Montreal Times 25.30 April 25, 2020

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Receive the Mtl Times via E-mail - Saturday, April 25, 2020

Vol. 25 No. 30


Covering MontrĂŠal & Surrounding Areas

5602 Ave du Parc H2V 4H1, Montreal, QC

(438)-387-1144 Delivery Service Available


Streets in Montreal are deserted with COVID-19 quarantine entering its 6th week


Photo: Theo Cohen

Ca va bien aller - It will be okay

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April 25, 2020 •

“Making the Deal is an Art Form...”

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Online 'lineups' for grocery orders becoming unmanageable s more and more people turn to online shopping for

to avoid leaving their homes, stores are finding it increasingly difficult to deliver or prepare pick-ups for their customers. According to Instacart, a third party shopping and delivery service company that processes online orders for major supermarkets and stores in Canada, orders are up close to 400% from this time year. It is unpreceBy Bonnie Wurst last dented, and shoppers are finding themselves waiting for several days their groceries, wanting and more to receive


their goods. When the Covid-19 pandemic began to spread, thousands of shoppers went into a panic-buying mode, stocking up on weeks and weeks of supplies to the point of leaving store shelves empty. Once stocked up with goods, there was less need for them to go out shopping and many stopped going out to eat at restaurants. Buffets were simply out of the question. As supplies ran low, online or-

ders grew bigger - to the point that many grocery stores are now unable to meet the unprecedented demand. They are understaffed and employees are struggling to fill carts, navigating aisles and trying to maintain physicaldistancing rules. All while other shoppers are also reaching for goods on the shelves. It has resulted in serious online website problems for just about every major supermarket chain. Not only are

they having problems with items that are unavailable (due to software issues and not being able process information fast enough) the websites are having difficulty dealing with the huge volume of people using them. Some sites are crashing and others have long waiting times, just to get into the site and have orders placed. Online customers have found themselves waiting in a virtual 'lineup' for more than hour with some

sites, like Metro, not even allowing customers to place an order because all their available delivery time slots have filled up. However, all the stores are working hard to address the issues as quickly as possible. In the meantime, shoppers will need to be patient. And if possible, try to arrange picking up your order instead of waiting for delivery.




Flexible hours (am, pm or evening) For more information, please contact us at


Join our session! • April 25, 2020


Montreal during COVID-19: Five weeks and counting

Neither superheroes nor the magic of Harry Porter are able to stop COVID-19: ComicCon is cancelled for this year

ontreal "This is not just a public health crisis, it


By Sergio Martinez

is a crisis that will touch every sector," said on March 11 Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO director-general. He was then officially declaring COVID-19, a pandemic. On March 16 the federal government in Canada and the different provinces

started to implement policies to counter the effects of the disease, including the one having the most impact: staying at home. Since then, only essential areas of society have been active: schools, universities, restaurants, bars, cinemas, concert halls, sports venues, and most stores have been closed, and people in most companies and government agencies are working from home. A two-meter separation between people is now the norm in public places and "social distance" (some prefer to call it "physical distance") has replaced face-to-face interactions. Of course, most people may feel uncomfortable with these measures, but in the

end, we all know that they are in place for the sake of a better good: the protection of our health. So, while there are some complainers, most people are adapting to this new kind of normality. A different story is south of the border, where some people— (idiots?)—are even staging protests for their right to go back to work and be infected (!). While there is no question that one may miss aspects of the normality we enjoyed before the ubiquitous virus, its irruption may also prompt some critical reflections, some concerning social issues; others, personal choices or behaviours. Even the so-called normality that many seem to miss might require a

Quebec public employees protesting austerity measures taken by the previous government which resulted in cuts to healthcare. Now we see the consequences of those short-sighted policies thorough and critical residences. All of that look more and more analysis. The British while finance ministers as just an American think tank ODI (Over- were acting like franchise. For its part, seas Development In- scrooges when it came the CBC has restored stitute) in its website to those workers' its late-night local quotes a phrase writ- salaries. The "normal- newscast, which is ten on a wall in Santi- ity" of keeping bal- something good, even ago, Chile, where anced budgets, an if one has to see Nancy before the COVID-19 ideological mantra re- Wood struggling to outbreak a social up- peated ad-nauseam by read the teleprompter. heaval was taking place: some politicians and She refuses to wear "we won't get back to their economic advis- glasses and seems to normal because nor- ers, has now been resist any thought of mal was the problem." thrown into the retirement. If we take a detailed garbage. Quebec is exOn the negative side, look at that idea of pected to hit a record another casualty of "normal," we may find 12-billion deficit as a COVID-19 on the culanswers to some of result of this crisis, the tural front: ComicCon the questions posed by federal deficit is ex- postponed this year's COVID-19, particularly pected to be much edition, originally in our province. Que- larger. Indeed a well- scheduled for July 3-5, bec leads in the num- deserved fate for a ne- to next year, July 9-11. ber of cases and deaths oliberal notion that has in Canada, most of proved so disastrous "For pop culture fans, them occurring in for the healthcare sys- Montreal ComicCon is not-to-be-missed long-term residences tem in Quebec (and in a summer event. We did for seniors. Well, guess most other provinces not relish coming to what: for decades the too). this, but it is the right Quebec government— For now, then, we are thing to do because regardless of what becoming used to stay the safety of our attenparty was in control: home, with occasional dees, exhibitors, partpequistes, Liberals or visits to the local park, ners and staff is the CAQ now—was the pharmacy, or the paramount," said Alex imposing cuts to grocery store. Justin healthcare resulting in Trudeau and François La Prova, the event's staff reductions in hos- Legault's daily news up- co-founder. Five weeks and cerpitals and lack of dates are part of our enough workers at new routine. Dailies tainly still more to long-term facilities. like The Gazette are come, but life will conNurses, in particular, getting thinner and tinue: if we are prudent have been overburden thinner, and its reliance and keep thinking that with work, and so are on Washington Post human lives are more orderlies who take pieces instead of using important than any care of old people in local talents make it other consideration.

