Montreal Times 25.31 May 2, 2020

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Receive the Mtl Times via E-mail - Saturday, May 2, 2020

Vol. 25 No. 31


Covering MontrĂŠal & Surrounding Areas

5602 Ave du Parc H2V 4H1, Montreal, QC

(438)-387-1144 Delivery Service Available

Smoke Meat Pete owner Peter Varvaro is giving back to the community one sandwich at a time


Ca va bien aller - It will be okay

FOR SALE Visits available! Need to move for June 1st or July 1st 2320 Beaudet St Laurent - asking $619,900 Semi-det bungalow in western St Laurent near Gardenview School. 2+2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, central A/C , hardwood floors, fabulous yard, separate entrance to the basement! Please call for info!

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May 2, 2020 •

“Making the Deal is an Art Form...”

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COVID-19: Montreal Councillor proposes mandatory face masks on public transit M ontreal Councillor Marvin Rotrand wants to make it

By Deborah Rankin

mandatory for public transit users to wear a face mask "at least for the foreseeable future". He says compulsory face coverings are necessary to bolster confidence in public transportation in the wake of COVID-19.The Snowdon district councilor says that the public transit system is on the brink of collapse and there will have to be an infusion of cash to keep it afloat until ridership returns to near normal levels. This is coming at a time when Quebec is preparing to gradually lift restrictions on public gatherings. As commuters begin to return to work and school in the next few weeks the

question on everyone's mind is, "What will the "new normal" be?" I think the federal government has a role to play in all this," Rotrand says. The veteran city councilor - who last week asked for urgent federal funding to stabilize transit - notes that since April 20th Canada has obliged air travelers to wear masks. He wonders if public transit as we know it is even going to survive. "People have gotten used to working at home - a lot of people have discovered how easy it is to shop online," he says. These facts in and of themselves are likely to depress ridership. Then there is the "fear factor". He believes that public transportation won't get rolling again without a mandatory law. "Many people are afraid of being in a confined space" {without PPE}. He notes that cities as diverse as Mexico City, Singapore, San Francisco, Shanghai, Buenos Aires, Taipei, Tel Aviv, Honolulu, and Istanbul have made wearing a mask compulsory in order to boost ridership.

Should face masks on public transit be mandatory? Wearing masks and you can’t always main- new regional public face coverings in public tain proper physical dis- health guidelines. has become more com- tance from others. The Stressing that wearing a mon during the pan- aim is to prevent trans- mask in public won't be demic. Some states and mission by people who mandatory and citizens cities in other jurisdic- are unknowingly in- will not be stopped by tions have mandates for fected with the virus. the police or given a face masks on public She says this would help ticket for not wearing transit. However, in scenarios such as one she said, “Whether Canada hasn't followed shopping in the grocery you’re going for a walk suit. Theresa Tam, store or riding public or a bike ride, or you’re Canada's Chief Public transit. going to the grocery Health Officer has recHowever, there is a (store) or to the pharommended voluntary world of difference be- macy or taking public wearing of non-medical tween voluntary and transport, I definitely inface masks. Dr.Tam sug- compulsory measures. vite you to wear a face gests wearing a face Mayor Valérie Plante re- covering as one of the mask to help cut down cently said that face ways to protect yourthe spread of the novel masks will become "an self and also protect coronavirus when you indispensable summer others.” Highlighting are in situations where accessory" under the the fact that Montreal

has been hit hard by the virus, she said that because the city is so densely populated, it might be difficult to stay two metres away from others. Plante's recommendation to wear a mask all summer is enough to make many a free spirit balk even without the spectre of a law.The science on COVID-19 is evolving and epidemiologists don't agree on best practices. Some countries have sustained a devastating loss of human life while others have had comparatively few deaths. Different jurisdictions have deployed different strategies to stem the transmission of the virus. Canada's public health authorities have adopted a broad approach favoring social distancing and, inexplicably, self-isolation when there is no requirement for quarantine. Over the last 6 weeks there have been wildly different projections about the expected number of cases and fatalities. continued on Page 8




