childhood hobby comes to light once more. The forgotten feelings of which drawing conjures. The way my mind lights up like a rocket, as my thoughts soar through the endless reaches of space. In the four walls of this house, a smartphone, a tablet, a T.V and a laptop no longer offer an escape. Yet within the four walls of my mind, I have my imagination‌ ‌And, so begins my inner journey within Covid-19 isolation. A curious time indeed.
Moonish Youth
I need to get out of this house.
Elvis the Glossy Black Cockatoo
“In New York, concrete jungle where dreams are made of..� - Alicia Keys
were supposed to go to New York for
our honeymoon this year, but due to international borders closing, this was no longer possible.
As our world grows stranger and full of uncertainty, a silver lining appears. Waters are running clearer, air pollution has dropped and an increase of animals appearing urban areas.
Nature is thriving in a still and quieter world. <3
Fin. ‘A Curious Time’ A Zine By MoOnish YoUth (Amelia Hall)
SALA FESTIVAL 2020 #Moonishyouth