Design Management

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01 Introduction


Objective of this Report: The purpose of this project is to demonstrate a clear understanding of how managers can use design thinking process in design management by using a particular topic. Therefore this project was executed by analysing “Pixar Animation Company� based on the literature review and by connecting the theory with the findings to illustrate the use of design thinking process in successful organizations. Methodology: Secondary research has been used in this project in order to receive insights into the literature review of design management, design process, and design thinking. Moreover this research method also helped to get clear vision of the working criteria in the managerial perspective, culture, innovation, creativity, design process and other important aspects of Pixar Animation Company. Additionally it also provided information about how Pixar is using design thinking process to manage their business. The secondary research included following sources: Interviews with : Ed Catmull, President, Pixar John Lassester Creative director, Pixar Management books Design process books Design thinking Books Business books Online Articles Newspapers Journals YouTube Videos The website of Pixar:

02 Literature Review

Design Management


Design management is a the business side of the design, where it plays an important part in an organizational management, in terms of time, budget, people, technology, innovation, environment and all the other factor that can help a business to achieve a particular goal. In other words, design management refers a magnitude area of fundamental business activity such as marketing, communication, and production. Furthermore, design management tries to create a relationship between consumers, technology and innovation to provide competitive advantage across the triple bottom line such as environment, economy, social and cultural factors. (DMI, Design Management Institute).

Design Team Leadership Consultant Appointment Collaborative Working

Defining the Design Process

Design Development & Control

Customer Engagement Integrated Design Planning

Commercial Control

Process Control

Figure 1: Design Management Framework (Newton, 2008)

The Framework of Design Management

Newton(2008), introduced a Design Management framework which links together nine major elements; Customer engagement: To begin with, one of the most important aspects of business is satisfy their consumer. For that management team uses different tools and methods so that they can build communication between the customers and their requirements with the project. Moreover it is essential to the management team to document all the important information, so that they can work effectively for the project. Design Team Leadership: Leadership is an important aspect of design management. Team leaders always try to ensure the effective work process by engaging teams and individuals according to their skills and experience to achieve goals. On the other word design management is an ongoing process of progressing, improving and developing design process, services, communication, environments and interactions via leadership. (DESIGN THINKING, Thomas Lockwood) Defining the design process: Design management ensures all the steps of design process by establishing frame works as well as timetable to ensure the steps of design process are properly executed in the given time by the clients. Such as research, exploration, development, and execution.

03 Literature Review

Design Management in Business

Defining Design Planning: Design planning is different facet of design management where Planning of design is a detailed version and detailed information of design process, so that all the team members can understand the particular project properly, and also the team members can take important decision for the project. Consulting Appointment: To start a particular project it is vital to begin with providing each team member particular scopes of their work or task and ensure the precise responsibility of a leading consultant. The foundation on which one of the design consultants are appointed is not only the responsibility of design manager, but also the designers of the project. This process is done by using some particular methods and tools for example scope sheets and responsibility matrices. Collaborating Working: Design managers have to work in two stages. The first stage is to understand the managerial ability of the team members in order to achieve the goal. The second stage is using information communication technology to advocate and assist teamwork in working process. Design Development and control: In design management process, design managers have to have a clear understanding of resources and requirements to ensure the development of technical complaint and the responsibility of the design team. Therefore it is also important to understand and ensure the design change control procedure. Process Control: Process control not solely concerned about backward looking work, but also about looking ahead in the future for more opportunities, scopes, and confidently eliminates any obstacles and limitation which can block the design team performance. Commercial Control: To ensure the project goals and the individual goals, design should be created within the concurred basis. Nevertheless, an absence of commercial concern between designers often leads them to take impractical editions. The design manager should be capable of proposing and continuing commercial control while developing design. The various methods have been applied to persisting this happen; for example discussing the cost plan with the team members, which all in all the design manager has to take a responsibility to provide the methods all through the design delivery process.

Design Management in Business

In the professional filed, design management use some managerial activities, tools and methods that can help a business to focus on complex problems, innovation management, and also to build a capability to respond in new market opportunities. Moreover in production process design management plays an important role to non-visual aspects relating to the design process such as product development, product distribution, sales, delivery services, market segmentations, consumer relationship delivery and services etc. (The Incorporation of design management in today’s business practice, Gert L. Kootstra, 2009) From another perspective design management creates a link between design core and business core, in order to the betterment of the companies’ performance as well as to help them to emerge in front of their competitors. ( Gert.L Kootstra,2009) Now days all size of enterprise try to use design management process in their companies to utilize the design element in their business. (Chiva & Alegre, 2009)

04 Literature Review

Design Thinking Process

Design Thinking Process In order to create an effective project, setting a plan is not solely to create a timelines and recognize team members on the deadline. It can be an essential factor for the project to demonstrate the current situation and guide them to the better performance. Thus, the design process is applied to provide a detailed and structural plan which consist of six stages that are define, research, ideate, prototype, select and implement. Besides, the focus of each stages allows us to focus on the main function and lead to the best possible project (ZURB University, 1998). Gavin and Paul (2010) explained the six stages of design process as the following;

Define Brief Research

Define: “Establishing the goal” Designers fully understand what the problem is and clearly realize what the customer need. They have to know what it has to achieve by focusing on what the client expects, getting all important information to scope the project, setting the design team for set up the project, and planning the project involve the time line.


Research: “Collecting background information” Designers start to search information from the similar projects (primary research) and obtain information from secondary source such as website or report (secondary research). They must research regarding target group, lifestyle in order to understand and advocate into the creative process.

