Montreal Times 25.37 - 061320

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Receive the Mtl Times via E-mail - Saturday, June 13, 2020

Vol. 25 No. 37


Covering MontrĂŠal & Surrounding Areas

5602 Ave du Parc H2V 4H1, Montreal, QC

Thousands gathered to protest racism in Montreal last Sunday: systemic racism was denounced


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Covid-19: Swab test or antibody test - which is better? I n the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic, aside from the physical distancing meas-

By Bonnie Wurst ures, one of the first actions put forth was to identify people who were infected with the virus by testing them for the disease. It is popularly known as the 'Swab' test, and used to determine if someone currently has Covid-19. The test has also proven to be useful in helping to control the spread of the virus, with the use of contact tracing. ‘Antibody' testing, that

can detect antibodies in people who have already been exposed to Covid-19, was only approved by Health Canada in Mid-May. Testing is limited right now and only beginning to roll out, starting with Health Workers and staff in hospitals and long-term care facilities. However, there are still many unknowns and questions being asked about both methods. Which test is better in the fight against the pandemic? The Molecular 'Swab' test is now being used in communities to identify the presence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus (causing the COVID-19 disease). It starts with the person blowing their nose and then tilting their head back in order to allow the health-care worker easy access to the nasal passageways. A long flexible swab is then inserted quite deeply into the nostril to the si-

nuses in the upper part of the throat. In order for enough material to be collected, it is then rotated around for several seconds before

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being removed. Most results are provided within 24 to 48 hours. If one receives a negative result from the test, it is good news, leaving them feeling relieved. However, there is a concern brought up by many people on social media; as soon as they leave the site where they were tested, they are still vulnerable to contracting the virus. Not realizing it, could lead them to relaxing their protective measures, such as taking more chances with

proper physical distancing and using a facemask. Antibody testing, known as 'serology testing' is only used after someone is fully recovered from having the Covid-19 virus. A health-care worker takes a blood sample and it is then tested to determine whether they have developed any antibodies produced by the immune system against the virus. If the results show they have the antibodies, it means they were in-

fected with the virus at one point. However, the WHO (World Health Organization) has warned that there is not enough evidence to know whether one is actually immune to being reinfected with the virus, the level of immunity or how long it lasts. Right now studies are still being done. It presents a conundrum and the question of which is better - a swab test or antibody test? Even then, there really is no foolproof answer.

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June 13, 2020 •

Thousands gathered to protest racism in Montreal last Sunday: systemic racism was denounced

The subtle ways of systemic racism

Then, what is sysRacism in its most remier François Legault has kept temic? Some people brutal manifestation as firm in his denial have problems with the we saw it in Minneapoof systemic racism concept, others mix it lis, could easily be reup with "systematic" garded as the inhuman which is something dif- action it is, more subtle ferent. Basically "sys- ways of discrimination temic" affects the based on the social perentirety of something, ception of certain in this case, a society. groups, however, are The term "systemic harder to pinpoint. In racism" implies ele- Quebec, and elsewhere ments or practices em- in Canada, many people bedded in the from ethnic communifunctioning of society, ties, especially those so much that some- termed "visible minoritimes they are seen as ties" find it difficult to By Sergio Martinez "natural." It is also a get jobs, despite their vast concept that in- qualifications. In some in Quebec. However, in cludes from the most professions like medithe current atmosphere evident manifestations, cine, the host society created after the mur- e.g. police violence might be right in taking der of George Floyd in against blacks, indige- precautions when there Minneapolis, leading to nous people or other are important differdenouncing racism, minorities; to more ences in training with many political leaders subtle and therefore the cultures where the around the world are less noticeable forms: immigrants originate. forced to take a defensive position. Legault is minorities being under- However, that shouldn't not an exception. "I'm represented in some result in foreign-trained not going to put Que- professions or in the doctors and other probecers on trial," he said public service, for in- fessionals having to confront insurmountin an attempt to rally stance. his mostly francophone constituents behind him. Legault is certainly in a difficult situation, his denial of systemic • Eye examination ( by appointment) racism seems at odds • Eyeglasses & Contact lenses with what other leaders, including Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, David Sebag Optician have admitted. Besides, Starting Price for Glasses in the end, he also conceded that occurrences Single Vision... $99 of racism actually exist Bifocals... $149 in our province. Still, his Progressives... $199 strategy is to characterize those as exceptional, Coatings not included not something that Free after Sale Home could be described as systemic. Service For Seniors


able obstacles that make it almost impossible for them to practice their profession. The case of medical doctors is very significant since, in the case of Quebec, everybody knows that there is a pressing need for general practitioners, especially in regions. In the meantime, I know of at least one foreigntrained doctor working as a salesperson in a downtown store. And then there is another sensitive issue to touch: does Quebec nationalism foster racism and discrimination? For those who are not part of the francophone majority, the suspicion and the temptation to make that connection is often present. Actions that have been taken by the

current Quebec government which is labelled as "soft-nationalist" (i.e. non-separatist), especially the controversial Bill 21 help feed that assumption. The separatist PQ went even further when it tried to pass its Charter of Quebec Values. While labelling all Quebec nationalists as racist would be unfair—some of them believe in a sort of territorial nationalism, despite the inconsistencies of the notion—there is no question that any nationalism could lead to racist expressions. After all, once the gentler expressions of nationalism are removed—folklore, pop culture, epic literature—what is left is a

plain and basic premise: "my nation (people, tribe, ethnic group) is better than yours." Not precisely an invitation to tolerance and understanding. Certainly, not all who support nationalism will embrace racist ideas or policies. Besides, other factors feed racist attitudes as well. However, the nationalist message may contribute to the ideological construct of racism. A construct that in its less visible manner may prevent some immigrants from working in their field of expertise, and in the most obvious and outrageous way, may result in white cops beating up or killing members of visible minorities.

• June 13, 2020






June 13, 2020 •

The drive-in theatre experience comes to the Royalmount complex starting June 21 ith summer 2020 on its way, but all of the city's


