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Over drinks (obvs), Ab Fab stars Jennifer Saunders and Joanna Lumley dish on their gay darlings, drag doubles and being ahead of the queer curve p10
Photo Warner Bros.
| Montrose Star e | Wednesday July 27, 2016
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| Montrose Star e | Wednesday July 27, 2016
HrH rePorT
e By
Trump’s Nod to LGBTQ Americans, NBA Balks at Charlotte and Other Top Stories
T H E S TA R C O N T R I B U T I N G W R I T E R S JIM AYRES by day is an employee benefits and human
resources writer. By night he turns his creativity toward the local food and restaurant scene. Do you know of a restaurant that needs a review?
JOHN BUCHANAN is originally from Florida but now calls Houston home for 20+ years. “Proud to be Gay and part of the Community – Your Gay Realtor of Choice!” johnwb214@
NANCY FORD has enjoyed a front row seat to the most
remarkable and sparkly Cultural Revolution in the history of mankind. “What a world!” She reflects appropriately. After moving to Houston from Ohio in 1981, Ford became a highly visible player in Texas’ LGBT publishing circles as an editor and contributor to myriad other local and statewide LGBT magazines and newspapers.
re you feeling the need to check out the cleansing sections at Walgreens or GNC? After four days of the Cleveland fear-fest, AKA the Republican National Convention, with its hate filled speeches, plagiarized speeches, non-stop Hillary bashing, chants of “lock her up,” and endless vitriol, no one can blame you if need a little help washing away the toxins of racial resentment, anger and intolerance. No need to worry though, there is only a little more than three months left before Election Day. In the meantime, we now know who the candidates are—Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine vs. Donald Trump and Mike Pence. Yes, that Pence— the Indiana governor who faced fierce criticism when he signed a “religious freedom” law that allowed businesses to discriminate against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals. Here’s what we’ve been reading at Houston Rainbow Herald. Trump gives a nod to LGBTQ Americans “When a donkey flies, you don’t blame him for not staying up that long.” That sentence was said by Murray on the final episode of The Mary Tyler Moore Show when egotistical and selfish Ted did something out of character: he stood up for the rest of the crew who were all being fired. Donald Trump flew ever so
MARK KARIEL is from Marshall, Texas, but has called
Houston home for almost 40 years. An accounting supervisor by day, he can be found working most Saturday nights at South Beach’s RuPaul’s Drag Race events. His RuPaul obsession began 6 years ago in Palm Springs. It will all be in his book, plus much more. Stay tuned!
bills himself as a “raconteur with a gypsy spirit.” A former educator, public speaker, hospital administrator, counselor and gay B&B owner, he was instrumental in the formation of OutSmart Magazine in the early 1990s. He has written for several newspapers, magazines and other publications. Recently he completed a collection of short stories about his beloved Galveston and is working on a novel. He currently resides on the island where he can be found wasting bait and searching for the meaning of life.
JOHNNY TRLICA has called the Houston area home all of
his life. Four years ago he founded and still edits the Houston Rainbow Herald and has worked in the apartment leasing industry for the past two years. His passion is keeping the battle for LGBT rights at the forefront of today’s headlines and fighting complacency in the LGBT community. ©2016 GLYP. All rights reserved. No portion of this publication may be reproduce without written permission from the Publisher. The Montrose Star is published every two weeks and distributed free of charge at choice establishments throughout Houston, the Bay Area & Galveston. Mail subscriptions are $57 for 26 issues. All rights to material by outside contributors revert to the author. Views expressed in articles, advertisements, graphics and/or photo appearing in The Montrose Star do no necessarily reflect the views of the editors or advertisers. The Montrose Star is not responsible for unsolicited submissions of articles or artwork. Advertisements accepted for publication in The Montrose Star are presumed to contain information that is true and advertisers are duly authorized to sell the product(s) shown in his/her ad. The Montrose Star assumes no responsibility nor liability for possibles errors contained here in or for advertisers’ claims or performance.
Photo courtesy
FOREST RIGGS is no stranger to the adventures of life, he
“LGBTQ” it was the first time a Republican presidential candidate has ever made reference to all factions of our community during an acceptance speech. Ever! It should be noted, Trump made no promises to protect LGBTQ rights or marriage. Thus, the short flight. New owners at Baba Yega A Montrose institution has a new owner. Baba Yega has been purchased by Fred Sharifi, owner of Hungry’s, reports The Grant Street restaurant opened in 1975 and is a favorite for Sunday Brunch devotees. The new owner said all of the current employees, many of whom have worked there for 20 years or more, will keep their jobs. Hush hush, sweet Charlotte A professional sports league has done a smack down that would make Bette Davis proud. The National basketball Association has effectively told North Carolina’s anti-gay lawmakers to “Hush up!” and are taking their ball and leaving. The pro basketball league is moving its 2017 All-Star Game from Charlotte over the state’s HB2 bill which requires transgender people to use the restroom associated with their gender at birth, reports In a statement, the NBA said: “Since March, when North Carolina enacted HB2 and the issue of legal protections for the LGBT community in Charlotte became prominent, the NBA and the Charlotte Hornets have been working diligently to foster constructive dialogue and try to effect positive change. We have been guided in these discussions by the long-standing core values of our league. These include not only diversity, inclusion, fairness and respect for others but also the willingness to listen and consider opposing points of view. “While we recognize that the NBA cannot choose the law in every city, state, and country in which we do business, we do not believe we can successfully host our All-Star festivities in Charlotte in the climate created by HB2.” Making bank Not all gay people are anti-Republican. In fact, male prostitutes (uh, I mean, “escorts”) in Cleveland love them. It seems business was booming for them during the Republican Convention in Cleveland, reports “Business has been way better. I’ve seen 10 clients so far,” said one hustler. One gigolo who charges $250 an hour said that when the convention began he made $800 per day. Another said he made $1600 in the first two days. “The clientele, along with being evidently firsttimers, are described as being mostly married white guys in their 40s. One of them was from Texas and visiting for the convention. He said he was a politician,” writes the website. One of the hookers said he wasn’t surprised that the convention brought such a boom in business. “When it comes to anything people aren’t supposed to be doing, they like to do it,” the escort said. “The Republicans have a lot of delegates in the closet, let’s put it that way.” e
Donald Trump.
briefly when he mentioned LGBTQ Americans during his acceptance speech. The billionaire fix-it man made history with an explicit pledge to protect LGBTQ people during his speech accepting the GOP presidential nomination, reported Washington Blade. Trump made the remarks while invoking the mass shooting in Orlando, saying those killed were “wonderful Americans.” “Only weeks ago, in Orlando, Fla., 49 wonderful Americans were savagely murdered by an Islamic terrorist,” Trump said. “This time, the terrorist targeted the LGBTQ community. No good, and we’re going to stop it. As your president, I will do everything in my power to protect our LGBTQ citizens from the violence and oppression of a hateful foreign ideology. Believe me.” The mostly mean-spirited audience cheered those words invoking the GOP nominee to go off script saying, “And I have to say, as a Republican, it is so nice to hear you cheering for what I just said. Thank you.” When the potential name caller in chief said +1 Google+ Find us on P F & P
Johnny Trlica is the editor of the, the Bayou City’s only daily LGBT Internet newspaper. Contact him at
Montrose Star e | Wednesday July 27, 2016 | PAGE 5
Creep of the Week: Raul Labrador e by
JULY 27, 2016 | VOL. VII, 9
d’anne witkowski
ith the massacre of men and women at a gay club in Orlando barely behind us, one could perhaps be forgiven for thinking that this horrific hate crime had inspired some soul searching for members of the United States House. You know, “We are Orlando” and all that. But you would be wrong. The House is one of the most dysfunctional and unproductive in history, which is no surprise considering their primary focus has been on hating President Obama and giving reach-arounds to the rich. But they’ve always got time for discrimination against LGBT people. Right now the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform is kicking around the “First Amendment Defense Act” (FADA) which, you guessed it, uses “freedom of religion” as a shield for anti LGBT bias. According to the House summary, FADA “prohibits the federal government from taking discriminatory action against a person on the basis that such person believes or acts in accordance with a religious belief or moral conviction that: (1) marriage is or should be recognized as the union of one man and one woman, or (2) sexual relations are properly reserved to such a marriage.” By “discriminatory action” they mean that the federal government can’t fine, revoke tax-exempt status, deny grants or contracts, or deny any federal benefits to a person who is blatantly discriminating against LGBT people as long as that person claims that Jesus made them do it. (I know it says “regardless of religious affiliation,” but I have my doubts that FADA’s supporters are totally embracing Muslims here). It’s not hard to see why “flail and panic” bills like FADA (and like the laws we’ve seen pass in states like North Carolina) are popping up at all levels of government. Conservatives are hella pissed about marriage equality and this is their way of stomping their feet and gnashing their teeth. In other words, it’s a legislative temper tantrum. FADA’s sponsor, Raul Labrador (R-Idaho), has a storied anti-equality voting record. In fact, the Conservative Review gives him a “Liberty Score” of 95, which means he’s an
A student on the right. Conversely, he has a zero on the Human Rights Campaign’s Congressional Scorecard. Back in April, Labrador told News Radio 1310’s Bill Colley, “We’re just trying to protect the individual from punishment by the federal government for believing in a particular belief system.” This is not exactly accurate. FADA defines “person” as “any person regardless of religious affiliation, including corporations and other entities regardless of for-profit or nonprofit status.” Well, that about covers it. In the interview Labrador referred to marriage equality We’re just trying to as “something that protect the individual from our culture up to punishment by the federal recently did not government for believing in a accept, and frankly I still don’t believe that particular belief system. it accepts because it was five robed justices that made that decision, it wasn’t the states that made the decision.” Mind you, if the case had gone the other way I have no doubt he’d be singing the praises of those robed justices. In a press release from last year (injustice and justice alike often move slowly) Labrador said, “Our bill ensures that the federal government does not penalize Americans for following their religious beliefs or moral convictions on traditional marriage. Our bill shields against federal intrusion without taking anything away from anyone.” Without taking anything away from anyone? Well, I suppose if you don’t consider civil rights a something and don’t consider LGBT people, well, people. It’s convenient to present this bill as if it’s just maintaining some harmless status quo, but in reality it provides sweeping protections for anti LGBT bigotry. Bigotry that taxpayers would essentially be subsidizing. e
