Montreal Times 25.38 - June 20 2020

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Receive the Mtl Times via E-mail - Saturday, June 20, 2020

Vol. 25 No. 38


Covering MontrĂŠal & Surrounding Areas

5602 Ave du Parc H2V 4H1, Montreal, QC

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Sun Youth co-founder, Sid Steven will be celebrating a milestone birthday this month, seen above with Montreal Mayor Valerie Plante


Quebec group of health professionals want masks to be mandatory in public group of respected health professionals in Quebec is asking the provincial government to make the wearing of facemasks mandatory in public spaces and open areas, where physical distancing measures are challenging to maintain. It comes at a time when emergency measures are slowly being relaxed - with businesses and restaurants opening and people being allowed to gather in larger groups in public spaces. With a second wave of the Covid-19 virus already appearing in countries across the world, the concern of second wave in Quebec is real. In fact, most experts say it is inevitable. Wearing a mask is one of the first and best lines of defense against the spread of the virus. However there are far


too many people who believe it is unnecessary and choose not to wear one, regardless of the facts before them and do not understand (or refuse to believe) that even without symptoms one can still have virus and infect others with it. “Pending the development of a vaccine, masks are now recognized as an essential tool to restore some normalcy in our lives and reconnect with the people and activities we love. Researchers in epidemic modeling say that for the measure to be effective, 80% of the population must wear a mask,” epidemiologist Nima Machouf said at a press conference outside the CHUM hospital in Montreal on Thursday morning. "Covering your face is

an inexpensive measure that has been proven to effectively reduce the spread of the COVID-

4950 de la Savane # 408 asking $314,900 - 1 bedroom condo, low fees, LR/DR to kitchen open concept, 2 elevators,1 indr parking, locker, Fabulous location at the back of the building Centris # 27412931 For Sale or for Rent 7190 Frederick-Banting St Laurent (Technoparc) Building 40,480 s.f. new hvac and roof! Open space, offices & meeting rooms! Excellent condition!

19 virus… while we wait for a vaccine, the mask is now recognized as an essential tool to regain a bit of normality in our lives and reacquaint ourselves with the people and activities we love.” Marie-Michelle Bellon, an Internal Medicine Specialist at the COVID-19 unit at the Notre-Dame Hospital COVID-19 unit, said, “The dedicated medical personnel who have put

their mental and physical health in danger since mid-March must see that all is being done to avoid a second wave… caregivers who are dedicated must know that everything is being done so that they don’t get hit by a second wave." MNA Amir Khadir, a microbiologist-infectiologist at the PierreLeGardeur Hospital and former Quebec Solidaire MNA, said

masks should be mandatory throughout the school system - except for primary schools and daycares. He said the the demand was supported by more than half a dozen Quebec medical associations and then offered a list of specialists who also maintained the wearing of face masks should be made mandatory in public spaces.

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June 20, 2020 •

Quebec health parking fees drop - Montreal Super Hospital

Maximum $10 parking rates at health centres as of June 20th anielle McCann, Quebec's Health Minister announced that parking rates in all of the province's hospital and public sector medical centres, including CLSCs, will be reduced as of June 20th. Mon-


treal hospitals that were charging up to $25 per day will now only be allowed to charge a maximum of $10 - with the first two hours of parking free. For some regions in Quebec, the daily maximum will be some-

where between $7 and $10. As well, free parking at public Long-Term Care facilities will be offered for up to two family members per resident. “The cost of parking should not be a concern when you want to

visit or take care of a loved one staying in a CHSLD," said Quebec's Minister responsible for seniors and informal caregivers, Marguerite Blais. For those who visit health centres for regu-

lar treatments like chemotherapy or dialysis, they will also be able to benefit from reduced rates - which already exist in some health centres, but will now be be extended across the province's health-care

network. The CAQ has fulfilled the election promise they made to reduce the rates and has put aside $120 million in order to compensate the medical centres for their drop in revenue.

Quebec's public health director took vacation at start of COVID-19 pandemic he CAQ's public health director, Dr. Horacio Arruda, is being

Quebecois opposition party - for taking a holiday during the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic. Arruda had been invited to participate in a conference at the Officine Expo 2020 in Marrakech, Morocco - held on February 28th to the 29th. It was not about the pandemic, but rather about the legalization of cannabis. He left Montreal on February 26th and only reBy Bonnie Wurst turned on March 8th. It was a 'working holiday' but apparently, most of it was vacation time. called out by the Parti- Morocco reported


• June 20, 2020

Covid-19 cases in early in the area of providing March, with one of the health system with them in Marrakech. the resources to deal The Parti-Quebecois is properly with its deadly saying 'the timing of Ar- impact'. ruda’s trip is an example Joël Arseneau, Partiof the Legault govern- Quebecois health critic, ment’s being blind to said he had 'no doubt the dangers of the out- Arruda’s absence had break, which over the an impact on how the months of January and crisis was handled and February was already that measures to deal making itself felt around with the outbreak were the world' and that his taken too late'. The first 'absence represented a Covid-19 case in Queloss of precious time bec was reported on the province could have February 27th, while used to prepare for the Arruda was away. He pandemic, particularly added that the

ment 'should have been taken measures to deal with the pandemic one month sooner, ensuring that enough masks were available and enough personnel were deployed in long-term care facilities'. Upon his return, Arruda immediately went back to work. Just a few days later, along with Premier Francois Legault, they ordered all government employees returning from abroad to self-isolate for 14 days. Arruda did not

self-isolate, apparently having ignored his own order. There are many wondering if his holiday time away from Quebec is an indication of the CAQ's weakness in the early handling of the pandemic, compromising the province's response to the crisis making it hardest hit in Canada, with Montreal being epicenter of the pandemic. To date, Dr. Arruda has refused to make any comments. 3