By Stuart Nulman summer festivals either cancelled or postponed, Montrealers are thirsting for any semblance of live entertainment, especially outdoors. However, thanks to the ingenuity of two veteran Montreal event planners -- Lorne Levitt of Total Events and Adam Bultz of C3 Events -- Montrealers will finally get a taste of some outdoor live entertainment this summer. With a throwback to the golden age of the drive-in movie theatre, the duo will launch the Royalmount Drive-In Event Theatre, which will open its doors, appropriately enough, on June 21, the first official day of summer. The theatre is located at the nexus of the Decarie Expressway and Highway 40, on the site of the future Royalmount complex, and is supported by Carbonleo Real Estate Inc., the company that is behind the the development of the complex. During its period of operation, the Royalmount Drive-In Event Theatre will be an open space for a wide variety of events, such as movie nights, live music shows, comedy shows, specialty movie screenings, graduations, televised or live streamed sporting events, corporate events, product launching and other types of public events. As well, the venue will follow the necessary health and security guidelines to ensure that all attendees will • June 13, 2020

have a fun, safe experience. This will include window service for concessions, individual bathrooms with their own wash stations and a team of employees that will disinfect the facilities after each use, premium audio that will broadcast the sound into into each car's own sound system, a 30-foot wide stage complete with sounds, lights and a giant LED screen, a security team to direct guests in and out of the site as well as direct traffic flow within the event space, and space to accommodate up to 250 cars per event. It will also be available for rent to schools, companies, show promoters, private groups and charitable organizations as a prime event space. For more information, go to: ••• For Amy Blackmore, the Artistic and Executive Director of the St. Ambroise Montreal Fringe Festival, nothing could make her more happy than that there is fringing going on here in Montreal at this time, albeit in an alternative virtual format. Hence the "Ceci n'est pas in Fringe/This is Not a Fringe Festival", which is taking place on cell phones, laptops, tablets and other related devices from now

until June 21. "When the 30th anniversary edition of the Fringe Festival had to be postponed because of the corona virus pandemic, we were broken hearted but it was the right thing to do," said Ms. Blackmore during a recent phone interview. "We didn't want to abandon the community, so we decided to plan an event that was an ode to the Fringe fest that never was." She admits that planning the programs for the event was an evolutionary process over the past two months, but in the end, she and her Fringe crew managed to plan what she described as "a neat multi-disciplinary event." "It was quite a learning curve for us, especially how to plan things online, but in the end, we all became tech savvy," added Ms. Blackmore. However, she offers one caveat about this online version: "Keep in mind that this is not the Fringe Festival. If you're looking for uncensored shows and the lottery that selects which shows will play at the festival, it's not happening. It's basically for fans to get their Fringe fix at this time of the year and feel good about it." The online Fringe features five distinct show

series to cater to Fringe fans of all ages and types. One series that Ms. Blackmore is proud of is the Daily Dose of Fringe Series. "I am really excited about this series because this is the first time we pulled off something of this nature, and it was quite challenging," she said. "It's going to feature plenty of dance, magic, short stories, and fan messages. It will give the audience the chance to enjoy the Fringe on their own time." Although she is glad that the Fringe spirit is still around at this time of the year through this virtual version, Ms. Blackmore assures regular Fringe goers that the 30th anniversary edition of the Fringe Festival will happen live onstage next summer.

For more information, or to purchase tickets, go to: ••• Congratulations go out to Montrealers Nathalie Tufenkji and Alan Evans who were part of a group of Canadian scholars and doctors that received the 2020 Killam prize and research fellowships that were bestowed by the Canada Council for the Arts. They were given these honours in recognition of their efforts in utilizing their advancements in the fields of science and technology towards focusing on the issues that have been brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic crisis, such as global food sustainability, the overuse of antibiotics and the harm

of plastic pollution on people and the planet. Ms.Tufenkji won a fellowship for her work dealing with the effects of micro and nano plastics on human health, owing to the fact that recent studies show that such substances are now being found in tap water, food, everyday consumer products and the air that we breathe. Mr. Evans won a Killam Prize for his pioneering work on the brain, Andy the innovative techniques he created that has enhanced the resolution of brain imaging devices, which has led to improved and earlier treatments for,those who have been struck with a number of neurological diseases, such as Alzheimer's Disease.



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60 Atlantic ave., Suite #200, Toronto, Ontario, M6K 1X9

Distribution Hudson, St. Lazare, Sennevil e, Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, Baie d’Urfe, Beaconsfield, Kirkland, Pte. Claire, D.D.O., Pier efonds, Roxboro, Dorval, Lachine, NDG, Vil e St-Laurent, Châteauguay, Cote St-Luc, Snowdon, Hampstead, Mtl-West, Westmount, Laval, Verdun, Lasalle, Montreal, St. Leonard, Anjou, Ahuntsic, Lit le Italy, Nuns’ Island

The Jardin botanique de Montréal will reopen


ADVERTISING DEADLINE (Wednesday at 5 p.m.) 514-951-3328 Managing Editor:

Tom West

Contributors: • Marco Giovanetti • Sergio Martinez • Bonnie Wurst • Stuart Nulman • Deborah Rankin • Martha Shannon

SUBSCRIPTION General subscriptions in Canada: 1 year $150, 2 years $275 Subscription to the U.S. and outside North America:1 year $250 US All contents of this publication are sole property of The Montreal Times Newspaper. Opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily intended to reflect those of the publisher. Any reproduction in whole or in part and in print or in electronic form without express permission is strictly forbidden. Permission to reproduce selected editorial may be granted by contacting the publisher in writing.


space pour la vie is very pleased to announce the reopening of the Jardin botanique de Montréal as of June 15. The outdoor gardens (but not the greenhouses) will once again be open to the public after a thirteen-week shutdown imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic. "The Jardin botanique is cherished by Montrealers on account of its great natural beauty. It also acts as a green lung in this part of the city. I am delighted that the public will once again have access to this space, especially families, for whom children aged 17 and under will be granted free admission from June 15 to August 31, 2020. I salute the work of Espace pour la vie, which has made every effort to offer a most pleasant and safe visiting experience in the present context," said the Mayor of Montreal, Valérie Plante. To this end, the number of visitors entering the site will be reduced, and the online reservation of timed tickets will be strongly recommended. Revised programming Compliance with the


new health and physical distancing guidelines forced the cancellation of certain activities scheduled in the Jardin botanique's summer program. In this context, we will be offering a lighter program during the months of July and August that will give people the opportunity to reconnect with nature. Planning your visit In order to properly prepare for their visit to the Jardin, visitors are asked to consult the information page on the Espace pour la vie website beforehand. To better control the number of people on site, only timed tickets will be sold as of Thursday, June 11. It is strongly recommended that tickets be purchased online to limit in-person contact at the ticket office. To ensure a pleasant and safe visit for everyone, Espace pour la vie appeals to visitors' sense of civic responsibility and trusts that they will refrain from visiting the premises if they have symptoms such as cough or fever, have difficulty breathing, or have been in contact with someone with

COVID-19 in the last 14 days. Important information While not mandatory, wearing a mask is strongly recommended. Upon arrival, all visitors will be required to answer a few health questions. Unless they are with members of their immediate family, visitors must keep a distance of 2 metres with others. Disinfectant and hand cleaning stations will be available throughout the site. The exhibition greenhouses and the pavilions in the Chinese and Japanese Gardens will

remain closed. The restaurant and shop will open gradually over the course of the summer. Jardin botanique opening hours: 9 am to 6 pm - Sunday to Thursday 9 am to 7 pm - Friday and Saturday Information page: ures Online tickets (as of Thursday, June 11): Update for the Planétarium Rio Tinto Alcan,

the Biodôme and the Insectarium No opening date has been set as of yet for the Planétarium Rio Tinto Alcan. Given its status as a performance venue, directives are expected from the Quebec Directorate of Public Health and the City of Montreal. As for the Biodôme and Insectarium construction sites, they are once again in operation. The opening date of the Biodôme will be announced by the end of the summer, while the Insectarium is still scheduled to reopen in 2021.