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April 25, 2020 •

Why some Montreal areas have far more or less cases of COVID-19


boro: 117 • Plateau-Mont-Royal: 380 • Pointe-Claire: 46 • Riviere-desPrairies/Pointe-auxTrembles: 529 • Rosemont-La Petite Patrie: 467 • Sainte-Anne-deBellevue: 7 • Saint-Laurent: 302 • Saint-Leonard: 353 • *SENNEVILLE: 0 • South-West: 381 • Verdun: 417 • Ville-Marie: 274 • Villeray/SaintMichel/Parc-Extension: 602

• Westmount: 72 • Territory to be confirmed: 968 (Home addresses are currently being documented and therefore territories cannot be confirmed at this time). No matter what the numbers are, there are still many unknowns and Montrealers must remain diligent in following the rules of the COVID-19 Emergency Measures in the fight against the pandemic. Please be safe and stay healthy!



E 14. E R F



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Senneville town Hall - Sennevilel has no cases s confirmed Montreal of concern - distribution of case % cases of with more cases than and rate per 100,000 COVID-19 in others. The highest people visit the MonQ u e b e c being Cote-des-Neiges treal Public Health reached 20,126 as of / Notre-Dame-de- website page at April 21st, a dispro- Grace with 907 cases h t t p s : / / s a n t e m o n portionate number of and the lowest being Senneville with Zero cases to date. How can r o n a v i r u s - c o v i d 19/#c36391 > Go to that be explained? There has been much 'Current situation in speculation about the Montreal' and then numbers. Does it have click on 'Number of to do with how well confirmed cases in the physical-distancing Montreal, by borough, rules are being re- linked city'.) spected or the age de- • Ahuntsic-Cartierville: mographic in each 753 area? Does it have to • Anjou: 154 By Bonnie Wurst do with access to • Baie-D'Urfe: 5 health care or number • Beaconsfield 16 of people per housethem have been lo- hold? Does it have to cated in the Greater do with access to inMontreal area. Al- formation? Language? though the majority of Culture? All questions recent cases reported in the province are with no real answers. being attributed to the However, after looking elderly population into some statistics over 70 years old - and numbers, perhaps with the horrifying sit- it has to do with popuations discovered in ulation density in the senior long-term care different areas and facilities, it is still dis- boroughs of Montreal. concerting. To date, Here is list of rethere is now 9,348 ported COVID-19 confirmed cases in the cases as of April 21st city, according to Sante Montreal (Montreal on the Island: (To comPublic Health) and pare the number of there are areas in confirmed cases to the

• *COTE-DESNEIGES / NNDG 907 • Cote-Saint-Luc: 316 • D.D.O.: 103 • Dorval: 55 • Hampstead: 32 • Kirkland: 25 • Lachine: 108 • LaSalle: 114 • L'ile-Bizard–SainteGenevieve: 38 • Mercier–HochelagaMaisonneuve: 542 • Montreal-East: 11 • Montreal-North: 722 • Montreal-West: 7 • Mount-Royal: 67 • Outremont: 165 • Pierrefonds–Rox-

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David Sebag


3551 boul. St. Charles, Suite #547, Kirkland, Quebec, H9H 3C4


Virtual, and Reduced In-Person Parliament for COVID-19

he Liberal Government has negotiated an agreement with the Conservatives to ensure that Parliament meets regularly during the COVID-19 crisis. Parliament was sus-


60 Atlantic ave., Suite #200, Toronto, Ontario, M6K 1X9

Distribution Hudson, St. Lazare, Sennevil e, Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, Baie d’Urfe, Beaconsfield, Kirkland, Pte. Claire, D.D.O., Pier efonds, Roxboro, Dorval, Lachine, NDG, Vil e St-Laurent, Châteauguay, Cote St-Luc, Snowdon, Hampstead, Mtl-West, Westmount, Laval, Verdun, Lasalle, Montreal, St. Leonard, Anjou, Ahuntsic, Lit le Italy, Nuns’ Island


ADVERTISING DEADLINE (Wednesday at 5 p.m.) 514-951-3328 Managing Editor:

Tom West

Contributors: • Catherine Maisonneuve • Harriette Halepis • Marco Giovanetti • Sergio Martinez • Bonnie Wurst • Stuart Nulman • Deborah Rankin • Martha Shannon • Helen (Eleni) Akrivos

SUBSCRIPTION General subscriptions in Canada: 1 year $150, 2 years $275 Subscription to the U.S. and outside North America:1 year $250 US All contents of this publication are sole property of The Montreal Times Newspaper. Opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily intended to reflect those of the publisher. Any reproduction in whole or in part and in print or in electronic form without express permission is strictly forbidden. Permission to reproduce selected editorial may be granted by contacting the publisher in writing.


By Deborah Rankin

pended on March 13th because of concerns about transmitting the potentially deadly coronavirus but was recalled twice to pass emergency legislation. A few dozen MPs showed up on March 24th and then again on April 11th to sign off on Canada's Emergency Response Benefits (CERB) package. Under the new formula an in-person Parliament will meet every Wednesday with fewer MPs than usual representing their respective parties, in order to facilitate social distancing.There will be two virtual sittings of Parliament via teleconferencing on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Prime Minister Trudeau has been giving daily press conferences on COVID-19 without parliamentary oversight raising the ire of the Official Opposition. Outgoing Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer said that if the PM and Liberal ministers can hold press scrums outside the House of Commons and safely practice social distancing then the same can be done inside it. He said that MPs are essential workers and have the right to work under the law and they must be able to hold the Government to account. Scheer drew attention to the fact that Parliament is undergoing renovation while noting that on-site workers seem to be managing social distancing. “Right here on Parliament Hill, construction