Flexible hours (am, pm or evening) For more information, please contact us at


Join our session! • May 2, 2020


The arts, mental health, and COVID-19

Sprinter Bruny Surin is one of the personalities whose self-portrait Comedian Léane Labrèche-Dor is also one of the participants will be at the virtual show Among the participants he issue of mental lems, is focused on artishe a lt h — s o me - tic creativity. in the show are worldhow invisible in The 7th edition of the famous sprinter, Bruny so-called normal Centre d'apprentissage Surin, authors Michel parallèle (CAP) fundrais- Tremblay, Kim Thuy and ing has adapted to the David Goudreault; starnew conditions created dancer Carol Prieur; auby COVID-19 and will thors-composers-players hold its annual event on- Daniel Bélanger, François line. Under the name Dompierre and Guy "Like Ourselves, 100 self- Bélanger; actors and acportraits in a quaran- tresses Isabelle Blais, Décary, tined country" ("Moi Bénédicte Papineau, m'aime, cent autopor- François St-Sauveur, traits," in French), the Mylène virtual exhibition will in- Patrick Hivon, Rémi clude self-portraits of Goulet, Virginie Fortin, By Sergio Martinez one hundred well-known Mickaël Gouin, and personalities. Visitors Léane Labrèche d'Or; could view the virtual caricaturist Serge Chaptimes—has become gallery, and, more impor- leau; photographer Marmore noticeable these days marked by the con- tantly, buy the works to tin Chamberland; film finement of a large part support what CAP does. directors Caroline Monof the population. With As the organizers say: net, Louis Bélanger, Sothis new reality in mind, "Moi m'aime, cent auto- phie Dupuis and Myriam it is appropriate that portraits is a unique and Verreault; artists René some artists have come exclusive benefit event. Derouin, Malgosia Bato help and promote Created to change the jkowska,Yoakim Bélanger, fundraising for an organ- public's view on mental Julie Rocheleau,Winston ization that is very active illness, the self-portraits McQuade, Nicole Laurin in mental health. More- will be sold as part of an and Sylvain Coulombe; over, this is an organiza- auction that will take stage director Brigitte tion whose approach to place exceptionally on- Haentjens as well as dethe reintegration in the line this year, while pre- signer Nadya Toto. This Painter Sylvie Dagenais's self-portrait is one of the works community of people vious editions took place year exceptionally, the to be presented at the online auction with mental health prob- at the Museum of Fine CAP also greets two Osvaldo themselves through cre- this event and bid for the artists from outside Quebec: Arts." Ramirez Castillo from ative, therapeutic, educa- works on sale.The event Vancouver and Edgar tional and productive will take place starting Knobloch from Leipzig, activities. Diverse artistic Tuesday, May 5th at 5:30 Germany. expressions such as pm., until May 18th at Since 1983, CAP's mis- dance, music, visual arts, 8:30 pm.To participate in sion is to support people are involved in the the online auction and with psychological health process of helping peo- thus help to support problems to facilitate ple with mental health is- CAP's work in the field their growth process for sues. of the mental health visit social and/or profesVisual-arts lovers, col- the following address: sional integration. To do lectors and anyone that this, it offers them the has mental health's cause ime/encan possibility of achieving at heart might be part of


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May 2, 2020 •

Quebec to progressively reopen schools starting on May 11th elementary school teachers (although that can change). Parents who decide not to send their children to daycares will not lose their spots, nor will they have to pay for days when children do not attend. Sanitary protocols will be strictly followed in the schools, such as washing hands with soap and water frequently, for both students and teachers and the school rooms and other common areas will be cleaned

Quebec Education Minister Jean-François Roberge

By Bonnie Wurst nounced at a press conference on April 27th that Elementary schools and Daycare centers will progressively and 'prudently' reopen starting on May 11th. He reiterated several times that attendance will not be mandatory and parents who have concerns may choose not to send their children back to school. The reopenings will start on May 11th in most of the province, but only in areas considered 'cold zones'. Whereas Montreal and areas north and south of the Island, consid-

ered 'hot zones' because of the higher number of cases of the Covid-19 virus, will reopen starting on May 19th. High Schools, Cegeps and Universities will remain closed until September 1st. The Minister said they are announcing the plans two and three weeks in advance to give parents time to better prepare themselves and their children, as well as to allow the government to work out some details. Parents who choose to send their children to school, must advise schools a week in advance if they are going to attend. It especially goes for elementary school children, as the number of students per classroom will be limited to 15 students, in order to maintain the 2-metre physical distancing measures. Should there be a higher number, the government will look into other spaces such as in Cegeps and Universities that have been closed. As well, if there are not

enough teachers available they will consider bringing in University and High school teachers. Teachers who are 60 years or older will not be back going back for now and parents with health risks are advised not to send their children back to school. The edict goes for teachers as well. Daycare center workers will have to wear masks, as it will be extremely difficult to maintain the distancing measures - but it will not be mandatory for

in terms of their development or for students with learning difficulties - is to keep kids cooped up without their teachers until the fall… the watchword here is prudence." He maintained that despite the comments he made last week about opening schools could help 'herd immunization', that the 'issue was not in the equation because there is no scientific consensus on the matter.'



E 14. E R F



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uebec's Education Minister Jean-François Roberge an-

and sanitized frequently. The Government will be using the time before the schools are open to look into other issues that have not yet been full addressed, such as the use of schoolyards, and they will be 'readjusting things as it progresses'. Earlier in the day Premier Francois Legault said, concerning physical distancing, "It will be even tougher with school-age children, but the government has decided the riskier option,

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Distribution Hudson, St. Lazare, Sennevil e, Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, Baie d’Urfe, Beaconsfield, Kirkland, Pte. Claire, D.D.O., Pier efonds, Roxboro, Dorval, Lachine, NDG, Vil e St-Laurent, Châteauguay, Cote St-Luc, Snowdon, Hampstead, Mtl-West, Westmount, Laval, Verdun, Lasalle, Montreal, St. Leonard, Anjou, Ahuntsic, Lit le Italy, Nuns’ Island


ADVERTISING DEADLINE (Wednesday at 5 p.m.) 514-951-3328 Managing Editor:

Tom West

QC public health workers who refuse redeployment threatened with firing Q uebec's health system has been in crisis for many years.

