REIKI from Archangel Michael & Archangel Metatron and Angel “O�
Transmission given to
Julie E Brent 02.11.2011
EARTH-HEART REIKI ® Assistance for Healing & Claiming Your Heart Self Copyright © 2011 by Julie E Brent All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without written permission of the author/publisher. Please Note: The ideas and techniques described in these pages are for students of Reiki. They are not intended to be an independent guide for self-healing. If you have a specific health condition and intend to use Earth-Heart Reiki, please do so under the supervision of a enlightened medical doctor or other health care professional.
Earth-Heart Reiki c/o Julie E Brent P.O. Box 33 Campbellsburg, KY 40011 To schedule a workshop in your location for Earth-Heart Reiki contact: Julie E Brent at email earthheartreiki@care2.com
Cover and Interior Design: Julie E Brent Edited by Dianne Thomas
For All Those on the Path to Claiming Their Light Body.
From Archangel Chamuel and Archeiai Charity “Let Divine Love Take Dominion Now”
Acknowledgements Gratitude This work is squarely built on the shoulders of some very powerful figures in my life and in the history of our Universe. First and most importantly is Archangel Michael. Archangel Michael has been a recognizable force in my life for a very long time and stands behind me in all of my endeavors. I also recognize the contribution of Archangel Metatron and also Archangel Chamuel & Archeiai Charity, and for Gaia's unlimited support. Thank You. Angel “O� who just made her first appearance in my awareness during this work with Earth-Heart Reiki. She is filled with PURE LOVE, giggling with joy, the lighten-up Angel, a shining bright pink sphere. She said that we could find her energy and work by checking on Oprah :-). Thank You. Our Ancestors who bravely brought forth the energies we now call Reiki, I Thank You. This list extends from our Lemurian history to the current time. I will only mention a few names here, however any who have been left from this list are no less recognized. Dr. Mikao Usui, Dr. Chujiro Hayashi, Hawayo Takata, William Lee Rand founder of The International Center of Reiki Training. Laurelle Shanti Gaia who was known as Laura Gifford when she taught me all the levels of Usui Reiki and also my Karuna Reiki Training. THANK YOU I have been honored to teach 100's of students Tibetan/Usui Reiki and Karuna Reiki and want to show my gratitude to all of these students who are also my fabulous teachers. What I learned from each of you has contributed to my personal growth and understanding in very powerful ways. Special acknowledgement to Nancy Brown Meade, Shawchyi Vorisek, and Wendy Sue Wahl for their contributions to Earth-Heart Reiki. Thank You. This thank you list would not be complete without acknowledgement to Starr Fuentes who has brought Light Language to my consciousness. My awareness of this has assisted me in clarifying the symbols. Thank You. 6
History of Earth-Heart Reiki For some time I had been hearing that there would be some new information coming into this world that I would be responsible for developing and teaching. I was uncertain, asking my guides, asking readers, feeling pretty stuck for over a year about what in the world this could be. For several weeks I had been feeling the urge to meditate deeply and be still. As life often does I hadn't had a minute to do this until I managed to come down with a cold. Laughingly I understood that was the only way that I would be still enough to get this information. It gave me an excuse to lay low, tell folks I was otherwise engaged and turn the world away. It really was very fast once I settled into the place of receiving. There have been several bits of new information coming in previous years about expanded chakra system and meditations and now I understand that they were pieces of this work with Earth-Heart Reiki. The process began at 4 AM on February 11, 2011. I was channeling the information for several hours, writing down the symbols, working with the meditations without stopping for much of anything. Very smooth transfer of information. I am grateful for the 'cold' that kept me still long enough to “get it”. The writing of this book followed quickly in the next few days. It is material designed to open your Being to Unconditional Love and to be able to give Unconditional Love without fail. This material was given on the eve of Valentine's Day a recognized day for the celebration of Love, the Angels have a sense of humor. Earth-Heart Reiki is a Valentine's Gift from the Universe. Archangel Micheal transmits this work to the Reiki community and the world to use in these critical times of transformation in 2011 and 2012 and beyond. Archangel Metatron has also contributed the Celestial Light1 to this body of knowledge. I am also calling on Archangel Chamuel /Archeiai Charity who are powerful emissaries to assist us in this work. They help souls develop the Heart Chakra and give assistance in all matters of the heart. These include compassion, better communications, a balanced love of self, the extension of oneself to others, and the creation of beauty through the arts. As I write today a quote that came in an email from Kiesha Crowther "Little Grandmother" about our jobs on Earth now, she says “to fulfill the tremendous task of shifting the consciousness on the planet back to the heart and to Love. We must unite under the banner of Love and show our most sacred Mother how much we love Her, how we are willing to do anything to save Her, and to continue on as Her children here on Earth. We are capable of creating a beauty we have barely glimpsed on earth. And we will.” You and I are part of the solution. Thank you for considering Earth-Heart Reiki as part of your toolkit for gentle and swift transformation. 1
A reference to AA Metatron's opening greeting: “I am Metatron, Lord of Light, and I welcome you to this NOW moment, as I encircle each you with Celestial Light.” 7
What is Reiki? If by some chance this is the first book that you have stumbled upon about Reiki, then a brief description follows so that you will be better prepared for the information in this book. Reiki is Universal Life Force Energy that is a specific vibration that can only be used for healing and transformation. Reiki has its own Divine Intelligence so that it can only be used for good and it always knows where it is needed most. Reiki cannot be misused or misdirected to harm anyone. If the user of Reiki somehow has those intentions at the start of a session then Reiki begins to heal the sender first. Each of the variations of Reiki that are offered in our world today are just different facets of the entire Reiki Spectrum. I am certain that other cultures and traditions are tapping into what we are calling Reiki, and use different names and terminology to speak about the experience. Every person has the capacity to tap into the Reiki stream of Universal Life Force Energy. The easiest way and most certain way is to have a Reiki Attunement. However if you are sensitive and meditate on your intention you certainly could channel Reiki by asking your Reiki Guides to give you your attunement. Our ancestors were able to learn about this stream of Universal Life Force Energy using this very process. To help our progress they were given shortcuts, thus the Attunement process was born. The attunement is in fact the easiest and most direct way to be given the ability to offer/channel Reiki. To learn more about the history and origins of Reiki please take a look at the work of William Lee Rand2 and Arjava Petter.