workers are continuing to renovate Centre Block, a project that is expected to take at least ten years,” he said. “If they can safely renovate the building that houses our Parliament then surely we can do our duty to uphold the bedrock of our democracy.” Scheer said the stakes have never been higher and parliamentary scrutiny is essential. “Canadians’ lives and livelihoods literally depend on the government getting the response to a pandemic right,” he said. The Conservatives initially wanted three inperson sittings per week arguing that virtual sittings could be unfair to MPs who live in rural areas and don't have broadband Internet connections. The Liberals, Bloc, NDP and Greens argued that every in-person meeting of MPs constitutes a health risk although Jagmeet Singh, Leader of the New Democrats said that he understood the concern over parliamentary access for rural MPs. Liberal House leader Pablo Rodriguez said that about 50 members of the parliamentary staff are required to attend whenever the House is in session, but the Conservatives took the view that the risks to staff could be mitigated. In any event, they struck a compromise. Ironically, many politicians haven't been practicing social distancing since the outbreak of COVID-19. There are dozens of photographs of ministers and health officials seated close together at press conferences urging the public to practice social distancing or better still, self-isolation. Ditto, for the media. A damning photo posted on Twitter on April 16th shows the media huddled together outside Rideau Cottage where the prime minister has been speaking daily on the federal government's response to COVID-19. However, another photo, also taken at Rideau Cottage and published around the

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau same time by lush woods with the purportedly showing Bloomberg News, main house overlooking that a large building has shows the media appro- the lake. According to been built on the proppriately spaced for so- the National Capital erty without the knowlwhich edge or approval of cial distancing. Different Commission media crews? Very pos- manages the country Parliament. On April sibly. From the outset property, in addition to 18th Poilievre tweeted, there has been conflict- being one of three offi- "Did Justin Trudeau ing messaging about cial residences of the build himself a brand COVID-19 and what prime minister, Harring- new lakeside mansion constitutes best prac- ton Lake has a "public at Harrington Lake with tices. It wouldn't be at vocation" although this our money?" In an effort to solidify all surprising if some doesn't mean that it is journalists or their open to the general its own message on the camera operators public. From the time of COVID-19 outbreak, Prime the federal government aren't clear on what the Conservative safety norms are for the Minister John Diefen- appears to be considermedia given their desig- baker (1957-1963) to ing bringing in a new nation as essential the present day, the law that would fight stately resort in misinformation, and disworkers. on The PM found himself Gatineau Park has information in hot water last week served as a gathering COVID-19. So says Dowhen it came to light place for successive minic LeBlanc, who is that his wife Sophie prime ministers and currently the President of the Queen's Privy Grégoire had posted their entourages. It is this element of Council of Canada and photos on Facebook of herself, Justin Trudeau, Harrington Lake's dual- a former Minister of Inand their children on purpose vocation that tergovernmental Affairs Easter Sunday at Har- has some members of in Trudeau's cabinet. Aprington Lake, the prime the opposition worried. parently, this "false inminister's sprawling es- So long as Parliament is formation" cuts quite a tate in Gatineau, functioning normally, it wide swath, encompassQuébec. The images of is the prerogative of the ing everything from the Trudeau family en- prime minister to meet quack cures to cyberjoying themselves in an with politicians and any- crime, malicious foreign outdoor setting were one else they please at state actors, and sogalling to many coming Harrington Lake. How- called conspiracy theoat a time when Parks ever, the Government ries about the origins of Canada has closed all doesn't have demo- the virus.The feds seem national parks, camp cratic legitimacy if Par- to be impervious both sites, marine conserva- liament isn't meeting - to the legal requiretion areas, and historic hence the urgent need ments of democracy sites until further notice for virtual sittings. The and the evolving science while ordinary citizens cliché of the smoke- on COVID-19. The find themselves locked filled backrooms of an- prospect for overreach up in desiccated cities other era cannot simply in this scenario can't be where the economy give way to smoke-free overstated and is a and social life have green spaces, not with- compelling reason for ground to a halt by gov- out transparency and Parliamentarians to get ernment decree and democratic accounta- back to work as soon travel for recreational bility. as possible. purposes is on hold. Pierre Poilievre, the "We're concerned However, the optics of Conservative critic for when this government the PM on vacation in Finance and the Na- starts talking about free the midst of a humani- tional Capital Commis- speech issues," Scheer tarian crisis are the sion and former says. "They've got a terleast of it. Minister of State for rible history over the The all-season retreat Democratic Reform re- past few years of proknown as Harrington cently posted "before posing ideas that would Lake includes several and after" satellite im- infringe upon free buildings surrounded by ages of Harrington Lake speech."

April 25, 2020 •

5602 Ave du Parc H2V 4H1, Montreal, QC • April 25, 2020

(438)-387-1144 Delivery Service Available


Michael Mando - The wild One - Photo: Jeremy Bobrow

"Better Call Saul" actor from Montreal releases debut single ontreal actor Michael Mando, who is best known for his


By Stuart Nulman role of Nacho Varga on the hit AMC series "Better Call Saul" -which wrapped up its fifth season back on April 20 -- is now showing his musical chops with the release of his first single "The Wild One", which is now available on

YouTube, and on Apple, Spotify and all streaming platforms. It will be available on iTunes shortly. The single is one of the tracks that is featured on his just released debut EP, which is also titled "The Wild One". It is the culmination of years of songwriting, an inspiring meeting with Prince's guitarist Michael "Fish" Herring, and of months in the studio putting the EP together, in which he enlisted the help of some of Canada's top musicIan's, not to mention the use of Studio Piccolo, the local recording studio that also produced recordings by Celine Dion, Lara Fabian and Garou. The end result is a

record that is a mix of pop, R&B and rock, and exhibits Mando's talents as a singer / songwriter / producer. Born in Quebec City, the bilingual Mando has also been seen on the TV series Orphan Black and Rookie Blue (which earned him two Canadian Screen Award nominations in 2014), as well as the movies The Hummingbird Project and Spider Man: Homecoming, where he portrayed the villain the Scorpion. As well, you can now catch Michael Mando as Nacho Varga on seasons 1 to 4 of Better Call Saul, which are now available on Netflix. Season 5 of Better Call Saul can now be seen on Amazon Prime and iTunes.