Contributors: • Catherine Maisonneuve • Harriette Halepis • Marco Giovanetti • Sergio Martinez • Bonnie Wurst • Stuart Nulman • Deborah Rankin • Martha Shannon • Helen (Eleni) Akrivos

SUBSCRIPTION General subscriptions in Canada: 1 year $150, 2 years $275 Subscription to the U.S. and outside North America:1 year $250 US All contents of this publication are sole property of The Montreal Times Newspaper. Opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily intended to reflect those of the publisher. Any reproduction in whole or in part and in print or in electronic form without express permission is strictly forbidden. Permission to reproduce selected editorial may be granted by contacting the publisher in writing.


By Bonnie Wurst Under the previous Liberal government, Bill 10 'An Act to modify the organization and governance of the health and social services network, in particular by abolishing the regional agencies' was passed in the National Assembly in February of 2015. Since then, the health system has still faced serious problems. During Quebec's 2018 provincial election campaign, the CAQ's Francois Legault promised to address the issues. Due to the perceived failures of the

Liberal government, the CAQ won with an overwhelming majority of seats and expectations were high for them to fulfill their promises. Unfortunately, the health system has not really improved at all since they came into power. And today, with the challenges of the Covid19 pandemic, it is clear the provincial health system in serious crisis. Due to a recent governmental decree, the West-Central Montreal regional health authority announced that nonmedical health workers, which include speech language pathologists, occupational therapists, social workers, dieticians and physiotherapists, are being redeployed to longterm care facilities. There is no question that help is needed. In fact, with the revelations of what has been happening in the senior residences, it is at a catastrophic level with not enough health workers to fill the demand

needed. The CAQ has acknowledged their failure in this area and last week, Premier Francois Legault put out an urgent appeal to doctors and medical specialists for their help. Close to 2,000 workers in the CHSLDs have not being showing up to work and it is speculated the reason is that many of them fear contracting the Covid-19 virus. Instead, the government is using the decree they adopted last month that allows the health authority to mandatorily redeploy staff to CHSLDs where needed. Any vacations are cancelled, part-time staff are being forced to work full-time and all unpaid leave is stopped - and the transfers are mandatory or employees risk losing their job if they refuse to work. Why is the government not forcing the 'missing' CHSLD workers back to their jobs instead? Why are they not being asked to provide their reasons for not show-

ing up? They are the health care workers with the professional experience for the tasks at hand. Many of the non-medical workers have absolutely no experience in this field and they are being asked to change diapers, wash residents, feed them, transfer from a bed to a wheelchair among other things. PAB's (Préposée Aux Bénéficiaires - Patient Attendants) have special training for this, not speech therapists. Yes, they are being given a two-hour training session - a video showing them how wear a mask, a gown and a face shield.Two women who attended a session found the 'woefully inadequate' according to a CBC report. There were concerns about the type of protective gear they will be given. And the nurses who gave the training said they 'didn’t have enough personal protection equipment for them to practice during the

training session'. Some of those attending ended up in tears. However, the government believes the training is sufficient, as the employees are being assigned to assist orderlies. Given the government's track record to date, it gives cause for concern. More disconcerting is the government forcing these people, making it mandatory for them to accept the redeployment - under threat of losing their jobs. Many of these non-medical workers have children at home or elderly parents. Others have compromised immune systems. What about the stress and anxiety it can cause? The word 'dictatorship' has been circulating on social media about the way this is being handled. Is forcing these workers to do these things, to travel to other regions or even do night shifts, right? Or is it completely unfair? May 2, 2020 •

5602 Ave du Parc H2V 4H1, Montreal, QC • May 2, 2020

(438)-387-1144 Delivery Service Available


continued from Page 3

However, the data now shows that 79% of COVID-19 deaths in Canada have occurred in chronic care facilities and senior residences suggesting that a more targeted approach is necessary. It is doubtful that mandatory measures such as wearing a face mask in public would meet the test of civil liberties in the current context. It is also highly debatable whether people would accept this additional barrier to communication and the enjoyment of their walks and bike rides when parks and pools may stay closed for several months and vacation becomes moot. A recent opinion poll conducted by Leger and the Association for Canadian Studies shows that

Canadians are split over whether a vaccine for COVID-19 should be mandatory - presuming one becomes available an indication that lots of people aren't on board with hyper-vigilance, especially young adults. Rotrand is also calling for a national safety standard that could be proposed to the provinces and transport agencies to boost ridership on buses and the metro. This new framework would include the obligatory use of masks, a federal fund to enable transit authorities to distribute masks for free to riders, the provision of hand sanitizing products, and a uniform cleaning standard outlining how often and by what means transit vehicles are cleaned.

The Société de transport de Montréal (STM) says it is working with the City of Montreal to install 224 hand-sanitizing stations in the Métro. The touchless dispensers will be distributed at each of the system's 126 entrance buildings, as well as at 50 publicaccess points. The public transport agency says the dispensers will be cleaned daily and refilled regularly but, cautions, "This is an additional preventive measure that does not replace existing public health rules, including physical distancing, coughing into the elbow and frequent hand washing.” People who may have been infected with COVID-19 are urged to stay away from the public transit system.

