3 minute read
The power of God’s word in evangelism
Joan Young / Moore College Chaplain
Joan Young is a women’s chaplain at Moore College. Moore Matters spoke to Joan about how God’s Word has shaped her life.
MM: How did God’s word first impact your life?
JY: I first heard the good news about Jesus at home in my family.
It had been handed down to my parents by their families. From infancy, my parents taught me that God is real, His word is true, and Jesus loves me because the Bible tells me so. At home, my father would often sing hymns and whistle Gospel tunes. My mother read stories from the Bible to us and taught me to pray. These truths shaped my daily living and set me up for eternity. God’s word impacted my life through Church, Sunday School teachers, Christian Youth Camp leaders, Scripture Union Bible study notes, SRE and Christian teachers in a small country school.
MM: What have been some ways that you have seen God’s word impact the lives of others?
JY: I have seen God’s word make its indelible mark on staff, faculty and students alike in three different residential Bible College environments I have been privileged to serve.
As students studied God’s word and submitted their lives to its authority, they grew in faith, hope and love. God the Holy Spirit used His word to grow Christian character and equip His people for a lifetime of ministry. Walking alongside women and young adults in churches and at conferences where I have spoken, God used His word to change people, bringing some to new life in Christ and enabling others to grow and persevere in following Jesus in the face of great hardship, suffering and loss.
Over the years, we have seen some come to faith in Jesus as my husband Warwick and I have engaged with neighbours and work colleagues, sharing God’s perspective with them and inviting them to hear God’s word spoken at church, in our home, through a lecture or drama.
One came to Christ at the first hearing of the gospel preached, whilst another came to faith after some time and is growing slowly in God’s word. It has been disappointing and sad to see some neighbours and friends take a step away from us, turning a blind eye to God’s word, refusing to walk in its light.
MM: What gives you the confidence to trust God’s word, especially in these uncertain times?
JY: God’s grace teaches me.
God brought me to the point of trusting His word and acting on it. God’s word rings true. It’s no fairy tale. The death and resurrection of Jesus show me the truth of His word. Eye witness accounts tell me God is trustworthy and what He says is true. It’s been reinforced and tested in life, experience, and time. God’s word brings life, meaning and hope. It gives wisdom, leading to salvation in Christ. Without it, there’s no hope, no meaning, no life.
MM: What encouragement would you give our readers to keep trusting in God’s word?
JY: Read the Bible. His word is self-authenticating. Keep reading. Don’t stop. Read, mark and inwardly digest God’s word. Meditate on it. Memorize it. Keep going to church. Meet with others who know and love Christ. Keep hearing His word preached. Pray. Ask God to open your eyes and show you wonderful things in His word.