HRH Report ....................................................... 4 OP-ED.................................................................. 5
What A World ................................................... 8 PFLAG News...................................................... 9
Celebrity Feature ........................................... 10 Foodie Diaries ................................................. 13
HouPaul: All Things RuPaul in Houston .. 14
Cooking With Paula Dream ........................ 16 Deep Inside Hollywood ................................ 17
The Frivolist ..................................................... 18
Across the Causeway.................................... 21 TarotScope ...................................................... 24 Crossword Queeries ...................................... 25
Guide To The Clubs ...................................... 30 Next2Weeks Community Calendar .......... 32 ©2016 MONTROSE STAR All Rights Reserved. The Montrose Star™ Entertainment Newspaper is owned and operated by GLYP Media Services, a Texas minority-certified company founded in 1990. Published alternate Wednesdays. Subscription rates: $57/year. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to the main office at: Montrose Star|1712 Montrose Boulevard, Houston, TX 77006
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PAGE 6 | Montrose Star e | Wednesday July 27, 2016
Despite passionate online outcry, Pride Houston leader likely to remain in office
e By
Nancy Ford
ocial media continues to buzz after a MONTROSE STAR reported that a petition had recently appeared online, calling for the resignation of Pride Houston chief executive officer and president, Frankie Quijano. Pride Houston, a non-organization produces Houston’s Pride Parade and Festival each June. “It’s time for a change in leadership,” the Change. org petition states. “To keep the community strong we need a leader who unites—not one that divides. Frankie has shown the community his true colors over that past couple years and it is now time to show your support to change the leadership and build a better Pride Houston.” As STAR reported, Quijano’s leadership style, lack of financial transparency, faulty communications and other issues were called out following the resignation of board member Teresa Carpenter. Comments responding to the on-line petition range from politely chastising to vehement. “I’ve had several friends that have worked as volunteers on the board of Pride who have quit because of the shady dealings of the few at the top. It is not a transparent, open board,” one petition signer wrote. “Too much is hidden, and sadly, too many people are treated with disdain. Pride is too important a group to be saddled with dictatorial leadership.” “I’m signing because there are better ways to do business, and to accomplish more without disenfranchising volunteers, the media and sponsors based on how much they’re willing to shell out,” said another. “It’s time to build bridges and stop burning them.” Yet another petition signer was concerned how Quijano’s management style painted the city of Houston: “Pride needs to be a true reflection of the city and its values,” the signer pointed out. Another was more blunt, stating: “An organization like this needs to be transparent and to support the participation/input of other people… not run like a dictatorship.” Yet another was even more blunt. “Frankie needs to be held accountable for his failure to fulfill his duties as CEO of Pride Houston, and as a representative of the LGBTQI community,” the signer wrote. “He should be held accountable for the way he has treated the members of the organization, their sponsors, members of the U.S. government, and members of the community he supposedly represents. “I have been on the receiving end of his poor treatment,” this signer continued. “I was told that if I want any information or to have any input, during a meeting that
was specifically held for the community to have input, Serving on more than three (3) Production Team that unless I volunteer for Pride Houston, and was treated Committees as a Committee Member (not a Chair) as inadequate because I didn’t, regardless of how else I in the same year could substitute the requirements serve my community. I have asked for financial records, of the Heritage Gala and Marketing but not the need which non-profit organizations are required to make to Chair/Co-Chair a Core Committee such as Parade, public, and was not given them. Frankie said they were Festival and Volunteers.” online, but that is not true. As such, it is unlikely that Quijano will be removed “The new information about Frankie not providing from office in the near future, as only Pride Houston’s fiscal reports or appointing a Secretary is even more board of directors are empowered with that decision. alarming,” the signer concluded. “What is he trying to According to, the organization’s hide? It’s time we take a stand against the people who board is currently comprised of three voting members, are supposed to support us, but only have their best one of which is Quijano. interests in mind!” Regarding financial matters, Quijano told STAR A grim forecast that Pride Houston’s 990 tax forms appear on the “You can’t turn over the reigns of an organization like organization’s website, as required by law. As STAR Pride to just anybody. Frankie understands that,” said went to press, the organization’s most recent records Nicholas Brines, who served as president of Pride reflect financial disclosure for 2013. Houston for four years in the late 2000’s. It should be noted that, as of press time, the Change. Brines currently holds no official capacity with Pride org petition had garnered a mere 150 signatures, a Houston but considers himself a mentor to Quijano miniscule number compared to Pride Houston’s and the organization. estimates that 700,000 people attended the 2016 Pride “You’re always on the look-out for who has that Parade and Festival. special something that can lead. They have to be able to have a presence, they have to be able to build a The fine print team, and they have to be able to juggle finances and Despite detractors, Quijano remains firm in his resolve timelines and committee heads. It’s a tough, tough job.” to maintain control of Pride Houston. A Pride Houston board of directors’ meeting to “I will continue serving with Pride Houston as long address the call for Quijano’s resignation and other as Pride Houston is willing to have me,” Quijano told matters is scheduled September 13, 8:30 p.m. at STAR. “I serve at the will of the organization. As far as Montrose Center. The meeting is open to the public. I understand, the organization still wants me. As that “I hope people will come together and we can have continues, so will I.” an honest communication about areas of improvement Qualifications for the joint offices of the and put together a plan of how we can implement organization’s president and chief executive officer that,” Brines said. “We need to talk about how we can are strict: According to Pride Houston by-laws, “Chief have a stronger communications plan, how can we get Executive Officer and President must meet one (1) of the funding in place to have a full time staff person or the following scenarios: persons can manage this, and how to make certain our “A) A Director that has served a minimum of four (4) follow-through is stronger. years with the organization of which must have: Served “And we’ll go over the financials,” Brines continued. on the Board of Directors for at least two (2) years; “We’ll be going over them in detail.” Served as a Chair/Co- Chair for a Production Team Social media also included comments questioning Committee in either the Parade, Festival or Volunteer whether accumulated Pride Houston credit card points Committees for at least one (1) year. were being used to benefit the organization, or to “B) A Director that has served a minimum of three benefit individuals in the form of trips and various (3) years with the organization of which must have: other perks. Served on the Board of Directors for at least two (2) “What I do not want to see—if it goes down a path of years; Served as a Chair/Co- Chair for a Production finger-pointing, name-calling, accusations, or asking for Team Committee in either the Parade, Festival or the immediate resignation of Frankie, you know what Volunteer Committees for at least one (1) year as well will happen?” Brines predicted. “There will be no Pride as a Chair/Co-Chair of the Sponsorships or Marketing. next year. I’ll tell you that much.” e +1 Google+ Find us on P F & P
Montrose Star e | Wednesday July 27, 2016 | PAGE 7
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| Montrose Star e | Wednesday July 27, 2016
what a world ABSOLUTELY NOT:
Reflections on ‘Absolutely Fabulous: The Movie’ e by
nancy ford
aybe it’s because I had spent the four previous evenings previewing the beginning of the end of civilization (AKA the Republican National Convention). Maybe it was because there were absolutely zero drag queens in the theatre’s audience for the very first screening—at noon!—of the very first day of its release (which, in retrospect, makes sense. No selfrespecting drag queen is awake at 12 noon). Maybe it was because I was absolutely sober. Maybe it was because I had so enjoyed the raucous, fabled BBC TV show that began in 1992 and ran for 10 years, so much so that the film version couldn’t possibly favorably compare. For whatever reason, I found Absolutely Fabulous: The Movie to be absolutely disappointing. Under most circumstances, this is where a “spoiler alert” might appear, so as not to ruin the viewing experience of those reading this column who haven’t yet seen the movie. Consider yourself alerted but, believe me, this review has absolutely nothing to do with the movie’s spoilage. It’s a 21st-century version of Ready to Wear (Prêt-à-Porter), Robert Altman’s clever 1994 American satire of the fashion industry, if you take out the clever writing, belly laughs and A-list cameos. If you don’t believe me, believe Jennifer Saunders, the creator/writer of both Ab Fab’s series and movie, who also stars as the bitter, salaciously superficial PR maven, Edina “Eddie” Monsoon. Saunders herself told BBC Magazine: “This will be the proper send-off that Ab Fab needs. More or less.” Less. Absolutely less. OK, fine. I’ll admit, Ab Fab: The Mov wasn’t absolutely devoid of merit. Here are a few moments that struck me while watching it (for better or for worse): • There’s comfort in knowing I’m not the only person whose life turns upside
down when I run out of champagne. • The “transgender shoe size” joke. Perhaps not in the best of taste, but accurate. • The wryness of Edina’s ex-husband Marshall’s (Christopher Ryan) and Bo’s (Mo Gaffney) dual transition (hint: it’s not all about gender). • My new-found anticipation of discovering what’s in a flaming labia cocktail. • It’s a little overwhelming to realize that Chris Colfer can play even gayer than he did in Glee. • If you go deep, it is a perfect parody of the superficiality and selfaggrandization of fashion and fashionistas. Kardashians and Kanye, I’m looking at you. • The absolute delectability of sitting in a darkened theatre and writing the perfect joke. Question: “What do you call it when a supermodel drowns?” Answer: “A start.” • It reminds us to never leave the house without a full flask. • Bubbles float. Bubble doesn’t. Bubbles pop. Bubble triumphs.