May 25, 2020






April 25, 2020 •


$9 Billion COVID-19 funding announced for students n his press briefing on April 22nd, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced a


By Bonnie Wurst

$9 billion package aimed at helping postsecondary students and recent graduates facing challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic. He also said that new student jobs and grants are also on their way. The new 'Canada Emergency Student Benefit' would be available from May to August of 2020. Further legislation is needed and talks are proceeding towards putting forth a Bill for the new program as soon as possible. Many students are unable to find a summer job due to all the closures and layoffs. Recent graduates are struggling to find meaningful work in their field - and they are all concerned about how they will pay the rent and cover their basic living expenses. “COVID-19 has meant that there aren’t as many jobs out there for students, and without a job, it can be hard to pay for tuition or the day-to-day basics. You might normally have turned to your parents for help, but right now mom and dad are stretched, too,” Trudeau said in the briefing. The new Canada Emergency Student Benefit benefit plan is for those who are not eligible for the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB). It will help provide them with the financial support they need this summer, as well as help help them continue their studies in the autumn and get the experience they need to start their careers. On the Prime Minister's website page he writes, “The future of our economy and our • April 25, 2020

country relies on the opportunities and support we provide to Canadian students today. To promote a sustainable economic recovery, we need a strong workforce and good job opportunities for young people. That means giving them the support they need to continue their studies and encouraging them to serve their communities. Together, we will get through this difficult time.” These measures include launching: • the proposed Canada Emergency Student Benefit, which would provide support to students and new graduates who are not eligible for the Canada Emergency Response Benefit. This benefit would provide $1,250 per month for eligible students or $1,750 per month for eligible students with dependents or disabilities. The benefit would be available

from May to August 2020. • the new Canada Student Service Grant, which will help students gain valuable work experience and skills while they help their communities during the COVID 19 pandemic. For students who choose to do national service and serve their communities, the new Canada Student Service Grant will provide up to $5,000 for their education in the fall. As well, the Government of Canada will expand existing federal employment, skills development, and youth programming to create up to 116,000 jobs, placements, and other training opportunities to help students find employment and develop valuable skills this summer and over the coming months. In addition, to help students continue their studies in the fall, the govern-

Canadian Prime Minister Justine Trudeau and families will struggle ment will: • double the Canada to save for school this Student Grants for all year. eligible full-time stu- • enhance the Canada dents to up to $6,000 Student Loans Program and up to $3,600 for by raising the maximum part-time students in weekly amount that can 2020-21. The Canada be provided to a stuStudent Grants for Stu- dent in 2020-21 from dents with Permanent $210 to $350. Disabilities and Stu- • increase existing disdents with Dependents tinctions-based support would also be doubled. for First Nations, Inuit, • broaden eligibility for and Métis Nation stustudent financial assis- dents pursuing posttance by removing the secondary education by expected student’s and providing an additional spouse’s contributions $75.2 million in 2020in 2020-21, in recogni- 21. tion that many students • extend expiring fed-

eral graduate research scholarships and postdoctoral fellowships, and supplement existing federal research grants, to support students and post-doctoral fellows, by providing $291.6 million to the federal granting councils. In addition, the government intends to enhance work opportunities for graduate students and post-doctoral fellows through the National Research Council of Canada. These programs are not only being put forth to 'help ensure more students get the financial support they need, but the opportunities and experience many students were counting on'. The government's initiative is very important towards the future of our youth, with hopes for the Bill to pass quickly - without too much political wrangling.




April 25, 2020 •

Air Canada passengers must now wear protective face coverings D ue to the COVID-19 pandemic, passengers now have to wear protective face coverings when flying with Air Canada. As of April 20th, a Transport Canada directive has made it mandatory - in order to protect their customers, as well as the crew and other Air Canada staff, especially in areas where physical distancing is difficult to maintain. Before even boarding a plane, including at check-in, customers will have to show they have the protective covering. Otherwise, they will not be allowed to continue on their trip. The directives when travelling by air, customers will be asked to cover their mouth and nose as follows: • at Canadian airport screening checkpoints, where the screeners cannot always keep two metres of separation between themselves and the traveller • at check-in

• at time of boarding and upon entering the aircraft • when entering the aircraft • when they cannot physically-distance from others, or as directed by the airline employees; and when directed to do so by a public health order or public health official • while on board, customers will be required to wear their face coverings • customers will be asked to lower their masks to facilitate full ID checks as required by Canadian regulations Here are the recommendations from Canada Public Health concerning the masks: WHAT IS AN APPROPRIATE NON-MEDICAL MASK OR FACE COVERING (medicalgrade masks will continue to be strictly reserved for frontline workers). When worn properly, a person wearing a non-medical mask or face covering

can reduce the spread of his or her own infectious respiratory droplets. Non-medical face masks or face coverings should: • be made of at least 2 layers of tightly woven material fabric (such as cotton or linen) • be large enough to completely and comfortably cover the nose and mouth without gaping • fit securely to the head with ties or ear loops • allow for easy breathing • be comfortable and not require frequent adjustment • be changed as soon as possible if damp or dirty • maintain their shape after washing and drying Some masks also include a pocket to accommodate a paper towel or disposable coffee filter, for increased benefit. If possible, use different fabrics for each side of the mask,

so you know which side faces your mouth and which side is out. NON-MEDICAL MASKS OR FACE COVERINGS SHOULD NOT • be placed on children under the age of 2 years • be placed on anyone unable to remove them without assistance or anyone who has trouble breathing • be made of plastic or other non-breathable materials • be made exclusively of materials that easily fall apart, such as tissues • be secured with tape or other inappropriate materials • be shared with others • impair vision or interfere with tasks HOW TO PUT ON A NON-MEDICAL MASK OR FACE COVERING • Ensure the face covering is clean and dry. • Wash your hands with warm water and soap for at least 20 seconds before touching the mask