June 20, 2020 •

Rainbow Railroad helping to save LGBTQ lives S

ince 2006, the Rainbow Railroad, a Canadian charitable organization, has

By Bonnie Wurst

been helping to save the lives of LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual,Transgender and Queer) people around the world who are trying to escape violence and persecution in their home countries. Since their founding they have helped more than 500 individuals escape from places like the Caribbean, Africa and the Middle East and find a new life in safer countries in Europe and North America. The name of the organization was inspired by the Underground Railroad - a secret network of abolitionists who helped many thousands of African Americans escape from enslavement in the American South to free Northern states or Canada during the early 19th century. It is an appropriate name, given some of the same horrific situations LGBTQ people experience in over 71 countries, including being beaten and execution. The receive thousands of requests each year from those desperate to escape, often when their very lives are being threatened - and thanks to the Rainbow Railroad and its many volunteers and supporters, they are given a new life in a safe place where they can feel free to be who they were born to be. They work with an international network of LGBTQ groups and safe houses who refer people to them and they take care of paying for air flights and obtaining visas. Everything is funded through private donations and airline miles. According to the United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights, everyone has a right to freedom, safety and dignity. On the Rainbow Railroad website they cite information from the International Lesbian and Gay Association stating that 'in 72 • June 20, 2020

countries, queer and trans people face extreme levels of discrimination, violence and persecution. They can be criminally charged under anti-gay laws that can result in life in prison. In eight countries, the death penalty can be applied. In these places, LGBTQ people are frequently outed by the media, attacked by mobs, sexually assaulted and rounded up

in state-sanctioned crackdowns, after which they are tortured while in custody'. Here in Canada, LGBTQ (or in a longer more inclusive form of 'LGBTQQIA' - lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, intersex, asexual) people are considered no different than any other person. And except for some extremely conservative fac-

tions with closed minds, who see it as 'against the natural order of things', we can be proud. In our country LGBTQ people can get married, adopt children, receive all social benefits given to every Canadian and feel free to live their lives without any fear of prosecution. Our Pride celebrations and parades are some of the most highly attended events - with rainbow

flags held high! The Rainbow Railroad addresses a very serious and important need. Being a charitable organization they rely on donations and there are several ways you can support this initiative. It costs them $10,000 to help an LGBTQ person find a path to freedom, which includes pre-travel support, direct travel costs and other support costs.

You can make a direct Financial Contribution or Host An Event to raise funds, Sponsor A Case through the Canadian Government's Group of Five program or even Volunteer your services. Any help would be greatly appreciated. For more details and other information, please visit their website at: 5

3551 boul. St. Charles, Suite #547, Kirkland, Quebec, H9H 3C4


Citizens have the right to make their own choices about wearing a mask


group of about 30 doctors and health experts recently called on

60 Atlantic ave., Suite #200, Toronto, Ontario, M6K 1X9

Distribution Hudson, St. Lazare, Sennevil e, Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, Baie d’Urfe, Beaconsfield, Kirkland, Pte. Claire, D.D.O., Pier efonds, Roxboro, Dorval, Lachine, NDG, Vil e St-Laurent, Châteauguay, Cote St-Luc, Snowdon, Hampstead, Mtl-West, Westmount, Laval, Verdun, Lasalle, Montreal, St. Leonard, Anjou, Ahuntsic, Lit le Italy, Nuns’ Island


ADVERTISING DEADLINE (Wednesday at 5 p.m.) 514-951-3328 Managing Editor:

Tom West

Contributors: • Marco Giovanetti • Sergio Martinez • Bonnie Wurst • Stuart Nulman • Deborah Rankin • Martha Shannon

SUBSCRIPTION General subscriptions in Canada: 1 year $150, 2 years $275 Subscription to the U.S. and outside North America:1 year $250 US All contents of this publication are sole property of The Montreal Times Newspaper. Opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily intended to reflect those of the publisher. Any reproduction in whole or in part and in print or in electronic form without express permission is strictly forbidden. Permission to reproduce selected editorial may be granted by contacting the publisher in writing.


By Deborah Rankin the Quebec government to make wearing masks mandatory for people over 12 years-old in closed and crowded public spaces.The experts believe the measure would help limit the number of COVID-19 infections and avoid a potential second wave of cases. “We need that to gain our freedom, to be able to find a part of our normal lives, the activities we love, the people we love,” said Amir Khadir, a microbiologist, infectious disease specialist, and former member of Quebec’s National Assembly. However, making it mandatory to wear a mask in public goes too far and is liable to spark a backlash. There is nothing wrong with individuals making a voluntary choice to wear a mask for a specific timelimited purpose. Masks provide an extra layer of protection when social distancing isn't possible. Canada's chief public health officer Dr. Theresa Tam "recommends" that people wear a mask when it isn't physically possible to distance: for example, in a crowded subway station or a medical setting where COVID-19 may be occurring. Masks may also provide a feeling of security for those who are skittish about going out in public particularly if they haven't left the house during the lockdown.There is even a fashion component and lots of mask-making pandemic start-ups are providing a source of welcome income for people who would otherwise be out of work. However, Dr. Tam has never insisted that anyone wears a mask precisely because she has no right to do so and, neither does any other health professional. There are a couple of things wrong with the whole idea of mandatory

masks. First, the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms hasn't been suspended. "Freedom of expression" is a fundamental right pertaining to what a person wears, as well as speech. In other words, these kinds of edicts are meaningless and unenforceable. There is also no compelling scientific reason for anyone to wear a mask in wideopen spaces. The World Health Organization published a report at the end of March saying that the coronavirus isn't airborne but rather is transmitted through close contact and respiratory droplets. Despite this statement from the world's leading health organization some health experts and the public officials who rely on their advice still aren't convinced. In its report on March 29, 2020, The WHO had this to say: "In an analysis of 75,465 COVID-19 cases in China, airborne transmission was not reported." The report highlights the same advice that Dr.Tam has been giving Canadians all along. "Finally, WHO continues to emphasize the utmost importance of frequent hand hygiene, respiratory etiquette, and environmental cleaning and disinfection, as well as the importance of maintaining physical distances and avoidance of close, unprotected contact with people with fever or respiratory symptoms." In regards to airborne precautions, the WHO advisory is addressed to healthcare workers in a medical setting, not the general public, an important distinction. "Current WHO recommendations emphasize the importance of rational and appropriate use of all PPE, not only masks, which requires correct and rigorous behavior from health care workers." The WHO report also cautions the public from reading too much into media reportage about airborne transmission seeing as it is based on experimental research that takes place "under controlled laboratory conditions" that "don't reflect normal human cough conditions." The purported reason for wearing a mask in public is to prevent the possible transmission of COVID-19 by asymptomatic carriers. Asymptomatic carriers play a critical role in the trans-