• We miss poppers, but we’re glad we gave them up in the ’80s. • Saffy’s daughter/Eddie’s beautiful granddaughter’s name was “Jane” in the TV series. Now it’s “Lola” (Indeyarna Donaldson-Holness). No explanation. At least give us a hint! • Catriona (Helen Lederer) and Fleur ( Harriet Thorpe), Patsy’s vacuous assistants, resemble Disney-esque cartoon characters. That’s a good thing, by the way. • Rebel Wilson’s way-too-brief screen time as a flight attendant could have been lengthened by cutting Jerry Hall’s by at least half. • Jean-Paul Gaultier is still alive(ish). Who knew!? • Edina’s sight-gag definition of exercise. • Saffy’s (Julia Sawala) karaoke song of choice is an absolute victory, and is possibly the most-clever moment of the whole film. • Note to Charlie (Barry Humphries): not all of us miss pubic hair. • Saunders’ decision to share the inside joke of writers’ universal desire to
Not really.
meet their required wordcounts with: “blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.” • Edina’s final realization that “Who are you being?” is absolutely more important than “Who are you wearing?” • The movie was preceded by a preview of Table 19, Anna Kendrick’s new rom-com, which also stars Lisa Kudrow. Who doesn’t absolutely love Phoebe, in anything?! So it wasn’t Gone With The Wind. Or Titanic. Or even Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Rick Bobby. There are worse ways to spend $12 bucks in a cool, dark room surrounded by strangers. If there is any take-away from Absolutely Fabulous: The Movie, it’s the absolutely true fact that—yes, indeed—this is a rainbow world we live in, Sweetie Darlings. Pass the Bolly. e
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Montrose Star e | Wednesday July 27, 2016 | PAGE 9
a Word FroM oUr MaYor
Too Many Lives Lost e By
’ve been unable to sleep. Too many lives have been taken, too many families destroyed. This is a difficult time in our nation’s history.There is pain, hurt and anger all around. Though the recent shootings did not take place in Houston, we are not that far removed.There has been progress on the divide between law enforcement and those they serve and protect since I was a young black kid, but this inexcusable violence on both sides indicates we have a very long way to go. Acknowledging the problem exists is the first step. We now have to agree to pull
together and collectively address it. Houston has not experienced the same kind of violence and uprisings as other cities. We like to say it is because Houston is different. Our diversity does make us more accepting of that which is different. On the other hand, I worry that we may have just been lucky. Regardless of why it has not happened here, we are working hard to get ahead of the problem before a situation causes Houstonians to react contrary to what we expect.
Children of LGBT parents to address PFLAG monthly meeting e By
panel of children of one or more LGBT parents will share their individual experiences at PFLAG Houston’s Public Meeting, the day after the fundraising party. The public meeting is scheduled Sunday, August 14 at 2 p.m. in the Jones Building at St. Paul’s United Methodist Church, 5501 Main St. Small group discussions, where members and visitors can confidentially share their individual journeys, immediately follows the program. One of the small groups is dedicated to transgender issues, and another is available for Spanish speakers. Following the meeting, PFAG Houston invites the public to join them for dinner at Barnaby’s Cafe, 1801 Binz Street. Special thanks PFLAG Houston thanks Kelly Cammack with Apollo Answering Service, LLC for generously donating the PFLAG Helpline Answering Service. For more information about Apollo Answering Service, email More PFLAG meetings PFLAG Houston welcomes families and individuals to its Mid-Month Sharing Meeting on the third Thursday of each month, beginning at 7:30 p.m. The meeting is located at Bering United Methodist Church, 1440 Harold Street in Houston. Look
for the rainbow flag once you get inside. With a Spanish translator available, PFLAG Houston’s East End Support Group meets the third Sunday of each month at 3 p.m. at St. Timothy Episcopal Church, located at 13125 Indianapolis Street. PFLAG Houston’s Clear Lake chapter meets the fourth Sunday of each month at 2 p.m. at Bay Area Unitarian Universalist Church in the fellowship hall. The church is located at 17503 El Camino Real Drive in Clear Lake. PFLAG Houston invites all family members, parents and/or youth who are having problems with coming out issues, and welcomes everyone, regardless of religious affiliation, ethnicity or political persuasion. The group is proud of its rich history and the continued contributions of members, and invites all to learn more about the organization and join in efforts to create a more diverse, accepting society. PFLAG Houston’s Yahoo Group subscription list is confidential, and all members can immediately post messages to all other members of the network. Subscribers may search PFLAG Houston’s archives to look at all previous listings. e For information about support, upcoming events and meetings, as well as up-to-date news relevant to PFLAG Houston’s family and friends, visit www., email PFLAG Houston’s hotline at or call 713-467-3524.
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Houston has taken steps to enhance trust between law enforcement and the community. HPD is also making strides in the area of training. This represents a start, but it is not enough. Now more than ever we need to unite and use our differences to gain understanding and find workable solutions to this national emergency. The summer of 2016 cannot continue on the bloody track we’ve witnessed recently. I invite all leaders to join me at the table to work on this. If there is any city that can lead the way in getting it right, it is Houston! e
e By
| Montrose Star e | Wednesday July 27, 2016
cHrIS aZZoPardI
ow to be a free spirit, why a wallet, not a toaster, is better suited to carry cash, the power of a heavy pour – since 1992, fictional besties Edina Monsoon and Patsy Stone, played by Jennifer Saunders and Joanna Lumley, respectively, have guided legions of outsiders into the light. (And not just after a late-night Stolichnaya vodka binge blackout.) As the Absolutely Fabulous duo cheerfully imbibe from London, it’s a classic case of life imitating art – everyone wants to get these iconic ladies smashed as they “work” the promo for their long-awaited return to the screen with Absolutely Fabulous: The Movie. Oh yes, sweetie darlings, it’s a real thing now. Thank god; thank vodka. The film is Edina and Patsy’s first time together since 2012, when the series celebrated its 20-year anniversary. For the premiere movie adaptation of the BBC series, Saunders, making good on her pledge to write more adventures for the TV-born trainwrecks, stars alongside Lumley and a cast of familiar faces – Julia Sawalha as Saffy, Jane Horrocks as Bubble and June Whitfield as Mother, plus star cameos – as they continue to live their best, booziest lives. Pour yourself a Stoli-Bolli and read on as Saunders, 58, and Lumley, 70, sip their signature cocktail and dish about their “great crash entrance” into gaydom, being ahead of the queer curve and how the LGBT community catapulted Absolutely Fabulous to global-phenom status.
I don’t want to shock you with this news and I hope you’re sitting down, but gay people really like you.
JENNIFEr: (BoTH LaUGH) And we love gay people! For both of you, what was your introduction to the gay community?
JENNIFEr: OH! So long ago I can’t really think. It just seems like college; I had gay friends then. To be honest, I don’t know. It just seems to have always been there. JoaNNa: BUT I think the great crash entrance was when we had Absolutely Fabulous and we were welcomed into New York to a certain extent. That was quite fantastic. JENNIFEr: YEaH. ANd the first time we saw our drag doubles was startling! (Laughs) Because you realize quite how small we are, and short and insignificant,
when you’re standing next to your drag doubles. They’re more glamorous than we could even hope to be! JoaNNa: ANd occaSIoNaLLy with a beard! JENNIFEr: ANd oFTEN with a beard; yes, you’re right! (Both laugh) You just made an appearance during London Pride. Because the gay fandom for Ab Fab is so intense, I’m surprised you can go anywhere with a sea of gays and it’s not a mob scene. When gay fans see you in everyday life, what are those encounters like?
JENNIFEr: REaLLy LoVELy, I have to say. Because people love the show and love the characters, I always get such a nice response. JoaNNa: WE GET kissing and we get a bit of selfies, and it’s lovely. JENNIFEr: I THINK we’re recognized more if we’re together. The response is more extreme.
How did Ab Fab come to be so gay? Did you make the show for gay people?