• If none is available, use hand sanitizer with a minimum 60% alcohol base • Ensure your hair is away from your face • Place the face covering over your nose and mouth and secure to your head or ears with its ties or elastics • Adjust if needed to ensure nose and mouth are fully covered • The mask should fit snugly to the cheeks and there should not be any gaps While wearing a nonmedical mask or face covering, it is important to avoid touching your face. If you do touch your mask or face, you should immediately wash your hands with warm water and soap for at least 20 seconds. You can also use hand sanitizer with a minimum 60% alcohol base. HOW TO REMOVE A NON-MEDICAL MASK OR FACE COVERING • Wash your hands with warm water and soap

for at least 20 seconds - If none is available, use hand sanitizer with a minimum 60% alcohol base • Remove the face covering by un-tying it or removing the loops from your ears • Avoid touching the front of the mask when removing it • It can be placed in a plastic bag temporarily if you are not at home • Make sure you close or zip seal the bag while storing it • If you plan to reuse the mask, wash it before wearing it again • It can be washed with hot, soapy water, or it can be washed with your other laundry • If throwing it out, place it into a garbage bin or plastic bag After removing the face covering, wash your hands with warm water and soap for at least 20 seconds. For more information go to: for the link.

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Smoked Meat

Entrees Deep Fried Dill Pickles 6 deep fried pickle spears served with our house ranch dipping sauce . . . $11

Kung Pao Cauliflower Bites Deep fried and lightly battered cauliflower in our homemade Kung Pao sauce . . $12

Bowl of Chili Bowl . . . . . . . . . . $7.50 Bowl of Chili Meal - (side salad/grilled naan bread) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $14.50




House Salad

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Caesar Salad

Mixed greens, diced tomatoes, cucumbers and mushrooms, all topped with our mixed cheese blend and served with your choice of dressing . . . . . $13 Add chicken . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5

Family Meals Our chef Dan Dumesnil will create a new family style meal every day and we will let you know what it is on our facebook page the night before. WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/CUNNINGHAMSPUB


Romaine lettuce, bacon bits, fresh crouton sand parmesan cheese all mixed with our homemade Caesar dressing . . . . . . . $14 Add chicken . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5

Southwest Salad Mixed greens, diced tomatoes, cucumbers, Grilled corn and black bean medley and crushed nacho chips all topped with our mixed cheese blend and served with ranch dressing . . . . . . $15 Add chicken . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5 Salad dressings – Greek / Ranch / Balsamic Emulsion / Blue Cheese

Wednesday to Sunday | 11 am to 8 pm


Pot O’ Gold (made to share) 6 wings, 6 deep fried dill pickles, onion rings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $21

Cunninghams Fresh Cut Fries A large basket of fresh cut fries served with your choice of dipping sauce . . $6

Cunninghams Garlic and Spice Fresh Cut Fries A large basket of fresh cut fries tossed in our garlic butter and special spice mix. Served with your choice of dipping sauce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7

Cunninghams Sweet Potato Fries

Cunninghams Curry Chicken

Chicken Tenders


Cunninghams Burger

A large basket of sweet potato fries served with your choice of dipping sauce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $9.50

4 lightly battered chicken tenders served with fresh cut fries and house BBQ sauce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $15

Naan bread topped with Thai Chili sauce, chicken, mixed cheese and onions then baked in the oven. Served with Cunninghams fresh cut fries or micro salad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $15

A large bowl of fresh cut fries topped Club Wrap with homemade chili and mixed cheese. Chicken breast, romaine lettuce, fresh Garnished with ranch and green cut tomatoes, bacon and teriyaki mayo . onions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $13 $15 Nacho Platters (built for 2) Buffalo Wrap Our CHEESE nacho platter is topped with our mixed cheese, fresh cut tomatoes, Crispy chicken, Buffalo sauce, lettuce, olives, jalapeno peppers, green onions tomatoes and ranch dressing . . . . . $15 and ranch dressing . . . . . . . . . . . . . $18 Reuben Sandwich Our CHILI nacho platter is topped with Smoked meat, sauerkraut, swiss cheese our homemade chili mixed cheese, fresh and thousand island dressing . . . . . $18 cut tomatoes, green onions and ranch Replace pretzel bun with gluten free dressing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $20 bun $2 (Hot chili will be put on the side) Replace fries with Cunninghams garlic and spice fresh cut fries $1 Choice of Dipping Sauces: Replace fries with side house salad $4 Spicy Mayo / Ranch Extra dipping sauce $1 Replace fries with Ceasar salad $5 Blue cheese $2 Replace fries with Greek salad $6 Replace fries with poutine $5

Crispy chicken filet, tomato, lettuce and ranch dressing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $15

Chili Cheese Fries

Crispy Chicken Burger

Beyond meat pattie, grilled and topped with lettuce, onions, tomato and dill pickle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $16

Veggie Burger

A large bowl of fresh cut fries topped with Quebec cheese curds, mixed cheese and homemade sauce. House beef gravy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $12 Cunninghams curry sauce . . . . . . . $13 Double cheese . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4 extra

A large basket of lightly battered onion 1/2 pound beef patty, grilled and topped rings served with your choice of dipping with sliced cheese, bacon, homemade sauce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $8.50 BBQ sauce, lettuce, onions, tomato and dill pickle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $17 Cunninghams Poutines

