worth treatment free of charge in exchange for a donation of money or non-per-


The good folks at Chiroposture Montréal celebrating a record year of food collect for Sun Youth ishable food of equal pany and chiropractic, value. New patients are thank our patients, and entitled to a free initial most importantly help consultation worth those who need it $180 if they provide a most, with the collabogrocery bag of $40 or ration of our partners at Sun Youth. It's a winmore. "By volunteering a lit- win-win situation: the tle bit of our time, it al- company, the patient lows our team to and the population, promote both the com- everyone wins! It is a

real pleasure to do this collect with the patients, who participate with great enthusiasm and show a lot of generosity.” When asked about her motivation to engage in this process, Mrs. Dion tells us: "I believe that we enjoy certain privileges, and that it is our duty to help others. It is very important for Chiroposture to give back to the community." Chiroposture Montreal is located at 6201, Chateaubriand Street. You can visit their site at We invite you all to set up an office collect at your workplace and find, as did Chiroposture Montreal, strategies specific to your company to encourage your team and your clients to donate generously. If this is not possible, remember that your cash donations are always welcome and do the greatest good to those in need: visit webpage where you will find an online donation form.


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November 23, 2019 •


• • • •

o n t re a l ’s condo market has been getting a lot of attention this year, even more than the other major Canadian cities. The Quebec Professional Association of Real Estate Brokers (QPAREB) is expecting new records to be set by the end of 2019. They have revised their outlook on the Quebec


By Eleni (Helen) Akrivos resale market and are calling for “significant” increase in numbers of sales and price growth in each property category especially condos. By the end of March of 2019, the proportion of condo sales reached an all-time high when compared to the sale of single-family homes. Out of all the residential sales in Montreal, 56% were condos. With supply dwindling and demand high, this is the perfect recipe for condo prices going up. Since the mortgage stress test was put in place and fewer people qualify for a single home on the Island of Montreal, many are turning towards a condo. I would even venture to say that you may con-

• November 23, 2019

Condos sales are booming in the Greater Montreal Area sider this a good time to buy a condo before the prices skyrocket! If you are “priced out of the market” and do not qualify for a single home, a condo may be your second option. With steady increases and a stable market, your condo should go up in value in the next 5 to 7 years, and you can perhaps sell it and move into a single home. In this situation the importance of choosing a neighborhood which is more affordable is key. Instead of buying in the Downtown core because this is the trendiest spot in Montreal, look at the “outskirt” neighborhoods such as Rivière des Prairies,

Anjou, Lasalle, Lachine and even South Shore and North Shore of Montreal. This allows you to acquire more square feet for the same price or less as well as benefiting long term from the positive appreciation in the value your condo will gain. It is important to work with a realtor that knows the different sectors and choose the one that not only suits your current lifestyle but also has high rentability, in case you want to move and rent it out. This first condo purchase may catapult you into that single home you always dreamed of, if you buy

the right one! Since condos are so popular now, selling your condo may be a good idea. If you bought your condo in the right neighborhood at the right time, the value should have gone up over the time you owned it. This could be the perfect opportunity as a seller to liquidate your asset and move onto other investments and projects. You may consider refinancing the property and borrowing against the equity in order to create some monthly cash flow for yourself and keep the condo as an investment. As a seller you will have an upper hand is some neighborhoods but

keep in mind that not all sectors are in a seller’s market. Speak to an experienced realtor to get your specific neighborhood statistics and find out what condos are selling for before deciding what to do. Whether you are a buyer or a seller, or even an investor, the Montreal condo scene is one to keep your eye on very closely. There are signs of an overheating market according the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC), which is defined when the ratio of sales to new listings is more than 70 percent. The growth of the Quebec

economy and certain demographics, specifically the positive net migration and the increased number of permanent workers over the past 3 years are contributing to the strength of the Montreal market. The sales numbers are very strong on the Island of Montreal and the suburbs in the periphery such as South Shore and North Shore have shown increases in Median prices as well but still very affordable. For both buyers and sellers, there is a range of prices from the Eastern tip of Montreal where the median price for a condo is $181 000 to $575 000 for a condo in the city center such as Outremont. Meet with your trusted realtor to look at all your options according to you needs and budget and make an informed decision. Helen Akrivos is a Montreal real estate expert who is passionate about educating and inspiring everyone to succeed in real estate! She holds a Chartered real estate broker license and is President of North East Realties agency in Montreal. As a lecturer in the Residential Real Estate Program at College Lasalle, Co-Host of “The Real Estate Show” on CJAD AM800 radio and contributor to the MTL Times newspaper, Helen shares her stories of real estate success to help as many people as possible! E-mail your comments to



November 23, 2019 •

• November 23, 2019



November 23, 2019 •

Answers for November 23, 2019

• November 23, 2019



November 23, 2019 •

• November 23, 2019


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