JENNIFEr: No, WE didn’t. And we’ve been thinking about this a lot, and I think (the gay fandom is) because of the friendship and because they’re not in search of love – they’re not constantly looking for a man, they’re quite happy with each other. They live life to the fullest, they live life without brakes and the friendship is all (they need), I think. JoaNNa: ANd I think because they’re glamorous. Edina always longed for (her daughter) Saffy to come out as gay and she’s very proud of having a gay son, Serge. But there were always gay people in the show, Jennifer; you always had them written in. JENNIFEr: YEaH, ’caUSE it’s normal.
married one – one of her husbands was gay! (Laughs) It’s just part of the fabric of society. But it wasn’t then, right?
JoaNNa: Do yoU think it had a way of making people feel more open toward gays, Chris? I do think so. I also think it made gay people feel comfortable in their own skin. I know friends who call you their lifeline because they’re gay and grew up in small towns; they had no role models, no one who even acknowledged them or their sexuality. How does it feel to know that you and these characters had an immense influence on people in the LGBT community?
JENNIFEr: I FEEL incredibly proud, then. We have a lot to thank the gay community for, because I think the show largely started being popular in the gay community and through that into the wider community. So, it’s been a lovely relationship. JoaNNa: WE Had the most wonderful award given to us in New York from the LGBT community (the 2002 Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Pride Award) and I’m totally proud of mine. It’s a wonderful citation which has made us priestesses of New York forever. It came from them thanking us for exactly what you’re thanking us for, and it makes me feel so humbled because Jennifer actually wrote these two characters and the characters are the people who have somehow become attached to us like an outer skin. It’s rather thrilling to be attached to those characters.
When the show ran from 1992-1995 the word “gay” was barely uttered on television. Then you two came along and changed the game.
How attached are you to those characters?
Was it your intent to introduce queer themes and people into the television zeitgeist?
Are you drinking at this very moment?
JENNIFEr: To BE honest, we never analyzed it like that. It just seemed to me, if we were representing lives, especially those in the fashion world and the creative world – it’s full of gay people. And you know, Edina
JENNIFEr: ONLy IN that it’s very hard to move without having a glass of champagne put into your hands. That makes life really, really nice. (Both laugh)
JENNIFEr: WE arE! Hugely! She’s just poured a vodka into my champagne. What cocktail do you recommend people order when they watch Ab Fab: The Movie?
JoaNNa: I THINK it’s gotta be the Stoli-Bolli cocktail. Stolichnaya vodka slipped into a glass of champagne – it’s almost half and half, actually, the way we drink it. (Both laugh) JENNIFEr: IT JUST knocks the bubbles out and puts a little bit more alcohol in. JoaNNa: BUT aS they would not add: Please drink responsibly. JENNIFEr: IT WoULd damage your health. It would severely damage your health. (Both laugh) Edina is always saying, “All my friends are gay.” How true is that for you in real life?
JENNIFEr: (LaUGHS) ALL my friends are gay!
Joanna, let’s talk about Patsy being transgender. Her gender change was addressed several times during the series. Why was it decided that Patsy should be trans?
JoaNNa: YES, IN series 2 (episode) “Morocco” we had a flashback to when Patsy had indeed been taking hormones and grown a mustache... JENNIFEr: (LaUGHS) +1 Google+ Find us on P F & P
Montrose Star e | Wednesday July 27, 2016 | PAGE 11
Over drinks (obvs), Ab Fab stars Jennifer Saunders and Joanna Lumley dish on their gay darlings, drag doubles and being ahead of the queer curve
JoaNNa: ANd cUT her hair off, had something switched on. Sadly after a year, it dropped off and she stopped the hormones, had a quick shave and went back to being Patsy again. But she goes in and out of it. And I think she was slightly dreading having to do it this time (for the movie), which is why she tried to resist. (Slips into character as Patsy) “No, Eddy, no!” And indeed she managed to fool a very, very old almost-blind woman that she was a man. JENNIFEr: SHE MaKES a very good man. We are basically like a married couple, Edina and Patsy, in a funny way. (Laughs) And they are sort of genderless. JoaNNa: INdEEd. IN one of the New York episodes we got married by Whoopi Goldberg! (Both laugh) I’ve always thought of you as gay men in women’s bodies.
JENNIFEr aNd JoaNNa: We are, yeah!
What advice do both of you have for gays who are on a quest to live their best life?
JENNIFEr: DoN’T LISTEN to anybody else. Kate Moss’s great thing: “Never complain, never explain.” That’s a very good way of living. JoaNNa: SHE’S adaPTEd it from the original quotation, which was from the 1930s: “Never apologize, never explain.” JENNIFEr: OH! JoaNNa: NEVEr aPoLoGIZE – I think that’s a good one. You’ve always had something to say about the PR industry on the show. What other business could use some mocking?
JENNIFEr: I THINK politics is just making a mockery of itself at the moment, so that’s not much help. JoaNNa: BaNKErS HaVE sort of been done, with things like The Wolf of Wall Street and The Big Short and so on. All those that have kind of taken on the financial world. What else is there, Jennifer? Plenty?
JENNIFEr: (LaUGHS) I don’t know! JoaNNa: BUT yoU didn’t really set out to make a parody of it – you just had that as the background. JENNIFEr: WELL, THE great thing about PR is you can do anything. It can be any job, you can go anywhere. It’s such a wide, wide field, so it was the perfect job for (Edina) because it meant that during any show you could do anything – you’re not stuck in an office. But I suppose nowadays the thing is, nobody’s stuck in an office anymore. You know, anyone can live online, live at home, work at home, do their own PR via social media. You could honestly do your job from your bed, and that’s fantastic. When doing Eddy and Patsy in drag what should a queen always keep in mind?
JENNIFEr: OHH, WELL, you know, the funny thing is, when they do Patsy they used to always do kind of trashy dressing. But actually, I noticed yesterday at London Pride they were very well dressed. I think Patsys are becoming better dressed, and that’s quite important for Patsy because you’ve gotta start off looking good, like you’ve got somewhere to go. Always give yourself somewhere to go. And then by the end of the night?
JENNIFEr: By THE end of the night, you can be hopeless. I mean, literally. Spread eagle. What about Eddy?
JENNIFEr: OH, Eddy… everything’s gotta be too small. Wear shoes that literally hobble you and costumes that strangle you. Remember that Eddy has never woken and not been marked by her clothing; she’s always marked. Elasticated marks everywhere on her body from the clothes. Where can we expect to see Eddy and Patsy in 20 years?
JENNIFEr: IN a home. JoaNNa: ATTacHEd To intravenous bottles of Stolichnaya and Bolly. Still smoking like chimneys. Organs removed. JENNIFEr: BUT HaVING a fabulous time. JoaNNa: STILL HaVING a fabulous time. Any final words for your gay darlings?
JoaNNa: WE LoVE you, sweetie darlings! e Chris Azzopardi is the editor of Q Syndicate, the international LGBT wire service. He’s also the proud recipient of an “I adore you, daaahhhling!” from Mariah Carey. Reach him via his website at and on Twitter (@chrisazzopardi). +1 Google+ Find us on P F & P
| Montrose Star e | Wednesday July 27, 2016
Sleek and Sophisticated French e By
2 7 10 Montrose Blvd. Houston, T X 7 7 006
713.526.0202 Order Online
ld World French dining offers many charms, as I’ve discovered both locally and during my recent trip to Paris. Still, my aesthetic leans decidedly contemporary, which is why I love the sleek, modern atmosphere of L’Olivier. Situated across from Numbers on lower Westheimer, L’Olivier has been serving stylish and delicious French-inspired food since April 2012. By now you’ve heard about the building’s past life, but the charming and ebullient chef-owner Olivier Ciesielski has made the place his own. Chef Olivier can often be found in the dining room, welcoming guests and explaining the intricacies of the dishes he has created. At a recent lunch, for example, I ordered the wonderful Fait Maison Tagliatelle Pasta as a starter. Chef Olivier described how black truffles are mixed in with semolina flour to produce the fresh pasta. On top was a delectable cream sauce made with Burgundy wine and sage. Everything on L’Olivier’s dinner menu is available at both lunch and in the evenings, but there’s a special lunch menu, as well. That’s where I found my excellent main course of Steak Frite Salade. A slightly smaller version of the Steak Frites is offered at dinner; the plate included a bowl of fresh greens tossed in a sweet yet tangy maple syrup dressing. Seriously, if that dressing were bottled, I’d stock up!
L’Olivier’s Chef Olivier Ciesielski
With grill marks artfully seared, the steak came in a portion that was just enough for lunch. Cooked medium rare as requested, the meat was rosy and tender. But what really struck me was the frites. They’re on the softer side, but Chef Olivier explained that Yukon Gold is the preferred variety at the restaurant, and they must be fried at a lower temperature: 325 degrees.