mission of common infectious diseases such as typhoid, C. difficile, influenzas, cholera, COVID-19, tuberculosis, and HIV. If preventing the transmission of disease by asymptomatic carriers is the goal, then everyone should wear a mask, cover-up, wear latex gloves, and keep a wide berth from others at all times. Obviously, this approach is untenable, or at least it was before COVID-19 hit. Prior to the coronavirus pandemic, excessive fear of germs was considered a mental illness, but now hypervigilant COVID-19 prevention is the "new normal". People who won't get with the program are viewed as antisocial outliers. Hence the tough talk about mandatory measures. However, if wearing a mask is so important, why weren't public health authorities advising people to wear a mask at the height of the pandemic? The government has a responsibility to inform the public of health risks and recommend appropriate preventative measures but not to dictate the actions of citizens. Consenting adults have a legal right to determine their own safety level. Certainly, no employer or service provider has the right to demand that their employees or customers wear a mask but they are doing just that. Since some stores opened, customers have been hearing complaints from retail employees who must wear a mask all day and are having difficulty breathing.These are really pleas for help. Patients in waiting rooms in hospitals are experiencing the same problem. No one should be put at risk in this way. How long are we going to wait before someone has a life-threatening respiratory event caused by protracted wearing of a commercial mask or homemade face covering? Doctors and nurses wear medical-grade masks that allow them to breathe properly but the public doesn't have access to this type of PPE. Insisting that individuals wear a mask for several hours at a time is inhumane and irresponsible. This is especially true where younger children are concerned. However, youth over 12 who engage in vigorous sports or rough horseplay might potentially suffocate

or choke on their masks. Unfortunately, reason has gone out the window. People have been terrified by media horror stories of deaths occurring in ICUs and graphic images of bodies piled up outside funeral parlors. First responders who have been at the forefront of the fight against COVID-19 are burned out and fear a second wave. Death has always been ugly but it was never so conspicuously on display as it has been since the outbreak of coronavirus nor were there daily statistics of cases and fatalities from infectious diseases as there has been with COVID-19. The 1968 influenza pandemic known as the Hong Kong Flu killed an estimated one million people, more than double the number of deaths from coronavirus so far, yet life went on as usual. How previous generations handled outbreaks of disease ought to be instructive. The late 60s were a tumultuous time. Demonstrations against the Vietnam War continued unabated until January 1973. The streets were full of shoppers and office workers. Downtown, nightlife was in full swing and Expo 67 had been repurposed as Man and His World. Between May 26 and June 2, 1969, John Lennon and Yoko Ono held court over the media frenzy in their crowded suite at the Queen Elizabeth Hotel in Montreal where their famous Bed-In for Peace took place. Sonny and Cher's hit song, "The Beat Goes On" released in 1967 captured the zeitgeist of those heady times. Nobody missed a beat because of the Hong Kong Flu. Ditto, for the response to the Asian Flu, a decade earlier. It resulted in a staggering death toll of 1.5-2 million between 1957-1958. Nobody in the post-war organizational culture of the 1950s would have dreamed of missing work or school for months on end because of any virus, however deadly. The talk now is to wait it out until there is a vaccine for COVID19 before things can get back to normal. Various experts estimate that it will take between 18 months to 2 years before a vaccine is developed, the time-frame being proposed for mandatory

masks. Does anyone remember AIDS? The global HIV pandemic has been going on for 40 years. An estimated 36 million people have died from AIDS-related illnesses.There is no vaccine for the HIV virus but this fact hasn't provided a rationale to shut down society. There is also the little matter of the growing tribe of antivax parents who are loathed to vaccinate their children while some people never get a flu shot. Are mandatory vaccines the next step on the road to overreach in public healthcare? All the indicators are that COVID-19 is fast becoming a pretext for government intrusion into the lives of private citizens. Why have things changed so drastically and seemingly overnight because of COVID-19? For one thing, there is an entire industry of healthcare providers who see it as their job to manage healthcare rather than diagnose and treat illness. This crisis is unfolding outside the parameters of patients' rights. The focus is on broad public health measures rather than doctor-patient confidentiality. There is a democratic vacuum in decision-making at the best of times and Parliament has barely functioned during the COVID-19 lockdown. Perhaps politicians who are collecting the CERB are only too happy to cede their responsibility to civil servants rather than consult the electorate which is their sworn duty. Attempts by experts to micro-manage all possible scenarios in the fight against COVID-19 may backfire derailing the economic relaunch. Many people may simply decide to ride it out, postponing the return to full-time work and school. In the absence of readily available services, and with multiple restrictions to contend with, it might not be worth it. Many families will doubtless find their own creative solutions budget down, support local, stay close to home, and keep it simple. People have already had several months of practice of doing without. June 20, 2020 •

5602 Ave du Parc H2V 4H1, Montreal, QC • June 20, 2020

(438)-387-1144 Delivery Service Available


A new vocation for the former Royal Vic Hospital


he massive structure of what used to be the Royal Victo-

By Sergio Martinez ria Hospital, on the slope of Mount Royal, is something that still impresses visitors and newcomers. The oldest and most distinctive parts of the hospital date back to 1893 when the magnificent complex was officially

opened. Those buildings—in the Scottish baronial style—were designed by architect Henry Saxon Snell, at the time, one of the leading specialists in the construction of hospital facilities. As we know, in 2015 the hospital moved to its new facilities in the Glen complex in NDG. Since then the large complex that covers a large piece of land at the corner of Avenue des Pins and University Ave. just north of the McTavish Reservoir and the McGill University campus, has remained empty, except for occasional uses as a shelter for the homeless during winter and now during the pandemic. In 2018 the Société québécoise des infrastructures was man-

dated by the Quebec cabinet to undertake the reclassification of the complex. This process involves consultations with different institutions that may have interests in the future vocation of the historic building. Given its proximity and the links that existed while the hospital was functioning, McGill University is one of the prime institutions to play a role in the future life of the site. In a document issued after an agreement was reached, the university states: "In collaboration with the Government of Quebec, McGill is planning to transform a portion of the former Royal Victoria Hospital site into a global hub for learning, research and innovation in Sustainability