Earth-Heart Reiki is not the same as the style of Reiki taught by those associated with the International Center for Reiki Training - Reiki Membership Association. 8
Earth-Heart Reiki Mission
Earth-Heart Reiki is a Celestial Light Response of Universal Life Force Energy to the rapid electromagnetic changes that the Earth and all Beings on Planet Earth are experiencing. This new Reiki system presents five symbols, teachings and meditations, given by Archangel Michael, Archangel Metatron, Archangel Chamuel / Archeiai Charity and Angel O, to assist us in staying tuned to the rapid changes by expanding the capacity of our energy bodies. Earth-Heart Reiki is recommended for Usui Reiki Level II and above Practitioners. This system is designed for self work, which is taught in Day 1 - Personal EHR. Day 2 - Advanced EHR, is to learn to teach and attune others but does not require a Master Level in Usui Reiki. The focus of Earth-Heart Reiki is different from Usui Reiki in response to the current changes our Universe is experiencing. The focus of Earth-Heart Reiki is to Evolve in Love, Evolution through: * Allowing easy Expansion of the Chakras. * Aligning with the Magnetic Field of Mother Earth. * Meditations for Assimilation and Transformation in a way that assists in our carbonbased bodies cellular structure change. * Increased Awareness and Clarity with practice of the meditations * Learn to breath in a way that will allow the Earth-Heart Connection with every breath, keeping you connected to the Earth through your feet constantly for better overall health and well-being. * Fully Embrace your Heart-Self.
Personal Earth-Heart Reiki Day One The workshop available to learn Earth-Heart Reiki is two days of training. Personal Earth-Heart Reiki is a one day training to receive the attunement to the symbols and to practice the meditations and giving a session. Personal Earth-Heart Reiki can be taken without the Advanced Training. It is recommended that you have completed Level I & II Usui Reiki Training before taking Earth-Heart Reiki
The Symbols - EHR Symbols are used in our everyday lives in such a seamless way that we are sometimes unaware of how many symbols we really use. Our language is formed from words that symbolize something we want to express. The word 'house' is made of 5 letters and symbolize the structure in which one can reside. Without the symbol 'house' we would spend a whole paragraph of words explaining that we have things we own in this structure and that we sleep there with our families. I have noticed that many people have a 'reaction' to the word symbol so I wanted to clarify that a word, shape, logo, design can be imbued with a meaning and once there is agreement on the meaning it becomes a symbol that is a summary of that idea. The symbols used in Earth-Heart Reiki are used to embody a concept and meaning, it is a shorthand for the larger body of knowledge. The explanation of each symbol follows. There are five symbols used in Earth-Heart Reiki. Four of them are used in similar ways to other Reiki symbols, however one is used specifically for integration of these energies focused at the heart. This one symbol would be considered a Master Symbol since it is used as a key part of the attunement 3 process. You may recognize some of the symbols as similar to others you have seen or used. When you are attuned to the EHR symbols in a EHR Workshop the exact intention that goes with the symbol and its purpose will be integrated into your energy system and consciousness. All of the symbols have one thing in common, they appear to be mirror images and/or a hologram. It was explained that it is our choice for the first time to work toward bringing our physical forms into a vibration that will move into the next dimension without using death to facilitate the transformation. These symbols are offered with holographic properties that can facilitate this change. Holograms are unique because of "parallax," which allows people to see the image from multiple perspectives. The word "holography" comes from the Greek "holos," meaning "whole view." These symbols contain the potential to expand your consciousness. In my studies of the seven basic chakras I learned that the Heart Chakra is the gateway. A gateway is something that serves as an entrance or a means of access, in computer terms it often applies to translator between two different types of protocols. The three Chakras below the heart are vibrating at a specific octave and the three upper Chakras are vibrating at the next octave. The Heart Chakra is the transitional vibration of LOVE between the two. The Heart Chakra gateway must be open for the energies of the two octaves to produce a fully active chakra system. Earth-Heart Reiki will begin with the Heart/LOVE and move you into the next dimension fully prepared by opening your awareness to additional chakras and how to use the symbols to open and use these chakras. 3
The attunement process is used to infuse the information into your energy field and is explained in the Advanced EHR class. 12
Integration Symbol Works over the Heart Gateway to facilitate integration of the other symbols into the chakras and the aura. Can also be used in other locations.
Oha For use when there is a desire to increase the EMITTING of LOVE from your healing aura.
Aho For use when ready to increase the INFLOW of Divine Unconditional Love.
Har'a This symbol can be used to smooth out transformation, allowing easier assimilation.
Evollove Used to increase your awareness and clarity that you are ONLY LOVE. To assist you in fully embracing Unconditional Love.
Integration Symbol
Figure 1.
This symbol is a two dimensional representation of the three-dimensional image of an octahedron4 with a spiral inside. When drawing the the first stroke (1) of the symbol, pause at each direction change to more fully understand the nature of the diamond shape that represents the base of a pyramid. Envision this symbol in green when you use it. You will use the two dimensional version and visualize the base of the two pyramids aligned with the surface of your body. One pyramid points away from the body and one points inside the body. The Integration Symbol is placed over the heart in several of the meditations used in Earth-Heart Reiki. It integrates the incoming energies via the Heart Gateway. Love is the 'doorway' or gateway for all transformation and this symbol will integrate the other symbols as they move through this gateway.
Figure 2. A side view of the Integration Symbol as it would be used over the heart. This diagram is not to scale, the symbol would be smaller, about 3 inches in size. As Without So Within
One of the 5 Platonic solids : Octahedron- Eight Paths to Enlightenment. Honor (Hod) 8 triangular faces, 6 vertices, 12 edges Use for Spiritual Enlightenment. Associated with the Heart, Color Yellow ( from the color of the Great Rays), & Air Element 4
Oha-Aho are used together or separately. The center dot is a sphere of silver, the lines are radiating beams of white light. Using Oha first will 'clear and open' any blockages of the ability to emit Love, followed by Aho's increase of Unconditional Love from Source.
For use when there is a desire to increase the EMITTING of LOVE from your healing aura.. Appears in front of or below the body.
This symbol is for use to increase the flow of Unconditional Love from the Source. Appears in back of or above the body.
Figure 3.
Figure 4.
Combined View Figure 5.
As Without | So Within
As AboveSo Below
This is the combined view when you have applied both symbols. The 'dot' would represent the physical body with the bands representing the emitting energy. It can visualized as seen from above or from the front/back. These symbols balance the Right and Left Brain functions. Oha/Aho assist in integrating the upper and lower chakras. It's use will also balance the magnetic field of the body and align it with the magnetic field of Mother Earth.
Har'a pronounced Har-ah – two distinct sounds, very gutteral.
Figure 6.
This symbol is for use during our transformational phase to “move the physical through the eye of the needle” said Archangel Michael. The carbon based life form is to make this transition of the cellular and energetic structure to be used on the New Earth. Visualize the three dimensional representation and where the two cones meet is where the change occurs. One of the cones is a Focus Cone which focuses the energy as it comes in. The other cone will act as a Megaphone to amplify and project the new energy outward in the most appropriate way. Old energies enter one cone and move through the point to emit the new energies. The symbol will rotate freely in all directions to align with the greatest good of the situation. Har'a is imbued with its own 'guides' to always work to the highest healing. This symbol is used to smooth transformations to allow for easy assimilation. When drawn over the entire body, head to toe, it will adjust the polarity balance. The color of the symbol can be changed to suit the situation. Use one of these basic colors: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue and Purple. Use your intuition or your intention to allow your guides to choose the most appropriate color.