L’Olivier and MONTROSE STAR present Disco Dejeuner—brunch with a beat—the first Sunday of each month beginning at 11 a.m. +1 Google+ Find us on P F & P
Montrose Star e | Wednesday July 27, 2016 | PAGE 13
Foodie Diaries
Fare and ‘Brunch with a Beat’
This prevents the potato’s sugars from caramelizing too quickly. All I know is that I couldn’t stop eating them, and there are enough of them to nearly fill the sack they’re served in! Admittedly, lunch at L’Olivier was a tranquil affair, but things start hopping at happy hour. Weekdays from 3:30 to 7: p.m. you’ll find $5 French wines by the glass, and appetizers at $6 each. Now, Beef Sliders and Mac & Cheese may not be French, but I’ve had both of these at many catered events around town, so I can vouch for their goodness. The sliders, in particular, are delicious with caramelized onions. Looking for a new brunch spot? On the first Sunday of each month beginning at 11 a.m., L’Olivier and MONTROSE STAR present “Disco Dejeuner”, brunch with a beat! I came to the inaugural brunch with some friends, and we all enjoyed
fresh squeezed mimosas, salads, shrimp cocktails, egg dishes and of course, L’Olivier’s amazing version of the classic, French Onion Soup. If I can ever get a date, I’m heading gayly back to L’Olivier for some Bouillabaisse and Chateaubriand. (What a meal that will be!) The dining room, twinkling with mini lights and minimalism, backed with a beautiful flocked silver wallpaper, is perfect for a date. But really, L’Olivier should be at the top of your list for aTny occasion. e
L’Olivier Restaurant and Bar 240 Westheimer Road Houston, Texas 77006
(713) 360-6313
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| Montrose Star e | Wednesday July 27, 2016
A user’s guide to the electoral drag e By
f there ever was a time for political junkies like myself, now is that time! You are probably wondering to yourself, “How in the name of RuPaul is he going to try and tie together our political situation in these United States of America and the man himself—RuPaul?!” I refuse to RuPaul-ogize in advance, so you’ll just have to read on! Following are some terms
that RuPaul himself has used throughout his illustrious career, and most especially during the last seven-plus years (RuPaul’s Drag Race Season 1, Episode 1, aired on Monday, February 2, 2009). Many of the terms might have their own meaning to RuPaul, and they might just have a similar (or not!) meaning when it comes to the political scene we find ourselves currently in.
“Bye, Felicia!” A phrase used to stop
someone from speaking. The term is a reference to the film, Friday. For the next several months until Election Day on Tuesday, November 8, 2016, many of us will be saying this phrase every time we hear our least favorite candidate speak, whether it’s in a debate, an advertisement, or an interview.
“Come through!” A phrase
made famous by Season 7 winner Violet Chachki, first used after a lip sync battle between Kennedy Davenport and Katya. It is used as an appraisal, a show of pride, a
congratulations, etc. We all hope that our favorite candidate will, of course, come through for us!
“Condragulations!” A compliment directed towards a queen, usually used by RuPaul when a queen wins a challenge. A bastardization of “congratulations”. Condragulations will definitely be in order on Tuesday, November 8, 2016, as well as on Inauguration Day on Friaday, January 20, 2017.
“ erce!” A term used by drag
queens meaning to possess a good, intense, satisfying, powerful, or beautiful quality. Alternatively, to have looks that could “kill,” similar to a wild animal. Each one of us must think our candidate is fierce!
“The ve G’s” An acronym meaning
“Good God, get a grip, girl!” The term was originally coined on the show by Season 4 contestant,
Photo courtesy
Donette Trump
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Montrose Star e | Wednesday July 27, 2016 | PAGE 15
HoUPaUL: aLL THiNGs rUPaUL iN HoUsToN Latrice Royale. How many times do you expect those words to come out of your mouth over the next several months? Alternative saying: “Good God, get a grip, guy!”
“Glamazon” A slang term for a tall, glamorous and assertively self-confident woman. Also, a portmanteau (a new word to me!) of the terms “Glamorous” and “Amazon”. Finally, the name of a RuPaul album and song. Since neither of the top political candidates would be considered overly tall, we will have to stick with glamorous and assertively self-confident! I think the last phrase applies to the top candidate of both political parties!
Carrera, Delta Work, Manila Luzon, and Raja during Season 3 of the show. The term is a reference to the 1980’s film Heathers starring Winona Ryder and Christian Slater. We can expect many political alliances to be formed over the next several months and beyond!
Mr. H.R. Clinton
“How’s your head?” A
phrase taken from the film Elvira: Mistress of the Dark, starring Cassandra Peterson as Elvira. When a letter from a marquee sign falls on her head, she is asked by the local bumpkin, “How’s your head” to which she replies, “I haven’t had any complaints.” In regards to the current political environment, I will just leave this one right there for you to use your own judgment and imagination!
Photo courtesy
“Heathers” An alliance formed by Carmen
Bianca says out loud. A reference to her quick wit and shady comments. I think most major political candidates have their own Rolodex of hate, but hopefully the Rolodex of love wins out!
“Sashay away!” A quote used
“Lip-Sync For Your Life” A
battle between two contestants on RuPaul’s Drag Race who have placed in the Bottom 2 and are up for elimination where they must lip-sync to a song in order to impress RuPaul and stay in the competition. Sounds eerily similar to our election process!
“Purse rst” To walk into a room
with one’s purse entering first. This is a quote from Season 8 winner, Bob The Drag Queen. Could this possibly be the name of our country’s new economic policy?
“Rolodex of Hate” Bianca Del
Rio’s imaginary Rolodex in her head, it “spins” whenever someone speaks and whatever lands on,
by RuPaul to eliminate a contestant after losing in a “lip-sync for your life” battle. Alternatively, to leave the competition, to be eliminated from the competition, or a derivative of the ballet term chasse, as performed by Laganja Estrangja. We all, of course, hope that our least favorite political candidate will simvply sashay away!
“Shantay, you stay.” A phrase use
by RuPaul on RuPaul’s Drag Race, when RuPaul has chosen a contestant to stay in the competition after “lip-syncing for her life” in the bottom two. The phrase refers to the RuPaul song “Supermodel” which pays homage to the film Paris is Burning. May your favorite candidate “Shantay, you stay!”
RU-minder: Stay tuned for the next edition of MONTROSE STAR for many more upcoming RuPaul’s Drag Race events.
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| Montrose Star e | Wednesday July 27, 2016
cooking with paula dream
Treat your meat, your liver and your sweet tooth e by
paula dream
hew! It’s hot out there. Makes me want to burn my apron and lie naked in front of the old swamp cooler. Do any of you young’uns know what a swamp cooler is? Here is a versatile spice mixture in lieu of your customary grilling rub. Rub it all over your meat—but don’t let your meat loaf! Heehee. I get asked occasionally how I cook my liver and onions. Most of the time, I don’t—there is a cafeteria on Waugh Drive that does a good job and doesn’t smell up my house. But if you don’t mind smelling up your house, try this easy and tasty recipe. If you haven’t noticed, blueberries are in season, and this season has some of the most flavorful that I remember. So, lets make a pie that anyone can make. Thank you for reading Paula’s column each issue. And thank you for supporting our advertisers who support our gay community.
» LIVER AND ONIONS THE EASY WAY . 3 tablespoons margarine 2 medium onions, thinly sliced 3 tablespoons vegetable oil 1 pound thinly sliced liver (goes a long ways) 1 cup flour
Salt and pepper to taste Melt margarine in large skillet on high heat. Add onions, sautéing for about five or six minutes until slightly browned. Remove onions from pans to a serving dish; cover with aluminum foil to keep them warm. Wash liver under cool water. Use kitchen shears to remove membrane, then cut to individual serving sizes. Spread flour on a plate. Heat oil in same skillet until hot. Coat liver with flour, salt and pepper. Cook in oil on medium heat about three minutes each side until browned. Add onions back to skillet with meat in the last minute of cooking. Serve mine with a brown gravy on the side. However, it is also good just to make your brown gravy from an envelope mix and pour over liver in skillet. Yummy with some good mashed potatoes and sweet peas. » PLAIN OL’ GOOD BLUEBERRY PIE . 1 or 2 refrigerated piecrusts For The Filling: 4 cups blueberries, washed 7 tablespoons cornstarch 1 tablespoon cinnamon 1/4 tablespoons allspice 2/3 cup sugar 3 tablespoons water 2-1/2 tablespoons lemon juice
» MONTROSE SPICE-IT-UP MEAT RUB . 1/4 cup garlic salt 1 tablespoon ground white pepper 1/2 cup paprika, regular or smoked 1/4 cup dry mustard 1/4 cup red wine vinegar 1/4 cup Worcestershire sauce 1/2 cup beer
Combine all spice ingredients into a bowl to form a paste. If it’s too thick, add a little more beer. Rub the paste all over your meat of choice. Refrigerate to let the meat absorb the flavors, or cook meat immediately.