E 14. E R F



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June 13, 2020 •

5602 Ave du Parc H2V 4H1, Montreal, QC • June 13, 2020

(438)-387-1144 Delivery Service Available


COVID-19: It's time for outdoor cultural activities with safe social distancing - the ban on public gatherings is unsustainable ow that restaurants are set to reopen for seated service


By Deborah Rankin

and restrictions are easing up, it's time to think about outdoor cultural activities for summer with safe social distancing. The ban on public gatherings is simply unsustainable as recent events demonstrate. Over the last two weeks, thousands have gathered in numerous cities to condemn the actions of police officers in the death of George Floyd, an unarmed black man who died while in police custody. On May 25th, the 46-year-old father died in Minneapolis, Minnesota after white police officer Derek Chauvin knelt on his neck for almost nine minutes while he was handcuffed and lying face down on the street. The image of Floyd gasping for breath before he fell still and died was captured on video and went viral sparking worldwide

protests. Prime Minister Trudeau's appearance just days ago at a Black Lives Matter anti-racism rally on Parliament Hill with Ahmed Hussen, Minister of Families, Children, and Social Development by his side, clearly signaled an end to lockdown. The PM showed up in the midst of the huge crowd wearing a black mask, white shirt sleeves rolled up - a clever redo of the blackface image that nearly cost him the 2019 election. He stood shoulder to shoulder with protesters before kneeling in memory of 8

Floyd for 8 minutes and 46 seconds, but without keeping a two-metre distance, drawing criticism for his actions during the pandemic. Trudeau said it was important for him to attend the Black Lives Matter protest on Friday, despite public health advice he has personally delivered to Canadians, about avoiding large groups to prevent the spread of COVID-19. “To look out the windows of my office and see thousand upon thousands of young people, of Canadians of all ages, stand in solidarity, wanting to

see change happen, I felt it was important for me to be part of that,” he said. “To be able to listen, to be able to hear people, and to be able to understand and to share with people how important it was to act.” Last Sunday a massive Black Lives Matter solidarity protest against racism, systemic discrimination, and police brutality took place in downtown Montreal. The event was organized to call out Premier François Legault for saying that the province doesn’t have a problem of systemic racism. Legault acknowledged last week that discrimination does exist, but denied there was a “system of discrimination” in Quebec. Federal Liberal cabinet minister Mélanie Joly and fellow Montreal Liberal MP Emmanuel Dubourg, who is of Haitian descent, addressed the crowd. “Now is the time for change and we must stay strong and united,” Dubourg said. “When we hear the stories by those here today, we feel the need to say never again,” said Quebec Liberal Leader

Dominique Anglade who recently became the first black woman to lead a provincial party. Last weekend's BLM protests in several Canadian cities, including Montreal, Toronto, St. John’s, Calgary, and London, Ont were peaceful unlike some earlier demonstrations that erupted in violence and lootings. Lately, the BLM protests have taken on a decidedly festive air with drumming, dancing, music, and mural art. There were spin-off protests in Montreal over the weekend. One such event happened in front of Place des Arts in the city's entertainment district known as the Quartier des Spectacles. The downtown square is a hub for open-air festivals like the Montreal International Jazz Festival and the FrancoFolies during the summer and features outdoor programs all year long. Participants managed to maintain social distance at the smaller weekend demo which begs the question of why outdoor cultural events couldn't be safely pre-

sented in this venue and similar spaces in the Plateau Mont-Royal and at the Old Port. There's no doubt that there is a need to ease social tensions and summer activities are a good way to get some balance back. Sipping wine on a terrace is a whole different vibe than boarded-up shops, demonstrations, and a marked police presence. Instead of planning online festivals and small-scale cultural events at the boroughlevel that only kids and their parents are likely to attend, the relaunch of Montreal's economy needs to capitalize on the creative energy of the central city as we move through a postlockdown transition period.The Millennials are restless, and so are their younger doppelgangers, and they can't all be locked up indefinitely. Young people have always gone downtown, long before British Pop diva Petula Clark's 1964 smash hit song "Downtown" popularized the notion. It's time to get with a real plan to restart cultural life downtown and in the urban core. June 13, 2020 •

Orange wine Pairings oday, I take a sults in a white wine pause from red with a marked orange and white wine hue. and look at While there is something mysterious about it, the color itself is its main selling point. The real appeal of orange wine lies in its profile. Orange wine merges the best qualities of white wine with the complexity of a red. It’s really the perfect tradeoff for consumers that can't decide between two colours. By Marco Giovanetti the As mentioned, orange wine is the result of lowing the grape juice something in very to remain in contact vogue now: orange with the seeds and wine. Despite the name, skins for a long period orange wine is not of time. The white made with oranges; grapes are harvested, rather, it is the end mashed, and then product of leaving grape placed in a large conmust in contact with its tainer. The mixture is skins for a determined set to ferment for sevlength of time. This re- eral days.The end result


is the distinct honeyamber color of this fascinating wine. Orange wine used to be rare but recently it has reached a new level of hype amongst wine lovers in the last few years. The wine is produced in traditional wine countries with a few new ones starting to experiment with orange wine production. The major producers are Italy, France, Spain, Austria, South Africa, the United States, Slovenia, and Australia. Despite its unique origins, it is not surprising that orange wine has a unique taste that differs from many other wines. Despite its dry and crisp nature, orange wines could be robust with a particular taste that ranges from tropical fruit to cider and

nuts. Some wine lovers have described the wine as having a noticeable umami flavor. It also has hints of bread, yeast, and honey. In my experience, most of the orange wines that I tried have a delicious core of citric- balsamic flavours. When it comes to drinking orange wine, you can pair it with whatever you like. Some sommeliers think that fall is the perfect season for orange wine. In my experience this style of wine pairs best with chicken, poultry and veal dishes, sweet potatoes, pumpkin dishes, or other fall dishes. Although seafood pairings could be interesting, these are not the ideal for orange wine. Three orange wines to try:

Denavolo Catavela 2018. $30. Emilia-Romagna, Italy ( Private Import-Primavin) A very exuberant orange wine. Made with Malvasia and Roussanne, it bows the drinker over with its fantastic core of citrus and floral nuances. Low alcohol with a lip smacking acidity complemented by a fizzy texture and a psychedelic floral finale. It should work very well with certain sushi preparations involving fried elements. Pure delight. Colombaia Bianco 2018. $48.15 Tuscany, Italy ( Private ImportRezin) A half half blend of Malvasia and Trebbiano. Very tasty and savoury with nuances of ginger, citrus fruits and herbal

teas. Very refreshing with subdued mineral tones. Quite vibrant with an everlasting finale. It should be wonderful with light cream pastas. La Cerretina Pacina Bianco 2017 around $50. ( Private Import, Ward & associates) One of my top all time favorite orange wines of all times. An equal blend of Trebbiano Toscano and Malvasia del Chianti. It has a wonderful nose reminiscent of wild honey, flowers with a touch of tobacco leaf and spice. On the palate, broad shouldered with a big earthy texture. This is your go orange wine for chops on the BBQ.