Ideate Solution

Ideate: “Creating potential solution” Designers merged the relevant information from research stage for generating ideas. They would concentrate on detail of information by using technique brainstorming, drawing or sketch ideas which are depend on their factors and goals. Prototype: “Resolving solutions” The stage allows the designers present the product as physical object and it would be produced. Prototype process provides the designers and clients ability to visuals clearly understanding design product and concept. It also can see the design problems and solutions. Select: “Making choices” Designers advice the best design solution to client from development product which is the most suitable for purpose. They would be consider from the requirement of client, target group, and budget. Implement: “Delivering the solution to the design brief” This is the final stage to deliver the design solution to client. Designers should double-check the work to ensure that the end result achieves design expectation of client including time and budget.

Prototype Resolve Select Rational Implement Delivery Learn Feedback

Figure 2: Design Thinking Process (Gavin and Paul, 2010)

05 Literature Review Design Thinking


Design Thinking

The definition of Design Thinking is generated by Fast Company Staff stated that “The methodology commonly referred to as design thinking is a proven and repeatable problem-solving protocol that any business or profession can employ to achieve extraordinary results”. Visser(2006) provided that Design thinking stands for design-specific cognitive activities that designers apply during the process of designing. According to Brown(2008), president and CEO of IDEO, design thinking is a way of reaching innovation from the designers’ set of implementations to combine the customers’ requirements, technology opportunities, and the essential factors in order to achieve the business’s target. Design Thinking is perceived as a functional approach to combining the skills, moreover it can be defined as a mindset. Design thinking is a process of representing innovative ideas and observation to solve complex problems. Moreover, it is a process of examine the information in a proper way to build a strategy to achieve particular goals. In this essence Kathman says, ‘’Design thinking can enable brand improvements and improve branded innovations.’’ It also can be said that design thinking can be used to get new point of views. To use new technology for more innovation, create new relationship and rebuild the company models. (Design Thinking, edited by Thomas Lockwood) There are some significant attributes that could be found in most design thinkers (Harvard Business Review: IDEO, 2008) Empathy: Design thinkers should perceive things in different angles; employers, coworkers, customers and end users point of view. Moreover, it is easier for those design thinkers to notice every single detail that others cannot be recognized. The good design thinkers can come up with the right decision to meet their goal by applying a ‘people first’ concept. Integrative thinking: The thinkers are not solely based on systematical tasks, but also present the capacity of recognizing the remarkable perspectives of complexities and difficulties and generating answers. Optimism: Design thinkers should be positively concerned that in any limitations of any difficulties, at least there is one productive approach. Experimentalism: Design thinkers raise questions and investigate the obstructions in creative methods that lead to new routes of innovation. Collaboration: The rising complication of products and services has substituted the single innovative intellectual with the facts of passionate colleagues or co-workers. To be qualified design thinkers, it does not always require cooperating alongside other disciplines.

The Balancing of Design Thinking

According to the design process among the business, human-centred design, environment and technology has its own problems and weakness in their individual fields. In term of business, company has certainly focused on business success rather than to achieve people’s need while the human-centred design has focused on this issue. Besides, the eco design has concentrated on the sustainable environment, but the technology issue has solely addressed on the innovation with the less awareness of impact. Therefore, the design thinking is applied to overcome the problems and find the balance of these four fields as the integration can create more effective production than the individuals working alone (Curedale, 2013).

06 Literature Review

Design Thinking




Technology Figure 3: Design Thinking Diagram (Robert, 2013)

In addition to this, design thinking helps to create the collaboration between the four fields by starting on the business that the organization should address the common goals, strategies and identify the solution which is based on human-centred approach. Due to the effective outcome is not solely depending on how the organization can understand the empathy of the customers, but it also associates with the employees’ performance. The organization should build multi-disciplinary teams who can support and help each other by using their individual skills and knowledge to solve the problems. Moreover, the organization can gain the multi perspective ideas from the team members. For the more efficient performance of employees, the working environment can encourage them to contribute the ideas and passion through the comfortable facility of the work place. The environment can lead them to go beyond the ordinary perspectives, their capability and ways of thinking. Last, but not the least, technology can also help to motivate the employees in their work by creating new environment and producing the effective production in order to achieve the business goals (Robert, 2013). The relationship between design thinking and design management: According to the definition of design management, it demonstrates the strategy to manage the business and design elements in terms of people, design operations, methods and processes in order to enhance the organization. Moreover, the design thinking can be applied in the business by creating strategies which can play an important role to differentiate and drive the organization to success. It also helps the organization to focus on human-centred approach in order to gain insight understanding of people’s need, problem and generate solution in creative way. Besides, design thinking can also help to balance the relationship between people, environment, technology and business; therefore, it can be the fundamental of design management methodology and lead to the effective performance. Due to design thinking is interpreted into design management in order to create the effective solution through the design process; it enables companies to achieve the human-cantered approach in many ways. Moreover, if it can be focused on design thinking from a different angle by using an analytical tools named ‘Octagon’ which emphasize the relationship between customer orientation, vision, strategy, competitiveness, culture, structure, leadership style, and human capital as the following (Curedale, 2013).








