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The Station Schedule

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Calendar of Events

Calendar of Events

This is a partial list of schedules, activities, and classes available through the Moore Parks & Recreation department. You can find something of interest for everyone by visiting The Station website at: activiecommunities.com/mooreparks/home or by calling The Station front desk at (405) 793-5090.



BALLOON TWISTING FOR KIDS Balloon twisting isn’t just for people with red rubber noses anymore. Come and join us for some fun, in this all new class designed specifically for kids! Each day kids will learn new skills and take home fun balloon projects! When: January 5 – February 23 Time: 6-7 p.m. Ages: 10-14 years Fee: $40 Where: The Station Recreation Center REGISTRATION: Online at cityofmoore. com/departments-divisions/parks-recreation/activities-camps-programs.

DIY KID CRAFT ROBOTS Come and tinker with us! In this fun filled class, kids will be able to make their own mini robots! Each week kids will be able to take home their projects and show it off! When: January 10-31 Time: 6-7 p.m. Ages: 6-9 Fee: $30 Where: The Station Recreation Center REGISTRATION: Online at cityofmoore. com/departments-divisions/parks-recreation/activities-camps-programs. SPANISH FOR KIDS Come and learn Spanish with us! In this course, kids will begin to learn the basics of speaking and reading in Spanish! WHEN: January 16-March 6/April 3-May 22 TIME: 6-7 p.m. AGES: 8-14 FEE: Free - Registration Required REGISTRATION: Online at cityofmoore. com/departments-divisions/parks-recreation/activities-camps-programs.

SPANISH FOR ADULTS Come and learn Spanish with us! In this course, adults will begin to learn the basics of speaking and reading in Spanish. Before you know it, you will begin to understand simple phrases and words in conversational Spanish! WHEN: Jan 16-March 6/April 3-May 22 TIME: 7-8 p.m. AGES: 15+ FEE: Free – Registration Required

SPRING BREAK BASKETBALL CAMP For any youth aged athlete who is looking to improve his or her skills, work hard, make new friends and have fun. In this camp, participants will learn a variety of basketball skills! WHEN: March 13-17 TIME: 9am – Noon AGES: 6-12 FEE: $95 WHERE: The Station Recreation Center REGISTRATION: Through March 13. Online at cityofmoore.com/departments-divisions/parks-recreation/activities-camps-programs. SPRING BREAK VOLLEYBALL CAMP For any young-aged athlete who is looking to improve his or her skills, work hard, make new friends and have fun. In this camp, participants will learn a variety of volleyball skills! WHEN: March 13-17 TIME: 9am – Noon AGES: 6-12 FEE: $95 WHERE: The Station Recreation Center REGISTRATION: Through March 13. Online at cityofmoore.com/departments-divisions/parks-recreation/activities-camps-programs.

SPRING BREAK TENNIS CAMP For any youth aged athlete who is looking to improve his or her skills, work hard, make new friends and have fun. In this camp, participants will learn the ins and outs of tennis! WHEN: March 13-17 TIME: 9am – Noon AGES: 6-12 FEE: $95 WHERE: Buck Thomas Park REGISTRATION: Through March 13. Online at cityofmoore.com/departments-divisions/parks-recreation/activities-camps-programs.

SPRING BREAK EXTREME ANIMALS CAMP Are you ready for an experience of a lifetime? If so, come and join us as we get up close and personal with Extreme Animals. Campers will get to hold and interact with a variety of Extreme animals. Don’t miss out on this opportunity! WHEN: March 13-17 TIME: 9am – Noon AGES: 6-12 FEE: $125 WHERE: The Station Recreation Center REGISTRATION: Through March 13. Online at cityofmoore.com/departments-divisions/parks-recreation/activities-camps-programs.


SPRING BREAK BALLOON TWISTING CAMP Have you ever saw a clown twist a balloon and thought to yourself, “I wish I could do that?” Well this is your chance! Balloon Twisting Camp is all about teaching kids how to twist balloons and learning a fun new skill! This all-new camp is POPPING with excitement! Come and join us for the fun! WHEN: March 13-17 TIME: 9am – Noon AGES: 10-14 FEE: $95 REGISTRATION: Through March 18. Online at cityofmoore.com/departments-divisions/parks-recreation/activities-camps-programs.

SPRING BREAK ART CAMP Come and join us for a week of fun as we explore our creative side! All week long we will be making art projects that allow us to be expressive and show how beautiful our artistic side can be! WHEN: March 13-17 TIME: 9am – Noon AGES: 6-9 FEE: $95 REGISTRATION: Through March 13. Online at cityofmoore.com/departments-divisions/parks-recreation/activities-camps-programs.