• June 13, 2020



June 13, 2020 •

Chimney Sweeping - Can I still use my chimney? Smoked Meat

Entrees Deep Fried Dill Pickles 6 deep fried pickle spears served with our house ranch dipping sauce . . . $11

Kung Pao Cauliflower Bites Deep fried and lightly battered cauliflower in our homemade Kung Pao sauce . . $12

Bowl of Chili Bowl . . . . . . . . . . $7.50 Bowl of Chili Meal - (side salad/grilled naan bread) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $14.50




House Salad

514 457-0080

Caesar Salad

Mixed greens, diced tomatoes, cucumbers and mushrooms, all topped with our mixed cheese blend and served with your choice of dressing . . . . . $13 Add chicken . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5 Romaine lettuce, bacon bits, fresh crouton sand parmesan cheese all mixed with our homemade Caesar dressing . . . . . . . $14 Add chicken . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5

Family Meals Our chef Dan Dumesnil will create a new family style meal every day and we will let you know what it is on our facebook page the night before.

• June 13, 2020


Thai Chili

Pub Grub Pot O’ Gold (made to share) 6 wings, 6 deep fried dill pickles, onion rings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $21

Cunninghams Fresh Cut Fries A large basket of fresh cut fries served with your choice of dipping sauce . . $6

Cunninghams Garlic and Spice Fresh Cut Fries A large basket of fresh cut fries tossed in our garlic butter and special spice mix. Served with your choice of dipping sauce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7

Cunninghams Sweet Potato Fries

Cunninghams Curry Chicken Cunninghams Burger

Chicken Tenders


4 lightly battered chicken tenders served with fresh cut fries and house BBQ sauce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $15

A large basket of sweet potato fries served with your choice of dipping sauce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $9.50

All burgers are served on grilled pretzel bun. All wraps are served on grilled tortilla All burgers and wraps are served with Cunninghams fresh cut fries

Burgers & Wraps

Replace pretzel bun with gluten free bun $2 Replace fries with Cunninghams garlic and spice fresh cut fries $1 Replace fries with side house salad $4 Replace fries with Ceasar salad $5 Replace fries with Greek salad $6 Replace fries with poutine $5

Smoked meat, sauerkraut, swiss cheese and thousand island dressing . . . . . $18

Reuben Sandwich

Naan bread topped with Thai Chili sauce, chicken, mixed cheese and onions then baked in the oven. Served with Cunninghams fresh cut fries or micro salad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $15

and ranch dressing . . . . . . . . . . . . . $18 Our CHILI nacho platter is topped with our homemade chili mixed cheese, fresh cut tomatoes, green onions and ranch dressing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $20 (Hot chili will be put on the side) Choice of Dipping Sauces: Spicy Mayo / Ranch Extra dipping sauce $1 Blue cheese $2

Crispy Chicken Burger

Crispy chicken filet, tomato, lettuce and ranch dressing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $15 A large bowl of fresh cut fries topped Club Wrap with homemade chili and mixed cheese. Chicken breast, romaine lettuce, fresh Garnished with ranch and green cut tomatoes, bacon and teriyaki mayo . onions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $13 $15 Nacho Platters (built for 2) Buffalo Wrap Our CHEESE nacho platter is topped with our mixed cheese, fresh cut tomatoes, Crispy chicken, Buffalo sauce, lettuce, olives, jalapeno peppers, green onions tomatoes and ranch dressing . . . . . $15

Chili Cheese Fries

Beyond meat pattie, grilled and topped with lettuce, onions, tomato and dill pickle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $16

Veggie Burger

75, Sainte-Anne St., Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, QC H9X 1L9

A large bowl of fresh cut fries topped with Quebec cheese curds, mixed cheese and homemade sauce. House beef gravy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $12 Cunninghams curry sauce . . . . . . . $13 Double cheese . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4 extra

Mixed greens, diced tomatoes, cucumbers, Grilled corn and black bean medley and crushed nacho chips all topped with our mixed cheese blend and served with ranch dressing . . . . . . $15 Add chicken . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5 Salad dressings – Greek / Ranch / Balsamic Emulsion / Blue Cheese

Our Flat Breads

Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue | L’Île-Perrot | Pincourt Terrasse-Vaudreuil | Vaudreuil | Baie D’Urfé | Kirkland

Bacon Cheese BBQ Burger

Your Swimming Pool

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A large basket of lightly battered onion 1/2 pound beef patty, grilled and topped rings served with your choice of dipping with sliced cheese, bacon, homemade sauce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $8.50 BBQ sauce, lettuce, onions, tomato and dill pickle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $17 Cunninghams Poutines

ou're as lucky as lucky can be to see a chimney inspector & sweeper yearly! 'Tis the season to have your chimney swept and maintained, before the cold weather rolls into town. Everyone who heats with oil, gas or wood has a chimney. Yearly maintenance ensures the good working condition of your appliance and keeps your houshold safe. Get your chimney sweep today! Can I use my chimney? We hear this a lot. For those living in the city of Montreal the short answer is that you now need an low emission fireplace insert. These inserts still burn wood, and are designed to heat the house. Residents of Montreal can still use their old fireplace in the case of emergency, or a blackout of 3 hours or more. Please call Montreal Chimneys for more information and a free estimate for EPA certified low emissions fireplace insert. For those who live in a de-merged city, you can still use your fireplace or wood stove as usual, whenever you want to! Chimney sweeping is a historic profession which many think has gone extinct, however having your chimney cleaned and inspected

areas. Customers agree that her attention to detail, professionalism and cleanliness sets her apart from other companies. Montreal Chimneys includes a visual inspection with each chimney sweep and a free estimate for repairs. Montreal Chimneys. 438-3456 6 8 7 montrealchimneys@g You're as lucky as lucky can be to see a chimney inspector & sweeper yearly!

