Architecture And Illustration portfolio

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Architecture & Illustration

Graduate Portfolio - Rayhaan Albuquerque

Curriculum Vitae


About me

Creative individual with an affinity for art and illustrative graphics, possessing an escapist yet pragmatic sense of design. Under the moniker of “Moodgrass“- my avatar, I create surrealistic, colorful landscapes and characters.

My journey in architecture, up till this point, has been filled with ups and downs but has never stopped being a source of mental growth, which has morphed me into a highly adaptive, collaborative person whose intent is to further evolve by gaining experience in the workplace of a variety of different fields.

Link to online portfolio:


2017 - 2022 : Bachelor of Architecture (B.Arch) - Rizvi College of Architecture, Mumbai, India.

2017 : Junior College - Lokmaniya Tilak College of Science, Mumbai, India.

2015 : Primary School - Seventh Day Adventist ICSE School, Mumbai, India.

Professional Experience

2022 - Present: Architect Hafeez Contractor - Full time, Architect – Mumbai, India

2019 – Present: Moodgrass- Self Employed, Freelance Illustrator – Mumbai, India

Art Handle


-Held Workshop/Seminar for ARCHFEST

2020, on “Art Style, Tools to Develop your own Visual Identity”

-Illustrations and cartographic maps for an exhibition by Bombay 61 Studio, Mumbai. -Illustration for Landscape Journal November 2021 article.

2020 - 2021: Design Ni Dukaan Studio - Architectural and Design Intern - Ahmedabad, India


-Produced photorealistic renders on Blender and illustrative storyboards/views. -Logo design, character design and animation for classical music band ‘Iktara’.

2019 - 2020: Walking Lab Initiative - Core Team; Graphic designer – Mumbai, India

Highlight: Artwork, and the initiative featured in an article in Mid-day Newspaper (Jan 29th, 2020)

Software Proficiency

Other Skills/ Hobbies

Video Documentation/ Editing

Frame animation

Wacom tablet proficiency

Storyboarding and writing


Rayhaan Albuquerque Contact No +91 9819177469 Email DOB 31/12/1999 Nationality Indian
AutoCAD Autodesk Revit Adobe Photoshop Adobe Illustrator Rhinoceros Adobe InDesign Adobe Premiere Pro CorelDRAW Sketchup Blender Languages English Hindi Arabic

Rural Housing

Press Club

Cultural Center

Academic Work

Urban Housing

Cycle-Friendly Sector

Faith-Neutral Shrine

Residential Bldg

Freelance/Collaborative Work


Gig’o Records


Moodgrass Artwork

Art of Bamboo Weaving



The Martian

Architectural Design Semester 4 Pg 2-3
Architectural Design Semester 5 Pg 4-5
Lab 2019 Illustrative Posters Pg 18 Design Ni Dukaan 2021 Illustrations, Logo Design, Album art Pg 19-20
2020 APIC Design Competition Pg 27 All
2020 Tiny House Competition Pg 28
2021 Archdais Mars Calling Pg 29 Bombay 61 2021 Illustrations, Maps Pg 21-22
2022 Illustrations Pg 23
2021-Present Illustrations, Logo Design, Maps Pg 24
2019-Present Illustrations Pg 25
Architectural Design Semester 6 Pg 6-7
Architectural Design Semester 7 Pg 8-9
Architectural Design Semester 9 Pg 10-12
Design Dissertation Semester 10 Pg 13-15
Working Drawing Semester 6 Pg 16 1000 W3 W3 W3 W3 W3 W3 W3 W3 W3 W3 W3 W3 PRODUCED BY AN AUTODESK STUDENT VERSION

Academic Work

2019 - 2022 1


Shanag, a village in Himachal Pradesh, now lacks the resources that set the standard of Himachal archi tecture; i.e - Kath Kuni, hence facing a crisis due to desensitized concreting; overtaking throughout the land. This shift of construction technique is due to the restrictions put on quarrying stone and the cutting down of Deodar Cedar for timber. Kath Kuni construction was introduced to counteract the seismic activities in the Himalayan plane, by means of a scissor mechanism of stone and wood.