Systems and Public Policy." The university may then take a double mission, on the one hand, as an academic institution, to venture into research and training in fields of study that are seen as essential to tackle the challenges of the 21st century, while on the other hand "to preserve and enhance the site's natural and architectural heritage." It is important that so far, the Société québécoise des infrastructures in its process of consultation and information has emphasized the architectural value of the site. The fact that McGill will take over a large part of the former hospital could be a guarantee that the heritage significance of the structures, especially

the oldest ones, will be protected. There are still some questions regarding the structures outside the area that the university will use.The Ravenscrag Psychiatry Pavilion (Allan Memorial Institute) is still there, and that could indicate that some medical activity (together with the Neurological Institute on University Ave.) will remain on the area. The ones that are certainly not welcome are those wanting to do some real estate speculation on what, after all, is very valuable land. Indeed any type of housing developing in the area—other than student residences— should be discouraged. Preserving the site to serve the educational, cultural or social needs

of the community should be the guiding principle instead. When it was created, the hospital founders stated its purpose as "to be for the use of the sick and ailing without distinction of race or creed." The hospital that they created is now gone, but the underlying principle of serving the community must continue through the new vocation that the historic facility takes in the future. For more detailed information you can visit: https://www.sqi.gouv.qc .ca/gestionprojets/Pages /RoyalVictoria-presentation.aspx (French only), and ewvic/ 8

June 20, 2020 •

REM stations under construction in St-Laurent and Ahuntsic-Cartierville C onstruction on the REM worksites were shutdown on March

By Bonnie Wurst 24th 2020, due to directives from the Quebec government concerning the COVID-19 pandemic. Since work resumed on May 11th, the project has been steadily moving forward. Even with protective measures in place, workers are managing to make significant progress in many areas. The vast undertaking of building the 67km system will become even more visible with five new stations now under construction in the Saint-Laurent and Ahuntsic-Cartierville areas. They include the Cote-de-Liesse, Montpellier, Du Ruisseau, Bois-Franc and MarieCurie stations - with four of them expected to be completed by the end of 2020. Here are some of the details: BOIS-FRANC STATION: Located in the heart of the network, at the crossroads of the REM's four branches, it will be the first station to be built in the sector. From this station, commuters will be able to connect with the Brossard, Deux-Montagnes, L’Anse-à-l’Orme and the MontrealTrudeau Airport lines without having to make a transfer. Formerly a station on the Exo Deux-Montagnes line, the BoisFranc station is the first REM station to be built along the old train line. Installation of the steel structure (the skeleton of the station), began in May 2020 and is now clearly visible in the area. Beginning in the summer of 2020, a lot • June 20, 2020

Exterior of the future Marie-Curie station - REM of work will be carried out - including the installation of the wood ceiling, a distinctive architectural feature of the REM's future stations. From June to September, the exterior envelope of the station will become more apparent, with construction of the roof, installation of prefabricated concrete walls, glass walls and insulation work. FEATURES: - Type of station: ground-level - Equipment: bike racks, bus terminal, bus platforms, parking and 'kissand-ride' areas - Frequency: 2.5 minutes during peak hours, 5 minutes during offpeak hours and weekends - 10 minutes from the airport, 15 minutes from downtown DU RUISSEAU STATION: Following the closure of the Du Ruisseau station on the Exo DeuxMontagnes line on May 11th, mobilization towards the construction of the REM's future Du Ruisseau station has started. In order for the work to be done, par-

tial obstructions and detours on HenriBourassa Boulevard will be required. The obstructions are also necessary to allow the repair work of the Henri-Bourassa railway bridge to take place. Clearly visible from Henri-Bourassa Boulevard West, the construction of the station will require the removal of the catenary system (steel gantries and all power supply cables above the track) and rails, the dismantling of the existing infrastructure, construction of the station’s foundations, concrete work, laying of the steel reinforcement and reconstruction of the railway track. FEATURES (inside and outside): - Type of station: ground-level - Equipment: bike racks, bus platforms, parking and 'kiss-and-ride' areas - Frequency: 2.5 minutes during peak hours, 5 minutes during offpeak hours and weekends - 12 minutes from the airport, 13 minutes from downtown MONTPELLIER

STATION: Like the Du Ruisseau station, the Exo Montpellier station that is located above Cote-Vertu Boulevard, will be converted into an REM station. Workers have been on the site since May 2020. The construction of a noise barrier between Couvrette Street, to minimize the impact of noise for residents living near the station and the tracks, is now complete.Workers will be removing the catenary system, the rails and dismantling the infrastructure, including the platforms and stairs. The station’s foundations will be built this year and there will be much activity in the sector through 2020. FEATURES: - Type of station: ground-level - Equipment: bike racks, 'kiss-and-ride' area, street bus stops - Frequency: 2.5 minutes during peak hours, 5 minutes during offpeak hours and weekends - 14 minutes from the airport, 11 minutes from downtown COTE-DE-LIESSE

STATION: Continuation of work will take place between Stinson and Deslauriers streets, near Hodge Street. Cote-de-Liesse is a brand-new station on the Deux-Montagnes branch and will be designed so that commuters can transfer between the Exo Mascouche line and the REM line. As of spring 2020, with the re-opening of construction sites, work that already began on the Cote-deLiesse station will accelerate. Between May and June, workers will remove the catenaries and rails from the train line. During the summer and into the fall, work will include excavation, the drilling of piles and the construction of the station’s foundations. FEATURES: - Type of station: ground-level - Equipment: bike racks, 'kiss-and-ride' area, street bus stops - Frequency: 2.5 minutes during peak hours, 5 minutes during offpeak hours and weekends - 16 minutes from the airport, 9 minutes from

downtown MARIE-CURIE STATION: The Marie-Curie station will be located in the heart of the Technoparc. As the commissioning of this station on the branch, leading to the airport, is scheduled for later (by 2023), work on the station’s entrance will not begin this year. However, major construction work on the foundations of the elevated structure will be quite apparent.The area will be marked mainly by the underground presence of 'Alice', the tunnel-boring machine, which will soon begin its descent into the ground to drill the tunnel to the airport. FEATURES (inside and outside): - Type of station: underground - Equipment: bike racks, 'kiss-and-ride' area, street bus stops - Frequency: 10 minutes during peak hours, 15 minutes during off-peak hours and weekends - 3 minutes from the airport, 22 minutes from downtown 9


June 20, 2020 •

Chimney Sweeping - Can I still use my chimney? Smoked Meat

Entrees Deep Fried Dill Pickles 6 deep fried pickle spears served with our house ranch dipping sauce . . . $11

Kung Pao Cauliflower Bites Deep fried and lightly battered cauliflower in our homemade Kung Pao sauce . . $12

Bowl of Chili Bowl . . . . . . . . . . $7.50 Bowl of Chili Meal - (side salad/grilled naan bread) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $14.50




House Salad

514 457-0080

Caesar Salad

Mixed greens, diced tomatoes, cucumbers and mushrooms, all topped with our mixed cheese blend and served with your choice of dressing . . . . . $13 Add chicken . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5 Romaine lettuce, bacon bits, fresh crouton sand parmesan cheese all mixed with our homemade Caesar dressing . . . . . . . $14 Add chicken . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5

Family Meals Our chef Dan Dumesnil will create a new family style meal every day and we will let you know what it is on our facebook page the night before.