Onion Rings

By Ryan Dohnalek Montreal Times

is still important as ever. Some common issues including animal nesting, soot build up, deteriorating brickwork & water damage can all be fixed by a chimney sweep. We spoke to Valerie Adams of Montreal Chimneys, the only female chimney specialist in the region, about the fate of her profession: "Wherever you live, chimney maintenance is still necessary to keep your home safe. Small repairs can make a big difference before damage gets worse and more expensive." Says Valerie, who has over 15 years of experience, she goes on to explain, "If you are not going to use your fireplace we can seal the chimney flue with insulation and a metal crown to prevent cold drafts, and water infiltration. It will help to save on heating bills. Later, if you choose to upgrade we can easily re-open the crown and install a wood burning appliance that conforms to the new regulation. It is important to get a professional to check the condition of your chimney yearly. Go outside and look up at your chimney. If you see bricks crumbling you should get that repaired before winter. A chimney crown and cap are also very important." Valerie is a popular chimney sweep servicing the island of Montreal and surrounding

Southwest Salad

Our large capon wings chosen from only the finest Irish chickens. Served with Cunninghams fresh cut fries, crudité and Ranch dressing. NOT SPICY - Sweet BBQ, Honey Garlic, Lemon Pepper, Salt & Pepper. LITTLE SPICY - Cunninghams Not So Mild, Cunninghams, Curry, Cunninghams Dry Rub, Thai Chili CRAZY SPICY - Inferno, Peri-Peri, Jamaican Jerk 6 wings…$14 / 12 wings…$24 / 24 wings…$44 / 96 wings…$144

crusted haddock topped with Baja 1/2 pound beef patty, grilled and topped sauce, cheese, jalapenos, tomatoes and with our homemade chili, mixed cheese lettuce all served with corn chips and blend and green onions . . . . . . . . . $17 salsa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $16

Romaine lettuce, diced tomatoes, cucumbers, onions and kalamata olives all topped with feta cheese and our homemade Greek dressing . . . . . . . $14 Add chicken . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5

Chili Burger

Greek Salad

1/2 pound beef patty, grilled and topped Our chefs curry sauce is pleasing to the with lettuce, onions, tomato and dill palate as it’s not too spicy for pickle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $15 newcomers and just right for the seasoned curry eater. Served with Spicy Burger 1/2 pound beef patty, grilled and topped vegetables and rice . . . . . . . . . . . . $18 with cheese, spicy mayonnaise, crispy Southern Fish Taco onions and jalapenos . . . . . . . . . . . $17 3 flour tortillas filled with our southern

Our fresh 12” grilled tortilla stuffed with cheese, black bean & corn mix and jalapenos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $12 Add chicken . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4


Veggie Naan bread brushed with garlic butter, topped with tomatoes, onions, kalamata olives, feta and mixed cheese then baked in the oven and drizzled with Greek dressing. Served with Cunninghams fresh cut fries or micro salad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $15 Replace fries with Cunninghams garlic and spice fresh cut fries - $1



Naan bread topped with honey mustard sauce, smoked meat, mixed cheese then baked in the oven. Served with Cunninghams fresh cut fries or micro salad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $17



Dallas: Lots to see in the “Big D” T hese days, with the Corona Virus outbreak spreading like wildfire

By Stuart Nulman everywhere, the idea of travelling to any destination is strictly out of the question. However, once this crisis passes, a change of scenery after weeks of self-isolation and quarantine is going to be the order of the day. So if you are thinking of a different, unique destination that offers great food, interesting attractions, as well as plenty of fun, sports and culture, then consider Dallas, Texas, the “Big D”. Recognized as the 5th popular meeting destination in the U.S., the 9th-largest city in the U.S., and voted by Bon Appetit magazine as the 2019 Restaurant City of the Year, Dallas is a city that’s more than cowboys, the Cowboys, ranches and delicious Tex-Mex and BBQ. It’s a city that is constantly growing, with new buildings sprouting up everywhere in the city’s downtown section, and still maintaining its reputation as a top visitor destination. The city’s convention and visitors bureau’s slogan for Dallas is that “big things happen here”; and that was certainly the case when I paid a visit to the “Big D” during a brief press tour last month. *** To get a great view of Dallas from above, then you must pay a visit to the Reunion Tower GeO-Deck. Over 170 meters in height, the tower offers two ways to enjoy the 360-degree panoramic view of the city skyline: the roundabout outdoor walkway or indoors, where you can also enjoy some games of skill, make your own customized Reunion Tower souvenir photo, or find out 12

more about the history behind many of Dallas’ landmarks and significant events through its Halo digital information system. During my visit atop the tower, the sight of a white, ultramodern bridge grabbed my attention; one of the volunteer guides told me that it was the Margaret McDermott Bridge, which was named after a prominent Dallas philanthropist whose husband founded the Texas Instruments computer company. *** Dallas is also the city that has the historical notoriety as the place where President John F. Kennedy was tragically assassinated by a sniper during a visit to the city on November 22, 1963. For most part Dealey Plaza – the site where the shooting happened – is preserved to the way it looked during that tragic day in November. That’s also the case with the Texas School Book Depository, the building where on the sixth floor Lee Harvey Oswald allegedly fire the three shots that killed Kennedy and seriously wounded then-Texas Governor John Connally. The book depository building has been transformed into a museum and historical experience called the Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza, which is a definite must-see for anyone who is visiting Dallas. Opened in 1989, the museum averages about 350,000 visitors every year whom not only relive the events of November 22, 1963 in Dallas, but also the life of John F. Kennedy, the significant events that made up his turbulent 1000-day presidency, and the legacy that Kennedy left to the world today. The audio guide, which is distributed to every visitor, is an excellent resource that takes you along to every part of the permanent exhibition that is housed on the entire sixth floor (which was originally the book depository’s warehouse). The guide includes excerpts from Kennedy’s best-known speeches, interviews with actual

witnesses who were present at Dealy Plaza on that day and actual radio and TV reports that help to make this museum an amazing historical experience. However, the main strength of its permanent exhibition are the artifacts that vividly recount the story of the JFK assassination, such as the teletype machine that first reported the assassination (and the actual news flash wire copy from that machine); a place setting for the Trade Mart luncheon that Kennedy was on his way to when he was shot; the scale mock-up model of Dealey Plaza that was used as an exhibit by the Warren Commission; and the part of the exhibition that takes the breathe away from every visitor who approaches it: the actual sniper’s nest where Oswald allegedly fired those fatal shots upon the president’s motorcade (which is encased in Lucite, because it appears as it was on November 22). And I highly recommend stopping by the museum’s two gift shops after your visit, which sells a wide selection of books about JFK and the assassination, assorted souvenirs about JFK and the sixties, and even authentic reproductions of JFK’s famous Oval Office rocking chair. *** One great museum in downtown Dallas that is both informative and

interactive for all ages is the Perot Museum of Nature and Science. Housed on five floors, the museum provides visitors of all ages a fun way to explore the wonders of nature and science, from the universe, to the human body, to energy, to engineering and innovation; and they are all presented in colorful, eyecatching exhibits and displays that encourage curiosity and hands-on discovery. My favorite part was the T. Boone Pickens Life Then and Now Hall, which contains an impressive display of authentic dinosaur fossils, as well as an on-site Paleo Lab, where visitors get an up-close look at how paleontologists work at preserving these discovered fossils. As well, I highly recommend that you cap off your visit by catching one of the three 3D films that are presented in the museum’s atrium level, which gives an epic, bigger-than-life presentation of some of nature’s greatest phenomena that you normally couldn’t experience up close and personal (I caught the Volcanoes 3D film, which made you feel as if you were being lowered into these natural cauldrons of fury and lava). *** For a whole new look at the longtime artistic discipline of sculpture, then pay a visit to the Nasher Sculpture Center. Covering 55,000 square feet in the heart