June 2, 2020






May 2, 2020 •


Smoke Meat Pete paying it forward to health workers and volunteers

moke Meat Pete, 'pay it forward' to doknown for their nate and deliver meals legendary smoked to places in need. meat and other When this first started in mid-March, they made a donation to the Ste. Anne's Veteran Hospital and then a few days ago they reached out to Vaudreuil-Soulanges MP Peter Schiefke to ask him if he knew of any


other places where they could help out. They heard that Canadian Military troops were being deployed in Quebec and wanted to help them too. Schiefke was not sure at the time about when and where they would be sent, but would call them when he knew. In the meantime, he sug-

gested that helping out the health workers and volunteers at Manoir Harwood would be a good idea. And on April 30th, hot Smoke Meat Pete Specials were delivered and very well received at the Manoir. Next week they will be delivering Specials to the Lakeshore General Hospital. Each Special

includes a smoke meat sandwich, cole slaw, pickles and a soda drink. The staff has been working hard and putting in overtime to make this all happen, it is a team effort. Their message to everyone is 'Stay safe and be strong!' and they want you to know that they truly do appreciate

Peter Varvaro and Melaine Booth Smoke Meat Pete your business, as it is helping to keep them open‌ and to please pay it forward by helping others! They are located at 283, 1st avenue in Ile Perrot. For more information you can call them at 514-425-6068 or visit: See the full article on

By Bonnie Wurst great dishes, is reaching out to the heroes, our health care workers and volunteers, who are at the front line of the Covid-19 pandemic.As the pandemic spread and emergency measures were put into place, they had no choice but to close the interior of the restaurant and instead turn to take out and delivery service - something new for them. Business was down considerably, staff was reduced by 50% and they were struggling like many other places.They went out and had bumper stickers made for their own cars by Mike at MSB Signs & Lighting, as well as a huge banner that read 'WE DELIVER' with their telephone number on it. Pete and Melanie are doing the deliveries themselves. When they deliver, no contact is made - they place the order down in front of the door and ring the doorbell. They had to charge a $10 fee for delivery and some customers were not happy about it, but they are now using that fee to • May 2, 2020




May 2, 2020 •

Grocery order service for seniors by #Mtlfoodie Maya Astrologo


elf-isolating has been challenging for many people in different ways.

ferent areas of the city, they not only started doing grocery deliveries, but also shopping for them. "I wanted to support the Montreal community and make a meaningful contribution during these difficult times. People who must self-isolate have turned to online grocery orders and delivery services, but the problem is now grocery By Bonnie Wurst that stores are struggling to keep up with all the expected online orders. When it comes to or- I wanted to come up dering groceries online, with a way to help mitit has become especially igate the waiting time of

difficult for seniors and people with compromised immune systems. Beside from it being hard for many of them to navigate the websites, the stores are overwhelmed with the increase of online orders. People have been finding themselves waiting for several days and more to receive their goods - and they are unable to wait that long. Going to the stores and shopping for themselves is out of the question. However, people like Maya Astrologo, who has an Instagram account @MtlFoodie (about 'food, drink, recipes, restaurants and other important stuff') decided to do something about it. She wanted to reach out and help get food to these people - and 'MTL Foodie Runs' was born. Along with a group of volunteers that are located in dif• May 2, 2020

these orders for people who really need it," she explains. HOW DOES IT WORK? "Simply put, people send us their grocery list, and we will shop and deliver their items to them for a small charge of $5 (to cover the fuel costs for our volunteers). To begin, they can go on our website (see link below) and click on 'Order a Delivery'.They fill out the entire form, which includes their information, their chosen grocery store, and their grocery list items. Once we receive their request, we will call, text or email them to confirm the request. We will then find a volunteer who can pick up and deliver the items. We will pay for the groceries, and ask for a reimbursement after the purchase. The receipt will be sent to the indi-

charged about 3% by PayPal, so any extra payment to help cover those costs would be appreciated. They can also 'carefully' accept cash at the door, but do not carry change). ARE THERE RESTRICTIONS OF WHAT PEOPLE CAN PUT ON THEIR LISTS? "We ask that people only order necessities and limit their grocery

list to 15 items.We also ask that people try to be specific, such as mentioning brands or quantities when necessary." HOW LONG WILL IT TAKE? "We will work as quickly as we can to get your order in a timely matter, aiming to deliver them within 24 hours. However, we are limited by the number of volunteers available."