Evollove pronounced “evolve”
Figure 7.
Use this symbol to increase your awareness and improve your clarity that you are only LOVE. To assist you in fully embracing and stabilizing the energy of Unconditional Love. This symbol was given by Angel O. Evollove is a 'personal symbol' that has the ability to heal the neural pathways when used on a regular basis. It charges you up, offers regeneration, releases and deeply heals your ancestral past. It can be used before other symbols. Evollove can be used to weave through the aura, start at head, ending at feet. Draw the lines in pink light with small golden spheres on each end of the light drawing. Pink light to enhance the Love and Golden Spheres to connect with Source, Supreme Power and the Christ Consciousness. You can “weave” as many times as you feel you need before stopping. When drawing this symbol start at the uppermost left side and as you draw to the right say ' LOVE IN'. Continue the arc and as you begin to draw to the left say 'LOVE OUT' until you are ready to return drawing to the right repeating this mantra until you complete the symbol. Begin and end the drawing of the symbol inside the loop, everything is connected and complete. It feels really wonderful to say these words while drawing the symbol. It may take a few try's to get the rhythm of the movement and words but worth the effort.
Meditation Once you have been given the attunement so the symbols are active in your energy field then you can proceed with the following meditation. First you must learn a hand position used over the heart to focus the intention during the meditation. See Figure 8. showing how the hands are placed. This gesture creates a 'diamond' shape which indicates where you are positioning the Integration Symbol. When looking at the Integration Symbol always position it so that you perceive the diamond pattern aligned within the opening between your hands. Now think of the three-dimensional octahedren shape of the Integration Symbol and see the base of the two pyramids at the surface of the body. One pyramid pointing up from the body and the other going down into the body. Figure 8.
Seven Breath Earth-Heart Meditation This meditation is used to regenerate, heal and balance your Personal Life Force energy and prepare you for your working with others. Open the meditation with a prayer calling in your Guides and intending your sacred connection with the Celestial Light and any other names for the Divine which you feel connected. Part One – Establishing your breath. The meditation is focused at the heart, so you intend and feel each breath moving through the heart chakra via the octahedron of the Integration Symbol. Placing your hands in the diamond shape gesture on your chest over the heart. Figure 9 shows you the relationship with surface of the body but is not to scale, the Integration Symbol is smaller than shown.
Start breathing with a regular rhythm and begin to establish an in-breath that is a count of seven and an out-breath that is a count of seven. When you are ready, begin to feel the connection of the breath moving through the Integration Symbol. 7-count INHALE: drawing Universal Life Force Energy into the upper pyramid of the octahedron of the Integration Symbol between the hands. 7-count EXHALE: allowing the Universal Life Force Energy to flow into the lower part of the pyramid of the Integration Symbol and into the physical body and finally filling the aura. Complete the inhale/exhale sequence for seven times. Take time to completely receive all of the benefits and information that have come through this part of the meditation.
Figure 9. Figure 9.
Part Two – Infusing Earth-Heart Reiki Symbols in to your Aura. On the inhale: Intend the Oha symbol is above the upper part of the pyramid and as you inhale say Oha silently as the symbol is pulled through the Integration Symbol. The Oha will spiral into the upper pyramid. 19
On the exhale say the Oha symbol and it will move into the lower pyramid spiraling out the bottom of the pyramid and filling your physical form and aura. Allow time to perceive the experience of the Earth-Heart symbols energy in your aura. Repeat this inhale/exhale breath using each symbol: Aho symbol, the Har'a symbol and the Evollove symbol. To close the meditation intend that the energy of Love will continue to integrate into your aura. Then gently slide your hands toward each other over your heart to indicate you are closing the heart portal and the meditation. Intend a prayer of gratitude to the wisdom and love that the symbols have offered and thanks for all the healing and information that you have received. About this meditation: In the Seven Breath Earth-Heart Meditation the infusion of the vibrations associated with each symbol will stablize and balance the aura. Opening the Heart Portal with the Integration Symbol will allow the Unconditional Love of the Source to establish a permanent connection. By doing this meditation daily for 21 days you will receive maximum benefit and results.
The Earth-Heart Reiki Power Breath The EHR Power Breath is an intentional way of breathing that will increase the Universal Life Force Energy flow when working with Earth-Heart Reiki. This breath will be used any time you are using EHR for yourself or others. The E HR Power Breath provides an effective way to stay continually grounded since you are connecting with the Heart of Mother Earth with each breath. Your intention is the most essential part of the process. If you set your intention before you start and visualize/know/intend or pretend it to happen each time you take a breath then it will continue until you intend it to stop. You will set your intention so that when you INHALE you imagine that the breath is coming from three locations. 1. First location is from the Heart of Mother Earth, and the Love of Mother Earth is being pulled from the center of the Earth up through your feet, legs, body to your heart. 2. Second location will be through the center of your heart through the Integration Symbol. 3. Third location is from the Heart of the Divine through your crown chakra and to your heart.
Your intention will be with every inhale your breath is being drawn from these three locations into your Heart Chakra, and filling the Heart Reservoir during the inhale. Part two is to ALLOW the Universal Life Force Energy when you EXHALE to flow from your heart chakra out your arms and out the palm chakras of your hands.
Figure 10.
Preparing for Giving a Earth-Heart Reiki Treatment To get the most from the work you are doing on yourself or others you will want to prepare yourself. I have suggested calling on Archangel Chamuel and his Divine Counterpart Archeiai Charity because the very important HEART call “Let divine love take dominion now!”goes out each time you include them in your prayers. Together they embody the great heart and love of the Father-Mother God for all creation. They help souls develop the heart Chakra and give assistance in all matters of the heart. This is an essential part of the work of Earth-Heart Reiki. 1. PREPARE: Create a Prayer to invite all of your Reiki Guides, Angels and Ancestors, Celestial Light and any other Divine Beings that you feel connected to assist you in your work. Call on Mother Earth/Gaia, Archangel Michael/Archeiai Faith, Archangel Metatron, Archangel Chamuel & Archeiai Charity” and Angel O to guide you in using Earth-Heart Reiki. 2. STATE YOUR INTENTIONS: Earth-Heart Reiki Treatment for ________________ (name of person, animal, location or condition receiving the treatment. It can be for yourself also.) 3. DRAW ON PALMS: Draw all of the Earth-Heart Reiki symbols on your palms and any other Reiki Symbols that you are drawn to use. 4. DRAW the Integration Symbol over your heart chakra followed by the 7Breath meditation. 5. BEGIN the Earth-Heart Reiki Power Breath and INTEND that you will continue this breath for the duration of the work. 6. PREPARE THE SPACE: intend a green sphere the size needed to fit exactly in the room/building you are preparing for your work. Intend a pink light around the green sphere. 7. Draw all of the symbols you want to use in the session in the center of the room, start with the EHR Integration Symbol.