So the design challenge was to provide a housing unit and typology, which was extremely effective in seismic resistance, as well as thermal insulation, yet uses materials from the very site itself. The result is structures that take form of domes. Which, physically, is the most stable shape. The new extended village ends up looking very different but follows the same principles of living that the villagers used to have.

The brief was to design an extension to the existing village, consisting of 4 units of houses, a school, and community spaces.

Semester Subject Tools Guide

4 Architectural Design Watercolour and ink Ar. Shaurya Chauhan

As one walks by the path that leads to the village of Shanag, they would come across a cluster of homes that look like mounds of the earth they are placed on, with sunspaces that emulate the existing balconies. Site The Houses 1 5 10M N 5 10M A view of the entrance of the village, with the school on the west and the first house units on the east. Physical model Roof Plan Section 1 5 10M 5 10M Each house has a sunspace that divides the private and semi-private rooms. It also further divides the yard into a frontyard and a backyard. 2

The School

Extended House

Community Spaces

Construction Technique

The dome classrooms give off the feeling of familiarity
home, and is not intimidating to the children.
A stepped wooden platform, which acts as a play area, as well as a stage.
The public play area consists of wooden platforms with slides, ziplines and mon key bars from tree to tree. A half dome kitchen and eating area The domes are lined with extended plinths which act as a sitting and eating area.
Above, is a panoramic view comparing the old Shanag typology, the new, and the hybrid. Technique evolved from in-situ materials, and form derived to counter act seismic forces. Spaces for children, men, women and the aged; which includes a public play area, a landscape garden, a pancha yat, a washing area and a public sunspace. Public sun space. This space contains the generator powered by the waterwheel adjacent to it, further heating the space. A half dome washing area housing a water wheel with three functions, bringing the running stream at height to comfortably use as a water spout for drinking and washing, to power up the street lighting of the village and an oscillating platform for kids to play on.

Press Club

Azad Maidan, which literally translates to “ground of liberty”, is a ground used for protests, riots, and gathering of freedom fighters, during and after the British colonization of India. The square-ish site for this project is of about 1300 square meters, attached directly to one side of this triangular ground, in the Fort area of Mumbai.

The design aims to not take away from the importance and boldness of Azad Maidan but rather act as an organ extending from it, embodying the ideals of the common public that gather there, and allow them to freely explore and walk through the various paths in the press club, leading to and from the maidan.

It would include spaces that allow transparency, and direct visual axis from the street to the maidan, as well as be an invitation to the public to learn about the Mumbai press. Hence encouraging public in teraction with journalists, voicing their opinions which would be given more power by means of national/ international press.

Ground floor plan

With a press club design that is 70% public, there is a web-work of movement patterns including intersection points, of the jour nalists and the public, between various spaces.

To simplify this, two characterspersonifying a member of the press club and a passerby are set up. These characters are taken throughout the press club to see the various activities and interac tions they can take part in

First floor plan

Roof plan
0 3 5 10
Semester Subject Tools Guide 5 Architectural Design Autocad, Photoshop Ar. Stuti Borwanker
4 N

Multipurpose Hall Indoor Games Area

Both spaces can strike an

and the


The accommodation structures for the journal ists, has a room with an opening that overlooks Azad maidan.


The public can explore around a maze like space with walls holding exhibits of awards, newspaper clippings and the history of Mumbai press.

Basement plan

Arcade concept

The arcades of the buildings around the site, provide shade from the sun and monsoon, and at the same time provide shops and hawkers to interact with. The design uses this module and sensation in mind.

Material Exploration


A large volume of earth is excavated out to build a basement parking. By using a sustainable building material technique called Pouring Earth, based on Turkish Alker, walls can be casted out of earth and would not require any special form of labour.

It is composed of 20-30% Portland cement with sand mixed with earth which can then be casted like concrete.


The first floor consists of a wooden overhang that overlooks the arcade spaces and leads to the media room.


Industrial pre-cast steel truss-less system, with G.I. roofing sheets.


