Return of Mankind to the Natural World

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The 'Voice of Love' offers a

A Workbook for the Return of Mankind to the Natural World Julie E. Brent - all rights reserved - copyright 1999.

Photographs taken by the author and are copyrighted, and photos of Earth/Moon/Pleiades were taken by NASA.

This book is dedicated to the healing of our Mother Earth. I am grateful for the opportunity to assist in her return to her original beauty and more. In Loving Service, Julie

Return of Mankind to the Natural World


This book is dedicated to the healing of our Mother Earth. I am grateful for the opportunity to assist in her return to her original beauty and more. In Loving Service, Julie

Return of Mankind to the Natural World


Return of Mankind to the Natural World


Preface I am the “Voice of Love� a Being of Light from the Pleiades, I come to you. I am writing this to assist you in this journey along with Archangel Michael. Open your hearts and leave the stress and worry of the world behind. Bleed the losses of the world from your veins. Listen to your hearts my loved ones. You are making great strides in the world as many of you are already opening to the love of Archangel Michael. His love is pure and available to all. Let Mother Earth heal her wounds with the open hearts of her children. Be filled with the need to play, dance, sing, and create. Look at the planet and all the beings, plants, rocks, mineral, water as your lifeblood. It truly is part of you. Free yourself from the illusion of separation. There is no separation. One being, one mind, one heart. This book will give a series of meditations and instructions for becoming aware of your being as ONE with ALL.

Return of Mankind to the Natural World


Return of Mankind to the Natural World


Chapter One Instruction Manual

Return of Mankind to the Natural World


Chapter One Instruction Manual First start your connection to BEING ONE with ALL by creating a place outdoors where you can be quiet and watch the activities that occur in this space. Look at each item within this space. Choose a small space (10 x 10 feet) is big enough. Start with the ‘scientific mind’ that you probably already have in place and explore each natural thing in this space. Create a journal or log book for recording your observations during the exercises and meditations in the book. Or you may use the blank pages in this workbook.

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My Thoughts . . .

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Day One through Five Just watch and listen. Spend thirty minutes in this space daily. If you live in an apartment go to your balcony or to a park and pick a space. It is not necessary to be completely alone. Other people may pass through the space. They are part of All Creation and part of you. . . observe them as well. The first five days are for developing your senses. Develop your ability to look, to see what is there in the smallest detail. Develop your hearing; listen to every sound in detail. Develop your sense of smell; notice new and familiar smells. Taste the air, the smells, any foods or plants you know are edible and develop you 6th sense. Close your eyes and let your skin feel the air, sun, and temperature. Use your imagination to pretend that you can go to the top of the tree, wall or highest point and look down on your space. Explore going down in the ground and imagine how the ants or burrowing creatures feel below the surface of our Mother Earth.

During these five days, developing your ability as an observer. Remember the times past that you have had a connection with the Mother Earth, plants or animals. If this has not happened before use this time to create memories.

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Day Six through Twelve Start to write in your Journal or Logbook. Writing your observations down and/or drawing pictures is the next phase. Spending 30 minutes outdoors and write down what you observe that day. Anything or any way that is comfortable for you will do. Use lists, narrative or story as well as drawings all of these ways are fine. Do this for 7 days. You can stay outdoors in your “space� longer if you desire. On rainy days - try to find a shelter to use so that you can stay outdoors. A tent would work or and overhang in a park shelter. Anything that will let you continue to write your observations. If you choose winter for this project outdoors then dress warmly and still keep your commitment to observe. Thirty minutes is a reasonable length of time to be outdoors and in most cases will not be a hardship.

Things to notice and record in your journal: - smells - sounds - colors - ground cover - vegetation - animals - bugs - temperature - how you feel - what you sense from the other people and animals. If you are in an urban environment then choose a place as close to nature as possible. If this is not available to you then observe how nature has overlaid the manmade environment. Things to look for in urban settings: on empty lots, - vegetation - animals - bugs - earth color - smells - sounds. Looking on streets or alleys: weeds in cracks of the pavement and sidewalks - animals that live there - bugs in your home.

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Chapter Two Diversity

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Chapter Two Diversity After journaling for seven days, take some time to categorize and count the variety of plants and animals that you found. If you did not know the names of the animals and plants go to the library and find books that identify for you what you have found. Make lists and categories from this. Continue to be outside in your space for 30 minutes each day for the next 3 weeks. You can do the counting lists and clarifying what you see at this time. You are becoming a scientist. This is the science of learning about the diversity of our Mother Earth.