Giving a Treatment Using Earth-Heart Reiki To increase the power of the Universal Life Force Energy while using EHR you will use the EHR Power Breath that you learned earlier during the entire treatment. The first hand position that you use when using Earth-Heart Reiki is the diamond shape position shown in Figure 8. You place your hands over the heart of the person receiving the session with the Integration Symbol in the diamond space created by your hands. This is a 'gateway' for the first use of the Earth-Heart Reiki Symbols to the receiver. While you are using the Integration Symbol you will intend the four EarthHeart Reiki symbols are going into the heart in the same way as the meditation you learned earlier as you continue the Earth-Heart Reiki Power Breath. After using the Integration Symbol over the heart chakra you can proceed with any series of hand positions that you are led to use. When you prepared for this session you drew each symbol on your hands, therefore you can apply any symbol you choose through intention to activate the symbol and putting your hands on or off the body in the area of choice. Some suggestions: - Use Har'a over the entire body from head to toe to balance the polarity of the body. Also use Har'a over the solar plexus to increase assimilation and healing of emotions - Use Evollove in the aura by weaving it from head to toe. Also use Evollove drawing it so each time your cross the previous line you match it with a chakra from the Soul Star above the head to the Earth Star below the feet. (see figure 13 for chakra information) - Use the Integration Symbol to increase the Universal Life Force Energy to any area of concern that you want to address during the session by applying the Integration Symbol over the area. Feel free to use it anywhere and everywhere. The Integration Symbol can be used alone or in combination with the other symbols for “integration� of the area. Create a closing prayer with the intention of the work to continue until it is complete.
Distance Healing Treatments Earth-Heart Reiki will facilitate distance healing. By using the Har'a symbol after using the distance symbol from Usui Reiki you will be asking for assimilation of the energies of Earth-Heart Reiki to be used in your distance session.
Advanced Earth-Heart Reiki Day Two
Advanced Level is a one day Training to become a Earth-Heart Reiki Master Teacher, to learn the attunement process and receive the handbooks for use in your workshops. You must have taken Beginning Earth-Heart Reiki I to take this training.
Chakra Potential and Expansion In order to use Chakra Opening and Expansion Meditations that were given for Earth-Heart Reiki you must learn more about your chakra system and its potential. The word "chakra" is derived from the Sanskrit language and is often translated as vortices's or a turning wheel. From Wikipedia: 5Chakra (derived from the Sanskrit cakraṃ चक, pronounced [/ˈtʃʌkrə/] Pali: chakka, Tibetan: khorlo, Malay: cakera) is a Sanskrit word that translates as wheel or disc or turning. In the book by 6Barbara Brennen "Hands of Light" she pictures the chakras as tornado like energy wheels anchored at specific points on the central channel. I agree that the chakras project away from the central channel in the front and back from each point. Each chakra has a unique vibration that is measured in color and sound and more. A especially good reference for a deeper understanding of this can be found in 7 Joy Gardner's book, Vibrational Healing Through the Chakras. Several years ago I started channeling information about a 13 or 14 chakra system8. I have had the information written down and ready to publish for several years and now is the time to put the information into the hands of the general public. I have used the information in my workshops and many of my students have been using these extra chakras I am sure. I now know that the reason I was waiting was to get the Earth-Heart Reiki symbols and the meditations that would actualize and open these chakras for those who want to do the work. I now understand the work I am presenting on the chakras which is based on Divine Proportions and Sacred Geometry is the masculine part of the equation. A masculine approach is based on linear thinking and a left brain endeavor. Earth-Heart Reiki is the feminine part which is intuitive, right brain and comes from the heart. Using both aspects makes this information complete. Without working with both we can never completely embrace our Light Body and move into Unconditional Love. This is only one pathway, there are many. The research on chakras has been ongoing for over 5000 years. Most of the books available today provide information concerning the seven major chakras. This information is relevant and very basic in your understanding of the human energy system.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chakra - Wikipedia online dictionary
Hands of Light: A Guide to Healing Through the Human Energy Field by Barbara Brennan and Jos. A. Smith Bantam, Paperback - 1988
Vibrational Healing Through the Chakras; Joy Gardner, Crossing Press - 2006
I was excited to learn similar information is in book by Virginia Essene and Sheldon Nidle “You are Becoming a Galactic Human”, Spiritual Education Endeavors, April 1994 , this book also mentions there will be 13 or 14 additional chakras. 27
However as the human being is continuing to vibrate at higher frequencies it has been revealed to me through my meditation and research that we were designed and created with “potentials” for chakras that can be activated when needed. The analogy of the electrical system in your home being similar to the ‘electrical’ system in your body is one way make this idea easier to understand. Your home has a power source coming from outside that ‘offers’ you the full amount of electrical energy available. The building is outfitted with an ‘electrical box’ at the point of entry for the incoming electrical power from your provider. This box is designed to divide the stronger stream of power into smaller segments with ‘breakers’ or fuses. Each one of the breakers takes a segment of the energy and channels it to different sections of your home for your use. These breakers keep your home from receiving an overload of electrical power to your appliances, light sources and outlets. The chakra system in your body functions in a similar way to the electrical system in your home. Universal Life Force Energy is the main source for our Being. The Universal Life Force energy is broken down and managed by your chakras so that you do not have an overload of energy to any one section of your physical, mental and emotional bodies.
The seven chakras are the basic breakers we need in our bodies. Just as when we remodel our home or add new things that require more electrical power, we will add breakers to our main circuit in order to supply it appropriately and safely. The human being and planet are vibrating at higher frequencies so we may require more ‘energy’ to do our day to day operations. The central channel of your body is designed with 'potential’ chakra locations between the seven major chakras. When we increase our need for life-force then we get additional chakras added to our system. Depending on your energy needs, your system is opening these new chakras to make sure you have access to the higher frequencies of energy needed for growth and health. The next segment will give you information to assist you in finding the location of your basic and potential chakras on your physical body.
Chakra History Introduction In the legacy of history we find the basis for this knowledge on the energy centers of the human body. The work is a natural outgrowth of my study of sacred geometry. Early on I was fascinated with books on Sacred Geometry beginning with Lawrence Blair9, leading to my work with Drunvalo Melchizedek and Starr Fuentes 10. As I have continued on my personal journey, research and work with Quantum Physics11, reading P.D. Ouspensky12, The Keys of Enoch13, the 12 strand DNA knowledge14 it became apparent that there is more going on in the human energy system as we move into this incredible shift of consciousness. A summary of some of the most relevant is presented first to give you a foundation for understanding the information we will be using to find our chakras.