Spaces enjoying the shade of the roofing sheets.

Casting/ moulding slabs of various ma terials for comparison tests.


Cured Alker specimen, retains strength and hardness of concrete, to an extent, while negating the brittleness of regular adobe.

interaction between the journalists
There are two library buildings right opposite each other and covered by a roof between them. Section C-C’ Section B-B’ Section A-A’
Physical Model
Alker Adobe Concrete





and its


in the middle of

still respect these places of worship

old colonial churches,

the settlements that formed here eons ago,

means of



Kochi is also home to similarly diverse art forms and festivals, but many of these are dying in today’s day and age, because it takes many years to learn and perfect these forms; but, in return, there’s not enough income. Some of these dying art forms include, Tholpavakoothu shadow puppetry, Villu Pattu, Mapilla songs, Mural paintings etc.

So the design challenge was to create a spiritual hub, and research center, with the purpose of educating and reviving the various religious traditions of Kerala by activities on site. This is done by creating spiritual structures and spaces that emulates a religious structure on the street, but would be a unified, and secular place of worship as well as an exhibit for dying festivals/art forms.


Land slopes to a viewing deck or a vantage point, which gives a look of the entire spiritual center. Roof Plan Site Plan Section C-C’ Section B-B’ Section E-E’ C C’ E E’ A A’ B’ B D D’ N 1 10M 5 1 10M 5
site of 13,500 square meters, in the heart of Old Kochi, surrounded by various religious districts and their respective places
worship. Such
Jew Town
enormous temples
ponds. All
despite redevelopment,
orientation alone.
Subject Tools Guide 6 Architectural Design Autocad, Photoshop, Sketchup Ar. Esa Shaikh 6
An overview of the “spiritual” spaces surrounding the tank. Cave working space Exhibition spaces on and above ground, among trees. The timber walls are oriented to inhibit the view of the center Library under the viewing deck, the puncture allows light as well as rain fall into the water of the cave. Creating a secluded and meditative space. Washroom with a flowing ablution tank, connected to the river, as well as a courtyard with flowering plants. Accommodation
rooms, are at a height of 2 meters above ground, and has punctures to include tress into the space.
with a cantilevered platform above a river stream
undefined “island” stands at the center of the water body consisting of just one tree on a raised landmass, and can be used for activities such as prayers and med itation.
Stage Reception/Exhibition Kitchen/Cafe
Undefined Space Think
Workshop area Section A-A’ Section D-D’ 1 10M 5 N 7

Urban Housing

Masina Hospital in Byculla, is the former home of Sir David Sassoon, one of the most significant figures in the formation of the city that is called today as Mumbai. Situated in the same Parsi Trust land as other housing colonies like the Rustom Baug and Jerbai Baug on its adjacent sides, it maintains a hierarchy of short, rustic buildings.

The site of about 8000 sqm, divided by the entry road, is situated in the open area in front of the hospital. This space is currently used as parking, and during the Covid-19 pandemic, a quarantine zone for the patients.

The brief was to design a housing for doctors which would make use of this accommodation during emer gency times similar to the pandemic. So, the design challenge was to shelter 100-150 doctors, and their families; but at the same time design a system of modular housing that could modify its spaces as the tenants change.The design solution to this was to come up with a system of modular housing that could modify its spaces as the tenants change, yet keeping the 3 storeyed height level to match the surrounding context. By designing a framework composed of steel girder pads and columns, along with a stud wall system that can easily be shifted, each housing module gets immense freedom of customization. For example, by introducing retractable balconies on the first floor, or custom open spaces for yards, there could be hundred possible layouts for each house - tailor-made for the needs of each family member, not just the doctor of the house.