Seeing Look at a flower, any flower. Ask permission to pick it from the plant. When you receive permission pick it and hold it in your hand, smell it, feel the texture of the petal and leaves. Sense the energy of the flower. Study the colors of the petals, pistil and stamen. Look at the stem, shape, colors and how the petals and leaves attach. Spend 5 - 10 minutes at this exercise. This flower is a living thing doing the work of the creator, just as you are. It moves through the stages of its life as you do toward its ultimate fulfilment in the grand scheme of life. Write down in your journal what feelings arise as you study the flower. Write down all of the thoughts, questions and ideas that surface. You can draw a picture if you feel like it. Begin to feel the life of the blossom, think of the process it goes through from birth to its final stage as a seed of life of the parent plant. Your life is the same - you go through stages to completion as a seed of life for the Creators insatiable need to create.

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All life moves toward the fulfilment of the Creators push to have experience. The planet (Mother Earth) is a part of that process to experience. We are a grand experiment of expression to be enjoyed, savored and filled with love. The flower is expressing love in every moment. Breathe the love of the flower, as you smell its fragrance. Each breathe you take can experience love if you are open with your heart. Your eyes can see the love of the blossom as it expresses the finest color of its being. Hold the thoughts and feelings of love in your hand. Feel how you are One with the Flower.

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Listening Can you hear your Voice of Love? Listening is a way to hear the love of the Creator. Sound is a vibration that you are able to sense with your ears - at least a certain amount of the sounds in the Universe. You can hear more with your inner hearing. Stillness is the friend of one who wants to hear the Voice of Love.

All sounds within and without are the “Voice of Love”. Logic plays no part of the sound, your mind can know that you are setting the stage for the experience but that is all that it can do. The sound current carries all knowledge it fills all space and time. You are one with the sound current and are blocked from the experience. It is all experience at once and will bring you to your awakening. This experience is a beautiful time of knowing. Be still and listen with every fiber of your being. So wait for the Hand of God to be placed on your shoulder to experience the power of the “word”. Follow your heart to the center of Experience, the beginning of all creation. LOVE each Experience that you have as an expression of the will of love.

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Seeds of Change Seeds of change grown into seeds of life from the heart of the Creator. We are within a change that is beyond any of our imaginations. This change will be the most important change for humanity that has occurred in history. Life is about change and this one is the culmination of all those changes. When man has completed this transformation his cells will be operating in a higher frequency. The children are now being born with the ability to make this change more rapidly. To complete the transformation LOVE is the key. Love will bring you closer to the necessary emotions that are required to do this work. Emotions are the key, express them abundantly. Bring LOVE to every action; bring love to every person. All creatures are capable of love and emotion.

Go outside and sit in your “space� observe the birds, bugs, bees, squirrels anything that can be observed from your vantage point. Watch for their emotions/love. Science has determined in many cases a lack of emotion in the nonhuman realm, however it is not so. Every fly, ant, spider, dog, cat, squirrel, cow, pig. . etc. has an emotional component. They each share the ability for unconditional love. As each of the Beings in the Universe is a part of the Universal Mind thus each being shares in the ability to tap into the unconditional love of the Creator. Including each cell that exists.

Watch the animals that you have access too. Pets show emotions in response to your actions.

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Chapter Three

Earth Sun Moon

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My Thoughts . . .

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EarthSunMoon “Sun of Earth Planet Moon Joy of Life be in Bloom Love for all, all for Love With the coming of the Dove”

Oh, how I love the Planet Earth and all of its creatures. They sing in the joy of all Life everywhere. You are chosen to move the Universe to another Dimension. Archangel Micheal's grand experiment that many have been watching for a very long time, this experiment is coming to fruition. My “Voice of Love” is speaking now to prepare you for this change. The more you experience yourself. . .each dimension glows and grows with your experience. “Speak of Love, feel love, act love” Take the notes that you have been working on every day and now begin to read and digest what you have written. Consider what you have learned in this process. Spend a couple of days in reflection on the information. When you have completed this process you will begin a daily meditation using the feelings that you have about the Mother Earth and her children, creatures and vegetation. This meditation is a crucial part of your re-connection with who you really are and your interconnection with all life everywhere. Take a paper and pencil with you when you are ready to meditate.

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My Thoughts . . .