Divine Proportions I am using a complete quote from David Bowman15 (www.aiwaz.net) because he says it so perfectly: “A passage from Roman architect Vitruvius (Marcus Vitruvius Pollio), describing the perfect human form in geometrical terms, was the source of inspiration for numerous renaissance artists. Only one of these, the incomparable Leonardo da Vinci, was successful in correctly illustrating the proportions outlined in Vitruvius' work De Architectura, and the result went on to become the most recognized drawings in the world, and came to represent the standard of human physical beauty. It was the version produced by Leonardo da Vinci, whose vast knowledge of both anatomy and geometry made him uniquely suited to the task. De Architectura established a system of ratios for the construction of 'perfect' buildings that exhibited Vitruvius' three necessary principles of durability, usefulness, and beauty. Vitruvius' s system proved a durable one, helping to spark a renewal of architectural interest in the renaissance. As Vitruvius believed that good architecture was in essence a continuation of the laws of nature, he demonstrated that his system applied to the formation of natural structures, including man. “ 9
Blair, Lawrence; “Rhythms of Vision The Changing Patterns of Belief,” Warner Books 1975
Fuentes, Starr, Light Language, Reshape your world with colors and sacred geometry, CoRecreational Media Group Inc., Tulsa OK, 2011 11
Wolf, Fred Alan; Star*Wave: Mind, Consciousness and Quantum Physics. Macmillan, NY, 1984.
Ouspensky, P.D.: “The Fourth Way” Vintage Books 1971
Hurtak, J.J.: “The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch” The Academy for Future Science 1977
Stibal, Vianna: :” Go Up and Seek God”, Rolling Thunder 2002
David Bowmans Article from http://www.aiwaz.net/vitruvian-man/a6 29
Here is the passage that Vitruvius wrote and I have included a graphic of Leonardo's famous drawing. I have added item A. showing the relevant feature to our work with the chakras. “For Nature has so planned the
human body that the face from the chin to the top of the forehead and the roots of the hair is a tenth part; also the palm of the hand from the wrist to the top of the middle finger is as much; the head from the chin to the crown, an eighth part; from the top of the breast with the bottom of the neck to the roots of the hair, a sixth part; from the middle of the breast to the crown, a fourth part; a third part of the height of the face is from the bottom of the chin to the bottom of the nostrils; the nose from the bottom of the nostrils to the line between the brows, as much; from that line to the roots of the hair, the forehead is given as the third part. The foot is a sixth of the height of the body; the cubit a quarter, the breast also a quarter. The other limbs also have their own proportionate measurements. And by using these, ancient painters and famous sculptors have attained great and unbounded distinction.” Vitruvius. Vitruvius is the source of the use of Divine Proportion in the Western Hemisphere. However, in the East the closest history I can find using Divine Proportions is the instructions given for finding Acupunture points from Chinese Medical texts.
“The cun is a measurement relative to the patient's body that is used to find acupuncture points. Generally speaking one cun is equal to the space between the distal interphalangeal joint and the proximal interphalangeal joint on the middle finger. However, this cun can only be used on certain parts of the body when finding acupuncture points - on other points you use other relative landmarks. For example, the space from nipple to nipple is 8 cun and this 8 cun can be used to find points on the chest - the space from the center of the patella to the lateral malleolus is 16 cun and this 16 cun can be used to find points on the legs, etc.” from yinyanghouse.com description. There may be some Chinese history texts that go further into the use of Divine Proportions that have not been translated. I will continue to search for references.
Moving and Growing Ahead It may be obvious with this foundation laid before you that this work on the ‘chakras’ is different than those you have read before. I have personally been reading books about the human energy field for the last 25 years and all the books that I remember are based on ‘intuitive’ information sources. Some are based on ancient esoteric texts by writers who came to the information through meditation. Then there are the considerable resources from the Orient based on the research concerning the meridians. However none that I have encountered base the information on the idea that the “energy centers” follow a divine proportion just as the physical form so obviously does. The books previously published are primarily based on ‘feminine’ sources for retrieving information. This material is what Drunvalo Melchizedek 16 would call a more ‘masculine’ approach. By using the same resources that Da Vinci used to draw the “Vitruvian Man” it shows us where the primary chakras are positioned in relation to the central channel of energy you will find that there are thirteen locations for chakras. It surprised me to realize that this approach has not been used before. I feel this way of ‘seeing’ the chakras will open many doors for those who are struggling to put the new information they are getting intuitively into perspective. I have found that many of the books present conflicting information on location and colors of the chakras. This problem is easily resolved when you look at the thirteen locations based on divine proportions. The colors of the chakras are presented with variations as well, but when you look at the frequencies and understand that the rainbow colors are the template for our color spectrum, it becomes easy to see that the chakras will fall in alignment with the color scheme of the rainbow. So let us begin. With an open mind and armed with a few simple tools you will be ready to learn where your open chakras and potential chakras are on your body. This method of finding your chakras is very individual. As each of us has different features and size so will we have a unique distance based on our personal divine proportions.
Melchizedek, Drunvalo: The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life, Volume I & II, Light Technology Publishing, 2000 31
How to find your Chakras Get a few things together before you start. 1. Measuring tape, like the kind used when sewing, flexible cloth or vinyl 2. Paper and pencil to write down your measurements 3. Marking pen with a medium tip that is a different color than your measuring tape, so the marks you make will stand out. Step one: Measure the length of your hand, from the crease at the wrist to the end of the longest finger. Note this length to refer to later. This is the distance that will show you where your chakras are on your body. Step two: Use the measurement of the length of your hand to create a personal measuring tape to show where each of your chakras are located. Mark on your measuring tape your hand length repeating it so you have 14 marks of this hand measurement. Now also add marks halfway between each of these marks. This will give you the locations for each of the potential chakras as well. Step three:
The base chakra is located at the perineum. So place your measuring tape so it starts measuring at your perineum. (This is more accurate if done while lying down). You may need some assistance to get a good measurement. See the illlustration to demonstrate approximately how it will look when you do this step. You have a chakra and potential chakra at each of the locations marked on your measuring tape. There may be variations depending on how far the surface of the body is from your skeletal structure.
Figure 13.
Additional Chakras Based on Divine Proportions the width of your hand is one half the length of your hand. Using that information you can now find the locations where you have POTENTIAL for new chakras to open. These are the locations we will be using for the next Earth-Heart Reiki Meditation. The illustration shows you what your full chakra system will look like compared to your seven chakra system. This illustration also shows other relationships of Divine Proportions and the stones suggested by Tom Benedict of tomstones.org.
Figure 14. The length of two of your hands is the diameter of the circle in the diagram. The width of your hand is the distance between the potential chakras illustrated in Fig. 14.
Figure 13.
Stones to use with each of the 13 Chakras Chakra Number
Sun Star Above Head
Apophyllites and/or selenite
Attunes one to higher-frequency energies of angelic and interdimensional domains. Using Selenite in conjuction with apophyllites can open pathways to conscious communication with the Higher Self. Male energy.