Semester Subject Tools Guide

7 Architectural Design Revit, V-Ray, Photoshop Ar. Samir Bagdadi

Building Technique

Study Models/Sketches
Preset Layouts for Unit II - 12x12 M Preset Layouts for Unit I - 6x6 M 8
Front Elevation Gr Floor Plan First Floor Plan Roof Plan Section C-C’
Layouts Second
Floor Plan
Section A-A’ Section B-B’ 9

Cycle-Friendly Sector

A group project of three, the site chosen to study was Sector 17 of Vashi. A sector planned in a grid-iron fashion with dedicated shopping and commercial areas severly lacks in informal social spaces as well as street furniture, which leads to a lack in pedestrian movement despite wide and well shaded footpaths. This lead to an intervention that operates on a macro and micro scale, with a cycle track network that ties everything together. On the macro scale, there has been a redevelopment of a decrepit commercial complex, which acts the gateway to the rest of the interventions. And on the micro scale, a cycle and pedestrian track network that runs throughout, as well as smaller architectural interventions to enhance the existing sector.

Three zones of development are named as follows,

-Neo Big Splash: A decrepit commercial complex redeveloped into a gateway for the cycle track that lets in pedestrians and cyclists into an informal yet bustling public space, the rest of the complex has been redesigned to retain all existing activities.

-Green Corridor: A path in between two parks that would introduce the cycle track, make use of the dense canopies shared by the parks, and bring in street modules such as eateries and furnitures.

-Transport Hub: Currently a rat-infested, filthy offset of a highway, this space is used as a waiting area for Interstate buses and cabs, redeveloping this zone with cycle stalls, waiting area modules, busstops, and store modules would benefit the public arriving and exiting the sector


Subject Tools Guide

9 Architectural Design Autocad, Sketchup, Photoshop Ar. Jai Bhadgaonkar

View of the shaded amphitheatre with opens up

the flea market.

View of the double heighted green terraces.

View of the open ground which leads to the archway.

A view of the main entry of Neo Big Splash overlooking the fountain.

Neo Big Splash Gr Floor Plan

View of the rear entrance looking towards the community farms.


The central green avenue acts as a spine for the plot. The spaces flow into each other seam lessly in a way that it connects each and every space.

Sectional View 1

The Green avenue is a pedestrian friendly zone which slides straight through the plot giving a bold statement of walkable neighbourhood. Cycling through the green ave nue you pass through the central fountain, amphitheater and organic community farms.

Sectional View 2

The idea was to achieve a free flowing horizontal greenscape that fuses multiple levels which makes it more interactive and experiential. The circular decks overview the vast green lawns and flea market, it also doubles up as an extension to the shops.

10 20M



Green Corridor Roof Plan
for festivals and other events, attached to the maidan on the eastern end.
seatings along with playful spaces amongst the pedestrian and cycle track, such as planters amongst stepped seatings. An exhibi tion space is added to direct, and encourage ex ploration, adding a sense of non linearity within this track. 30 50M Eateries at adjacent ends, along with cycle stands and furniture that could be used by vegetable vendors. The stage being used for the annual Ganpati Festival. 11
Transport Hub Plan 30 50M The transport hub is strategically located on the Mumbai Pune Highway, it houses multiple spaces like cafe extending out of a nursery, bodega stores, eateries, sanitation blocks all around the pockets. There is also a redesigned bus stops and taxi stands. Outdoor nursery and adjoined cafe. Visible within this view the bridged cycle track crossing. Seating around the trees for passengers waiting for interstate buses. SHED modules and seating around the trees for commuters and taxi drivers Bodega style stores and sanitation blocks adjacent to it. 12

Faith-Neutral Shrine

In my research, argue that the role of religious buildings today has significantly changed from what it used to be. These changes are primarily due the drop in religiosity, rise of a bureaucratic lifestyle, and a critical questioning of the role of religion today. As a result, the archetypical contemporary place of worship reflects these changes by means of commodification. I believe that a solution in the form of faith architecture can be looked at from a lens that acknowledges these changes.

The concept of the intervention was influenced by the idea of a “fear of the unknown” a narrative akin to H.P. Lovecraft. A fear of not being able to comprehend notions beyond our ability. Faith has had its inception on similar grounds, and still does today. Natural forces like lightning and fire being incomprehensible once, was worshiped then. Today the idea of death, the possibility of afterlife, the endless cosmos, or the fear of a divine form of justice still hold strong value in religion and the faith world as a whole. The idea was then to architecturally translate this form of fear, by making one feel absolutely minuscule in the cos mic scale of things.