• June 20, 2020


Thai Chili

Pub Grub Pot O’ Gold (made to share) 6 wings, 6 deep fried dill pickles, onion rings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $21

Cunninghams Fresh Cut Fries A large basket of fresh cut fries served with your choice of dipping sauce . . $6

Cunninghams Garlic and Spice Fresh Cut Fries A large basket of fresh cut fries tossed in our garlic butter and special spice mix. Served with your choice of dipping sauce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7

Cunninghams Sweet Potato Fries

Cunninghams Curry Chicken Cunninghams Burger

Chicken Tenders


4 lightly battered chicken tenders served with fresh cut fries and house BBQ sauce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $15

A large basket of sweet potato fries served with your choice of dipping sauce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $9.50

All burgers are served on grilled pretzel bun. All wraps are served on grilled tortilla All burgers and wraps are served with Cunninghams fresh cut fries

Burgers & Wraps

Replace pretzel bun with gluten free bun $2 Replace fries with Cunninghams garlic and spice fresh cut fries $1 Replace fries with side house salad $4 Replace fries with Ceasar salad $5 Replace fries with Greek salad $6 Replace fries with poutine $5

Smoked meat, sauerkraut, swiss cheese and thousand island dressing . . . . . $18

Reuben Sandwich

Naan bread topped with Thai Chili sauce, chicken, mixed cheese and onions then baked in the oven. Served with Cunninghams fresh cut fries or micro salad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $15

and ranch dressing . . . . . . . . . . . . . $18 Our CHILI nacho platter is topped with our homemade chili mixed cheese, fresh cut tomatoes, green onions and ranch dressing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $20 (Hot chili will be put on the side) Choice of Dipping Sauces: Spicy Mayo / Ranch Extra dipping sauce $1 Blue cheese $2

Crispy Chicken Burger

Crispy chicken filet, tomato, lettuce and ranch dressing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $15 A large bowl of fresh cut fries topped Club Wrap with homemade chili and mixed cheese. Chicken breast, romaine lettuce, fresh Garnished with ranch and green cut tomatoes, bacon and teriyaki mayo . onions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $13 $15 Nacho Platters (built for 2) Buffalo Wrap Our CHEESE nacho platter is topped with our mixed cheese, fresh cut tomatoes, Crispy chicken, Buffalo sauce, lettuce, olives, jalapeno peppers, green onions tomatoes and ranch dressing . . . . . $15

Chili Cheese Fries

Beyond meat pattie, grilled and topped with lettuce, onions, tomato and dill pickle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $16

Veggie Burger

75, Sainte-Anne St., Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, QC H9X 1L9

A large bowl of fresh cut fries topped with Quebec cheese curds, mixed cheese and homemade sauce. House beef gravy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $12 Cunninghams curry sauce . . . . . . . $13 Double cheese . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4 extra

Mixed greens, diced tomatoes, cucumbers, Grilled corn and black bean medley and crushed nacho chips all topped with our mixed cheese blend and served with ranch dressing . . . . . . $15 Add chicken . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5 Salad dressings – Greek / Ranch / Balsamic Emulsion / Blue Cheese

Our Flat Breads

Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue | L’Île-Perrot | Pincourt Terrasse-Vaudreuil | Vaudreuil | Baie D’Urfé | Kirkland

Bacon Cheese BBQ Burger

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A large basket of lightly battered onion 1/2 pound beef patty, grilled and topped rings served with your choice of dipping with sliced cheese, bacon, homemade sauce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $8.50 BBQ sauce, lettuce, onions, tomato and dill pickle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $17 Cunninghams Poutines

ou're as lucky as lucky can be to see a chimney inspector & sweeper yearly! 'Tis the season to have your chimney swept and maintained, before the cold weather rolls into town. Everyone who heats with oil, gas or wood has a chimney. Yearly maintenance ensures the good working condition of your appliance and keeps your houshold safe. Get your chimney sweep today! Can I use my chimney? We hear this a lot. For those living in the city of Montreal the short answer is that you now need an low emission fireplace insert. These inserts still burn wood, and are designed to heat the house. Residents of Montreal can still use their old fireplace in the case of emergency, or a blackout of 3 hours or more. Please call Montreal Chimneys for more information and a free estimate for EPA certified low emissions fireplace insert. For those who live in a de-merged city, you can still use your fireplace or wood stove as usual, whenever you want to! Chimney sweeping is a historic profession which many think has gone extinct, however having your chimney cleaned and inspected

areas. Customers agree that her attention to detail, professionalism and cleanliness sets her apart from other companies. Montreal Chimneys includes a visual inspection with each chimney sweep and a free estimate for repairs. Montreal Chimneys. 438-3456 6 8 7 montrealchimneys@g You're as lucky as lucky can be to see a chimney inspector & sweeper yearly!

Onion Rings

By Ryan Dohnalek Montreal Times

is still important as ever. Some common issues including animal nesting, soot build up, deteriorating brickwork & water damage can all be fixed by a chimney sweep. We spoke to Valerie Adams of Montreal Chimneys, the only female chimney specialist in the region, about the fate of her profession: "Wherever you live, chimney maintenance is still necessary to keep your home safe. Small repairs can make a big difference before damage gets worse and more expensive." Says Valerie, who has over 15 years of experience, she goes on to explain, "If you are not going to use your fireplace we can seal the chimney flue with insulation and a metal crown to prevent cold drafts, and water infiltration. It will help to save on heating bills. Later, if you choose to upgrade we can easily re-open the crown and install a wood burning appliance that conforms to the new regulation. It is important to get a professional to check the condition of your chimney yearly. Go outside and look up at your chimney. If you see bricks crumbling you should get that repaired before winter. A chimney crown and cap are also very important." Valerie is a popular chimney sweep servicing the island of Montreal and surrounding