Spirituality & dream recall, enhances psychic abilities, imagery. For teaching us humility, to let go to receive more, become part of greater whole.
Helps to balance right and left brain function. Used to help anyone "integrate" into the world or new surroundings. Enhances psychic abilities, gets you in touch with spirit guides. Brings peace of mind, wellbeing and spiritual love.
Third Eye
Powerfully opens brow plus Crown centers for clairaudience, visions, spiritual connectedness, protection, manifesting. Helps expand our physical and mental seeing, hearing, hair, skin. Stimulates both throat and third eye chakras, bringing together all aspects of communication and psychic power. Facilitates spiritual awareness and insight.
Green Kyanite Used to answer questions, especially in imagery, such as in vision, dreams or written interpretations. It brings out our natural ability to manifest things into reality. For restoring balance and creating tranquility, has grounding and tranquil nature
High Heart Blue Kyanite
“Balance Stone� Will not accumulate or retain negative energy or vibrations.Never needs cleaning or cleansing. Aligns all chakras immediately. Taurus, Libra and Aries Stone
Multiplies/increases energy and strengthens ones protective fields. Considered the stone for dreaming/remembering. Increases ability for prophesy. Allows inner knowing. Powerful stone
General communication for self & writing, expressing logic and ideas, enhances community relationships. Can affect changes in your attitude about yourself.
Solar Plexus
Increases Motivation, absorbs, transmutes, grounds and dissolves negative energy. Assists in harnessing & utilizing your creative energy. Stone of abundance in all aspects of our lives.
Honors the God, energizes and empowers one's self. Aventurine feldspar with gold-orange metallic sheen. Warms the heart and lifts/rejuvenates the spirit. Protection, life force, grounding.
Used for clearing and balancing, works with loneliness, loss, fear, insecurities, abuse and incest, Helps in times of transition by providing comfort and support. Enhances dream state.
Used for clearing and balancing, works with loneliness, loss, fear, insecurities, abuse and incest, Helps in times of transition by providing comfort and support. Enhances dream state.
Red Aventurine
Reputed to aid your physical body... bringing vitality to your muscular system... and strengthening your blood. This red stone harmonizes with other stones of the lower chakras.
Red Jasper
Gently stimulates, grounds the energy, and helps rectify unjust situations. Bring problems to light and provides insights to difficult situations. Helps calm the emotions during times of stress. Stimulates and helps to open the base chakra.
Earth Star
Below Feet Black Tourmaline
Electromagnetic, strengthens body and spirit, transmutes lower frequency to a higher frequency. Does not absorb negative energy, it repels it. Female energy.
Using these suggested stones to assist in opening and balancing a potential chakra can be very effective when combined with the following meditation. The appropriate stone is placed on the chakra – on the front or back of the body, whichever is most comfortable.
"The crystal is a neutral object whose inner structure exhibits a crystalline state of perfection and balance. When it's precisely cut to the proper geometric form and when the human mind enters into relationship with its structural perfection in the vibration of love, the crystal emits a vibration which extends and amplifies the power and grasp of the user's mind. Like a laser, it radiates energy in a coherent, highly concentrated form, and this extremely benevolent energy may be transmitted into objects or people at will. This I know to be true. " Dr Marcel Vogel 35
Chakra Opening and Expansion Meditation This meditation will encourage the opening and full functioning of the 'potential chakras' discussed earlier in this book. By applying the Earth-Heart Reiki symbols to the specific locations of the chakras they will be activated and offer you the expanded energy system that you require for your health, work and new body. You will be using a combination of things mentioned earlier in this document. 1. Use the “Preparing for a EHR Reiki Session� step outlined earlier.
2. Find a comfortable quiet place where you will not be disturbed to lay down. 3. Place your hands over your heart intending the Integration Symbol is in the diamond shape opening created by your hands. 4. Begin to breathe using the EHR Seven Breath pattern through your heart. 5. When you are completely relaxed and feeling the flow of the breath through the heart then begin to intend that the Evollove Symbol is above your heart. 6. Now pull the Evollove Symbol through the Heart Integration space and into the Earth Chakra to start. Move to each additional starting with chakra one at the perineum ending with the Sun Chakra. Allow time for the chakra to adjust to the new energy of Earth-Heart Reiki. 7. Continue this step with each of the 13 chakras, seven primary chakras and the six locations for your potential chakras. 8. Take 5 to 10 minutes after you have put the Evollove Symbol into each of your primary chakras and your potential chakra locations to allow for confirmation of completion. 9. Repeat this process by putting each of the remaining three Earth-Heart Reiki symbols: Put Oha & Aho together and Har'a separately into each of the chakras. 10. Intend a prayer of closing and thanks for the benefits you received. It is recommended that you drink plenty of water after this meditation and to take time to write about your experiences for future reference.
Training for Advanced Earth-Heart Reiki Master Teacher Your Earth-Heart Reiki Master Teacher will explain the attunement process through discussion and demonstration. Then you will practice giving attunements in class.
Attunement Process This version of the attunement process is unique to Earth-Heart Reiki and is different than the Usui attunements. The attunement is an agreement with your EarthHeart Reiki Guides and the Master Teacher that will give the attunement. This process simply prepares your chakras and energy system for the 'download' of the healing energy from the Reiki Spectrum so that you can easily integrate this work for your personal healing as well as those you work with. It is important to learn the steps of the attunement as it is written here, however if you forget some part of the process the Earth-Heart Reiki Guides will correct the process for you. You may also find that the guides may direct you to give the attunement slightly differently for an individual, this is perfectly normal, so listen to their/your EHR guides for clarity.
Giving a EHR attunement 1. Begin by saying a prayer to call the Earth-Heart Reiki Guides, Gaia, Celestial
Light, Archangel Michael, Archangel Metatron, Archangel Chamuel & Archeiai Charity , “Let divine love take dominion now!”, Angel O, and any other Divine Presence and Beings of Light that you feel called to work with during the attunement process.
2. Prepare yourself before the attunement by doing the Earth-Heart Reiki Seven Breath Meditation and drawing all five of the symbols on your hands. 3. Prepare the space by putting a green sphere around the room where you are giving the attunement. Add a pink light to the outside of the green sphere. Draw all of the Earth-Heart Reiki Symbols in the center of the space and any other Reiki Symbols that you feel will assist you at this time 4. With the person receiving the attunement sitting in a chair with their hands in front of their hearts In the prayer position. Ask them to close their eyes and focus on their heart area while breathing a seven count breath. 5. Stand beside them and connect by placing one hand on their back and one hand over their heart. State the intention to give an EHR attunement for ___________. 6. Move to the front and in a gentle movement move their hands to a position where their palms are facing each other about 10 inches apart. 7. While standing in front of them you will open their energy system. Hold both of your hands about 2 or 3 feet in front of them and by moving your hand from the top of their head to their feet in a slow movement you will be opening their Central Channel. Say to yourself while doing this movement “I Open You (say their name______________) With Love and Only Love”. 8. Draw the Integration Symbol over their heart between their hands.