The solution takes place as a Shrine that is both a critique as well as a celebration of the faith world. The site in Sagar Vihar, Vashi, would utilize its seclusion among a mangrove forest and its creek, dividing its activities within three sections: an entrance hall, a trail, and a sanctum. The entrance hall, would be the welcoming portal that introduces visitors to the rest of the intervention and an adjoining event/festival space for various faiths. The trail of about 150 meters in length would include sculptural monoliths that narrate tales from various religious scripts. The sanctum would have a space of self reflection and inter nal prayer, making it a space open to all everyone, including the religious-nones.


Plan at LVL +7M 10 20 30MN Sanctum Sculpture
Entrance Hall Site Section 10 20 30M Entrance Hall Plan
observation deck closes-in to a view of the Sanctum and the Sculpture Trail. N A A’ 3 6 12M Section A-A’ Isometric View of Site
The entrance hall is marked by an ornamental gateway, derivative of other reli gious portals, separating the mundane with the spiritual.
Subject Tools Guide 10 Design Dissertation Rhinoceros, V-Ray, Photoshop Ar. Samir Bagdadi
Three obelisks narrate the gist of this intervention, producing curi osity to explore the rest of the shrine.
The section below highlights the height hierarchy of the entire built mass, the Sanctum at the apex is visibly the largest. 13