for the crumb topping (optional): 1/3 cup sugar 1/2 cup flour 1/4 cup butter
Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Wash berries, discarding the mushy ones. Combine the dry filling ingredients in large bowl. Add lemon juice and water it real good. Add berries, coating thoroughly. Place berry mixture in unbaked piecrust. Mound them up as they will cook down. Place second piecrust on top, crimping edges. Make a few slices in top crust to let it vent. If
you prefer a crumb topping instead of a second piecrust, mix crumb topping the ingredients in a bowl. Using your hands, turn it in to small clumps or crumbs, and sprinkle over top of pie. Place pie in oven and cook for one hour until pie is golden and bubbling. You may want to place your pie plate on a cookie sheet to catch any liquids that might run from the plate. +1 Google+ Find us on P F & P
Bonus Tip: Did you know there are many uses for that Bloody Mary mix on the shelf other than drinking? I add about a 1/2 cup to my meatloaf. I add it to my pasta sauce, my cLeanout-the-fridge veggie soup, chili, and some of my marinades. Just use your imagination e Paula Dream, AKA Kale Haygood, owns Beyond Service, a Montrose-based, home-cooking catering company. For more information, call 713-805-4106 or email
Montrose Star e | Wednesday July 27, 2016 | PAGE 17
deeP iNside HoLLYWood
Kristen Stewart is all about a female James Bond e By
t’s funny how ideas take hold on the internet. Case in point: a female James Bond. Nobody from the world of James Bond-based decision-making is really talking about this. But Gillian Anderson did. So did Game of Thrones’ Emilia Clarke. So did Bollywood star Priyanka Chopra. They’d all like their shot at playing Bond, and who can blame them? And now it’s a thing. So when the subject came up at a recent press junket with Kristen Stewart, she didn’t exactly throw her hat in the ring of speculative consideration, but she did express enthusiasm for the subject, which is kind of the same thing. Calling the middle-aged while male version of bond “stale” (and she’s right), she laid out her idea for how the next Bond film might introduce the change: a Bond Girl becomes a Bond girlfriend becomes Bond herself. It’s sort of perfect, really, and why didn’t we think of that? Now, Bond People, if Idris Elba is off the list (and we have no idea if he is or he isn’t, but let’s all pause for a moment to shed a couple of tears), then why not give one of these women the chance to prove her 007 chops? It’s certainly time.
HBO checks The Trans List Timothy Greenfield-Sanders, the director of The Out List and The Black List, has returned with his latest interview-based documentary, The Trans List, which focuses on the lives and stories of transgender people, some famous, some not. Produced for HBO (which will air it later this year), the film is currently making festival rounds, and returns to the format of the filmmaker’s earlier work: subjects looking directly into the lens and telling their stories without any intrusion from off-camera. It’s a simple, elegant way of making interviews happen, and one that the filmmaker has perfected over time. The community’s most well-known faces will make appearances – people like Laverne Cox, Janet Mock, Caitlyn Jenner and Buck Angel – but the film will also focus on everyday trans Iraq War veterans, surviving Stonewall participants, community activists, and people like Amos Mac, publisher of Original Plumbing magazine. Fingers crossed that by the time it airs Ms. Jenner will be over her very public fixation on a certain reality show host-turnedPresidential candidate. And if not, well, we’re watching it anyway. Steve Buscemi will Lean On Pete Never forget, please, that back in the 1980s when non-gay actors were usually too afraid to play gay characters, Steve Buscemi launched his film career with a classic piece of Queer Cinema, Parting Glances. So it feels right and fitting that after a critically lauded stretch of
Kristen Stewart
acting work these past three decades, he’ll be joining forces with acclaimed gay filmmaker Andrew Haigh (Weekend, 45 Years). The film is titled Lean On Pete, and instead of a boy and his dog tale, this one’s about a boy and his horse. Well, maybe not his horse, exactly. A personal project for Haigh, he’ll adapt Willy Vlautin’s novel about a 15-yearold boy looking for his long-lost aunt, his only companion a stolen racehorse named Lean On Pete. One of Buscemi’s former Boardwalk Empire co-stars, Charlie Plummer (Granite Flats), will play the boy, with Buscemi playing a character named “Del.” More casting news to follow, no doubt, but look for this one sometime in 2017. Vita & Virginia unites lovers Sackville-West & Woolf One of the 20th century’s most talked about literary love affairs was the one between Virginia Woolf and Vita Sackville-West. Often ignored by scholars, who tended to focus their attention on the two writers’ heterosexual relationships, their story has been told a few times now in various media, reclaiming a vital piece of queer cultural history. A play by Dame Eileen Atkins is the basis for this new project, Vita & Virginia, which will be produced in England and directed by Chanya Button (Burn Burn Burn). More news to come on this one, obviously, since the leads have yet to be cast. But this is just the kind of British period drama we live for now that Downton Abbey is no more, and we were always not-so-secretly hoping for a couple of well-spoken aristocratic women on that program to conduct a clandestine affair. We’ll finally get our wish with this one. e Romeo San Vicente came crawling back to Broadway. +1 Google+ Find us on P F & P
| Montrose Star e | Wednesday July 27, 2016
Cocon ut Gr
THe FriVoLisT
Trunks m i w S e
Shorts, Shades & Sunny Swag e
By MIKEy roX
Let color-blocked brightness, tropical prints and kaleidoscope statement accessories – plus a few spots of leather – help elevate your boardwalk swag this summer of ’16.
‘Get Lost’ Luggage Tag
Carbon Collection Watches
If you’re nowhere near a beach this summer, you can still invite the essence of the open sea to your bestie’s backyard with the Coconut Groves, tropical-inspired trunks from Chubbies. These macawcrotched butt-huggers (if you’ve got an ample pirate’s booty, that is) are equal parts ”aaarrr!” and shiver-metimbers for sky’s-out-thigh’s-out time-outs. $60,
Parsonii’s Carbon Collection – the box set of which comes with one of its unique watch faces in gold, silver or brushed bronze – keeps your beach-hopping schedule tight and on time while three wardrobe-friendly straps let you swap out a selection of colors to easily transition from drinks at the marina to that bonfire by the bay. $145,
Mixed Brights Bracelets
Doublehighfive BK’s hand-curated, multicolored bracelets – made from recycled flip-flops by women in Mali – come in an assortment of cool colors, like mixed bold, brights, pastels, pinks, and blues and greens, so you can keep this “Summer of Pride” haute until the temps take a dive. $20, +1 Google+ Find us on P F & P
Montrose Star e | Wednesday July 27, 2016 | PAGE 19
Durable, packable and versatile – so you can hit the road fully equipped for the adventure of a lifetime – Cotopaxi’s Luzon Del Día features repurposed ripstop nylon, mesh backpack straps and an internal hydration sleeve… plus a twist: Each pack is proudly made in the Philippines by an employee who has total creative control of the pack’s colorway so no two are ever the same. $50,
Your vacay motto may be to “get lost” during your travels, but that sentiment stops at your baggage. Enhance its chances of making it to the final destination with this phrase-embossed tag from American Bench Craft made from a single-piece of fullgrain leather and hand cut from vegetabletanned steerhide. $22,
Trigger Sunglasses Give your sure-thing wayfarers a rest and shake up your sunglasses game with the polarized Trigger specs from Sunglasses Warehouse. Pink floral and silver frames with amber nonmirrored lenses provide 99 percent UVA/UVB sun protection to soak up the rays without ruining your retinas. $14,
‘Pineappleade’ Gold
L 8 1 n uzo
k c a p Day
Leather Slip-Ons
p a C s y n
Unsuspecting hand grenades masquerading as shimmering pineapples – the signature stencil of Colombian street artist DJ Lu – let you explode onto the scene of your next summer shindig (and make a political statement about the country’s armed conflict that displaced its outer region’s farmers) without uttering a word. Available in women’s sizes five to 10; men, order two sizes up from your normal size. $17,
It’s hard not to light up when you see AMBSN’s Sunnys Cap in melon. Emboldened with an embroidered sunglass-sporting smiley-face emoji, you’ll be doing everyone around you a favor as soon as you pop it on. $32, +1 Google+ Find us on P F & P
PAGE 20 | Montrose Star e | Wednesday July 27, 2016
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It’s time for love and healing
aCross THe CaUseWaY aCross THe CaUseWaY
Gay Galveston and the Alphabet of Gaydom e By
uly is here and no one can doubt it. The temps have soared toward and over 100 degrees. Handsome island buddy and meteorologist Frank Billingsley (No! Not Barbara! He does not wear pearls!) tells us that with the heat index and “wearable” humidity, we are all dying! It certainly feels it. Fortunately, feisty ol’ Mother Nature has, so far, spared us any tropical depressions, storms or hurricanes. We are all ready for Hurricane Hank, should he ever arrive, and have stocked our cabinets with Vienna Sausages, bottled water, Pop Tarts (they are great cold), vodka and Gun Barrel Lube! My daily excursions along the Seawall are filled with vistas of happy families (car loads), cyclists, sunbathers, dog walkers, skate boarders, hunky men, hot women and everything in between, and I do mean “in-between.” Hey, it is Galveston. No matter what, we love having visitors come and enjoy our beautiful island. I still say, it is the best kept little secret in Texas and still offers something for everyone from the J.R. Ewing “rich” crowd rambling up and down the Seawall on the way to their mansions to the rainbow blooded joyseeker who finds their way across the causeway. (Sometimes, they are the same people!) We got ya covered!