Figure 4: Octagon (Curedale, 2013)

07 Literature Review

Design Thinking in Business

Design Thinking in Business

Figure 5: Design Thinking, Tim Brown

Design thinking is a significant part of the role of design in business and it also can be applied in business education sector. In this constitution Brown (2009) described that “the mission of design thinking as is the discipline that uses the designer sensibility and methods to match people‘s needs with what a viable as a business strategy. Design thinking can assist business in terms of turning customers into valuable market opportunity. It also becomes intermediate support between organizations, products, and people (stakeholders, customers, and users) which may generate possible solutions in business firms. Martin, 2009 also explained design thinking that “the most successful businesses in the years to come will balance analytical mastery and design thinking to create advances in both innovation and efficiency”. The usage of design thinking helps business in the more powerful long-term competitive position. According to the application of design thinking in business is problem solving in both individuals and organisations to better understand their competitive, operational environment, and recognise and determine business challenges. This method enables business to identify and define strategic planning and option in order to improve decision-making for the future business (Mootee, 2011).

Based on interview Courage(2015), the senior vice president demonstrated the application of design thinking in the software companies that design thinking is an ideal framework by starting form setting a team of design professional and researchers who could clearly understand what was on our customer’s minds, generating satisfy customer need, finding a problems, and eliminating their obstacles. In terms of group member, they integrate in different business sections in order to understand various kinds of works and cultures as their customers that might lead to create product meaningful and efficiency. In addition, they not solely concentrated on product and service, but also emphasise on process as well. Team members use a method by studying from their mistake, failures, and experiences for doing a better product and deeply realise their customer empathy (Sarrazin, and Yeon, 2015). Design thinking VS creative thinking: There is a tendency of people getting confused on the fact that what is design thinking and what is creative thinking. However Considering Pixar as a creative organization, it is important for us to understand the difference between the design thinking and creative thinking. This analysis demonstrates the comparison between the design thinking and creative thinking to establish a proper knowledge of what is design thinking and how does it connects with the Pixar. Design thinking and creative thinking: Design is an activity which transform an idea into some proper blue print or framework, which added values to people’s life. For this essence, Designer Richard Saymour in business week, 2002, said that ‘design is making things better for people’. However when designers think like managers to solve complex problems by using some tools and methods, or creates a certain environment so that creativity can happens is called design thinking. Creative organizations use design thinking process to develop emotional connection with the brands, to develop brand value, or to transform by reshaping the business in creative way. It also helps organizations to understand their consumer and their requirements by coming up with a new idea or innovative thinking. Design thinking process also includes motivation for the employees, provide ability to manage a creative climate for the employees, it creates clear vision for the organizational goals with effective communication between the manager and the employees. Furthermore Organizations use these activities for solving a particular problem, executing a project effectively or establish a goal for a company. On the other hand, creative thinking is a process where individuals come up with a new idea or new approach to business. In addition to this creativity means thinking something new and generating imaginative ideas into reality. Furthermore it can be said that ‘It is a process of merging different ideas to create new idea which not have been merged before’ (creative and creative thinking,

09 Literature Review Introduction to Pixar



10 Literature Review

Introduction to Pixar

Introduction to PIXAR

In the story telling animation world, Pixar is known as “Playground of a child”. A place where story tellers can present their story using different creative visualization method, A place where designers use their freedom of thinking and creativity to build every characters, where the story itself emphasis the strongest concept of friendship, love, and believe. However the concept is not limited in the movies but also extended in their corporate world. Pixar is a successful animation company which produces animated feature and short films. In addition to this it also provide other animated companies, Render Man a technology known for special visual effect and film rendering. Pixar is also known for making the film “toy Story” in 1995 the first fully computer animated movie. After numerous successes in the film industry and huge development in company animated world, in 2006 the Walt Disney Company purchased Pixar from Steve jobs for 7.4 billion in stock. (Innovate the Pixar way, Ken Blanchard) However, Ed Cartful and John Lassester still energizing Disney and Pixar with their innovative ideas. Pixar not only stands for creativity but also a role model for management companies. The theory they use for their business, the methods and tools they use to make decisions and the way they manage a successful organization by design thinking is the main reason that we selected Pixar as our Project Topic. Key Personalities of PIXAR

Figure 6: George Lucas George Lucas Before creating Pixar Animation Studio, George Lucas owned the company that housed a graphic department for the film industry named “The Lucas film Computer Division” in 1979. At that time, the Lucas film Computer Division was released many successful films such as Star Wars, Star Trek II and The Young Sherlock Holmes. It attracted many talented animators and computer scientist to cooperate, particularly Ed Catmull who was hired by Lucas films from The New York Institute of Technology and John Lasseter who worked as a Chief Designer. Moreover, Lacus was solely focused on developing technology for filmmaker such as the digital compositing, sound mixing, and sound editing, rather than making the computer animated film. By using only two computers without graphic software, his team members created an exciting program and technology for improving the filmmaking. Later, Lucas felt less interest on the Computer Division and his teams as he could achieve for his desire. Also, the Pixar computer were created for selling computer, but Lucas thought the same way about computer animation that he did not want to invest time and fund on this idea. Last, he began looking for someone to buy The Computer Division. In recent years, George Lucas is working as a filmmaker and launched the George Lucas Educational Foundation in order to educate the filmmaking (Buckley, 2010).