of the Dallas Arts District, the Nasher celebrates the best in modern and contemporary sculpture within a modern structure that includes a glass façade, as well as an outdoor gallery and garden. This tranquil atmosphere encourages visitors to savour the museum’s collection of sculptures in a 360-degree manner. When I visited there last month, the Nasher featured a temporary exhibition of the works of Barry X. Ball, who has taken the art of sculpture to a whole new level by combining classic sculpture techniques with 3D scanning technology, computer-aided design software and computer numerically-controlled milling machines. The end result is a body of work that is visually pleasing and challenging to the eye that will leave you fascinated. *** Dallas, like any other major urban center, has its fair share of major league professional sports teams. Besides the Cowboys of the NFL, Dallas is also home to the Stars of the NHL and the Mavericks of the NBA. Wanting to catch the live, fast-paced excitement of an NBA basketball game, I decided to check out the hometown Mavericks as they went up against the Utah Jazz on their home turf that is the American Airlines Center. Located on 12 acres north of the city’s his-

toric West End, the American Airlines Center opened its doors in 2001. With its indoor and exterior decors that are reminiscent of the classic sports stadiums of the 1940s and 50s, the arena also hosts over 200 entertainment events each year, and is constantly recognized as one of the top 10 arenas in the world. The moment you set foot into the arena for a Mavericks game, you are immediately swept up in the blue, black and silver fever of the Mavericks, and you want to look the part. That is why a stop at The Hangar, the arena’s pro shop, is a must. Filled with a large selection of team merchandise of all types, all sizes and for all ages, you can’t just walk in and not purchase some kind of team item (I bought a Mavericks hat, so I could easily blend into the local fan base). Watching an NBA game is quite an entertaining experience. Whether it be visits by the team’s two mascots, MavsMan and Champ, an electric percussion music half-time show, plenty of promotional giveaways before, during and after the game, tshirt cannons, and audience games of skill, the Mavericks organization certainly knows how to keep the fans in their seats throughout the game and even during the breaks in the action. continued on Page 13

June 13, 2020 •

continued from Page 12

My favourite event was the French fry toss, in which two contestants tried to throw as many life-size French fries into their respective fries box for about a minute; the winner of that round then gets to toss the big red fry and if it lands in their box, gets a year’s supply of free food from the game’s sponsor, the Texas hamburger fast food chain Whattaburger (which the lucky contestant won, which was greeted with a thunderous ovation from the crowd). Fun games, concerts and promotions aside, the Mavericks have a formidable team and that night, played an exciting game against Utah thanks to the awesome scoring talent of such stars as Kristaps Porzingis,Tim Hardaway

Jr., Jose Barea, and Seth Curry (Luka Doncic, the team’s marquee star, was not in the line-up that night, because he was preparing for his appearance at this year’s NBA All-Star Game in Chicago). Unfortunately, the Utah Jazz emerged as the game’s victors, narrowly defeating the Mavericks by a score of 123-119. *** And now, a word about the food: From Tex Mex to Texas-style BBQ, Dallas is a treat for foodies to experience the food and drink that represents anything and everything about Texas and its impressive heritage. When I asked my Uber driver to take me to Meso Maya, he replied that I must have good taste in Mexican food, because that was the best Mexican cui-

sine restaurant in the city. With six locations across the state, Meso Maya’s menu is a tasty tribute to the states of Mexico by serving a large assortment of authentic Mexican dishes that are highlighted with tantalizing presentations and bold flavours (not to mention the best chips and salsa that I ever tasted). Ascension Coffee is a great place for breakfast. Combining a coffee shop with an Australian flavour and a menu that’s reminiscent of a European café, Ascension offers dishes that are ideal for those who prefer a more healthy, organic breakfast (including a new twist on a fruit, yogurt and granola parfait), whether you dine in or take out. Located in Dallas’ Lower Greenville area, HG Sply Co. is a resto

in their health. Whether it be a personal fitness trainer, a recumbent exercise bike or a gym membership, I explain to them that, in the end, we will all pay for our health in one way or another. But being proactive and staying healthy is much cheaper in the long run and much more fun. Consider the statistics. As a senior, if you are no longer able to live independently, the average cost of an assisted care living facility is approximately $1800 to $5000 a month. Most seniors who find themselves in this predicament can no longer perform the basic tasks of taking care of themselves due to weak muscles, low energy endurance, arthritic bones, or balance issues. In contrast, a good treadmill might set you back $1000. A qualified trainer $65 an hour. A gym membership $100 a month. There is no comparison. As a trainer who specializes in working with seniors, I have perfected the fine art of targeting the exact exercise movements that will give my clients the tools to stay afloat. I

once trained a 90 year old woman in her own condo until she ultimately had to accept the fact that she needed more care. She lamented to me, “I guess I failed.”. On the contrary. She had worked hard to give herself 4 more years of living HER way. Sleeping when she wanted, eating what she wanted, DOING what she wanted. I call that a success. Looking back, I wish my father had invested not for us...but for him. I miss him. He crossed In your home, Residence or Long-term Facility his fingers and hoped All Equipment Provided for good health while diligently planning fiWide range of individualized training programs for: nancially for his demise. Autonomous Active / Inactive Dependent Frail I can’t help my dad anyWe focus on: more. But my passion and my goal as an older • Strength • Balance & Fall Prevention adult fitness trainer is * Endurance • Flexibility to motivate, educate and guide other seniors to invest in their health today, so that their families are able to love them for as long as possible! Older Adult Specialists Joanne Wright is the co owner of Age in Motion, In Home / ness and Mobility services 13

bar that offers a delicious menu of hunted and gathered food dishes that uses the best high quality ingredients, ranging from fowl, seafood, meat and veggies. I went with the Steak Frites, which was an 8-ounce sliced Angus butcher’s cut steak, topped with chimichurri and with a side of pecorinoherbed fries. Directly across the street from that restaurant is Creamistry, an ice cream parlour that offers a new, innovative -and scientific – way to enjoy ice cream.You get to create your own frozen dessert by choosing from its selection of its handmade ice cream bases, plus its 50 flavours, mix-ins and toppings. And then, the self-created dessert is blasted with a dose of liquid nitrogen (at 321

degrees below zero), thereby ensuring that you experience the creamiest ice cream that you ever tasted. For a taste of authentic Texas BBQ, you can’t beat the Lockhart Smokehouse, located in the city’s Bishop Arts district. Housed in a down-home type of atmosphere Lockhart offers all the components that make up a typical Texas BBQ meal, such as ribs and brisket (cooked in industrial strength BBQ grills and smokers), mac & cheese and slaw, which you can enjoy in the restaurant or as take-out; and don’t forget the sauce bar, where you can get your fill of BBQ sauce – not to mention plastic utensils, moist towelettes, takeout bags and boxes – to enhance your finger-licking BBQ meal. And for dessert,

stop by the nearby Emporium Pie, a pie store and café where their menu of seven unique pies are made fresh daily on the premises to enjoy by the slice or in their entirety for takeout (and don’t forget the freshly-brewed coffee). I chose a slice of the “Cloud Nine” pie, a deliciously lethal threelayered custard pie that’s filled with salted caramel, butterscotch custard and a brown sugar meringue surrounded by a flaky crust. Dee-licious! *** A special thank you to Paola Arias of Visit Dallas for her valuable help and guidance in making this visit possible. For more information of what to see and do in Dallas throughout the year, go to:

Investing in your health - It’s never to late!