Onion Rings

Bacon Cheese BBQ Burger

75, Sainte-Anne St., Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, QC H9X 1L9

Thai Chili

Pub Grub

All burgers are served on grilled pretzel bun. All wraps are served on grilled tortilla All burgers and wraps are served with Cunninghams fresh cut fries

Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue | L’Île-Perrot | Pincourt Terrasse-Vaudreuil | Vaudreuil | Baie D’Urfé | Kirkland

Our Flat Breads

Burgers & Wraps


Our large capon wings chosen from only the finest Irish chickens. Served with Cunninghams fresh cut fries, crudité and Ranch dressing. NOT SPICY - Sweet BBQ, Honey Garlic, Lemon Pepper, Salt & Pepper. LITTLE SPICY - Cunninghams Not So Mild, Cunninghams, Curry, Cunninghams Dry Rub, Thai Chili CRAZY SPICY - Inferno, Peri-Peri, Jamaican Jerk 6 wings…$14 / 12 wings…$24 / 24 wings…$44 / 96 wings…$144

crusted haddock topped with Baja 1/2 pound beef patty, grilled and topped sauce, cheese, jalapenos, tomatoes and with our homemade chili, mixed cheese lettuce all served with corn chips and blend and green onions . . . . . . . . . $17 salsa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $16

Romaine lettuce, diced tomatoes, cucumbers, onions and kalamata olives all topped with feta cheese and our homemade Greek dressing . . . . . . . $14 Add chicken . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5

Chili Burger

Greek Salad

1/2 pound beef patty, grilled and topped Our chefs curry sauce is pleasing to the with lettuce, onions, tomato and dill palate as it’s not too spicy for pickle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $15 newcomers and just right for the seasoned curry eater. Served with Spicy Burger 1/2 pound beef patty, grilled and topped vegetables and rice . . . . . . . . . . . . $18 with cheese, spicy mayonnaise, crispy Southern Fish Taco onions and jalapenos . . . . . . . . . . . $17 3 flour tortillas filled with our southern

Our fresh 12” grilled tortilla stuffed with cheese, black bean & corn mix and jalapenos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $12 Add chicken . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4


Veggie Naan bread brushed with garlic butter, topped with tomatoes, onions, kalamata olives, feta and mixed cheese then baked in the oven and drizzled with Greek dressing. Served with Cunninghams fresh cut fries or micro salad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $15 Replace fries with Cunninghams garlic and spice fresh cut fries - $1



Naan bread topped with honey mustard sauce, smoked meat, mixed cheese then baked in the oven. Served with Cunninghams fresh cut fries or micro salad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $17

April 25, 2020 •

Comfort wines to soothe the soul A very sensual Nebbiolo that brings to mind rose peppercorns, goji berries with licorice undertones. Refined and very elegant, it has noble retronasal flavours that bring to mind dry mushrooms tones. Lovely finale that brings to mind milk chocolate with cardamom. Perfect wine to have with mushroom based pastas.

vate Import. 6 pack case. $55-Oenopole.

Lato Sud Grottafumata 2018. Carricante and Catarratto ( Pri-

Vintage tasted 2017. Explosive nose reminiscent of apricot with exquisite notes of chamomile and other yellow flowers. On the palate, rich and unctuous yet with an incredible freshness. The minerality is elusive A Sicilian masterpiece of a wine.



By Marco Giovanetti tain times. Some find comfort in their arms of their lovers, others by shopping and people like me through food & wine We all need that extra glass of wine to relax with our meals specially during pandemic times. However, the secret lies in drinking judiciously rather than for the sake of drinking itself. There is beauty in sipping a Bordeaux Cru Bourgeois with a homemade steak supper. These days my warmness is found in Italian natural reds with pasta and pizza dishes. This is way much better than chugging down a cheap and acidic $10 wine. Wine and food appreciation is a learnt taste. It takes time to build it. Comfort derived from wine is highly subjective. Maybe you get pleasure from something familiar like a classic Bordeaux, Burgundy or Rioja. On the other hand, other wine peeps would prefer the thrill of exploring something wild and new like a funky natural wine. No • April 25, 2020


matter your choice, what it is important is that you are happy with it. Even if it is not that obvious, it is important to be positive. In these hard times, I would like to recommend to you three wines to drink over this continued week of forced isolation. It is my way of comforting myself knowing that at some point this will be water under the bridge. Wine recommendations Josetta Saffirio Nebbiolo 2017

E 14. E R F



each, plus taxes)

Limited space available! Artwork ready - Call now! 514-951-3328

Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook, twitter, Instagram Nebbiolo D’Alba Superiore 2015. ( Private Import. 12 pack case. $36.50-Les Vins de Julie-

Your Swimming Pool

SPECIALIST SAQ # 13478281 $28.00 An excellent Nebbiolo with an amazing price tag. A fantastic nose redolent of raspberry tea, fountain ink with a touch of ginger. Full body with chiseled tannins and a beautiful acidity leading to a mountain herb finale. Top choice to have with a nice steak on the BBQ Enrico Orlando Crussi

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n times of crisis, like nowadays there is a longing for the pleasures of the familiar. In one way or another we hold on to something to navigate the uncer-



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April 25, 2020 •

‘Moose’ takes on a whole new meaning By Martha Shannon

Dictionary definition before Covid 19: moose noun: 1. a large deer with palmate antlers, a sloping back, and a growth of skin hanging from the neck. It is native to northern Eurasia and northern North America. Dictionary definition during Covid 19: 1. same as above 2. the distance of 2 metres required in ‘social distancing’ *advised during the Covid 19 pandemic based on the length of a moose verb: to separate a distance of 2 metres between people to achieve required ‘physical distancing’* “The lineup moosed into place to await entry into the grocery store” adjective: the length of separation (2 metres