Figure 7: Ed Catmull Ed Catmull Ed Catmull was a student gifted in Mathematics and Science, however he always wanted to become a computer graphic animator. He completed his graduation on Computer science and physics. After graduation, He worked for an airplane company for a short time, however he was thinking of making his dream come true that was creating a feature length film using computer animation animation. (A.M Buckley, 2011, the company and its founders). In 1970, when he was in the university of Utah computer science department as a doctoral student, he found the place more exciting to work on computer animation. The university working environment and experience actually inspired Ed for building the company, PIXAR. His interest of animation and excitements of computer graphics helped himself to get noticed in many eyes of the industries. In addition to this Ed was offered a job in the legendary Disney animation studio in California, however the job was about designing a theme park using computer, and he was not interested on the job. In 1979, George Lucas Hired Ed Catmull to run the computer department in Lucas Films. and asked him to develop computer graphics, editing and video and audio editing into the entertainment field. In 1986, Steve Jobs bought Lucas film’s digital division and founded PIXAR animation studios. Steve Jobs hired Ed as chief technical officer at PIXAR. In present, Ed Catmull becomes a well-known scientist of computer graphics, and also the president of Walt Disney Animation and Pixar Animation Studio.

11 Literature Review Introduction to Oixar

Figure 8: Alvy Ray Smith Alvy Ray Smith Smith was the one of co-founder Pixar Company. He and Catmull set up with Lucasfilm’s computer Division by using computer graphics to create computer animated film. He left Pixar Company in 1991 after Jobs take the company to public and contract with Disney to distribute a computer animated movie (Karen and Leslie, 2007).

Figure 10: Steve Jobs Steve Jobs According to Catmull and Smith were decided to find a new investor for solving the financial problem of company to carry on and develop both Lucasfilm (The Computer Division) and all the technicians (graphics hardware) and scientists (software technicians). In 1986, Steve Jobs provided the investment money for ten million dollar. Jobs performed as an investor and Catmull and Smith as cofound to run the business. They also generated new form of company, with the name “Pixar”. it is a filmmaking animation firm. Interestingly, Jobs has been an integral part of work and success by taking important part of crucial financier and negotiate movie deals with Disney to produce animation movies. He is a one of significance board at the founding of Pixar Company (Karen and Leslie, 2007).

Figure 9: John Lasseter John Lasseter John Lasseter is currently holding a position of a Chief Creative Officer in both Walt Disney and Pixar Animation Studios, moreover he is working as the Principal Creative Advisor for Walt Disney Imagineering at the same time. Before becoming a well-known animator, Lasseter was graduated a bachelor degree majoring in Fine Arts at California Institute of Arts (CalArts), he experienced of working in Disney as an animator. In 1984, he left Disney and got an offer from Ed Catmull and Alvy Ray Smith to work as an Interface Designer in Lucasfilm Computer Division, which later be acquired by Steve Jobs and renamed as Pixar Animation Studio (Karen and Leslie, 2007).

Figure 11: Ed Catmull, Steve Jobs and John Lasseter (Left to RIght)

12 Literature Review PIXAR Timeline

Figure 12: Pixar Timeline, Kittimanont (2015)

13 Literature Review

The relationship between Pixar and Walt Disney Studios:


The Relationship Between Pixar and Walt Disney Studios

According to Walt Disney Studios is the best well known on the quality digital entertainment such as movies, music and musical stages through the world. Within this quality production, it probably was cooperated by Pixar Animation Studios since Pixar was a high-end computer hardware company in 1991. Moreover, the relationship between these two companies continues and become to be the most important partner. In 1995, the world’s first computer animated feature film is launched; Toy Story. It was the collaboration between Pixar and Walt Disney Studios as they did the contract to produce the first full length computer-animated film. For the contract, Pixar Animation Studios responded on the content and animation while Walt Disney Studios provided the funding for production, owning the marketing and licensing fee for the films and their characters. For these reasons, Pixar and Walt Disney Studios had cancelled a contract after the production of Toy Story 2 in 1999. Due to Pixar complained on the inequitable agreement as Walt Disney Studios can owned story and other relevant fees. However, this conflict is eliminated as Walt Disney studios had announced to buy Pixar Animation studios. Therefore, Pixar and Walt Disney becomes the major shareholder and the new seat on board of directors is created (Schaefer, 2013).

14 Interpretation



15 Interpretation

Design Process in Pixar

Design process in Pixar

In the Pixar studios, film making process is usually executed by following the design process, where they use different design techniques and methods to complete their every project. The process consists of planning, execution, prototype and implementation. All this process works according to the story board of the film, where the story plays the most important part. (Online journal: Designing a Pixar film In Pixar animation studios)



Story Reel

Storyboards Characters




Model Packets



Set Dressing


Rendering Filming

Inspirational Arts & Maguettes

Shader Packets Inspirational Arts & Maguettes



Colourscripts & Lighting Pastel

Figure 13: Design Process of Pixar The whole process can be imagined as design process where the painter’s imagination and building a story considers as the planning process and drawing is considered as the implementation process. The process contains risk, delivery time, team member’s skills, and also managerial perspective to execute a project.

Planning an Implementation Process

Figure 14: Key Elements of Pixar Design Process

16 Implementation

Planning Process in Pixar

Planning Process

In almost every film, Pixar designs characters, creates story boards and use their imagination and innovation in creative way to present a particular story. There are story tellers who present their stories in front of the viewer’s by engaging them emotionally with the story. However they develop their ideas by sharing concepts, creativity and generate ideas slowly by engaging different people opinion to add value to their work and also to get the maximum richness and believability in the story. Moreover the team work follows a particular time table or frame work lead by the team managers to ensure the timely delivery and work progress of the project. After getting the project, the Pixar designers generate their ideas and innovation according to the story and put their art in the creation of character designs. The character they design illustrates the story and requirements of the project. However the process contains numerous contribution of the individual’s expertise. Moreover the designers use their previous work as a reference to create new product or character and make blue print to deliver particular work to the computer artist to sculpture the character digitally using different technology. Freedom is a part of planning process where the illustrators have complete freedom to present their work in low cost possible way. And they use low technology in the planning process. Moreover the design process is based on some simple traditional actions for example drawing, painting, making sculpture, and storytelling process to present their story board. The concept of the process is clear. More visualization, less description. They use drawing skills in story board to improvise actions and emotions of the characters because in animation films description is never enough. (Online journal: Designing Pixar Film in Pixar animation studios)

The design process of Pixar contains some traditional design process methods to make the work process more clear and understandable for each team members.