OUR MISSION "To support the Montreal community and make a meaningful contribution during these difficult times." No matter the amount of deliveries we will make, we will have still made a difference - Maya Astrologo, Founder. To place an order or to volunteer go to: or email them at

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Maya Astrologo

vidual via text or email with our website link to make a reimbursement. Payment should be made before the the delivery of the items. The volunteer will then successfully drop-off the groceries." (*Payment for the groceries and the $5 delivery fee can be made on their website through PayPal or a debit/credit card. They ask you to consider that they are



Smoked Meat

Entrees Deep Fried Dill Pickles 6 deep fried pickle spears served with our house ranch dipping sauce . . . $11

Kung Pao Cauliflower Bites Deep fried and lightly battered cauliflower in our homemade Kung Pao sauce . . $12

Bowl of Chili Bowl . . . . . . . . . . $7.50 Bowl of Chili Meal - (side salad/grilled naan bread) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $14.50




House Salad

514 457-0080

Caesar Salad

Mixed greens, diced tomatoes, cucumbers and mushrooms, all topped with our mixed cheese blend and served with your choice of dressing . . . . . $13 Add chicken . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5

Family Meals Our chef Dan Dumesnil will create a new family style meal every day and we will let you know what it is on our facebook page the night before. WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/CUNNINGHAMSPUB


Romaine lettuce, bacon bits, fresh crouton sand parmesan cheese all mixed with our homemade Caesar dressing . . . . . . . $14 Add chicken . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5

Southwest Salad Mixed greens, diced tomatoes, cucumbers, Grilled corn and black bean medley and crushed nacho chips all topped with our mixed cheese blend and served with ranch dressing . . . . . . $15 Add chicken . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5 Salad dressings – Greek / Ranch / Balsamic Emulsion / Blue Cheese

Wednesday to Sunday | 11 am to 8 pm


Pot O’ Gold (made to share) 6 wings, 6 deep fried dill pickles, onion rings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $21

Cunninghams Fresh Cut Fries A large basket of fresh cut fries served with your choice of dipping sauce . . $6

Cunninghams Garlic and Spice Fresh Cut Fries A large basket of fresh cut fries tossed in our garlic butter and special spice mix. Served with your choice of dipping sauce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7

Cunninghams Sweet Potato Fries

Cunninghams Curry Chicken

Chicken Tenders


Cunninghams Burger

A large basket of sweet potato fries served with your choice of dipping sauce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $9.50

4 lightly battered chicken tenders served with fresh cut fries and house BBQ sauce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $15

Naan bread topped with Thai Chili sauce, chicken, mixed cheese and onions then baked in the oven. Served with Cunninghams fresh cut fries or micro salad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $15

A large bowl of fresh cut fries topped Club Wrap with homemade chili and mixed cheese. Chicken breast, romaine lettuce, fresh Garnished with ranch and green cut tomatoes, bacon and teriyaki mayo . onions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $13 $15 Nacho Platters (built for 2) Buffalo Wrap Our CHEESE nacho platter is topped with our mixed cheese, fresh cut tomatoes, Crispy chicken, Buffalo sauce, lettuce, olives, jalapeno peppers, green onions tomatoes and ranch dressing . . . . . $15 and ranch dressing . . . . . . . . . . . . . $18 Reuben Sandwich Our CHILI nacho platter is topped with Smoked meat, sauerkraut, swiss cheese our homemade chili mixed cheese, fresh and thousand island dressing . . . . . $18 cut tomatoes, green onions and ranch Replace pretzel bun with gluten free dressing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $20 bun $2 (Hot chili will be put on the side) Replace fries with Cunninghams garlic and spice fresh cut fries $1 Choice of Dipping Sauces: Replace fries with side house salad $4 Spicy Mayo / Ranch Extra dipping sauce $1 Replace fries with Ceasar salad $5 Blue cheese $2 Replace fries with Greek salad $6 Replace fries with poutine $5

Crispy chicken filet, tomato, lettuce and ranch dressing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $15

Chili Cheese Fries

Crispy Chicken Burger

Beyond meat pattie, grilled and topped with lettuce, onions, tomato and dill pickle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $16

Veggie Burger

A large bowl of fresh cut fries topped with Quebec cheese curds, mixed cheese and homemade sauce. House beef gravy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $12 Cunninghams curry sauce . . . . . . . $13 Double cheese . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4 extra

A large basket of lightly battered onion 1/2 pound beef patty, grilled and topped rings served with your choice of dipping with sliced cheese, bacon, homemade sauce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $8.50 BBQ sauce, lettuce, onions, tomato and dill pickle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $17 Cunninghams Poutines

Onion Rings

Bacon Cheese BBQ Burger

75, Sainte-Anne St., Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, QC H9X 1L9

Thai Chili

Pub Grub

All burgers are served on grilled pretzel bun. All wraps are served on grilled tortilla All burgers and wraps are served with Cunninghams fresh cut fries

Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue | L’Île-Perrot | Pincourt Terrasse-Vaudreuil | Vaudreuil | Baie D’Urfé | Kirkland

Our Flat Breads

Burgers & Wraps


Our large capon wings chosen from only the finest Irish chickens. Served with Cunninghams fresh cut fries, crudité and Ranch dressing. NOT SPICY - Sweet BBQ, Honey Garlic, Lemon Pepper, Salt & Pepper. LITTLE SPICY - Cunninghams Not So Mild, Cunninghams, Curry, Cunninghams Dry Rub, Thai Chili CRAZY SPICY - Inferno, Peri-Peri, Jamaican Jerk 6 wings…$14 / 12 wings…$24 / 24 wings…$44 / 96 wings…$144

crusted haddock topped with Baja 1/2 pound beef patty, grilled and topped sauce, cheese, jalapenos, tomatoes and with our homemade chili, mixed cheese lettuce all served with corn chips and blend and green onions . . . . . . . . . $17 salsa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $16