• April 25, 2020

or length of a moose) required in physical distancing “She stood moose distance from her neighbor” *The WHO is recasting the term ‘social distancing to ‘physical distancing’. The coronavirus is actually bringing us closer together emotionally, so the term ‘social’ distancing has the wrong implication. We are stronger as a community. Language is in constant daily flux. Covid19 was not part of our vocabulary last year. The word ‘moose’ has taken on a whole new meaning, as a noun, verb and adjective. It is quite picturesque. “A moose between people is recommended” “Don’t forget to moose if you go out” “Keep your moose space from others at

the park” Canada and moose go hand in hand. The moose is a national symbol of our native wildlife, 500,000 to a million moose roaming the Canadian north. Majestic, powerful and at times foreboding. Hunters hunt them. Carnivores eat then. Photographers snap their majesty. Drivers beware of ‘Moose Crossings’. Nature

lovers respect the moose. While this largest of deer is not afraid of humans, it will attack if provoked. Moose distancing has always had meaning, but with covid, we now moose distance with no moose in sight. The image of a moose conjures SIZE and this helps us to keep apart. Sad as it is. Other new words are popping up. Care-

mongering ‘A trend here in Canada to spread the opposite of panic in people, bringing out community and comradery.’ Karunavirus: A heartwarming look at everyday acts of heroism (Karun is a Sanskrit word for compassion) A heartwarming site to peruse. Thank you everyone. Stay home. Moose dis-

tance. We are moving forward. We are creative, inventive and resilient. And thank yourself… no matter what you are doing, you are a hero. And do remember the moose. While our store itself is still closed (no moose line ups allowed), you can still shop online. If you live close we can arrange for a pick up off our front porch. If you have any questions re your skin care, do not hesitate to call or email. Be well and safe. We stand behind our products. We give great customer service. Visit us at Subscribe to our newsletter. Please call to place orders 514-694-0705 as our boutique is temporarily closed: ‘La Boutique Earth to Body’, 89 Lucerne, Pointe Claire, QC H9R 2V1) Email


Find out the latest news in Montreal by signing up today! Ev ve en George gets with the times!

Keep up with the times! Social media • Graphics • Videos • websites We do it all! E-mail for a quote today! 16

April 25, 2020 •

Book Reviews -

A Conspiracy of Bones by Kathy Reichs

am happy to say that best selling mystery author Kathy Reichs -- and her fictional


By Stuart Nulman alter ego Temperance Brennan -- are back with a vengeance after a brief absence with her new book A Conspiracy of Bones. The story takes place

during the course of a stifling hot summer in Brennan's native North Carolina. A faceless, ravaged corpse (courtesy of a group of feral pigs) turns up on the banks of a local river along with some mysterious clues that help to identify the victim (whose name is Felix Vodyanov), but not the mysteries that surrounds the victim and his gruesome end. Enlisting the help of Skinny Slidell, a gruff, profane local homicide investigator, Brennan goes deep into the backwoods of North Carolina to search out more information about Vodyanov and the circumstances involved

in his death. And through their diligent investigation, they discover that Vodyanov was connected to a spy ring, a group of fanatical survivalists/conspiracy theorists, as well as a string of child abductions. And if that's not enough for Brennan, she also has to deal with a number of personal health issues (such as a bout with a near-fatal aneurysm and a series of migraines) and run-ins with a certain Dr. Heavner, a vain glory-hound of a supervisor at the medical examiner's office where Brennan works, who is doggedly determined to step of the way. This latest instalment undermine her every of the Temperance Brennan series reads like a jigsaw puzzle, as you follow our crusading forensic anthropologist as she tries to find all of the pieces of the puzzle that is the mur-

der of Felix Vodyanov, and deal with those missing pieces that somehow remains elusive. Although not as forensically graphic, which was a trademark feature of Reichs' previous novels, A Conspir-

acy of Bones is a compulsively readable mystery, as you find out what could have been a cold case involving a faceless, nameless corpse has so many wide-spreading ripples to it.



E 14. E R F


Across 1. White rice’s lack 5. Balancing pro 8. Put in a nutshell 13. Pervasive quality 14. Fruitless 15. Develop 16. Follow a recipe directive 17. Figure in Maori mythology 18. Corset tightener 19. Be a generous trapper 22. Diaper cream ingredient 23. ___ Day 24. Mathematical function 27. Epitome of simplicity 29. Car with a bar 33. Divination deck 34. It may be bid 36. Center of a ball? 37. Buy a beachfront boutique 40. Night of poetry 41. Katzbalger, e.g. 42. Undulating 43. Environs 45. Belgium village 46. Climbing herbs 47. Perceive 49. Superciliousness 50. Savory aroma at a clam• April 25, 2020

bake 58. Stand for something 59. Eukaryotic organism 60. Hip bones 61.Very, in music 62. Flock member 63. Abdicator of 1917 64. Noah's son, and namesakes 65. Armageddon 66. Round up Down 1. It may be striped 2. Gordon or Ginsburg 3. "Mi chiamano Mimi," e.g. 4. Role in "Arrested Development" 5. Black band of mourning 6. Falafel bread 7. Jewish month 8. Hot stuff 9. ___ nitrate 10. Flexible mineral 11. End ___ 12. Title for some priests 14. Bad lighting? 20. Lifts up 21. Run the show 24. Muddleheaded 25. Speed demon

26. Grimalkin 27. Dig, so to speak 28. Shuttlecock 30. Some reality show winners 31. Actress Oberon 32. Doesn't ignore 34. Call to a mate 35. Bridal party members 38. Takes out a fly 39. Metal worker 44. Radiant 46. Air freshener option 48. ___ Island National Monument 49. Cold 50. Wet septet 51. No gain, no loss 52. Actual being 53. Actor Alan 54. Brio 55. Alternatively 56. Carrey vehicle 57. Enrich, in a way


each, plus taxes)