Southwest Salad

Our large capon wings chosen from only the finest Irish chickens. Served with Cunninghams fresh cut fries, crudité and Ranch dressing. NOT SPICY - Sweet BBQ, Honey Garlic, Lemon Pepper, Salt & Pepper. LITTLE SPICY - Cunninghams Not So Mild, Cunninghams, Curry, Cunninghams Dry Rub, Thai Chili CRAZY SPICY - Inferno, Peri-Peri, Jamaican Jerk 6 wings…$14 / 12 wings…$24 / 24 wings…$44 / 96 wings…$144

crusted haddock topped with Baja 1/2 pound beef patty, grilled and topped sauce, cheese, jalapenos, tomatoes and with our homemade chili, mixed cheese lettuce all served with corn chips and blend and green onions . . . . . . . . . $17 salsa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $16

Romaine lettuce, diced tomatoes, cucumbers, onions and kalamata olives all topped with feta cheese and our homemade Greek dressing . . . . . . . $14 Add chicken . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5

Chili Burger

Greek Salad

1/2 pound beef patty, grilled and topped Our chefs curry sauce is pleasing to the with lettuce, onions, tomato and dill palate as it’s not too spicy for pickle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $15 newcomers and just right for the seasoned curry eater. Served with Spicy Burger 1/2 pound beef patty, grilled and topped vegetables and rice . . . . . . . . . . . . $18 with cheese, spicy mayonnaise, crispy Southern Fish Taco onions and jalapenos . . . . . . . . . . . $17 3 flour tortillas filled with our southern

Our fresh 12” grilled tortilla stuffed with cheese, black bean & corn mix and jalapenos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $12 Add chicken . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4


Veggie Naan bread brushed with garlic butter, topped with tomatoes, onions, kalamata olives, feta and mixed cheese then baked in the oven and drizzled with Greek dressing. Served with Cunninghams fresh cut fries or micro salad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $15 Replace fries with Cunninghams garlic and spice fresh cut fries - $1



Naan bread topped with honey mustard sauce, smoked meat, mixed cheese then baked in the oven. Served with Cunninghams fresh cut fries or micro salad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $17



Montreal Jazz Festival 2020 goes virtual n April 3rd, L’Équipe Spectra announced the cancellation of the Montreal Jazz Festival 2020 due to the Covid-19 pandemic and the non-essential activities measures put forth by the government. However, as the saying 'the show must go on' goes, the Jazz Fest will go on, with virtual shows! From June 27th to June 30th, the Festival International de Jazz de Montréal will be offering 'Let's Jazz Together!' - an exclusive, online edition for music fans. It will include live performances from Montreal (recorded on stage at L’Astral), as well as recordings of popular concerts from previous festivals and more. As they state on their website, 'this exclusive edition of the jazz festival is a little gift that we want to give to the fans, the city, the jazz community and to all the

passionate music lovers all over the world who revel in the opportunity to be moved by something as magical as live music… we intend to make you live the Festival International de Jazz de Montréal in a memorable way, once

re you worried about your stress? You should be. Stress kills! Researchers suggest that as much as 6090% of illnesses are directly caused by or exacerbated by stress. Stress is related to major illnesses such as heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes. It can also cause back pain, headaches, tooth grinding, upset stomach and digestive problems, sleep loss and exhaustion, skin problems , unhealthy weight gain or loss, and of course, loss of sex drive.These are just the physical symptoms. Stress is linked to depression, anxiety, mood swings, confusion, restlessness, irritability, insecurity, forgetfulness, and a host of other negative mental and behavioral symptoms. We hear about good stress, bad stress. How do we know the difference? How does all of our stress accumulate? Stress is the body's reaction to any change that requires an adjustment or response. The body reacts to these changes with physical,

mental, and emotional responses. What’s it doing to us? With stress so clearly linked to our health, it is shocking to me that we don’t think about our own level of stress and do something about lowering it. Oh yes, we say “I am so stressed” but do we really know what that means? The things that cause stress are called stressors. Do we know our own stressors? Are we aware of the feeling of stress on our own bodies? Have you ever felt sick to your stomach during a test? Have you had days when you were so loaded down with homework that you had trouble sleeping? Have you ever been so worried about something that you ended up with a terrible headache? If so, then you know what it's like to feel stress. Stress is often worn as a badge of accomplishment in our society. It’s not enough that we compete to see who


again'. You can sit back with a 'festive aperitif' to start each evening off at 6:00pm with 'LES APÉROS SAQ', promised to be full of surprises. Other events will include, LES SESSIONS TD ET LES RY-

THMES Rio Tinto, LES TRÉSORS DU FESTIVAL présentés par TD and Rio Tinto and FIN DE SOIRÉE LotoQuébec. Performers will include Dominique Fils-Aimé, Charlotte Cardin, Jean-Michel Blais, Elisapie, Barr

Brothers, Jordan Officer, Jeremy Dutcher, Fredy V. and the Foundation, Malika Tirolien, Marianne Trudel, Pierre Kwenders, Naya Ali, Alain Caron’s trio with drummer Paul Brochu and John Roney. Recordings from previ-

ous festival include performances by Miles Davis, Sarah Vaughan, Oliver Jones and Oscar Peterson. For further details and how to watch the events go to:

Stress Kills - It’s very simple



can do the most, but we compete to see who can handle the most stress doing it. With such an unhealthy attitude towards stress, it’s no wonder that stressrelated illnesses are so common. Canadian Mental Health Association slogan in 2009 was, "Now more than ever, invest in yourself” The number of Canadians reporting stress has increased by 30 per cent since last year, the Canadian Mental Health

Association reported at the start of its 58th annual national mental health week in 2009. Recent studies show that it does not seem to be getting any better now in 2013.The economy is down, jobs are being lost, flu season is here and it’s cold outside Stress © Jody Mark Stress is eating at me every minute and second of the day, how do I cope with the horrible effects and make it go

away? I feel so tired and run down and I don't sleep, I lie in bed at night and wonder why it runs so deep. Everyone asks why do you look so sad, do I tell them that my stress is eating me up and that I feel really bad? Does everyone notice how I walk around in a daze, and that I have deep black bags under my eyes nowadays. I wake up every morning feeling so hopeless, like nothing

ever goes right and wondering why my life has to be such a mess. Stress is my one worst enemy, it’s taken over my mind and my whole life in every single degree. Source: Stress Effects Life, Poem about Sadness All too often people feel what this poem is all about. I, as a health care professional, have witnessed the horrible effects of stress during my 30 plus years in hospitals and homecare. Over the next several weeks I will attempt to cover topics from the long list of stress related illnesses in an attempt to understand them more. Send me your stories, thoughts or comments. Maybe together we can fight this thing called STRESS! June 20, 2020 •