Romaine lettuce, diced tomatoes, cucumbers, onions and kalamata olives all topped with feta cheese and our homemade Greek dressing . . . . . . . $14 Add chicken . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5

Chili Burger

Greek Salad

1/2 pound beef patty, grilled and topped Our chefs curry sauce is pleasing to the with lettuce, onions, tomato and dill palate as it’s not too spicy for pickle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $15 newcomers and just right for the seasoned curry eater. Served with Spicy Burger 1/2 pound beef patty, grilled and topped vegetables and rice . . . . . . . . . . . . $18 with cheese, spicy mayonnaise, crispy Southern Fish Taco onions and jalapenos . . . . . . . . . . . $17 3 flour tortillas filled with our southern

Our fresh 12” grilled tortilla stuffed with cheese, black bean & corn mix and jalapenos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $12 Add chicken . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4


Veggie Naan bread brushed with garlic butter, topped with tomatoes, onions, kalamata olives, feta and mixed cheese then baked in the oven and drizzled with Greek dressing. Served with Cunninghams fresh cut fries or micro salad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $15 Replace fries with Cunninghams garlic and spice fresh cut fries - $1



Naan bread topped with honey mustard sauce, smoked meat, mixed cheese then baked in the oven. Served with Cunninghams fresh cut fries or micro salad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $17

May 2, 2020 •

AJOI - Homeless in West Island now have access to chemical toilets ction Jeunesse de l'Ouest-del'île (AJOI) is an organization


By Bonnie Wurst

that helps young adults ages 18 to 35 in need of assistance in the West Island. Although the area is considered to have good living conditions, there was estimated to be over 17,500 youth and homeless people living in 'social and material deprivation' according to AJOI in February of 2019. With the challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic and people in isolation, it has become an even harsher reality for them. One of the issues they are facing is access to sanitation facilities - and AJOI decided to do something about it. In a Press Release, they announced that after a three-week struggle,

they finally got confirmation on April 28th that chemical toilets will be installed in the West Island. The news comes after they denounced the lack of sanitation facilities for homeless people in the area. While chemical toilets with sinks had been installed downtown and in outlying areas like Lachine and Hochelaga, the West Island was 'slow to obtain the same services'. In recent weeks, AJOI has seen an increase in the volume of calls concerning the problem of homelessness. They have not been able to refer them to resources outside Montreal (because of restrictions related to social and health regionalization). During this time, there has been a 'general worsening of living conditions for people in a situation of visible and invisible homelessness: makeshift camps, living

in sheds and solariums, no access to bathrooms' and more.They identified five places where the situation had become so problematic that they could be described as 'open toilets'. But thanks to the joint work of AJOI, the Réseau d’aide aux personnes seules et itinérantes à Montréal (RAPSIM), the CIUSSS de l'Ouest-de-l'Île, Benoit Langevin, City councilor in Pierrefonds-Roxboro and Spokesperson in the shadow cabinet for Homelessness and youth, and the City of Montreal - people experiencing homelessness in the West Island will now have access to chemical toilets with washbasins. As they state in their release, they consider it 'a minimum in this time of pandemic where, let’s remember, not everyone fights on equal terms against an invisible enemy'.

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May 2, 2020 •

Soothe the Skin in Covid Times ovid Hands. Dry, raw, red, cracked, sometimes bleeding.


By Martha Shannon

Many people suffering terribly. Sanitizing with alcohol based cleansers and or wearing gloves for hours on end are heroic deeds executed by heroes. I received this testimonial from Danette. I do not know where she lives. I do not know what job it is that requires her husband to wear gloves all day long. Perhaps he is a postal worker, a technician, a doctor or a cashier. Perhaps he is a caregiver, a firefighter, an orderly, a food worker, a bus driver, or other frontline job. Any one of you who masks up, wears gloves and other protective gear will be in need of some soothing comforts when you return home. Hopefully on your down time you can comfort your hands. Danette wrote: “Because of Covid my husband has to wear gloves

• May 2, 2020

at work and they were bothering his skin. Making his hands itch and get sore. I suggested he try the zinc cream on his hands. It worked!! He never forgets to put it on now and has since shared it with people he works with.” Thank you, Danette, for reminding us how extraordinary zinc can

be. This essential mineral is not produced by the body on its own. Most commercial zincs do contain formaldehyde (usually hidden and not apparent on the label). While the zinc itself is good, the latter, while a preservative, may cause further hand angst. If you like the idea of zinc to

soothe covid hands, I do suggest you find one free of any added chemicals. Besides ours, there are also DIY recipes online Soap, as you know, is a major factor in skin care. We have good advice on soap choices. Choose Your Soap wisely. Are Your Hands Taking a Hit? Soap or