Limited space available! Artwork ready - Call now! 514-951-3328

Please see answers on Page 19, April 25th, 2020 edition:



uebec real estate brokerage activities were deemed non By Eleni Akrivos

essential along with many other businesses on March 23, 2020. Since then, open house visits and all home showings have ceased to exist. Real estate brokers are taking the current public health orders seriously, agency offices are closed and brokers continue their professional practice from home. The pause in real estate activities caused quite a few headaches with buyers and sellers who were in the midst of finalizing transactions and hoping to close on their home in the coming weeks. The OACIQ (Organisme d’autoreglementation du courtage immobilier du Québec), the association governing real estate brokers in Quebec, have been closely monitoring the situation and have drafted an official Guide for real estate brokerage activities during the COVID-19 health crisis. On April 20, 2020 in an update to its members the OACIQ stated, “We are very pleased to announce that after considerable and sustained efforts, the government is now allowing the resumption of real estate brokerage activities related to real estate transactions whose occupancy date is scheduled for July 31, 2020 at the latest or whose moving

Quebec Government announces a gradual return of real estate activities date is on or before July 31, 2020.” All licensed real estate brokers in Quebec are required to sign an attestation form, regarding the new guidelines. Brokers who do not respect the guidelines may face disciplinary measures from the OACIQ. Although it won’t be business as usual, priority transactions will go forward in Quebec. If you plan to occupy and

move into a property before July 31st then your situation qualifies as a priority. If you are buying as an investment, you can always make an offer to purchase on a property, but this will be conditional upon visiting the property at a later date. Here is a summary of what priority transactions look like and what a real estate broker will do to ensure everyone is re-

specting the guidelines and keeping you safe: General Guidelines: - Real estate brokers may conduct in person visits only for priority transactions; people moving into a home before July 31st 2020. -All sellers and buyers must fill out an attestation form to justify that their situation is a priority transaction. - All parties involved in a property showing

must fill out a health declaration form regarding any symptoms or contact with others who may have COVID19. -Broker is not permitted to go ahead with the property showing if any party has answered yes to the health questions. The broker must also sign a declaration. - The broker will ensure that these visits are conducted with the

Guidelines set out by the OACIQ. E.g. Only 1 person can enter the home with broker, no children or people over 70 are permitted to visit etc… -All government regulations regarding distancing need to be respected by everyone involved, including building inspectors, appraisers and land surveyors. - The concept of Open Houses are formally not permitted at this time If you have sold a property and urgently need to move to a new home before July 31st, please get in touch with your realtor for a full explanation of the new Professional Practice Guidelines for real estate brokerage in Quebec during COVID-19. Someone to TRUST is what we all need right now right?? Everyone I speak with has their own individual real estate needs, challenges and worries. Having a trusted ear to bounce your ideas off can help you make the right decisions moving forward this year. I love to listen! Proud to be the Scott McGillivray Trusted Agent for Montreal! m/trusted/agent/helenakrivos/ Helen Akrivos, Chartered real estate broker Residential, Mortgage, Commercial


April 25, 2020 •

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• April 25, 2020

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For Sale - Senneville

SENNEVILLE - Completely renovated large 5 bedroom, 3.5 bathroom in one of the most prestigous areas of Montreal. Enjoy your morning coffee outside by your 20’ X 40’ ingound cement pool completely renovated with new unistone deck, walkways and gardens. Walking distance to Train and Public Transit and close to Highway 20 and Transcanada. Wifi 100% efficent electric boiler hot water heating, new windows, wood fireplace, wetbar, granit throughout are just some of these amazing renovations.Call for a private viewing. CENTRIS #17203988 “Making the Deal is an Art Form...”

Eleni (Helen) Akrivos Courtier immobilier Agréé DA - Dirigeante D'Agence Certified real estate broker AEO- Agency Executive Officer 20


514-999-8888 April 25, 2020 •

Wishing you all good health!

LAND, RIGAUD MOUNTAIN MLS# 28479041 ASKING $215,000 Desirable buildable lot, one of the last available on Rigaud Mountain. Beautiful location, backing directly onto groomed cross country ski/walking trail network. Easy access to Hwys 40, 30, & 20.

EQUESTRIAN ST-LAZARE MLS# 24732296 ASKING $1,275,000 Gorgeous 11 arpent equestrian facility with unique 5 bedroom home, separate caretaker's home, 120' x 60' arena, & 30 stall stable in park-like setting; easy access to Highways 40, 30, and 20

Royal LePage Village 35 Wharf Rd., Hudson, QC J0P IH0 • April 25, 2020



Classic 3 bdrm 1 1/2 bth Victorian house for rent w/lovely Truly charming 4 bdrm 2 1/2 bth home lovingly relarge garden. Hardwood & pine floors, high ceilings, stored w/hardwood floors, granite counters, & lovely renovated kitchen, & lovely screened porch. Some solarium overlooking sweeping lawn to the magnificent appliances included. Unfurnished, Available July 1, 2020 Ottawa River. High and dry, no danger of flooding.

EQUESTRIAN RIGAUD MLS11994389 ASKING $1,150,000 Spectacular 15 acre equestrian property, the ultimate 3 bdrm home for the discerning rider, near National Polo Club.Multiple paddocks, a stone dust training track, separate 1 bdrm apt and more.

DOG KENNEL, RIGAUD MLS# 19330323 ASKING $599,000 PLUS GST & PST Great Investment Opportunity! Very Popular kennel facility with custom stalls on 7 acres with large fenced areas, plus a charming 3 bdrm re-built log home. Great location, with easy access just off Highway 40 west of Rigaud.

Helen Henshaw 514-703-8981



April 25, 2020 •

• April 25, 2020



2370 Hymus West Island Island West 514 514

514 514

683.1961 or 331.1127 24

April 25, 2020 •

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