Just For Laughs Gags reaches 10 million subscribers on YouTube he just For Laughs Gags, one of the most successful TV


By Stuart Nulman ventures for the Just For Laughs Group and can be seen on its own YouTube channel, has

reached a monumental milestone since the channel was established in 2008. Recently, the Just For Laughs Gags Channel can boast over 10 million subscribers, making it the most subscribed comedy channel in Canada, ranking it up there with such successful Canadian YouTube channels that are presented by Lily Singh, Unbox Therapy and rapper The Weeknd.To commemorate this milestone, Google Canada awarded their Diamond Play Button to the

channel. Created 20 years ago, Just For Laughs Gags has filmed almost 7,000 gags that involved

150,000 people getting pranked. The silent comedy/hidden camera show has racked up over six billion views

around the world in such countries as China, Germany, Greece, Spain, and the U.S., and is part of the network of 11

Just For Laughs YouTube channels that are broadcast in several languages. And in the spirit of Just For Laughs' global reach through YouTube, the group is supporting the World Health Organization's charitable causes via YouTube Giving. A donation button has been added and enabled on 250 selected videos across four of their channels, and will match $2 for every dollar raised through this initiative, to a maximum of $5 million.

Investing in your health - It’s never to late! By Joanna Wright Montreal Times

oon after my father’s death, my family began the arduous task of sorting through his financial affairs. While doing so, we discovered that he had left us with a generous amount of money through his life insurance plan. Through my grief, something kept making me shake my head, as I rolled those two little words around in my brain. Life insurance? How ironic. He was dead. There was no insurance of “life” for my father in this long term investment. The only thing that was certain is that he wouldn’t be the one reaping the benefits. Then a strange emotion began to emerge. Regret. Why hadn’t he invested in his health with this money while he was still alive? Perhaps we could have enjoyed a few more good years to share together? Did he really think I’d rather have this money than have him here beside me? I recount this story often to groups of seniors who fail to see the importance of investing


• June 20, 2020

in their health. Whether it be a personal fitness trainer, a recumbent exercise bike or a gym membership, I explain to them that, in the end, we will all pay for our health in one way or another. But being proactive and staying healthy is much cheaper in the long run and much more fun. Consider the statistics. As a senior, if you are no longer able to live independently, the average cost of an assisted care living facility is approximately $1800 to $5000 a month. Most seniors who find themselves in this predicament can no longer perform the basic tasks of taking care of themselves due to weak muscles, low energy endurance, arthritic bones, or balance issues. In contrast, a good treadmill might set you back $1000. A qualified trainer $65 an hour. A gym membership $100 a month. There is no comparison. As a trainer who specializes in working with seniors, I have perfected the fine art of targeting the exact exercise movements that will give my clients the tools to stay afloat. I

once trained a 90 year old woman in her own condo until she ultimately had to accept the fact that she needed more care. She lamented to me, “I guess I failed.”. On the contrary. She had worked hard to give herself 4 more years of living HER way. Sleeping when she wanted, eating what she wanted, DOING what she wanted. I call that a success. Looking back, I wish my father had invested not for us...but for him. I miss him. He crossed In your home, Residence or Long-term Facility his fingers and hoped All Equipment Provided for good health while diligently planning fiWide range of individualized training programs for: nancially for his demise. Autonomous Active / Inactive Dependent Frail I can’t help my dad anyWe focus on: more. But my passion and my goal as an older • Strength • Balance & Fall Prevention adult fitness trainer is * Endurance • Flexibility to motivate, educate and guide other seniors to invest in their health today, so that their families are able to love them for as long as possible! Older Adult Specialists Joanne Wright is the co owner of Age in Motion, In Home / ness and Mobility services 13

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Mr. Sid Stevens, Co-founder of Sun Youth Organization Turns 80 n June 25, Mr. Sid Stevens will reach the venerable age of 80. We want to mark the anniversary of the co-founder of Sun Youth, the organization which is now more relevant than ever in these difficult times. Sid Stevens was born in 1940 in the Plateau Mont-Royal neighbourhood. In May 1954, he and his friend Earl De La Perralle, aged 13 and 9 respectively, cofounded Sun Youth Organization by distributing a handwritten newspaper which enabled them to finance sports activities for disadvantaged young people in the neighbourhood. Recognized for his great community involvement and his dedication to youth and disadvantaged people, he received important distinctions, including


Montreal Mayor Valerie Plante and Sun Youth Founder, Sid Stevens

the Citation of Citizenship by the Ministry of State for Multiculturalism and Citizenship (1989), the Citation for Outstanding Citizen by the Montreal Citizenship Council (1992) and an honoris causa

doctorate from McGill University (2002). In 2018, he was named Commander of the Ordre de Montréal for his commitment to young Montrealers. When asked if the philosophy of Sun

Youth has changed in two-thirds of a century, Sid Stevens replies: "The organization certainly has grown in size and diversified its programs, but nothing has really changed in our basic philosophy. We

help Montrealers in need. ” This is what he intends to devote the time he has left at Sun Youth. As he contemplates retirement in the “not-too-distant” future, Sid Stevens can look back on over six

decades of community service with pride, knowing he has achieved his childhood ambition of “making a difference”. Millions of Montrealer’s past and present are grateful to him for his dedication.


June 20, 2020 •

Hate cold showers? Do it anyway

his is a reminder. from cold shower warriors. Cold Water Power The gist can be summed up works. Repeat. Re- in the following peat. Take a cold Acne is highly reduced as the cold water closes the By Martha Shannon pores. Eczema, psoriasis and other inflammatory skin Shower. conditions relax. When things get heated Fewer colds and flu are good advice is, ‘Take a cold contacted. Some people shower and calm down.” have gone years without Cold water does reduce being sick because they stress. Cold water can pre- survive the cold water chalvent you from getting sick lenges. in a number of other ways Attitudes improve. too. At the start of Covid, I Willpower increases. The wrote Add Cold Showers body’s circulation is invigorto Your List. In case you ated. shivered at the thought, One feels less tired, replease reconsider. Summer energized, happier. weather makes cold showCold showers build inner ers more desirable. strength. Uncomfortable But it is not easy. situations become easier to A healthy immune system handle. is important. People who Endure a cold shower altake cold showers will lows you to master other swear that they are healthlife challenges. ier for it. They may not like A cold shower will likely doing it, but they like the make you shiver because results. your body wants to be Katie Holmes wrote an warm. Blood starts to flow. informative article on: Your metabolism is inCold Water Benefits. She creased and while more cites many testimonials white blood cells are pro-