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Meditation 1. To begin the meditation, sit out of doors - on or touching the Earth with your feet. You may also lay down on the Earth if you want. 2. Begin to notice your breathing. . Take your time. 3. Begin to breathe with the Earth by feeling the pulse of the body of Mother Earth. 4. Breath slowly with consciousness sending your inhale into the Earth and bringing the energy back with the exhale. 5. Let the Love flow with the breathe until you feel totally immersed in this Love of the Earth. 6. Let your heart and mind merge with the Earth Heart and Mind.

7. Ask for permission to assist in the healing and transformation of the Earth. 8. Wait for your answer. Be patient. Mother Earth will answer her child. The answers can come in any form. Listen, feel, open your mind to your thoughts, see and experience. 9. When you have an answer write it down immediately.

Return of Mankind to the Natural World


Breathe of Life Feel. . .Feel all of Life. Know that all of Life loves you and all beings are one. Separation is a dream, illusion a forgetting. Remember your place in the Universe and know. Cry tears of joy for the knowing, the forgetting the experience of remembering. Become who you are without a moment’s delay. You are ready. Begin a new meditation. 1. Hold a stone in your hand/hands. Ask the stone to reveal itself to you. It is alive. Hold the stone until you can feel/hear/see/know about the stone. If you cannot connect the first time continue the practice daily until you can connect. Do not feel frustration or dismay. You have much to remember and have placed many barriers to prevent this knowledge from being available. 2. When you feel the connection, write down what you learned.

Return of Mankind to the Natural World


You will do this meditation with a tree.

3. Feel the diameter of the energy as it surrounds you. Perceive the color of the energy. Perceive any sound of the energy.

1. Find a tree you are attracted to and sit with it for a while.

4. Expand your merged energy to the size of the trees energy.

Ask permission to connect with this tree. When you have permission - go to the tree and place you body against the tree (front or back is OK).

5. Rest in this space for as long as you like. Once you have merged with the tree then move to the next step, while merged begin. 1. Feel Love. Bring an image that evokes a feeling of love within you. 2. Hold this feeling of love for a while. Expand your field of love to the size of your and the trees merged energy field. 3. Let the tree speak to you about this love and feel the love of the tree. 4. Merge this love with the trees love until you cannot feel a difference between your love and the love of the tree.

2. Now merge your energy with the tree. Become aware of the size of the trees energy field. See if you can feel how far into the ground the tree goes. Feel the connection of the trees energy with Mother Earth as it goes down in to the Earth’s body.

5. Next begin to expand the joined love to all the Earth. Imagine a large sphere expanding each time you breathe until it is large enough to hold the Earth. Feel love. 6. Hold this love and breath until you feel satisfied. 7. When you are ready let yourself feel the love of Mother Earth, let it flow into you from every direction. 8. Sit in this love for as long as you like. 9. Thank Mother Earth and the tree for their patience and love. The next day repeat this exercise with the same tree. You can do this as many days as you like before moving to the next part of the process.

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Sun, oh glorious sun

“Sun, oh glorious sun, you shine on me without judgement without thought of my status, stature, color or country.” To learn to “shine’ on all as equals regardless of condition is a wonderful show of non-judgement and we can learn from the Sun that experience. Your Earth, your Sun, your Moon are impartial to your divisions and ways of dividing yourselves.

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Thirty Minute Meditation While sitting in your space outdoors begin to imagine a world where the earth, sun and moon were as full of judgement as the human being. What would be their criteria for judgement? Use this time to reflect on how different the world would be if this were so. Take it as far as you can go in fifteen minutes. Use images, write, pretend, any way that you can.

The next fifteen minutes of this 30-minute meditation observe and meditate on the idea that humans using the same non-judgement in their actions as the Earth, Sun and Moon. Use yourself as a model… how would it change your thoughts and actions? Would you treat people differently as you go through the day? Would you feel differently about yourself? “Shine” on everything the same without judgement. This is a very powerful image for you to imagine everyone acting in that way.

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Unconditional Love


Flow with the unconditional love in the river of the Universe. Become one with the river of love. Allow ALL to embrace you and free you from judgement.

Exercise these ideas by doing the following meditation 1. Begin by sitting outside in your “space”. Allow a few minutes to begin to “feel” all that you have already experienced in the earlier exercises. 2. Feel Love 3. Next take a deep breath and breathe for a few minutes being aware of how the air is free to move into your body without hindrance. You are not able to choose the molecules of oxygen or air that you breath. You accept that it is yours and it is freely available to you.

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4. Consider what it would be like if the air molecules had a choice in which body they are called to become a part of. . .question. . Are they able to judge, pick, choose, make conditions about this? 5. Does the air give its unconditional support and love for the life-giving qualities it has and that you require? 6.