9. As you draw the Oha symbol over their heart say the name of the symbol
silently and intend the symbol to move through the Integration symbol with a gentle blowing breath. Continue with each symbol in the same manner. Aho, Har'a, Evollove and Integration Symbol Gently blowing the symbols through the Integration Symbol into the heart. You can place them into the Heart in any order.
10. Ask them to place their hands in their laps palms up. 11. You will close their Central Channel by moving both of your hands from the
feet upward to the crown while saying “I Bless You in The Love of the Celestial Light and Divine Presence�
12. Gently draw each symbol over their palms one at a time and say the symbol silently while tapping each symbol three times into their hands. 13. Step back from them and draw a circle of white light, intending a sphere, around them with the intention that the work is complete and sealed with Love. 14. Gently guide their hands to their heart area and place their hands over their heart. 15. Stand beside them as a closing gesture by placing one hand on their back and one hand over their heart on top of their hands. 16. Say a prayer asking for this attunement to only bring the highest healing and Love into them and all their Being with Earth-Heart Reiki.
Instructor Tools 1. Workshop Outline 2. Workshop Sign-In Sheets 3. Symbol Memory Recall form 4. Prayer suggestions 5. Quick View of Attunement 6. Evaluation Form 7. Cover Sheet
Earth-Heart Reiki Personal EHR – Day One
Outline 1. Opening Prayer - Introductions 2. Why Earth-Heart Reiki? 3. History of E-HR and those who assist us : Archangel Michael, Archangel Metatron, Archangel Chamael/Archeiai Charity and Angel “O”. 4. The 5 new Symbols: Integration Symbol – considered master symbol All symbols: Mirror image and holographic Heart Gateway LOVE is focus of symbols 5. Discussion of each symbol Symbol Recall exercise Attunement Writing experience/ Discussion 6. Earth-Heart Reik Seven Breath Meditation – discussion and practice p. 18-20 7. EHR Power Breath 8. Preparing for and giving an EHR treatment. Using the Integration Symbol over the heart. Distance treatment – use Har'a symbol after Usui distance symbol during preparation for the work. 9. Closing Prayer and HUGS!
Earth Heart Reiki Advanced EHR - Day Two
Outline 1.Openng Prayer - Introductions review symbols prepare self and space for todays work. 2. Advanced EHR Work discussion and preparation 3. Advanced Chakra Training and Meditation What is a Chakra? History of Chakras Analogy of Chakra and Electrical System in a house 4. Divine Proportions History of Divine Proportions Essential features of Divine Proportions for finding Chakras 5. Finding your Potential Chakras Practice measuring for the Chakras 6. Using Stones to Enhance Chakra Opening Discussion on using crystals and stones for meditations 7. Meditations for Chakra Opening and Expansion Using each of the EHR Symbols in Meditation Practice 8. Giving an Attunement for Earth-Heart Reiki Attunement is different than Usui Reiki, focus on Heart Demonstration of Attunement using surrogate Three people used in demo, one to read the directions, one receiving, one giving. 9. Instructor Guidelines and Tools What are the EHR Instructor responsibilities? Outlines Forms Evaluation Cover Sheet Instructor Guidelines 10. Closing Prayer and HUGS!
Memory Recall Exercise EHR Symbols for Earth-Heart Reiki PRINT your name as you would like it to appear on your certificate: Full Name __________________________________________________Date: ___________ Address ____________________________________________City ____________________ State _______________ Zip __________________Telephone _________________________ Email: ______________________________________________________________________ Please draw the symbol and write the correct spelling of the name of the five E-HR symbols. You may also use the back of this page.
Quick Guide: EHR attunement Opening Prayer; EHReiki Guides, Gaia, Celestial Light, AA Michael, AA Metatron, AA Chamuel & Archeiai Charity , “Let divine love take dominion now!”, Angel O, & other Divine Presence & Beings of Light Prepare yourself: EHR 7- Breath Meditation and drawing symbols on hands. Prepare the space: green sphere around the room; add a pink light outside the green sphere. Draw all E-HR Symbols in the center of the space. Person receiving; sits in a chair / prayer position. With their eyes closed: focus on heart area/ breathing a 7-count breath. Stand beside them; one hand on back & other over their heart. State the intention; EHR attunement for ___________. From front; their palms so they are facing each other about 10 inches apart. From front; open Central Channel. Saying “I Open You (their name______________) With Love and Only Love”.
Draw the Integration Symbol over their heart between their hands. Drawing/saying symbols over heart...intent; move through Integration symbol w/ gentle blowing breath. Oha, Aho, Har'a, Evollove & Integration Symbol Their hands in their laps palms up. Close their Central Channel while saying “I Bless You in The Love of the Celestial Light and Divine Presence” Draw symbols on palms one at a time while tapping into their hands. Step back; draw a circle of white (intend sphere) light around them Place their hands over their heart. Beside them; one hand on back & other over their heart over their hands. Closing Prayer; This attunement to only bring the highest healing and Love into all their Being with Earth-Heart Reiki.