Sculpture Trail

Plan The sculpture trail is divided into three paths, the middle trail with 10 monoliths, and two paths going down below to the mangrove level. There are also sculptural gazebos that would house installations made by various artists. 3 6 12M N Monolith Detail On the middle trail, there are 10 different monoliths portraying various stories of India’s different religious commu nities. . These monoliths are pre-cast concrete casings that would have a installation mechanism to introduce carved stone sculptures. These sculptures would made by various craftsmen, and could be replaced by different stories, which would then be exhibited in the Shrine as a sculptural archive. 250 650 350 850 250 250 850 1500 700 25009250 4050 250 WIRE MESH CASE SAND 75MM THK (GRADE 1.5 2MM) GRAVEL 275MM THK (GRADE -10MM) BOULDERS 600MM THK (GRADE 45MM) 250MM THK RCC BUFFER WALL 250MM THK RCC WALL 250MM THK RCC SLAB 400MM THK PCC PAD GRAVEL 400MM THK (GRADE 10MM) 250MM THK RCC WALL C.I. MANHOLE COVER 650 MM INTERNAL DIA 250MM THK RCC SLAB 400MM THK PCC PAD 2850 2850 RCC STEPPED FOOTING 450MM THK RCC PLINTH 150MM THK RCC SLAB 450 450MM RCC COLUMN 150MM PVC PIPE 150MM DIA PVC PIPE TO COLLECTION TANK RAINWATER HARVESTING PIT Rainwater Harvesting System Sectional Detail - Scale 1:50 EXHIBITION SPACE DESILTING TANK COLLECTION TANK 150MM DIA PVC PIPE 150MM DIA PVC PIPE TO PIT TO STORMWATER DRAINAGE 250MM THK RCC WALL C.I. MANHOLE COVER 650 MM INTERNAL DIA 250MM THK RCC SLAB 400MM THK PCC PAD BACKFLOW VALVE 10M 51 Sectional Detail: Rainwater Harvesting System Rainwater Harvesting System Plan Detail Scale 1:50 WIRE MESH CASE SAND 75MM THK (GRADE 1.5 2MM) GRAVEL 275MM THK (GRADE -10MM) BOULDERS 600MM THK (GRADE 45MM) 250MM THK RCC WALL 450 450MM RCC COLUMN 150MM DIA TERRACE WATER COLLECTING PIPE 250MM THK RCC BUFFER WALL TO COLLECTION TANK RAINWATER HARVESTING PIT DESILTING TANK COLLECTION TANK EXHIBITION SPACE GRAVEL 275MM THK (GRADE -10MM) 250MM THK RCC WALL TO TO DESILTING TANK N TO STORMWATER DRAINAGE 250 11501150 5000 2850 12000 6800 2850 17000 4150 Plan Detail: Rainwater Harvesting System C’ C B’ Sanctum Plans First Floor Plan Ground Floor Plan Terrace Plan The Sanctum is the primary structure that the trail leads to, it is divided into two ma jor parts, the front is the service spaces, and at the back is the undisturbed medi tation hall. The service spaces are divided into decks at three different levels. 3 6 12M N Section B-B’ 3 6 12M 40 450 900 4150 800 500 500 200 1100 430 750 350 500 930 550 500 500 750 150 Meditation Hall Stool Plan Front Elevation Perspective View 0.1 0.3 0.5M 14
1400 250200 250200 250 600 250 600 250 200 250 600 200 115 250 200 1400 150 900 350 1400 750 200 SECTION DETAIL PLAN DETAIL STRUCTURAL PLAN PERSPECTIVE VIEW Sanctum - Strip Section RCC COPING 250MM THK PCC PARAPET WALL 20MM THK 600 600 MM WATERPROOF TILES 20MM THK CHEVRON CUT TILES 38MM THK SCREED 38MM THK SCREED 200MM BBC FILLING 150MM THK RCC WAFFLE SLAB 350MM DEEP RCC RIBBED BEAM 900MM DEEP RCC PERIPHERY BEAM 150MM DEEP RCC SLOPING CHAJJA 25MM THK STEEL WINDOW FRAMING 10MM THK GLAZING 200MM DEEP RCC SILL 250MM THK PCC EXTERNAL WALL 150MM THK RCC SLAB 450MM DEEP RCC BEAM RCC COPING 250MM THK PCC COMPOUND WALL 400MM DEEP RCC GUTTER 20MM THK 600 X 600MM TILES 38MM THK SCREED 150MM THK RCC SLAB 300MM DRY RUBBLE COMPACTED EARTH 900MM DEEP RCC PLINTH BEAM 150MM THK RCC SLAB 5M1 Section C-C’ Table Right Elevation Chair Right Elevation 500 55 4150 430 4150 2300 4496 595 1150 500 750 280 500 650 1100 50 350 400 1100 750 500 400 450 500 930 1150 550 350 200 40 500 4150 2300 4496 595 1150 500 350 750 280 400 1100 500 50 350 400 35 1100 750 500 150 400 450 1150 500 550 350 200 40 500 4150 4150 2300 4496 1150 500 350 750 280 400 1100 50 350 400 1100 500 150 400 450 500 930 1150 500 550 350 200 Chair Plan Chair Front Elevation Isometric View Cafeteria Furniture 0.1 0.3 0.5M Table Plan Physical modelSlab Details A column-less space spanning 30 by 20 meters, with a central, skyward monolith and a stepped inverted dome at its base. Meditation Hall A puncture of the slab brings in light and rain down on the monolith, which consists of engravings that at tempt to reposition a viewer’s mind into an intangible and cosmic state of existence, making one feel truly minuscule, creating a place that invokes a feeling of meditation, prayer, or self reflection. 15