Figure 17: Design Process Method Decomposition: In this process the whole story get separated into different parts so that design can be done by more detailing and more concentration. Also it makes the work easy for the designers to concentrate more on the particular matter. For example separation of the character designs, the environment of the movie design, and story. -----------------------------Experts of environment: concentrate on the story of the world. Character Specialist: Make believable characters. Story tellers: concentrate of what happens and why. ------------------------------

Each process is related to others. Each team has to inform their work progress and frame work with another to share ideas and views to make the continuous development of each process.

Figure 15: Character Design of Carl, Movie UP

Figure 16: Storyboard of the Movie UP

Abstraction: This process is all about removing less critical details to focus on more important ones. For example for their colour concept they try to use their previous pallets, images, pastels, collages to concentrate on the emotion of the film by using colour. (Online Journal: designing a Pixar film in Pixar animation studios)

Figure 18: Colour Concept in Brave Movie

17 Interpretation

Implementation Process

Approximation: Creating rough draft representation of the finished product to examine the work progress is called and the whole project together rather than its separate part is called approximation. For example, development of story reels. In these process team members makes a rough film version to examine the faults, and do necessary changes. This process is also considered as testing or experimentation process. Finally this story reels letter become finished films.

Implementation Process:

The art departments design the characters according to the story board of the film, and create characters to capture emotion and essence of the particular character. Furthermore in every section variation plays an important role to execute every design. Sometimes Characters also get sculptured in clays to get the clear vision of the character.

Figure 19: Marquette of Merida from the Movie Brave These visual elements work as the reference for the computer artist to putt the characters in the film. However art departments play the most important role to visualize the entire theme and story of the film to all of the departments.

Editorial focus:

Too begin with editorial teams not only concentrate on the reels of the film, but also focuses on the perspective of art and creation, structure and believability of the story. Moreover by collaborating with different team members and skilled expertise also help them to think from different angels and build the story together as a team. ( Online journal: Designing a Pixar Film in Pixar animation studios).



Pixar is a world famous animated company who established an example of how to use design thinking process to solve complicated problems. They are an stand up example of using design thinking process in creative way. In several movies they faced numerous problems and over the time they learned from their mistakes and used those mistakes to build some creative methods to solve problems. In this part, we are going to explore the solution based on four major fields consist of business, people, environment and Technology which Pixar applied in their design thinking process.

19 Implementation

Design Thinking in PIXAR




According to the American business previously, they solely focused on how to reduce cost and remove any variation on work progress without concerning about the innovation as it is required for the creative business. Many firms ignored to this idea by providing the reason that it is impossible to focus on both creativity and innovation while they have to control costs for long term. However, Ed Catmull and John Lassetter who are the creative leaders of Pixar direct the Company for being an innovative corporate culture as well as profitable at the same time. Due the arrival of Pixar in Hollywood to begin the animated computer graphic business, there was another successful creative company, Pat Sullivan Studios, which already achieved the super star status at that time. However, Pixar has overcame the competitor by reinventing their animation with the concept of “instead of meeting customer expectations start fulfilling their dreams” by using the ability to view the world through the eyes of a child. Therefore, Pixar has created the unique and memorable characters rather than following the trends such as the slap-tick gags which was lost the focus and faded away over the period of time. Last, Pixar becomes an organization that totally redefines the creative business through the dreams of a child. Long-term Goal Many companies often look for short term CEOs with fresh strategies instead of investing on the long term goals due to the requirements of immediate solutions and budget. Therefore, numbers of the organizations try to decrease the amount of employee, positions, training and even new markets and customers. Regarding to Ed Catmull mentioned that “Building an organization takes a long time. It takes a long time to learn how to do something right and it also takes a while to get the right people. In fact, one of the reasons Pixar has been successful is that we took our time building it.” Pixar focus on the long term goals among the childhood dreams. To achieve long term results, it should take time, focus and commitment by being intellectually or emotionally bound to a course of action. It seems not only to follow your intellectual pursuit, but also passion, spirit and persistence. Change of Communication Channel in Organizational Structure After the producing of the legendary animated movie ‘Toy Story’, Ed Catmull discovered a major problem was lying in their management system. The problem was the inaccessibility of communication between the artists and the management team. The reason was the barrier of an organizational structure, where the employees were not allowed to communicate or share their problems with the higher authorities and the management crew members. As a result, the artist became frustrated and could not concentrate on their work effectively which it was highly affected their next film ‘Bugs life’. By concerning the existing problem, Catmull decided to make a major change into communication’s channel in the organizational structure. Resulting from the change, all the workers were able to comfortably share their difficulties and point of views. The decision drives the company to a brand-new working environment where the friendly process of exchanging information became the culture in Pixar Company.