Prayer for assistance from: Earth-Heart Reiki Guides, Gaia, Celestial Light, Archangel Michael, Archangel Metatron, Archangel Chamuel & Archeiai Charity , “Let Divine Love take dominion now!”, and Angel O,
~*~ ~”I Open You With Love and Only Love”. ~ ~*~ ~”I Bless You in The Love of the Celestial Light and Divine Presence”~ ~EHR bringing only the Highest Healing and Love into Your Work~
Earth-Heart Reiki – Personal E-HR day one. Location:
Instructor: Registration Sign-In PRINT Name as you would like it to appear on your certificate -
1. Name ____________________________________________Phone(s) ______________________
Address_______________________________City___________________St____Zip______ Email _______________________________________________ 2. Name ____________________________________________Phone(s) ______________________
Address_______________________________City___________________St____Zip______ Email _______________________________________________ 3. Name ____________________________________________Phone(s) ______________________
Address_______________________________City___________________St____Zip______ Email _______________________________________________ 4. Name ____________________________________________Phone(s) ______________________
Address_______________________________City___________________St____Zip______ Email _______________________________________________ 5. Name ____________________________________________Phone(s) ______________________
Address_______________________________City___________________St____Zip______ Email _______________________________________________ 6. Name ____________________________________________Phone(s) ______________________
Address_______________________________City___________________St____Zip______ Email _______________________________________________ 7. Name ____________________________________________Phone(s) ______________________
Address_______________________________City___________________St____Zip______ Email _______________________________________________ 51
Earth-Heart Reiki – Advanced EHR day two. Location:
Instructor: Registration Sign-In PRINT Name as you would like it to appear on your certificate -
1. Name ____________________________________________Phone(s) ______________________
Address_______________________________City___________________St____Zip______ Email _______________________________________________ 2. Name ____________________________________________Phone(s) ______________________
Address_______________________________City___________________St____Zip______ Email _______________________________________________ 3. Name ____________________________________________Phone(s) ______________________
Address_______________________________City___________________St____Zip______ Email _______________________________________________ 4. Name ____________________________________________Phone(s) ______________________
Address_______________________________City___________________St____Zip______ Email _______________________________________________ 5. Name ____________________________________________Phone(s) ______________________
Address_______________________________City___________________St____Zip______ Email _______________________________________________ 6. Name ____________________________________________Phone(s) ______________________
Address_______________________________City___________________St____Zip______ Email _______________________________________________ 7. Name ____________________________________________Phone(s) ______________________
Address_______________________________City___________________St____Zip______ Email _______________________________________________
Earth-Heart Reiki Workshop Evaluation
Effective 04/16/2011
Name(optional)________________________________________________________ Dates of Earth-Heart Reiki Workshop:
Month _______Days________Year ______
Workshop Instructor
Location: City
□ Please check here if we may use your comments on the web site and in an e-mail newsletter. Checking this box grants Earth-Heart Reiki permission to use your full name □ or initials □ and city/state of residence. Thank you for your consideration of this request. Please circle 1.) Your confidence level on the E-HR Symbol usage
Excellent 5
2.) Your confidence level on using E-HR breathing techniques
3.) Was the instructor(s) knowledgeable and clear with explanations?
4.) Was the instructor(s) friendly and patient with demonstrations?
5.) How did the instructor(s) interact with the students as a group?
6.) How did the instructor(s) interact with you as an individual?
7.) Overall impression of the workshop
8.) Would you take another class from this (these) instructor(s)? Why? ___________________________________ _____________________________________ Do you see any areas in which the workshop could be improved? Feel free to use the back of this page! __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Please feel free to add any additional comments. __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________
Congratulations on completing the Earth-Heart Reiki Workshop Thank you for completing this evaluation Please return this form to your instructor If there is additional info about your workshop experience that you would like to share, please email earthheartreiki@care2.com Please include the date, location, and name of instructor of the workshop in your email
Guidelines for Earth-Heart Reiki Instructors effective May 7, 2011
If you have completed the Advanced Earth-Heart Reiki workshop successfully then you have the tools you need to be able to teach Earth-Heart Reiki. All Earth-Heart Reiki workshops will be advertised at the same workshop fee of $200.00 for the two days. $100.00 for each day if taught separately. The standardized fee offers the instructor guaranteed support for the work. This fee may change at the discretion of the EHR office. EHR will be taught as a separate class from ICRT Usui Reiki workshops and not combined with Usui/Tibetan Reiki per our agreement with William Rand and the International Center for Reiki Training. The Earth-Heart Reiki office will issue certificates of completion to those who have taken the EHR workshops. Instructors are required to send a list of students who have completed the workshops using the form provided. Additionally the document the students completed with the symbols and evaluation form must be submitted to the office before the certificates will be issued. To support these services you are asked to submit a commission of five percent of the amount student fees paid to you for the workshop. Submit payment with the class list and student completed forms. Attach these documents to the E-HR Workshop Cover Sheet to Julie E Brent, PO Box 33, Campbellsburg, KY 40011. Check or PayPal payments are accepted. Our goal is to be able to issue CEU's to Massage Therapists. The documents you are asked to submit are required as part of the documentation to become a certified provider of Continuing Education Units. The process takes one year to complete from acceptance of the application with the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork. NCBTMB It is an independent, private, nonprofit organization established to set high standards of ethical and professional practice through a recognized, credible credentialing program. NCBTMB certifies massage therapists and bodyworkers on behalf of the profession, and for the benefit of consumers, employers and practitioners. Currently, there are nearly 90,000 nationally certified practitioners – and NCBTMB examinations are used/recognized in statute or rule by 38 states, plus the District of Columbia. 57
Earth-Heart Reiki Cover Sheet
effective May 7, 2011
Send one cover sheet per workshop. Include names of all instructors teaching the workshop. Instuctor Name(s) ___________________________________________________________ Email
Workshop Dates: Personal E-HR Month ___________Day_____________Year_______ Advanced EHR Month ___________Day_____________Year________
Workshop Location: City_______________________________State/Province________________Zip ___________
1. __Roster
Date Sent _______________-
2. __Payment 5% commission:
Amount _________________
3. __Evaluation Form for each student 4. __Symbol Recall form for each student
Thank YOU! We appreciate your support of Earth-Heart Reiki Mail forms and make Check Payable to Julie E Brent PO Box 33, Campbellsburg KY 40011 OR Email scanned forms to earthheartreiki@care2.com and request a PayPal link for payment of commission by Credit Card. 59
Basics of Sacred Geometry to better understand the Earth-Heart Reiki Symbols
Octahedron Clarifier Discernment as above, so below As Above – So Below – if you are in alignment, it brings spirit into alignment. Refinement of Spirit Refinement of Earth Clarifiers – Cleanses, filters, refines, polishes, purifies, elucidates, discerns, on.
throws, light
The octahedron combines the spiritual and the physical together. Brings the spiritual and material together in the heart, focusing on a single point both n the spiritual high planes and the middle earth planes and gathering all information that will be needed and discarded before completion. Sometimes they eliminate – not by going through the elimination process, but by choosing higher energies. Therefore, eliminates conflict by choosing Higher Energies. This is a great manifestation and goal shape.
Pyramid Preservation Cultivation
The four sided pyramid shape aids in the preservation, cultivation and integration of energy. 61
The pyramid has five faces. A square base which stabilizes the energies, along with four triangular sides, which provide integration of the energies in all four directions of life.
Sphere Choice Necessity =
All of the points on the surface of a sphere are the same distance away from the center. Choose the sphere when you want aid in creating the open space to attract what you desire. Looking at all the degrees of possibilities available to you on the center of the sphere moves your center to the point where the balance fits the picture. Green for new growth; vital healing.
Cones Amplification Focus
= Assimilation
The cones ability to amplify and focus makes it a versatile tool. The direction of the mouth of the cone faces determine what the flow of the energies will do. Particularly useful when you find a situation in which energies need assimilation in a gentle and easy manner.
Infinity symbol (Lemniscate)
Never-ending The mathematical symbol for infinity is known as the lemniscate. It was devised in 1655 by mathematician John Wallis, and named lemniscus, ribbon, by Bernoulli about forty years later. The symbol is patterned after the device known as a mobius (named after a nineteenth century mathematician) strip. A mobius strip is a strip of paper which is twisted and attached at the ends, forming a two dimensional surface.