By Joanna Wright Montreal Times

oon after my father’s death, my family began the arduous task of sorting through his financial affairs. While doing so, we discovered that he had left us with a generous amount of money through his life insurance plan. Through my grief, something kept making me shake my head, as I rolled those two little words around in my brain. Life insurance? How ironic. He was dead. There was no insurance of “life” for my father in this long term investment. The only thing that was certain is that he wouldn’t be the one reaping the benefits. Then a strange emotion began to emerge. Regret. Why hadn’t he invested in his health with this money while he was still alive? Perhaps we could have enjoyed a few more good years to share together? Did he really think I’d rather have this money than have him here beside me? I recount this story often to groups of seniors who fail to see the importance of investing


• June 13, 2020

We’re the gym that comes to YOU”

FREE CONSULTATION Terry & Joanne Diachun


Osheaga music festival postponed t is with a heavy heart that the OSHEAGA team has no choice but to postpone the long-awaited 15th edition of the festival, to next summer, July 30, 31 and August 1st, 2021, at parc JeanDrapeau. It is paramount for the OSHEAGA team to provide a world-class festival experience for all fans, and given the current circumstances, it would not be responsible for the artists, the fans, the partners, and employees to hold the festival this year. The festival is currently working on the 2021 lineup to bring back some of the much-anticipated 2020 acts. More news to come! “This is an unusual situation that is unfortunately beyond our control” says Nick Farkas, Senior Vice President, Booking, Concerts and Events at evenko,“but as passionate music fans ourselves, we take great pride in curating the festival with the aim of bringing the best local,


Canadian and international talent to the most beautiful festival site in the world, and we'll have some fantastic artists lined up for 2021.” Fans who have already purchased their OSHEAGA 2020 passes are invited to hold onto them. Passholders for OSHEAGA 2020 be entitled to a gift card valued up to $50 to use on site during the 2021 edition of the festival, more details can be found here. For those who would prefer to get a refund, they are invited to request it before June 23nd, so that their purchase can be refunded as soon as possible. As this is an unprecedented situation for our industry, delays could be expected, and we appreciate the understanding of the OSHEAGA fans. The OSHEAGA Music and Arts Festival presented by Bell Alt TV in collaboration with Coors Light is a Montreal institution with a

rich history and a bright future - it represents the best this city has to offer to music fans all over the world, and the OSHEAGA team is itching to get back out there under the summer sun to enjoy the best of times with the fans. For now, it’s simply a matter of creating the right environment for

everyone to enjoy in total safety and security. The OSHEAGA family would like extend a huge thank you to fans, numerous sponsors and public partners including: le Gouvernement du Québec, le Ministère du Tourisme, le Secrétariat à la région métropolitaine, and

Tourisme Montréal for their continued support and is very much looking forward to being reunited with them again next summer to take the festival experience to the next level July 30, 31 and August 1st, 2021 as well as OSHEAGA en Ville which is now confirmed for July 29, 2021.

Until then, the OSHEAGA team wishes everyone a safe and relaxing summer, with plenty of great music and fun at home! Fans are encouraged to stay tuned and keep in touch! It will all be worth the wait - the power of music will bring us all together again!


June 13, 2020 •

Guys tell us why they love us Here is what we heard ou wash the hair, shave the beard and clean the body with the


By Martha Shannon

same shampoo/soap. Whether you like a quickie shower or a lingering one, the soap does the job. You are clean and the hair and skin feels amazing. The ESP is the favourite, but you also like the fresh clean scent of the Regular Bar. And most interesting, the Basic Bar is the creamiest, the black Charcoal the sexiest and the Guinness Irish Stout... Sláinte! You may not care that the Apple Cider Vinegar cleans, condition, restores the PH or adds minerals and vitamins to your skin. You just like the way it feels after and you like the results. Where did that dandruff go? Funny that the rashes

• June 13, 2020

and itching have gone away. The eczema and psoriasis are kept at bay. Is it the smooth X Cream on the face, hands and elbows that does the trick? You love that cream so much, we made it in a bigger size! And then we made the trio for you no fuss guys... the all in one X Pack, the head to toe soap, the vinegar rinse and the X cream. You are cautious about the dangers of commercial chemical filled deodorants so you asked us to make a natural one. We made Lemongrass AntiOdour Bar.You tell us it is the best natural deodorant you have ever tried. You tell us you are a mechanic, maybe as a profession, or as a hobby. The grit and the grease are part of you. You tell us you are a roofer and have constant tar under the fingernails and embedded

in the callouses.You tell us you work construction and athlete’s foot can be an issue. And then you share that the Neem Salve does the trick. It dissolves the grease and tar, clears the feet and softens the rough skin. You scrub hard with the Nori

Neem Soap (it has the pumice sand) and then apply the salve. And a miracle happens. You love the natural smells. Your partner adores the scent of the Spoil Me Body Oil and that is all you need after showering. Beard lovers out

there still adore argan oil and now that we have added pure essential oils to our store, you love us even more. For all you males out there, fathers included, you are most welcome. BTW, gals, it works for us too. We stand behind our

products. We give great customer service. Visit us at Subscribe to our newsletter. Please take note of our opening hours: ‘La Boutique Earth to Body’, 89 Lucerne, Pointe Claire, QC H9R 2V - Store: Tues,Thur., Sat 10-4


Due to COVID-19 please sign up for e-mail delivery - Stay safe! Ev ve en George gets with the times!

Keep up with the times! Social media • Graphics • Videos • websites We do it all! E-mail for a quote today! 16

June 13, 2020 •

Book Reviews -

Hollywood North by Michael Libling At that time, the ack in the mid and late 1980s, I show was helmed by spent my Sun- its original host and day mornings at creator Michael Libling (along with longtime CJAD announcer and host Dave Fisher), who when he wasn’t challenging his many listeners with well thought out trivia questions and factoids every Sunday morning between 9 and 11, was grinding out copy for an advertising firm By Stuart Nulman throughout the rest of the week. And I always rememthe old CJAD studios on 1411 Fort Street, bered the conversafulfilling my role as tions we had following “Igor the Screaming the show (and when Screener” on the sta- he drove me back to tion’s very popular my home in Ville St. “Trivia Show” pro- Laurent). It would be about the show, or gram.