20 Implementation

Design Thinking in PIXAR

Use of Japanese Manufacturing System Japanese manufacturing system influenced Pixar to build their continuous manufacturing process line. The system allows Pixar to generate one of their main business strategies, which is creating assembly in working environment along with innovation as well as concerning to be profitable. This strategy not only helps Pixar to set up their working process which is incessant work progress but also acknowledge them to save cost and time. In this essence, the President of Pixar stated that ‘The mantra is to keep the assembly line going, no matter what, because that is how you keep efficiency up and cost down.’ For example, during the period that when one design team was concentrating on creating the movie ‘bugs life’, there was another team that was preparing to develop the sequel of the successful movie ‘Toy story’. Though the movie ‘Toy Story 2’ faced a lot of problems in the beginning, Pixar didn’t stop the process, the crew still continued working on the other two movies at the same time. Learn from Failure To be successful, they need to learn from the mistake and how to handle the failure which can make them reach the goal. Successful people consider of failure as a learning process to move themselves toward successful. According to Randy Nelson, dean of Pixar University, discuss the view of failure that, “ You have to honor failure, because failure is just the negative space around success”. Pixar Studio confronts numerous problems which effect to work progress and even in organization. Toy story 2 is the best case study that they learn from their mistake to solve the working process and lead to success. The production of Toy Story 2, all technicians and animators work deeply all day all night, rarely met their families. They were hard work as a workaholic workforce pulling together to created movie in low capital cost and completed movie in deadline. One of the artist worker who are work in Toy Story 2 project, left infant child in a car in Pixar parking lot because he more concentrated on going to work early while forgot to deliver his child to day care. Fortunately, baby was safe. This failure provided Ed Catmull realized that it is not only to concern on an effective working process, but also their employee should be emphasized as it can lead the company to the success business.

Figure 20: Pixar’s Charaters

21 Implementation

Design Thinking in PIXAR

PEOPLE For Achieving Goals




> Sharing Ideas: Pixar is a people centred company where it focuses on their employee’s needs and requirements by developing an amazing culture of sharing ideas and views to each other without any fear. Furthermore, being a successful animated company, they believe that people are more important than the ideas. > Accessible information for the employees: A very few organization share all kind of information and ideas with the employees. And Pixar is one of them. Pixar ensure the availability of the information and also the effective communication between the employees. It helps the employees to generate new ideas by sharing with one another. .(Ken Blachard, Innovate the Pixar way, Creativity, INC, Ed Catmull) > Mutual trust and respect: Pixar illustrate the atmosphere of mutual trust and respect between the employees and the team members. Mutual respect and trust plays an essential role in the environment within a corporate, it exactly effects on aspects and behaviours of the workforce. A fearful and tense atmosphere have to be eliminated in order to be able to create a great fun and creative work piece. Pixar crews work together as well as support each other under a mutual respect and trust environment (Ken Blachard, Innovate the Pixar way).

Establishing Leadership

According to Ed catmull mentioned that “Our directors have to be masters at unified vision, one that will give coherence to the thousands of ideas that go into a movie”. It seem that the best leader should be excellent in communication. Moreover, Leaders could be integrate both technicians and artists by providing a clear visions, tool and information that can lead them to acheive a long term goals. Within A unique managment style of Pixar, it enables their employees to develop and have fun in process as Pixar has set the concept of develop and fun. For generating a movie, Pixar solely provide them all the informatiom without telling how to do it. Moreover, Alvy Ray Smith supported this unique culture that “It is okay to hire prople who are smarter than you are”. It could explain that hiring the right pepole can be the way to success of any company. However, there are few leaders feel comfortable to hire people who might be smarter than they are, Pixar is still dare to take risk on hiring these kind of people. In addition, the generageting of Toy Story can be the best evidence for a unique leadership in Pixar. At the first, Disney and Pixar has started the contract on making 3 animated computer film by Disney is the dicision maker and the owner of film. Although, they have spent for a year to create storyboard and two main characters for their first presentation with Disney. An executive at Disney has rejected the film as they want to change their original storyboard and the main character to be dark. However, John Lasseter, the leader of Pixar is not give up and bring their team up in order to continue the storyboard based on the original idea. From this journey, It could demonstrate the development of team and how they can handle the problems. Besides, this unique leadership can raise them up lead them to make the dream come true.

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Participation of each team members are critically important to execute each projects. Getting the team right is similarly important as getting the ideas right. In Pixar some certain areas are very important for each team members to participate. (Creativity, INC, Ed Catmull) for example, > Involvement of the same goals > Supporting to Provide new ideas > Provide suggestions > Giving Critical feedbacks > Self-assessment > Exchange of information > Commitment towards work > Working flexibility > Sharing responsibility

Motivational activities

Nowadays motivational working environment is one of the major concept of organizational management sectors. Considering the creative talents in organizations, management team needs to provide some motivational activities to inspire employees for their effective work. However, creating connection between aim, passion, purpose and values between employees are another objective of motivational activities. For Pixar they have a profound way to inspire their employees by creating a bridge between their childhood dreams and adulthood passions. Therefore they use design thinking process to create motivation among the team members. (Ken Blanchard, Innovate the Pixar way). > Reward for appreciation > Arranging Road trips > Arranging Visits to art and museums > Encourage the people outside the work > Encourage new hires to come up with new ideas. > Provides freedom of work > Better technology in every way. > Freedom of communication > Freedom of using imagination > Providing game rooms, study rooms, Conference rooms. . > Providing trainings and knowledge. > Sports arrangement, physical exercise > Spirited debate, laughter and love