Can you now imagine yourself being that way with the Earth and her needs? 7. Think about how your choices affect Mother Earth and your Environment. 8. Now by simply allowing yourself to become a part of the unconditional love that the Earth Mother breathes is a wonderful gift to her. Are your actions in your life affecting the Earth? 9. Now connect with Earth Mother by breathing deep in to the center of the Earth and sending this question: “Are my actions harming you?”

Prayer Oh, beautiful Mother, my sustenance, my support. I love you and I am part of you. Your energy is part of mine and when I am sick and out of balance it is a reflection of your energy. I ask that I be shown how to heal you and myself. Love and beauty continue to embrace us.

10. Wait for an answer. It may not come immediately but you will “hear” the answers over the next couple of days through the experiences, TV and books that you encounter. Watch and let her tell you. This can change your life, and the way that you live your life in a dramatic way.

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My Thoughts . . .

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Chapter Four

The Earth Nourishes

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The Earth Nourishes Your Earth nourishes every living thing that lives on her. All of the plants have their roots securely planted in the soil or water. The rivers, lakes, streams are the circulatory system, veins and vessels giving life to the body of the Mother Earth.

Meditation Become one with a tree. Place your body in contact, place your hands, feet, forehead, or spine against the tree. Begin to feel the life and energy of the tree. The taproot of a tree goes down further than the highest part of the tree. Feel yourself going down into the Earth with the tree root, grow your energy roots with the tree. Feel the movement of the trunk with the wind. Listen to the birds in her hair. Look up into the branches and see the foliage, the bird nests, the flowers, and the seeds. All encompassing life is there for you to study. Love is everywhere you look in the tree. She/he has not lost connection with the Mother Earth. You can share that Love with the tree. Feel. Come back to your awareness of your connection with your Mother Earth. She needs you to know her once again.

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Chapter Five


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Reflection Love is a squash plant

Heart shaped leaves, green as the Mother Earth’s grassy covering. Yellow as the sun blooms that comes in male and female on the same plant. This is a beautiful combination of our Earth and Sun in one plant. The Earth is the heart Chakra of your solar system that you live in. You live in the “heart” of your Solar System!! Take time to open yourself to this feeling of Love. Your Mother Earth is the perfect expression of love. Look around and the abundance produced on this planet. The diversity expressed in the life-forms. All are expression of love. I Love You I Love you I love you in every breath the Mother Earth takes. Take time to feel this love. She is waiting for you to express your love to her.

Voice of Love Stories Once upon a time the Earth was a thought in an Archangels eye. The Archangel asked the Council about it, the Council said we'd better ask the Higher Aspects. The Higher Aspects said, we must go to the Creator for permission for this idea. And they did. They all looked at the plan carefully. They asked Archangel Michael questions and offered constructive criticism. Then the Creator looked at it all and said, “YES!”

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“I like the idea that we don’t know how it will come out!”

The unique thing about the Archangels idea was Free Will. Since Free Will was a concept that had not been used before it gave the Creator and Angels something new to experience. Each aspect of creation has a purpose and a plan for growth. This was such a novel idea, Divine Chaos! So the Archangel begin to put together all that was needed to place a spot in the Universe that operated on the premise of FREE WILL. And with this the Earth was created and all of the supporting planets and solar system needed to make thing works just so. It was and still is Unique. It took a lot of work, worry and planning to get it just right. This experiment was then left to create itself, so to speak. No further interference was the objective. Well, things went along nicely, giving the rest of creation a pretty novel thing to watch. Pretty soon the other souls wanted to have permission to incarnate here so that they could actually participate. Watching was very intriguing, but to experience this Free Will first hand was even better. The soul that incarnated here would lose memory pretty quickly of “who” they were. It was a short time

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before the soul only could remember that it had to make decisions for itself. That it “felt” separate from the Divine Consciousness that is had just left behind. It forgot when this feeling of separation happened, that Unconditional Love is EVERYTHING.

Now every moment of existence in Free Will you keep trying to remember what it felt like to be part of Divine Love. Nothing changed except the memory. That’s all. But it was even more powerful that anyone in creation had ever imagined. Pretty soon all of this little space in the Universe was having unique experiences and emotions.

Incredible things happened.

Return of Mankind to the Natural World


Love is All Around You Even in the din of the city there is Love all around you. Human beings are full of beauty and love. The human form is a wondrous creation as is all form.