MOORE SOCCER ASSOCIATION – SPRING SEASON Youth soccer in the community of Moore will be played at Buck Thomas Park. Get signed up now for the Spring 2023 season! WHEN: Spring 2023 TIME: Schedule to be announced AGES: Divisions include 3-4 years/5-6 years/7-9 years/9-10 years FEE: $75 through January 13, Late registration $85 through January 31. REGISTRATION: www.nutmegsports.org. For more information call 405-509-9104 or email nutmegfa@gmail.com

ADULT MEN’S BASKETBALL LEAGUE GAMES: Monday nights starting Feb. 27 (Bye Week on 3/13 due to Spring Break) League runs 7 weeks + Tournament TIME: 6–10 p.m. FEE: $450 a team FOR: Men 18 Years and Older WHERE: The Station Recreation Center REGISTRATION: Jan. 1–Feb. 22 REGISTRATION TYPE: Online - Coach Registers Team TEAM MINIMUM: 4 TEAM MAXIMUM: 16

ADULT CO-ED VOLLEYBALL LEAGUE GAMES: Tuesday nights starting Feb. 28 (Bye week on 3/14 due to Spring Break) League runs 7 weeks + Tournament TIME: 6–10 p.m. FEE: $300 a team FOR: Adults 18 Years and Older WHERE: The Station Recreation Center REGISTRATION: Jan. 1–Feb. 22 REGISTRATION TYPE: Online - Coach Registers Team TEAM MINIMUM: 4 TEAM MAXIMUM: 16



Moore's Evans Climbs to Top of National Kicker Rankings

Liam Evans was watching his junior high football team during his 8th-grade year when he realized they didn't have a kicker. "I played soccer since about first grade and was pretty good at it," said Evans. "I think I just had a natural talent for striking the ball, so I thought I'd give football a try and see how much fun it might be."

As it turned out, kicking American football style was a lot of fun for Evans. So much fun that he spent the following summer practicing and getting better. As he transitioned to high school football, Evans realized he was sort of average as kicker.

"After my freshman year, that's sort of where I started to take it pretty seriously," said Evans. "That following summer, I started focusing on trying to get better. And after my sophomore year, I decided to go to my first camp."

Those spring and summer kicking camps were game-changers for Evans. At the end of the summer, the prestigious Kohl's Professional Camps gave him a 5-star rating, named him the best kicker in the state of Oklahoma and the 5th-ranked kicker in the nation.

"When I went to my first camp, I was thinking I could probably be top 50 or something like that," said Evans. "I got a letter early on saying I was number 23 or something like that. I just kept going to camps and kicking. It feels good to have a five-star rating and be ranked so highly, but I'm just trying to stay humble and work to earn a scholarship."

Evan's goal is to kick in college football, and it seems clear he has the ball-striking talent and the work ethic to achieve that goal. He's been sidelined for a few months with stress fractures in his back from over-kicking. Evans says he's close to full strength again and ready to get back to the lab and improve for his senior year of high school.


"With kicking, there's a lot of twisting in the hips, which is so much of my power comes from," said Evans. "So, I think that's what caused it. I start kind of wide from the ball, and I turn my hips a lot to get as much power as I can because I'm not like the tallest guy."

If you head on over to Twitter and check out some of his kicking videos, you'll see that power on display as Evan regularly boots field goals from 55+ yards. It takes more than just power and technique to be consistent enough to kick at the next level.

"The mental aspect of kicking is a huge part of it all," said Evans. "If your mind's not in the right spot, you're not going to kick well any time. So, I think it's good to be relaxed, keep your mind clear, and not think about it too much. When you let muscle memory take over the kick after you've practiced so much, I think that's when you perform the best."

Muscle memory born from countless hours of practice that can be called on in the tensest moments of highstakes college football. Like the end of a recent TCU game when the Horned Frog, trailing Baylor 28-26, rushed their kicking team onto the field to attempt a game-winning field goal while the clock was running, with under 10 seconds left in the game.

"Gosh, it made me so nervous watching that," said Evans. "But I figure that whenever all the adrenaline's rushing in your system and you don't have time to think about anything, that's when you perform your best."

While he says something like that would be stressful, Evans hopes to get his chance to perform with the game on the line.

"I think it'd be pretty fun to be in that situation," said Evans. "But I'll be honest. It would be much nicer to have a little more time on the clock."

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