Can science fiction be poetic? Is it possible to reverse the process of creating a
book and start from the visual narrative? These questions have led me to shape
The Friendly Beasts, a book-object that takes symbolism and improvisation as its
starting point. The story has been created from advertising cuttings that, out of
their context, open the door to childish invention and automatic writing.
I am interested in the intersection between the tale/fable and the image. From
this point, I create a game where the story is modulated through the limits that I
am continuouslysetting. Chance and the found object shape the destiny of the
main character, thus taking the structure of graphic adventures as a reference
for this creative process.
Thanks to my grandmother, who began to collect magazines in the 40s, a
dystopia of indeterminate time is generated in The Friendly Beasts, where the
analog and tangible matter as much as they do in the very creation of the final
object itself.