Collaboration with skilled people Collaboration is one of the demanding process of problem solving methods, where people with different skills share their ideas, and views with one another to solve complex problems. In Pixar from the technician to artist everyone consider collaboration a major factors to generate new ideas. Sometimes people takes complicated projects become lost at some time point in the process. Moreover sometimes it becomes difficult to move forward having a central idea, on that time new ideas and solution are required for continuing of the process. ( Ken Blanchard, Innovate the Pixar way). -----------------------------Establishing ‘Brain Trust‘ --------------------------

One of the key mechanism of solving problems in Pixar is “BRAIN TRUST”. It is one of the major tradition in Pixar which started from the making of the movie “TOY STORY-2” to still remain important. Moreover it in one of the highly functional working environment example in Pixar. First of all, Brain trust is an association of highly talented group of people with deep understanding of storytelling methods, who solve problems together by sharing their views, and solution without any authority. In the beginning Brain Trust had six members in the group including the president of Pixar Ed, the creative director John. However over the years it developed and the group has evolved. (Ed Catmull, Creativity INC) How it works > All the Pixar employees have to send note about the problem, its solution, new ideas. > Concept- “Focus on the problem .Not the people” > Helping each other without any personal agenda > Generating new ideas for the one particular goal and for the betterment of the project. > Providing Honest feedback > Acceptance on the fact that people can be smarter than you.

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Figure 21: Pixar working Environment

Figure 22: Pixar University

Pixar University After the accomplishment of “TOY STORY”, Ed Catmull and John Lessester the main two founders of Pixar Animation Company realized the major importance of sharing knowledge to the new employees could learn the skills they need or to train them so that all the employees can participate in the complex projects. Therefore they decided to stablish “Pixar University” not only to train the new employees but also to expand knowledge between stuffs beyond their expertise. Pixar University is a place where anyone can learn collaboratively, new topics, new methods, and new fields. Though Pixar University was inspired from Disney Studios but it surely stablished a driving working environment and inspiration for the employees. Furthermore Pixar University challenge their employees to commit four hours for their education in every week. It helps them to understand their responsibility toward their own learning as well as to develop their skills for the future projects.

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Recruitment method: Core stuff who are skilled Instead of looking for an high educated person, Pixar are trying to find out the people who can diverse and create the interesting ideas even the eccentric. Ed also mentioned that “ if you give a good idea to a mediocre team, they will screw it up. If you give a mediocre idea to a brilliant team, they will either fix it or throw it away and come up with something better”. Regarding to Ed’ s vision, Pixar company is hiring people from different skill and culture as they can gain the multi ideas and supporting from multi-disciplinary. For instance, The Incredible is the first project of Brad Bird and the nightmare for the technician as the character and animation are difficult to generate. However, Brad asked for the employee who have a little opportunity and nobody’s listen to after the big problem of Toy story, A Bug’s life and Toy Story 2 ; “Black sheep”. He allowed them to share crazy ideas. He trust that it could be another way to gain fresh and innovative ideas. Therefore, the Black sheep team could lead The Incredible won Academy Awards in 2005 for the best Animated Feature and Best Achievement in Sound Editing. The Work of Development Department Usually the work of development department is developing scripts, developing stories, developing ideas of characters and so on. However, In Pixar, the scenario is different, where the duty of development department is to recruit skilled people with clear vision. To take care of them, their needs, assign them projects according to their skills and making sure that they are compatible to each other and working effectively. This way, Pixar keeps finding new talents and experienced people to build teams to achieve success. In addition to this, The CEO of Pixar said that “The underlying goal remain the same, find, develop, and support good people, and they in return will find develop and own good ideas”. Arranging Executive Cheaks Budget is one of the important factors in Project management which actually drives project .Creating a budget of a animation film, according to clients is not easy enough. Therefore Pixar build “Executive cheaks”—a particular meeting to approve budgets and schedules. This process started from the movie “UP”, and become popular for its success. (Ed Catmull, President of Pixar company) Post-mortems In this process, after finishing every projects or movies, all the team members analyse their project’s mistake, improvement, what went right and what went wrong and learn from the mistakes. The acceptance of nothing is perfect is the most important aspects of this process. Even though the movie can be successful, there must be some faults which can affect the entire movie. So post-mortems help the team to analyse properly. This process is important for everyone, and every employee has to participate.

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Due to their creation and success of animation films, the majority tends to overlook the fact that Pixar is originally a technology corporation rather than storytelling. The audience’s focus is more on that narrative, not by the successful technical techniques that made it happens. Since the first movie until the most recently one Pixar never stops, but on the other hand, keeps improving its approach to overcome the technical difficulties during the production (Bill and Lynn, 2010). If mentioned about a company that set a human face in animation technology, Pixar Animation Studios is going to be the one that pops in the mind. From the beginning as a hardware company, technology has been connected with the computer graphic area. In the prior masterpiece; Luxo Jr and Toy Story, raise the rendering software called “Render Man” (Panzarino, 2015).



Figure 23: Blocking from Pixar’s Toy Story3 rendered in RenderMan

Figure 24: Starting Render from RenderMan

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-----------------------------“Art challenges technology; technology inspires art.“ John Lasseter ------------------------------

Figure 25: Final Shot Rendered and Projected in Stereo 3D

For more than 25 years of Pixar that RenderMan has been a vital tool for rendering 3D animation and visual effects. It is an award-winning technology in the industry which is developed by Pixar’s developers team. RenderMan supports the design crews to create the best capability visual effects with the different kinds of realistic lightings. For designers, RenderMan can be used not only by itself, but also to be collaborated with other 3D modelling programmes.