Meditation Take a look at the people in your immediate vicinity (when in a public place). Consider their skin, hair, hands and shape. See if you can look past the things that you see that you have prejudged as not perfect. See what you are looking at with a fresh eye. The eye of a person who has never “looked� before. See the easy way the body moves. Notice the thoughtless way that the body picks up items, walks, bends, blinks, and breathes. All done by the will of the soul or mind. See the beauty in each being, shining through in a way that you have never tried to see before. Each moment is a tribute to the Creator to the Sacredness of form. Now watch for the emotions to be displayed in the physical body. The face and eyes are windows for this. See the clench of the teeth, the sly smiles, the daze of a daydream, all fleet across the face and eyes telling a story. Love these expressions in yourself and in the person next to you, as they are part of you. BE, just BE... and watch all those around you without judgement. When you experience a thought or judgement that your mind wants to dwell on then with patience - put the thought aside. If you find yourself criticizing yourself for judging the other person, then apply the act of non-judgement to yourself.

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Chapter Six


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My Thoughts . . .

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Rain is a beautiful expression of love that the Mother Earth uses in the cycle of life. Be aware of the powerful transformation that occurs everyday as part of the weather on your home planet. Science has explained the weather patterns, how the clouds form from the ground moisture and carry the moisture until it falls back to the Earth.

Begin to meditate on the movement of water through its various forms. Think of it as living with consciousness just as you have consciousness. Begin to be aware of the Consciousness of all forms you share the Mother Earth with. Now return your thoughts once again to water. Rain, H20, snow, ice, sleet, mist, steam, fog, streams, ponds, lakes and puddles are all water. Study the “expressions” of water and look at how each one embodies an “emotion” or feeling. Using this as a meditation can open your heart to the love that is all around you and open your heart to express the love that you are.

These forces and cycles are occurring within you as well. Your emotions, physical body and energy body are a dynamic exchange and transformation of moisture (water). This process is love moving through your corner of the universe. Meditate on the qualities of these expressions of love. Learn how to feel the expression of Love in all things, emotions and all living things.

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Expressions of water: Rain. . . . Love as sadness, when gentle and lazy. Rain. . . Love as anger, when heavy, filled with thunder and lightening. Snow . . Expression of love as quietness, loneliness Snow. . Expression of love as reflective and optimistic. Sleet . . . Expression of love as furiously busy & hard working. Ice . . Expression of love as hard and rigid about life. Fog . . Expression of love as the emotion of elusiveness.

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Spring Is Love When the Earth moves into the cycle of rebirth in the spring all of life celebrates love. The fresh green of spring, the many colors of the flowers, the sweet smell of blossoms are all oozing love from every aspect. Spring happens just at the moment when all seems to be death. Rebirth comes from love. The love of Mother Earth for all of her inhabitants. She sends forth the fruit of life in response to the warming rays of Father Sun. A marriage or union occurs and all life responds to this Union of Love. Human hearts sing with joy along with the birds and flowers. In turn seeds are created to reproduce the never-ending cycle of Love and birth and death. Death is only an illusion; it is just the first and middle step of the cycle, depending on your viewpoint. Love is all things. All things are love.

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Chapter Seven

The Creators Voice

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The Creators Voice All love is the Creators manifestation. When experiencing love know that it is the Creators voice that you hear inside your heart. Open to the experience of love in every action. Open to the experience of love in every non-action. They are both the same.. doing and non-doing are both ways of expressing love. All life is the expression of love. Know only love. Breath love, know love, become love by your awareness that is everything. You cannot be without love. You can only be without the awareness of love. This can create the illusion of separation. And this separation is what most humans feel. Begin right this moment to remember your love. Knowing that each cell is a manifestation of love is the path to healing. Love is all things and love IS.

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I come this day to help and assist you in understanding the beauty that you are. You are perfect in every way. The beauty that is your TRUE Self shines through all of the denial that you have.

For a moment, close your eyes and imagine that a tube of red energy is shooting down from the base of your spine in to the Earth. Lie it continue down through the layers of your Mother Earth until it reaches the center of the Earth. At the center let the energy of the Mother Earth come back up through the tube of red light and connecting you with your base chakra. Open yourself to a connection in this way with a continuous flow of energy between the base of the spine and Mother Earth.

Red is the color of your base chakra that is your connection with your Mother Earth.