The world of the homosexual is ever moving forward. I use the word “homosexual” because these days, it is difficult to stay abreast and be politically correct with the latest set of letters that describe “us” and our family. Family, however, is indeed what it is, no matter what combination of letters by which it is described. I have always struggled with letters, especially those that follow a name and indicate some something that should set the individual “apart” or give recognition for some accomplishment or chosen career; often times it is merely paying a fee or taking some test, or suffering through months or years of some training. I myself have a small alphabet after my last name; however, I absolutely refuse to use the “titles” and initials. I mean, really, there are so many these days. You might as well just put your name on a business card and slap the alphabet after it… or use “John Doe, A-Z” It actually gets quite comical to look at someone’s card or advertisement, examine all those letters and try to figure it out or put words to the spread. Just take a look at the card of your physician, real estate agent, lawyer, architect, person “born on the Island,” “Islander by choice,” bartender, therapist, etc. The letters seem to get more complex with the
level of “education” or coursework one has completed. Personally, I have always wanted to be a C.P.— Certified Penisologist—and may yet, once I have studied enough! So lately, I have faced a real conundrum: What do we call ourselves in the world of letters, acronyms and initials? For years it was GLBT (gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender). This was long after “queer” was used as a general umbrella term for “those who like their own” faded and became derogatory (unless we refer to one of our own and often in joking or slang terms). I have been so stuck in my old ways that I totally missed when we became LGBT. In a flash, the lesbians beat the gays to the head of the line! After a while, when it seemed the world was busting all sexual limits and everyone was trying everything, we added the B crowd. Enter 2016. We are in the new everyday now, for better or worse, and the entire world is wondering what to call us these days. I imagine the great Ruth Bader Ginsberg, the Notorious RBS, must sit up late at night after
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several cocktails, wondering just what is the correct term or set of letters to use when writing a case outcome for some poor, gay, transsexual, queer who managed to get his or her case all the way to the Supreme Court. Now we have added “Q”, a new letter in the alphabetical line-up which probably should just say “human”. We are now LGBTQ. Being an avid listener to NPR and the fantastic, unbiased and informative The Diane Rehm Show, I have learned that “Q” has been added to list, for “queer”. Hell, isn’t that all of us? Even Diane has commented about just what is correct to describe this community. Just imagine if Katharine Hepburn was on that show…it would take forever between the two, like two old Persian cats huffing and puffing at each other. All the letters aside, we are still one family of humans with a common goal, and that is to be accepted and allowed to be integral parts of our community, rather we have a zillion letters after our name, whether we cross the causeway in the latest Mercedes or just stumble S 26
| Montrose Star e | Wednesday July 27, 2016
aCross THe CaUseWaY S 25 down the make-up aisle of Walmart looking for new eye-liner and blush. These days, I feel it appropriate to leave after my name, GIRWILGBTQ (Galveston Island Resident Who Is LGBT and Queer)! With the horrible news lately and sadness in our LGBT world, I want to end on a happy note. Though our beloved Larry “Pickles” King was critically injured in a horrible auto accident several months ago, he is now on the mend, growing healthier and stronger each day. If you follow Pickles
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on Facebook, you will see that every day he is a bit better and getting back to the island Larry that we all know and love. Cards and letters to Larry are most welcomed. The address is Touchstone Neurorecovery Center, 9297 Wahrenberger Rd., Conroe, TX 77304 Until we meet again, don’t fight, tell folks you love ‘em and bury the hatchets, folks. Life is short. The alternative is not worth it! e A resident of Galveston where he can be found wasting bait and searching for the meaning of life, Forest Riggs recently completed a collection of short astories about his beloved island and is working on a novel.
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| Montrose Star e | Wednesday July 27, 2016
It’s time for love and healing e By
hen you’re young, you are so vibrant and passionate about everything in a relationship. Things are super exciting; feelings and emotions and hormones are on full throttle. It just seems to feel like a dream. As we get older and experience the tough times in a partnership, we tend to get bitter. We tend to put up emotional walls that are virtually impossible to breach. We base relationships on what we can gain from the other person or fear of what the other person will do to us.
This week is a time for healing. Let’s take time to avoid those feelings of not being “good enough” for a certain someone in your life. If you have any type of feelings for someone that you are dating currently, stand up and tell them exactly the things that you cherish about them, without the thought of being rejected. Go full force with your emotions and celebrate the now. True, unconditional love is actually not as rare as you may think it is. Have those feelings of passion and create a mental chainsaw to break down all of those fears that linger in your mind from past hurt. The only thing that could possibly happen is someone saying no and that person opening up the doorway for your one true soul mate to come waltzing in. Perceptual Readings’ Lauren K. is an intuitive and spiritual advisor who gives accurate readings through tarot and crystal guidance cards. For more information, call (713) 417-6928 or email
ó THE LOVERS Indicates attraction, love, beauty and trials overcome.
î TWO OF SWORDS Indicates courage, friendship, affection and intimacy.
ó THREE OF SWORDS Indicates removal, absence, delay, division, rupture and all that the design signifies naturally. +1 Google+ Find us on P F & P
Montrose Star e | Wednesday July 27, 2016 | PAGE 25
crossword queeries FAMOUS HOMOPHOBES Across 1 Hazard for Sheehan 5 E with a queer orientation 10 Barely makes, with “out” 14 Inventor Elias 15 “ you loud and clear!” 16 Stuff stuffed under G-strings 17 Male mating call? 18 Menotti’s middle name 19 “ put it another way ...” 20 Homophobic TV doctor of the ‘70s 23 Bloom of The Producers 24 Peaks in Peru 25 Words said near crystal balls 26 Eligible for soc. sec. 27 Teakettle sound 28 Env. stuffer 31 Wilde tragedy banned in London 33 Anita, who founded the antigay group Save Our Children 36 Frugal sort 37 Quills subject 40 Move stealthily 42 Becomes wife and wife, e.g. 43 Exams on sexual technique? 45 President who called gay people “sick unfortunates” 47 Middle point 49 Mineo of Rebel Without a Cause
50 Russian commune 53 Like hard-core porn 54 Tobias pseudonym 57 Former defensive tackle Tuaolo 59 Interjection for Ernst Roehm 60 Pope who decried homosexuality as “intrinsically evil” 63 “Are you up ?” 65 Michelangelo piece with stones of stone 66 Park of Queens 67 Ron Howard film with Ellen DeGeneres 68 Autobiography of Grace’s roommate? 69 Adolescent affliction 70 Matches a poker bet 71 Elton’s tube 72 They depend on their masters
1 The “T” in T.E. Lawrence 2 Caesar and Antony 3 Lammies, e.g. 4 Britten’s change 5 Commands to attack 6 Sticking point 7 Beginning to come? 8 Places for plaques 9 Some Western homes
10 The Name of the Rose writer 11 He played to homophobia to help get Bush reelected in 2004 12 Put on a pedestal 13 Cincinnati gay bar 21 Friendly opening 22 Consenting votes 29 B’way locale 30 Singer Vikki 32 Blades of grass, collectively 33 Cold-cock 34 Born, to Bonheur 35 Some like them hot 37 Ancient Greek gay, perhaps 38 415, in San Francisco 39 He gunned down Harvey Milk 41 Org. that uses ball-washers 44 Belgrade resident 46 Mapa of Switched at Birth 48 Go over proofs again 50 Kahlo’s country 51 Bye Bye Birdie writer Brecher 52 Makes erect 55 Blown away 56 Mischievous type 58v Stravinsky string, perhaps 61 To Kill a Mockingbird character 62 In a lazy way 64 Boob tubes
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| Montrose Star e | Wednesday July 27, 2016
GUide To THe CLUBs
Bayou City Bar & Grill
Lucky's Pub - Downtown
Crystal Night Club
2409 Grant St, Houston (713) 522-2867 | • Dance | Food | Patio | Mixed
801 St Emanuel St, 77003 713-522-2010 • $$ | Sports Bar
6684 SW Fwy, Houston (713) 278- 2582 • Latin Dance | Salsa
Crocker Bar
Moon Tower Inn
2312 Crocker St, Houston (713) 529-3355 Large Deck | Karaoke
3004 Canal St, 77003 832-969-1934 • $$ | Hot Dogs, Beer Gardens
F Bar 202 Tuam St, Houston (713) 522-3227 | • Dance/Club | Patio | Shows | Mixed George’s Country Sports Bar 617 Fairview Ave, Houston (713) 528-8102 | Sports Bar | Pool & Darts | Patio Guava Lamp 570 Waugh Dr, Houston (713) 524-3359 • Video Lounge | Karaoke | Mixed JR’s Bar and Grill & Santa Fe 808 Pacific Ave, Houston (713) 521-2519 • Videos | Patio | Karaoke | Shows Meteor 2306 Genesee St, Houston (713) 521-0123 | • Lounge | Dancers | Club
Montrose Mining Company 805 Pacific Ave, Houston (713) 529-7488 Cruise | Levi South Beach 810 Pacific Ave, Houston (713) 521-0107 • Dance Club | Dancers | Trance/House
Bonham Exchange
211 W. Fourth St, Austin (512) 320-8823 Dance | Pub | 20/30-Somethings
411 Bonham St, San Antonio (210) 271-3811 • | Dance | House Brenda’s 81 Bar 7811 New Old Laredo Hwy San Antonio (210) 927-2337 | GLBT Friendly | Pub
Rain on 4th
13 - The Heights Bar 1537 N. Shepherd Dr. (713) 426-1313. Neighborhood Bar | Patio
Neil's Bahr 2006 Walker St, 77003 281-352-7456 • Premier Nerd | Gamer | Intellectual hangout
217 W. Fourth St, Austin (512) 494-1150 • Dance | House | 20 Something
4216 Washington, Houston 832-740-4933 •
Tout Suite
121 W. Eighth St, Austin • Bear | Pub | Scruff
322 Milby St, 77003 713-555-5666 • $$ | Casual bar with po’boys & games
n DOWNTOWN / WARDS 1-4 Tony’s Corner Pocket 817 West Dallas Street, Houston (713) 571-7870 • Neighborhood Bar | Pool | Dancers
n HOUSTON - NORTH SIDE Ranch Hill Saloon 24704 Interstate 45, Spring. (281) 298-9035 • Country | Cowgirl | Neighborhood Bar
1500 N. Main Ave, San Antonio (210) 227-2600 | Dance | Lounge | House
23rd Street Station
Orleans Street Pub and Patio
1706 23rd St, Galveston (409) 621-1808 | Neighborhood Bar | Pub
650 Orleans St, Beaumont (409) 835-4243 • Neighborhood Bar | Pub
106 Pershing Ave, San Antonio (210) 820-0906 Neighborhood Bar | Pub
Third Coast Downtown 2416 Post Office St, Galveston (409) 765-6911 Neighborhood Bar | Pub | Shows Robert’s Lafitte 2501 Ave Q, Galveston (409) 765-9092 • Neighborhood Bar | Pub | Cruise | Shows
TC’s Show Bar
Neon Boots Dancehall & Saloon
817 Fairview Ave, Houston (713) 526-2625 • Shows | Neighborhood Bar | CD/Trans
11410 Hempstead Highway Houston, TX 77092 (713) 677-0828 •
The Ripcord
Viviana’s Night Club
715 Fairview Ave, Houston (713) 521-2792 • Leather Uniform | Fetish | Men
4624 Dacoma St, Houston (713) 681-4101 • Latino | Tejano | Dance
The Hidden Door 802 S Staples St, Corpus (361) 882-5002 Neighborhood Bar | Pub
609 McBride Lane. Corpus (361) 289-1442 Neighborhood Bar | Nite Club
6607 N I-35, Austin TX 78752 (512) 419-9192 • Neighborhood Bar | Pub Chain Drive
800 Lexington, San Antonio (210) 225-7330 | Neighborhood Bar | Show Bar | Drag
512 S Staples St.,Corpus Neighborhood Bar | Pub
3102 Seawall, Galveston (409) 974-4176 • Galveston’s only beach bar | Shows
1402 N. Main Ave, San Antonio (210) 299-4222 | Neighborhood Bar | Karaoke The Saint
Triangle Nite Club
‘Bout Time II
Rumors (Opening soon!)