Residential Building

LVL 0.6M LVL 7.7 LVL 11M LVL 14.2 LVL 17.4M LVL 20.6M LVL 23.8 LVL 27M D1 W3W3 D1 D1 W3W3 D1 D1 W3W3 D1 D1 W3W3 D1 D1 W3W3 D1 D1 W3W3 D1 W3 W3 W3 W3 W3 W3 W3 W3 W3 W3 W3 W3 PRODUCED BY AN AUTODESK STUDENT VERSION PRODUCED BY AN AUTODESK STUDENT VERSION KITCHEN (2800 2400) LIVING ROOM (6000 x 4700) LOBBY D1 D1D1 D1 D1D1 D1 D1 D1 D2 D2 D2 D2 D3 TERRACE GARDEN KITCHEN (2800 2500) LIVING ROOM (6000 x 4500)BEDROOM (4100x 4500) BATH ROOM (1500 2400) 6000 4700 2400 2800 4100 3500 4400 4100 4500 1500 2400 2800 2500 4500 6000 4700 2400 2600 1600 3500 4400 4100 4500 1500 2400 2800 2500 4500 6000 BEDROOM (4400x 3500) KITCHEN (2800 x 2500) LIVING ROOM (6000 x 4500) BEDROOM (4100x 4500) BATH ROOM (1500 2400) KITCHEN (2800 2400) LIVING ROOM (6000 x 4700) BEDROOM (4100x 4800) BATHROOM (2500 x 1600) BEDROOM (4400x 3500) 1600 BATHROOM (2500 1600) 3100 1600 BEDROOM (4100x 4800) BATHROOM (2500 x 1600) 1600BATHROOM (2500 1600) 3100 W WW W C W W C F W W W S W W S W C F C WC F C F D2 D1 D2 5600 700 700 1900 2400 1700 2800 2500 1600 700 800 1000 1800 3000 3000 1800 1000 800 700 1600 3200 1900 2600 4800 1500 1500 1500 1500 4800 2600 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 W1W1 W1 W1 W1 W1 W2 W2 W2 W2 W3W3 W3W3 W2W2 W2W2 PRODUCEDBYANAUTODESKSTUDENTVERSION PRODUCED BY AN AUTODESK STUDENT VERSION RCC COPING 230 MM THK BRICK WALL 20MM TILES 38 MM THK SCREED 200 MM BBC FILLING 150 MM THICK RCC SLAB 450 MM DEEP RCC BEAM 110 MM THK BRICK WALL RCC LINTEL 200MM 300x300 MM DADO TILES RCC SILL 200MM 20MM ANTI SLID TILES 200 MM BBC FILLING LAID TO SLOPE 600 230 RCC COLUMN 450 MM DEEP PLINTH BEAM ISOLATED FOOTING 150 MM THICK PCC BED 300 MM DRY RUBBLE COMPACTED EARTH SKIRTING 150 600 MM STIFFENER 8-BLADES LOUVERED WINDOW PRODUCED BY AN AUTODESK STUDENT VERSION PRODUCEDBYANAUTODESKSTUDENTVERSION PRODUCED BY AN AUTODESK STUDENT VERSION SLOPE 2400 1500 700 900 500 2800 900 PLAN BATHROOM (1.5 X 2.4 M) A' B' 40MM ANTI SIPHONAGE PIPE 100 MM SOIL WATER PIPE 150MM WASTE WATER PIPE PRODUCED BY AN AUTODESK STUDENT VERSION PRODUCED BY AN AUTODESK STUDENT VERSION PRODUCED BY AN AUTODESK STUDENT VERSION 16MM DIA STIRRUPS @ 200 C/C 16MM DIA COLUMN RF NOS 230MM THK BRICK WALL 8MM DIA CAGE RF @ 150 C/C PRODUCEDBYANAUTODESKSTUDENTVERSION PRODUCED BY AN AUTODESK STUDENT VERSION PRODUCED BY AN AUTODESK STUDENT VERSION 400 150 400 150 3000 150 8MM DIA STIRRUPS @ 200 C/C 16MM DIA COLUMN RF NOS 400 400 RCC COLUMN 300 450 BEAM 10MM DIA STIRRUPS 125 C/C 12MM DIA RF BAR @150 C/C BOTH DIRECTION 75MM CLEAR COVER 150 MM THK PCC BED (1:3:6) 400 X 400 RCC COLUMN 300 X 450 BEAM 10MM DIA STIRRUPS @ 125 C/C 16MM DIA COLUMN RF NOS 8MM DIA STIRRUPS @ 200 C/C PRODUCED BY AN AUTODESK STUDENT VERSION PRODUCED BY AN AUTODESK STUDENT VERSION PRODUCED BY AN AUTODESK STUDENT VERSION 400 150 3000 150 150 8MM DIA STIRRUPS @ 200 C/C 16MM DIA COLUMN RF NOS 400 400 RCC COLUMN 300 450 BEAM 10MM DIA STIRRUPS @ 125 C/C 12MM DIA RF BAR @150 C/C BOTH DIRECTION 75MM CLEAR COVER 150 MM THK PCC BED (1:3:6) 400 400 RCC COLUMN 300 450 BEAM 10MM DIA STIRRUPS @ 125 C/C 16MM DIA COLUMN RF NOS 8MM DIA STIRRUPS @ 200 C/C PRODUCED BY AN AUTODESK STUDENT VERSION PRODUCED BY AN AUTODESK STUDENT VERSION PRODUCED BY AN AUTODESK STUDENT VERSION PRODUCED BY AN AUTODESK STUDENT VERSION PRODUCED BY AN AUTODESK STUDENT VERSION Bathroom Detail Plan Scale- 1:50 Strip Section Scale- 1:50 Isometric Detail of Strap Foundation RF Detail Section of Foundation Scale 1:50 RF Detail Section of Foundation Scale 1:50 Typical Floor Plan Scale 1 : 100 Section through duct and bathroom Scale : 100 R.F. detail of compound wall strip foundation Scale 1:50
Understanding structural components and its workings, in addition to planning a residential building with stilt parking and a commercial extension. Semester Subject Tools 6 Working Drawing, Bldg Construction Autocad 16