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Smell Smell our Mothers earthy aroma. Get close to the Earth and pick up a handful of soil. Smell the musk of the soil. Feel the texture. Look at it closely and see the tiny organisms that live there. Notice how the soil is made up of varying particles, sand, clay, and humus, decomposing plants and other bits of matter. The color varies from location to location as well. The smell will also be different according to location. This variety is consistent with all forms of creation. Can you begin to think of this in relation to all lifeforms, vegetable, mineral or animal as one being? This variety is the substance and mechanism of creation itself. As different as it all appears it is truly made up of the same essence. Therefore it is one “thing” not separate “things”. Begin to allow this knowing to be part of your consciousness. Allow this to be explored and questioned. All of your doubts and objection will be answered in time. Only allow that it can be so. Be one with yourself first. Let your body begin to speak to you. If you will not honor and listen to the body that you inhabit how can you begin to honor and hear the rest of Creation?

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Meditation In this meditation you will take the time to listen to your body very carefully, one part at a time. First notice your breath. As you are watching your breathe lay down on your back and arrange yourself comfortably. Put your knees over a pillow to let your lower back relax. Place your arms to your side. Use a low pillow for your head if you need it. Now be very still while you listen and feel your breathing. Where is the air going? Follow it through the nose, the sinus cavities, and into the trachea. Then feel each little air sac in your lungs fill up. Ask these questions while watching your breath. How does it feel? Cold, hot, dry, moist air? Is my nose blocked? Do my sinus hurt? Is my throat sore? Do I take a breath that goes all the way to my navel and beyond? Feel the outline of your ribcage. . it goes down below your waist. Explore the size of your lungs! Did you fill with air every part of those lungs? If not then begin to exhale more deeply. Push out the air really hard, until it almost hurts. Then notice the inhale is deeper. So emptying the lungs is essential to breathing deeply. Your body needs every bit of the oxygen that your lungs can hold. Breathing deeply helps to eliminate stress. The body doesn’t have to fight for the oxygen it must have to function properly. Now establish a pattern of breathing that allows you to exhale completely and inhale completely. Continue to breath this way through the meditation.

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Take as long as you want for this exploration of your body. Begin at your feet and move to the lower legs, the knees, the upper legs, continuing to the scalp and face. As you think of each part of the body take time to really FEEL it, listen to what it has to say. Does it hurt, throb, feel comfortable? Wait until you know. Then take an inhale and FILL the area with oxygen. Fill every cell in that part of the body with oxygen. On the exhale release the tension and leave the area refreshed and relaxed. When you have moved through your entire body then take a few moments to watch your mind. See if you can notice EACH thought, one at a time. When you notice the thought, inhale to acknowledge the thought and exhale to release it. When you are ready return to ordinary consciousness.

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Ah, the sweet smell of spring! The air is pregnant with the smell of honeysuckle. The sky is blue as topaz. The birds sing with the joy of love as the spring calls them to mate. My love for all creation grows. There is a space inside that is “bursting� with this love. Sadness and joy play tag in my soul as I feel the beauty of our Mother Earth while feeling the pain of the destruction and distrust that happens on her surface. The Mother cries for cleansing and awakening of her progeny. How can we awaken to the perfection of the creation? Immediately take care of our Mother Earth. I pray to all of mankind to awaken, NOW!! Can we join our hearts and souls for the purpose of perfect healing?

Yes, we can.

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My Thoughts . . .

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Return of Mankind to the Natural World By Julie E. Brent copyright 1999 all rights reserved

A daily companion for growth, love and inspiration that has much to offer those who are interested in becoming more aware and connected to the Earth. This book will begin a journey of exploration that has potential to heal and fill your heart with love. Over 30 pages of photographs by the author, meditations, poetry and prose that will awaken you to your Earthly Self and Divine connection to our Mother Earth.

Julie E. Brent is a gifted conscious channel, visionary, empath and author. She is a Reiki Master Teacher, QuantumTouch Instructor, uses Light Language, Reflexology, Homeopathy, Ho'oponpono, and Yoga in her work. Channel of Goddess Pele offering the Earth-Self Meditation. She has published one Ebook and writing two more, contributed a story to Thomas Freese's More Stories of Ghosts, Spirits and Angels, 2011 release date (Acclaim Press) Julie was educated at the University of Kentucky and Desert Institute School of Classical Homeopathy. Her travels include the USA, Canada, the Bahamas, USSR, Turkey and Great Britain. Contact 251-504-5328

A MoonSunEarth Book Author Photograph by Camille M cM anus

U.S. $20.00 CAN. $22.00

Return of Mankind to the Natural World


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