Neighborhood Bar | Shows | Dance | Mixed
1010 N. Main Ave, San Antonio (210)223-5418. Neighborhood Bar | Pub
BEAUMONT 304 Orleans St, Beaumont (409) 832-4206 Dance/Club | Lounge | Mixed
The Room Bar 4915 FM 2920 Rd, Spring (281) 907-6866 •
Voodoo Queen
820 San Pedro Ave, San Antonio (210) 212-6635 Dance | Latin | Lounge
The Copa
Neighborhood Art Bar | Live Music | Women
2001 Commerce, 77002 713-227-8688 • $$ | Bakery | Cafe | Pub
Electric Company
The Iron Bear
Pearl Lounge
Michael’s Outpost Piano Bar 1419 Richmond Ave, Houston (713) 520-8446 Neighborhood Bar | Pub | Piano
Oilcan Harry’s
Silver Dollar Saloon 1812 N. Main Ave, San Antonio (210) 227-2623 | Dance Club | Drag | Country Sparky’s Pub
The Vault Night Club
1416 N. Main Ave, San Antonio (210) 320-5111 | Neighborhood Bar | Pub
424 Schatzell, Corpus Neighborhood Bar | Nite Club
Wax Club (Alternative) 2211 San Pedro Ave, San Antonio (210) 737-9191 • Neighborhood Bar | Lesbian
SAN ANTONIO 2015 Place
504 Willow st • Austin Leather | Bear | Neighborhood Bar
2015 San Pedro Ave, San Antonio (210) 733-3365 Neighborhood | Bar | Lounge | Karaoke
606 E. 7th St, Austin (512) 474-2950 • Women | Pub
330 San Pedro Ave, San Antonio (210) 223-6957 • Neighborhood Bar | Cruise | Leather
BRYAN COLLEGE STATION Halo Bar 121 North Main St, Bryan (979) 823-6174 | Dance Club
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| Montrose Star e | Wednesday July 27, 2016
Ġ Wed › July 27
Q Alley Theatre presents Agatha Christie’s Spider’s Web, ExxonMobil Summer Chills return to the stage with this classic thriller-comedy that is sure to leave audiences guessing until the end. Visit (Thru 8/14) Q Menial Collection: As Essential As Dreams: Self-Taught Art | Menial Collection hosts an opening reception for Houston-based collectors Stephaie and John Smither, 7pm (Exhibit thru 10/16) Q Moody Gardens Hotel – Galveston present The Curt Miller Magic & Comedy Show, 7:30pm Q NRG Stadium: Circus Xtreme, 7:30pm Q Revention Music Center presents Jill Scott in concert, 8pm Ġ Thur › July 28
Q 23rd Street Station – Galveston: Misty Valdez hosts Back to School for the Kids | Ladies Sing the Blues with special guests Q Arena Theatre presents Beatles vs. Stones, 8:30pm Ġ Sat › August 6
Ġ August 1 – September 5
Q Laurenzo’s and El Tiempo Cantina celebrate Houston Restaurant Weeks (benefiting Houston Food Bank) Visit and for details and menus. Salud!
Nogalar, 8pm (Thru 8/20) Q Studio 101 presents The Maids, by Jean Genet, 8pm (Thru 8/13)
Q 23rd Street Station – Galveston: Birthday Bash for Todd Farrish with BBQ on the Castaway Tiki patio, 4pm PLUS direct from Austin club, ‘Bout Time II, are hot dancers Daniel, Current & Pedro. Don’t miss it!
Ġ Fri › July 29
Ġ Sat › July 30
Q Arena Theatre presents Grammy-winning R&B singer Faith Evans, 8pm Q Neon Boots: Texas United Charities’ Pay It Forward Casino Check Presentation celebration, 4pm
Q 23rd Street Station – Galveston: Misty Valdez’s Famous Crispy Taco Plate Sale, 1pm Q Tony’s Corner Pocket: ERSICSS presents To Mock A Monarch, 8pm. Everyone is welcome to pick on current and past Monarchs at this important fundraising event benefiting Lazarus House and HATCH (Music accepted at 7pm) Ġ Sun › August 7
Q Obsidian Theatre presents El
Q 23rd Street Station – Galveston hosts the Christmas in July Grand Finale feat. The 23rd Street Station Divas and the Ladies of Lafittes. An annual benefit for children affected by HIV/AIDS, 8pm Q Ripcord: ERSICSS presents Monarch Night, 9pm. Show is open to all community Royalty and will benefit Lazarus House and The Montrose Center’s HATCH program
Ġ Fri › August 5
To Mock A Monarch
Boy George & Culture Club Ġ Sun › July 31
Q JR’s Bar & Grill: Summer Swimwear and Underwear Fashion Show feat. sexy Andrew Christian model, Jacob Ford, 1pm Q Revention Music Center presents Culture Club, 8pm Beatles vs. Stones
Mondays: Q KPFT 90.1FM: Queer Voices Radio Show Tuesdays: Q KPFT 90.1 FM: Legacy Community Health’s drive-time radio show every Tuesday, 4:30-5pm Q Pearl Bar: Nina Lombardo hosts LezBINGO, 8pm + Steak Night, 6:30pm Wednesdays: Q BINGO at Neon Boots Saloon Q Geeks Who Drink at The Ripcord, 8:30pm Q Nude Yoga at Club Houston, 6pm Q Exodus at The Ripcord Q What the Duck? Variety show hosted by Duckie DuJour at Tony’s Corner Pocket, 8:30pm Fridays: Q Classic Numbers every Friday at Numbers Nightclub Q Stripper Circus at South Beach Nightclub Saturdays: Q The Ripcord hosts PRIME with DJ Groove Brothers, 8pm Sundays: Q Club Houston Sunday buffet, 1pm Q JR’s Bar & Grill hosts Sunday Sunday with DJ Eddie E on the Patio, 4pm + Karaoke, 6pm + Kofi & Company Drag Show, 11pm Q Montrose Star presents Disco Brunch at L’Olivier Restaurant & Bar, 11am Q Ripcord’s Sunday Funday ‘Church’ with DJ Cory, 7pm Q The Women’s Group meets Second Thursday: Q SPRY Potluck at the Montrose Counseling Center Second Saturday: Q Montrose Art Market Q LOAF’s monthly Womyn on the Move dance at Neon Boots Second Sunday: Q PFLAG meets at St. Paul’s Methodist Church First Wednesday: Q Houston Political Caucus at Montrose Center First Friday: Q Front Runners Monthly Mixer Q SPRY Game Day Third Thursday: Q SPRY Movie Afternoons Third Friday: Q SPRY Movie Day at Montrose Center Third Sunday: Q LOAF socials First & Third Thursday:
Q LGBT Entrepreneurs a-nd Business Professionals Meet-Up at Midtown Bar & Grill