Freelance/Collaborative Work

2019 - Present


Midday newspaper article featuring personal artwork and the initiative.

Walking Lab


A heritage walk initiative in collaboration with Rizvi College of Architecture, Bandra, Mumbai. Produced various posters for the walks in different locations of the city as well as produced artworks of the respective places.

Illustrative Posters 18

Design Ni Dukaan


Architecture and design firm by Ar. Veeram Shah situated in Ahmedabad, India. In collaboration, produced nine architectural illustra tions, as well as logo design, character design and album art for a classical band called ‘Iktara’.

Architectural Illustrations 19

Illustrations of the band members

Album Art Logo design Isometric Illustration

Bombay 61 Studio

Architecture studio by Ar. Ketaki Tare and Ar. Jai Bhadgaonkar, based in Mumbai, India. Collaborative narrative artwork for the digital photo exhibition on the indigenous fishermen community, called “Through the Eyes of the Kolis: A reflection on Mumbai’s Past, Present and Future”.

Year 2021 Illustrations and Graphic Maps 21

Gig’o Records

- Ongoing

Studio based off in South Korea by a group of startups, the project includes various ongoing illustrations to be used as wall-art and album art.

Year 2022


Artwork for Mr. Nikhil Acharya, Karnataka. The banner and character design was in tended to reflect the interests of the client, and the softwares he uses.

Logo Design

2022 Logo Design for Mr. Thomann, Germany.

Miscellaneous Graphical Map



Artwork for Mr. Kieran Creeg, United Kingdom.


Graphical map illustrated for the November 2021 Landscape Journal article called “Wilderness at Bay” co-written by Ar. Esa Shaikh and Ar. Amrita Slatch

Character Design

Moodgrass Artwork

The Cure Indigo Warfare Long Shadows Grave of the Patient Hunter Beach
New Grounds
Enter Zeus
Wanderer comic panels Merlin of the Sea One Man Carnival
Juice An art page started in 2019, and my alter-ego. Developed from my hobby of sketching as a form of respite, a stress release from the overburdening work of our field. 25


2020 - Present


The Craft of Bamboo Weaving

1 3 5M Other spaces this system can be used in
Winner of ‘APIC 2020 Students Design Competition for the Design of a non-conventional, Mobile Educational Facility ’ Year Type Tools 2020 Individual Autocad, Photoshop

All Abode

Participant of Tiny House Competition for the Design of a house of not more than 30sqm.

Year Type Tools

2020 Group of 3 Autocad, Revit, Photoshop


The Martian

Shortlisted entry of Archdais’ Mars Calling for the Illustration of a science fictional walk across Mars Landscape. Year Type Tools 2021 Individual Photoshop

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