Art Challenges technology. Since the creative ideas are generated, they defy and influence technology to be able to create an artwork. In Pixar, technology never limits the imagination, but it encourages the creative designers to think out of the box and be more creative. It can be compared as intoducing the painters an inexperienced colour which they never confronted before, after that the new colour will be now included in their colour pallete and start to design a new art piece. Technology and art have to support each other, with out one of them the outcome would not be as efficient as it could possibly be.

Figure 26: Sulley in Monster Inc. Presents the Details with Blue Fur

The timeline of computer graphic’s technological breakthroughs in Pixar could be perceived from their following animations. To illustrate, in 2001, the company overcame the issue of generating a furry details of Sulley, a character in Monster Inc. Then Finding Nemo introduced the new realistic digital lighting method to imitate life under the sea. The Incredibles presented the lifelike human figure, it is the first time that Pixar brings in totally a set of human characters. In Cars, it is mainly concerned on creating cars to look alive with the combination of various emotions and the realistic surface on the car casts (Pickavance, 2010).

Figure 27: Finding Nemo Poster Demonstrates the Realistic Underwater Environment

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Whenever you ask any children about Buzz Lightyear, Nemo or Lighting Mcqueen, you will certainly get the same answer about “a trusted friend”. As these memorable characters were born in a childlike storytelling as “playground environment” at Pixar Animated Studio where their dream can pass on from adult to child, from child to adult, for generation to the next generation (Bill and Lynn, 2010). Pixar animation studio designed by Steve Jobs that he used design thinking in terms of creates a workplace as playground where encourage and stimulate their employees for generating innovative works. At playground provide employees free to get loose their magic and energy like a child. The environment of playground plays in an important role in terms of well-being, happiness, and creative climate. John Lesseter also supported that “the amount of fun the crew has in making the movie show up in how much fun it is to watch, so play is a part of work”.


Figure 28: Pixar Studio Entrance Atrium

Figure 29: Pixar’s Atrium

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According to designer, Steve tried to create a workplace as “home” instead of a headquarters that can make all employees feel comfortable and touch the sense of fun. Atrium is a heart of playground which is designed by using the curved metal roof resembling an airplane hanger, and the grand of the open-air atrium that serves as “Town Square” for crucial activities such as the important meeting, company celebration, and having fun. For the whole building, restaurants, which include a wood-fire pizza oven, a burrito bar, daily specials, and free fountain drink and bathrooms are solely provided in the Atrium. Therefore, this space provides encounter and unplanned collaboration among all of animation, software coding, or production departments for exchanging ideas as a concept design of the building.

Figure 30: Atmosphere in Pixar Studio The decoration of Atrium also contributes fun and creative climate. The Atrium is decorated with enormous statues of Pixar characters in film that they have released each year and painting storyboards wall. Nate Wragg, Pixar artist said that “It is the freedom and encouragement to relax between deadlines and to take fun breaks when you are feeling tired that I feel really creates that fun atmosphere at work that most business lack” (Bill and Lynn, 2010). Workplace

Figure 31-33: Designers’ Workplace in Pixar Playground environment was also applied into the individual workspace as the employees are allowed to decorate their own cubicles, desks or working areas. Whilst, Alvy Ray Smith mentioned, “When I sit around and watch the animators, it seems that they have managed to hold onto childhood. They surround themselves with toys, and they are so damn much fun to be aroundthey are sort of constantly fun, playful, setting up little secret rooms- you just don’t know what they are going to do next”. Therefore, there are many crazy and interesting environments are created, for instance; a tiki hut, a pagoda bunk bed and even a parachute covering their working area. It probably can demonstrate the unique tools for dealing with a boring environment, especially in working place as it solely could occur in Pixar Company. It also brings an environment of mutual respect and trust as the employee has accepted to create their own areas.

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Figure 34-36: Landscape in Pixar Although many company less concern on developing their landscape, Pixar still try to emphasize on surrounding where the employees can walk, sit, talk and even to share their ideas with people in different disciplinary fields. As a former Pixar employee, Lou Romano explained that to work outside the studio, it could be the important factor for making people more creative. Pixar has provided a 600-seat outdoor amphitheater, a soccer filed, and an organic vegetable garden. Moreover, Playground concept is applied into an Olympic-sized swimming pool, volleyball court, jogging trail, and basketball court for the reason of fun and fitness. As Jobs mentioned that “ these amenities were meant to keep his young animation staff happy- and animated.” In addition, Pixar try to connect the environment between the workplace and the landscape, which is the most challenge for many company. By providing many memorable characters within the campus, especially A huge Luxo Jr., It could recognize them on their work progress for many years and how it has captured the customer’s heart until nowadays. Last, it could be a tool for motivating creativity and productive people (Office snapshots, 2007).

30 Conclusion

CONCLUSION According to the creative director of Pixar, John Lasseter said that “Quality is the best business plan of all�, which Pixar is actually stand for. Pixar consider quality as the most important business assets. Moreover for Pixar quality is not only a moral but they consider it as the signal of personality which is composed by quality of people, environment and technology within the Pixar Animated Company. As an animation company they overcome many obstacles by using different tools and unique methods in design thinking way to stablish their strong characteristics in front of the world. Furthermore some of the precise decisions, steps and passion for their work is appreciable and an example of how to use design thinking process in design management to achieve goals.

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