Detergent? Liquid or Bar? Use a real soap when you can and then apply a healthy chemical free product. Earth to Body products include our X Cream, Moisturizing Lotion, Sheamu or Shargan butter. Mask wearers are also suffering similar symptoms on the face. Red-

ness, itchiness, dryness. Our zinc blend can successfully be applied to the face too. We also suggest the pure unrefined emu oil, as often as needed. As businesses reopen, people will, out of respect for others, and themselves, wear masks. For many it will be for a short period, an in and out scenario. But if you are worker on the frontline, you may have to wear one for your entire shift. Until May 3rd,2020, we have a special on soaps and gift packages for Mother’s Day. Please join our newsletter for notice of specials. Shop online or call us. Be safe and well. We stand behind our products. We give great customer service. Visit us at Subscribe to our newsletter. Please call to place orders 514-6940705 as our boutique is temporarily closed: ‘La Boutique Earth to Body’, 89 Lucerne, Pointe Claire, QC H9R 2V1) Email


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May 2, 2020 •

Four affordable wines for pandemic wines

t has been a few tors play into my decimonths since I sion bought wine at my I could understand local SAQ. I mostly that not everyone has a generous wine budget like myself or simply doesn't desire to spend $50 on a bottle of wine. Personally, I overindulge when it's not the most appropriate especially during these pandemic times. Now, Where to find amazing wine?. Which countries?. Portugal and By Marco Giovanetti France’s Rousillon are two of my favourite spots. Portugal is often a buy private imports or forgotten location of share cases with other wine peeps. These are the wine world. Pormostly natural, biologi- tuguese table wines cal or biodynamic wines offer one of the best between $30-$50. It is values on the market mostly a question of and have a section of taste but also ethical their own at the SAQ. and consideration fac- Portuguese wines rep-


resent good value because the quality-toprice ratio is high.There are a lot of wineries in Portugal producing very good wines at every price range. Roussillon is a district in the region of Languedoc-Roussillon and is located between Spain, the Mediterranean, the Pyrenees and the Corbières Mountains and Roussillon is particularly known for its beautiful, red cliffs. Roussillon has a variety of wines and different types of soil. It almost seems that every grape has its own type of soil and there are 24 approved grapes in Roussillon. With its characteristic patchwork of various terroirs like for instance

red and black clay, sandstone, gravel or granite, Roussillon offers a wide range of wines with very distinctive properties. The varying structure of the region as well as the warm microclimate in the region gives a unique character

bake 58. Stand for something 59. Eukaryotic organism 60. Hip bones 61.Very, in music 62. Flock member 63. Abdicator of 1917 64. Noah's son, and namesakes 65. Armageddon 66. Round up Down 1. It may be striped 2. Gordon or Ginsburg 3. "Mi chiamano Mimi," e.g. 4. Role in "Arrested Development" 5. Black band of mourning 6. Falafel bread 7. Jewish month 8. Hot stuff 9. ___ nitrate 10. Flexible mineral 11. End ___ 12. Title for some priests 14. Bad lighting? 20. Lifts up 21. Run the show 24. Muddleheaded 25. Speed demon

26. Grimalkin 27. Dig, so to speak 28. Shuttlecock 30. Some reality show winners 31. Actress Oberon 32. Doesn't ignore 34. Call to a mate 35. Bridal party members 38. Takes out a fly 39. Metal worker 44. Radiant 46. Air freshener option 48. ___ Island National Monument 49. Cold 50. Wet septet 51. No gain, no loss 52. Actual being 53. Actor Alan 54. Brio 55. Alternatively 56. Carrey vehicle 57. Enrich, in a way

for biological, biodynamic and natural wine producers. It is probably as well the reason that I love their wines. The SAQ has more than 200 references so there is a lot of room to explore.

Wine Recommendations

Herança de Sonho Ribeira de Aguiar Douro 2017 SAQ # 14131183 $15.65

Across 1. White rice’s lack 5. Balancing pro 8. Put in a nutshell 13. Pervasive quality 14. Fruitless 15. Develop 16. Follow a recipe directive 17. Figure in Maori mythology 18. Corset tightener 19. Be a generous trapper 22. Diaper cream ingredient 23. ___ Day 24. Mathematical function 27. Epitome of simplicity 29. Car with a bar 33. Divination deck 34. It may be bid 36. Center of a ball? 37. Buy a beachfront boutique 40. Night of poetry 41. Katzbalger, e.g. 42. Undulating 43. Environs 45. Belgium village 46. Climbing herbs 47. Perceive 49. Superciliousness 50. Savory aroma at a clam-

to its wines. I am a big fan of Roussillon wines. In fact in the last few years I have visited the region two times. The wines are powerful and heady yet quite balanced displaying their incredible terroir. Roussillon is a hub

Vintage tasted 2016. A juicy Portuguese red with aromas of sweet blackberries framed with rose undertones, licorice and vanilla. On the mouth, full body with rather ripe tannins. Comfort red with a friendly price on the pocket. Perfect wine to have with BBQ sausages

Cistus Douro 2018. SAQ # 10841161 $12.00 12$ will buy you a lot of wine. Lots of ripe blackberry fruit with spicy undertones and soft licorice nuances. On the palate, it is gutsy and rustic but well with a good tannic backbone. Medium length finale. Enjoy this red with some pasta in a rich meat sauce.