Across 1. White rice’s lack 5. Balancing pro 8. Put in a nutshell 13. Pervasive quality 14. Fruitless 15. Develop 16. Follow a recipe directive 17. Figure in Maori mythology 18. Corset tightener 19. Be a generous trapper 22. Diaper cream ingredient 23. ___ Day 24. Mathematical function 27. Epitome of simplicity 29. Car with a bar 33. Divination deck 34. It may be bid 36. Center of a ball? 37. Buy a beachfront boutique 40. Night of poetry 41. Katzbalger, e.g. 42. Undulating 43. Environs 45. Belgium village 46. Climbing herbs 47. Perceive 49. Superciliousness 50. Savory aroma at a clam• June 13, 2020

bake 58. Stand for something 59. Eukaryotic organism 60. Hip bones 61.Very, in music 62. Flock member 63. Abdicator of 1917 64. Noah's son, and namesakes 65. Armageddon 66. Round up Down 1. It may be striped 2. Gordon or Ginsburg 3. "Mi chiamano Mimi," e.g. 4. Role in "Arrested Development" 5. Black band of mourning 6. Falafel bread 7. Jewish month 8. Hot stuff 9. ___ nitrate 10. Flexible mineral 11. End ___ 12. Title for some priests 14. Bad lighting? 20. Lifts up 21. Run the show 24. Muddleheaded 25. Speed demon

what was going on at the station, or what he really wanted to do, which was to write fiction. After he left the show in the early 90s, Michael decided to take up the pen. He wrote countless short fiction pieces – mainly of the science fiction variety – which ended up being published in anthologies and magazines, and garnered a great deal of positive feedback. Now, Michael has taken the next logical step in the world of fiction writing, and has published his very first full-length novel, called Hollywood North. The book takes place in his actual

26. Grimalkin 27. Dig, so to speak 28. Shuttlecock 30. Some reality show winners 31. Actress Oberon 32. Doesn't ignore 34. Call to a mate 35. Bridal party members 38. Takes out a fly 39. Metal worker 44. Radiant 46. Air freshener option 48. ___ Island National Monument 49. Cold 50. Wet septet 51. No gain, no loss 52. Actual being 53. Actor Alan 54. Brio 55. Alternatively 56. Carrey vehicle 57. Enrich, in a way

hometown of Trenton, Ontario during the early 1960s, a time when television was growing up (rabbit ear antennae and all), the local high school was like a second home to its adolescent students, and the town’s main street was the place to be with your close circle of friends (especially at the malt shop and the neighborhood movie theatre). Its protagonist is Leo Berry (but he prefers to be called “Gus”), whose father tragically died when he was a child, and his attractive, yet eccentric, mother has worked her way up to success as a door-todoor saleslady for Avon cosmetics (remember the slogan “Avon calling”?). Leo/Gus likes to hang out with his small group of friends, especially Annie Barker and Jack Levin; the latter friend has built himself quite a reputation throughout Trenton as a person who somewhat is able to find objects that are unusual or have been lost for lengthy periods of time, whether they are meteorites, bottles with messages in them, or wedding rings, which earned him the moniker “Jack the Finder”. Then one day, Jack makes a really rare find that he shares with Gus. It’s a collection of crafted title cards that were used during the silent movie era. The two are intrigued by this unearthed collection of title cards, which leads them to believe that during the 1910s and 20s, their quaint hometown of Trenton was the movie capitol of Canada, or “Holly-

wood North”. When they bring the cards to Mr. McGrath, the editor of the local newspaper, he abruptly dismisses its legitimacy, and offers to personally destroy the cards. Jack and Leo adamantly refuse Mr. McGrath’s offer, and make a determined effort not only to preserve these rare silent movie title cards, but to try and find out the mystery of them and demystify the dark myth of “Hollywood North”. While reading Hollywood North, I got the impression that the narrative had a Stephen King quality to it, and Michael Libling does for Trenton, Ontario in this book, just like what Stephen King did for Castle Rock, Maine in many of his novels and short stories. It shows how the curiosity of youth can dig up a small

town’s hidden dark secrets as a result of an act as simple as finding a long-lost object that was never meant to be unearthed. As well, the book is filled with plenty of sarcasm, cynicism, tragedy, death, loneliness, shady characters, not to mention plenty of familiar and obscure baby boomer pop culture references (which is half the fun of reading this book). But you don’t have to be a baby boomer to enjoy Hollywood North. It’s a gripping tale that continues the tradition of the horror writer, who takes a quiet, sleepy hamlet and turns it into a place filled with secrets and terror. It makes for ideal night time reading during those chilly autumn nights, one reel at a time. (ChiZine Publications, $21.99)

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Please see answers on Page 19, June 13th, 2020 edition: 17

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June 13, 2020 •


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514-999-8888 June 13, 2020 •

Wishing you all good health!

NEW LISTING VAUDREUIL-DORION WEST MLS#12553435 ASKING $499,000 Beautiful country property w/4 bedroom house, & 1 bedroom in-law suite, w/pool, & pond, all beautifully maintained in great private location. Featuring underground wiring and Invisible fencing for your dogs.

EQUESTRIAN ST LAZARE MLS#24732296 ASKING $1,275,000 Gorgeous 11 arpent equestrian facility with unique 5 bedroom home, separate caretaker's home, 120' x 60' arena, 30 stall stable, beautiful gazebo & pond on lovely grounds, easy access toHighways 40, 30, & 20, 15 min. to West Island

Royal LePage Village 35 Wharf Rd., Hudson, QC J0P IH0 • June 13, 2020





Great Investment Opportunity! Very popular kennel facility with custom stalls on 7 acres with large fenced areas, plus a charming 3 bdrm re-built log home. Great location, with easy access to Highway 40 just west of Rigaud.

Spectacularly 15 acre equestrian property with large, bright 3 bedroom home, featuring stone dust training track, multiple paddocks & turn-out sheds, separate 1 bdrm apt, heated pool, and more.

MLS#13941062 ASKING $659,000 Bright, spacious 4 bedroom home w/custom built cathedral ceiling, Inviting 4 bdrm home in the heart of desirable Quarry Point. hardwood floors, studio space, lovely screened porch, & 3-car Bright Open concept living/dining/kitchen, w/3 fireplaces, &1-car garage. Architecturally designed and built for original owners. garage. Close to village centre, Hudson Sandy Beach, and waFirst time on the market. Very private, yet near village centre. terfront walking trails. Easy access to Hwys 40, 30, and 20.

Helen Henshaw 514-703-8981



June 13, 2020 •

• June 13, 2020



June 13, 2020 •

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