• June 20, 2020

duced, more pathogens are eliminated. Makes sense. Alexander writes: I have been taking cold showers every day for the last 12 months. The first week was all about overcoming the very *very *strong urge to NOT hop under an icy cold water first thing in the morning. But once you are over it, things get better, much better... Calvin writes: I have been taking cold showers for about a year now and have noticed that I have better energy, alertness, and resiliency to stress and infections. Normally, I would get sick a couple times a year but this year, despite COVID19 and my refusal to shelter in place, I have not been sick at all…. I notice that when I feel like I may be catching something or if I’m feeling groggy, all I need to do is hop into a cold shower and it completely changes my state. Cold showering will empower you in maintaining

better health. But do not expect to enjoy it. Some of you courageous souls may be able to walk into a cold shower and do your thing for 2-3 minutes. Kudos to you. I manage contrast showering. A warm shower, sudsing up, then turning the tap slowly to cool, then to cold for the full 2 minutes. I do not love it, but I do it anyway. Accolades are deserved. Do benefit from natural homemade soaps while competing in this marathon. They, too, will add to your skin’s better heath. We stand behind our products. We give great customer service. Visit us at Subscribe to our newsletter. Please take note of our opening hours: ‘La Boutique Earth to Body’, 89 Lucerne, Pointe Claire, QC H9R 2V1) Email Store: Tues, Thur., Sat 10-4


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June 20, 2020 •

Book Reviews -

Camp Girls by Iris Krasnow hen many s l e e p aw ay summer camps announced that they would be shut down this year due to the Corona Virus pandemic, thousands of campers felt that their summer


By Stuart Nulman was ripped away from them. For over a century, summer sleepaway camp was not only a way for children and teens to escape the city

Across 1. White rice’s lack 5. Balancing pro 8. Put in a nutshell 13. Pervasive quality 14. Fruitless 15. Develop 16. Follow a recipe directive 17. Figure in Maori mythology 18. Corset tightener 19. Be a generous trapper 22. Diaper cream ingredient 23. ___ Day 24. Mathematical function 27. Epitome of simplicity 29. Car with a bar 33. Divination deck 34. It may be bid 36. Center of a ball? 37. Buy a beachfront boutique 40. Night of poetry 41. Katzbalger, e.g. 42. Undulating 43. Environs 45. Belgium village 46. Climbing herbs 47. Perceive 49. Superciliousness 50. Savory aroma at a clam• June 20, 2020

heat and smog for a few weeks, but also gave them the chance to be themselves in an atmos-

phere filled with fun, games, sports, activities, overnight hiking trips and plenty of songs and

bake 58. Stand for something 59. Eukaryotic organism 60. Hip bones 61.Very, in music 62. Flock member 63. Abdicator of 1917 64. Noah's son, and namesakes 65. Armageddon 66. Round up

26. Grimalkin 27. Dig, so to speak 28. Shuttlecock 30. Some reality show winners 31. Actress Oberon 32. Doesn't ignore 34. Call to a mate 35. Bridal party members 38. Takes out a fly 39. Metal worker 44. Radiant 46. Air freshener option 48. ___ Island National Monument 49. Cold 50. Wet septet 51. No gain, no loss 52. Actual being 53. Actor Alan 54. Brio 55. Alternatively 56. Carrey vehicle 57. Enrich, in a way

Down 1. It may be striped 2. Gordon or Ginsburg 3. "Mi chiamano Mimi," e.g. 4. Role in "Arrested Development" 5. Black band of mourning 6. Falafel bread 7. Jewish month 8. Hot stuff 9. ___ nitrate 10. Flexible mineral 11. End ___ 12. Title for some priests 14. Bad lighting? 20. Lifts up 21. Run the show 24. Muddleheaded 25. Speed demon

s'mores by the campfire.As well, it gave them a chance to build new friendships, live in a close knit community of their peers, and create bonds that would last a lifetime. That was the case with journalist/author Iris Krasnow. From 1963 to 1970, the Chicago native spent her summers at Camp Agawak, an all-girls camp in rural Wisconsin. Through colour wars, capture the flag games, canoeing, girl bonding and summer long boyfriends, Ms. Krasnow not only enjoyed her experiences as both a camper and counsellor, she also learned many valuable life lessons and qualities that have guided her through life and career. In fact, she found her time at Camp Agawak so personally fulfilling, she has recently returned to the camp during her summers off from her teaching job at American University, to give back as a counsellor to future generations of Agawak campers. And everything she has learned, experienced and absorbed during her summers spent in the bucolic splendour of rural Wis-

consin has been thoughtfully recaptured in her latest book Camp Girls. "We are one body of girls and women, unified by central wants: We want to have fun. We want to learn from each other. We want to shed our city selves and Ben sloppy and silly and wild. We want to love and be loved and feel worthy. We want to sing all the time.We want to be together," writes Ms. Krasnow early in the book, which summarizes the overlying theme of the book and what the summer camp experience meant to her. She interviewed many of her fellow campers, as well as former campers who attended other summer camps to share their fond memories of summers past, which provides a good portion of the text. And the common thread you get is that summer camp taught them lessons on friendship, courage, personal loyalty, self-confidence and the importance of maintaining a sense of tradition. Some of the lessons are quite funny, others are very touching and thought-provoking. One good example is Jan,

one of Ms. Krasnow's fellow Agawak campers who attributed what she experienced writing original songs at camp to become a successful Broadway lyricist. She says: "At camp, I felt like my creativity and energy could spread out as far as the eye could see. I really liked my English classes in school, but there was always a curriculum. Camp was the first place I felt like I wasn't in a container; and I would let my spirit take me wherever it wanted to go." So whether you went to summer camp in the U.S. or Canada; was a camper, counsellor or specialist; was captain of your colour war team; earned a number of badges or awards; or had the lead role in your unit's play production, Camp Girls takes a fond look back at the summer camp experience with as much warmth as a nighttime campfire (marshmallows and hot dogs included). You may not have earned a degree, but you certainly earned a lot of skills, values and strong friendships that no bad circumstance could ever break apart. (Grand Central Publishing, $34)

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• June 20, 2020

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June 20, 2020 •

• June 20, 2020



June 20, 2020 •

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