Domaine Ferrer-Ribière F Côtes Catalanes rose 2018 SAQ # 12924711 $18.50 A powerful rose from the Roussillon that evokes sweet notes of red plums with autumn leaves and cherry kirsch. On the palate, medium acidity with flavours consistent with the nose. Lovely cleansing finale. Buy a few bottles for the summer. Enjoy it with grilled chicken breast med style.

Please see answers on Page 19, May 2nd, 2020 edition: • May 2, 2020



f you are a buyer and just found your perfect home at the right price, the next By Eleni Akrivos

logical and crucial step is the home inspection. Are you ready? As a seller, you may be excited to have an agreed upon offer to purchase, yet to move forward with the transaction, your home has to pass the inspection. What will the inspector find? Most buyers and even sellers, now see the value of home inspections. Although tedious, if used for what they’re intended, home inspections can save both sides of a real estate deal many headaches down the road. There are many parties involved during and after the inspections, and it helps when everyone has a “realistic” approach to the entire process. It also helps, when everyone acts in “good faith”, and does not use the home inspection as a pretext to a definite price reduction. What inspections offer: A professional opinion and report on the overall condition of the home including everything that is visible and accessible. What inspections do not offer: An exhaustive expert report on every system in the home, whether accessible or hidden. So who is

Home Inspection advice for buyers and sellers

responsible for what during and after the inspection process? For Buyers: Inspections should reassure you that your new home is safe, functional and not going to become a “money pit”. - Be vigilant and do your homework by reviewing the Sellers Declaration with your broker. - Ask any pertinent questions about the home prior to the inspection. - Get ready to block out at least 2 to 3 hours

on inspection day, depending on size of home. - Take your time and review any concerns with inspector and brokers. The Buyer’s Broker: Attending inspections is a must, and good brokers will be right by your side during the process. - They should have a good basic knowledge by knowing what is important in the big picture, yet not pretend to know the job of the inspector. - If you’re getting a very fair price on the home, your broker will

likely advise you not to bother the Seller for small repairs. - If the inspection reveals major or serious flaws in the home, your broker can advise you on how to proceed. The Seller: Inspections are part of the process, and if you can be present during the inspection to answer any questions, things may go smoother than you think. - You can choose to have a PRE-SALE inspection before selling - Make certain necessary repairs prior to

selling - Offer the home at a reasonable price taking into consideration imminent repairs needed (roof, windows etc..) The Sellers Broker: May also be present at the inspection report, as the eyes and ears for the sellers. - Is very familiar with the property and can handle questions that come up - Will need to be ready to manage any unknowns or surprises that may arise. - Although this broker represents the Seller,

their main purpose is to collaborate with all parties for a smooth transaction The Inspector: A good inspector will provide explanations and point out things that need to be addressed and will not be an alarmist but will remain impartial. - In Quebec, your realtor can recommend a list of licensed inspectors who qualify with certain criteria. - Should definitely be chosen wisely, maybe through a referral. - Their main purpose is to inspect the home and provide you with real time knowledge, as well as a detailed report afterwards. It’s important to note, that having a family member with “construction experience”, or a friend who is a contractor be present during inspections, may be well intended but could lead to unnecessary negative consequences, as these individuals are not licensed property inspectors. Most inspections go smoothly, but some can also be the beginning of tough negotiations ahead. Make sure that you try to stay reasonable and work together with all parties of the transaction and come up with solutions that make everyone feel confident about moving forward.


May 2, 2020 •

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LAND, RIGAUD MOUNTAIN MLS# 28479041 ASKING $215,000 Desirable buildable lot, one of the last available on Rigaud Mountain. Beautiful location, backing directly onto groomed cross country ski/walking trail network. Easy access to Hwys 40, 30, & 20.

EQUESTRIAN ST-LAZARE MLS# 24732296 ASKING $1,275,000 Gorgeous 11 arpent equestrian facility with unique 5 bedroom home, separate caretaker's home, 120' x 60' arena, & 30 stall stable in park-like setting; easy access to Highways 40, 30, and 20

Royal LePage Village 35 Wharf Rd., Hudson, QC J0P IH0 • May 2, 2020



Classic 3 bdrm 1 1/2 bth Victorian house for rent w/lovely Truly charming 4 bdrm 2 1/2 bth home lovingly relarge garden. Hardwood & pine floors, high ceilings, stored w/hardwood floors, granite counters, & lovely renovated kitchen, & lovely screened porch. Some solarium overlooking sweeping lawn to the magnificent appliances included. Unfurnished, Available July 1, 2020 Ottawa River. High and dry, no danger of flooding.

EQUESTRIAN RIGAUD MLS11994389 ASKING $1,150,000 Spectacular 15 acre equestrian property, the ultimate 3 bdrm home for the discerning rider, near National Polo Club.Multiple paddocks, a stone dust training track, separate 1 bdrm apt and more.

DOG KENNEL, RIGAUD MLS# 19330323 ASKING $599,000 PLUS GST & PST Great Investment Opportunity! Very Popular kennel facility with custom stalls on 7 acres with large fenced areas, plus a charming 3 bdrm re-built log home. Great location, with easy access just off Highway 40 west of Rigaud.

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May 2, 2020 •

• May 2, 2020



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May 2, 2020 •

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