10 minute read
The Strange Case of Origami Yoda
Author: Tom Angleberger
Reviewer: Elizabeth Lawrence, Children’s Librarian, Moore Public Library
Tommy’s friend Dwight is a sixth-grade outcast, but he does one cool thing: make origami. And one day, he makes an origami finger puppet of Yoda and strange things start happening. The Yoda puppet can predict the future and give advice. Soon, everyone is coming to Dwight/Yoda for help.
But Tommy is skeptical. Dwight isn’t the brightest lightsaber on the belt, so how can Origami Yoda be so smart? Is he really using the Force? Tommy is determined to find out, before he asks Yoda something VERY IMPORTANT.
The Strange Case of Origami Yoda is a fun beginning to a series about surviving middle school, navigating friendships and life changes, and holding on to the things that make us happy. All with a dose of humor thrown in. It is a middle-grade chapter book with an AR level of 4.7 worth 3 points, written for ages 9-12 or grades 3-6, perfect for any Star Wars lover and fans of the illustration style of Stick Dog or Diary of a Wimpy Kid.
The Origami Yoda series is available from the library in electronic, audiobook, and print formats. For more information on finding this title or other recommendations, please visit us at the Moore Public Library Children’s Desk, call us at 405.793.4347, or visit pioneerlibrarysystem.org.
7777 S. May Avenue, OKC
Men Are From Mars – Women Are From Venus Live!
Friday, February 10, 7:30 p.m.
The Off-Broadway hit comedy Men Are From Mars – Women Are From Venus LIVE!, is a one-man fusion of theater and stand-up, and is a light-hearted theatrical comedy based on the New York Times #1 best-selling book of the last decade by John Gray. Moving swiftly through a series of vignettes, the show covers everything from dating and marriage to the bedroom. This hysterical show will have couples elbowing each other all evening as they see themselves on stage. Sexy and fast paced, this show is definitely for adults, but will leave audiences laughing and giggling like little kids! When Mars and Venus collide, the adventures are earth-shatteringly hysterical. It’s a great recipe for a date night out: a little storytelling blended with some comedy and a dash of sage wisdom from the book. A delicious evening of entertainment!
Tickets are $55 + handling fee. Visit occc.universitytickets.com or call the VPAC box office at 405-682-7579.
OYO & Festival Strings Winter Concert
Sunday, February 12, 23, 2:30 p.m. Oklahoma Youth Orchestra presents its Winter Concert. Family Pass - A special group ticket price of $20 is available for families / groups of four to eight and can be purchased by contacting the OCCC Box Office by phone at: 405-6827579. The Family Pack cannot be purchased online. One (1) Family Pass per household. Everyone entering needs a ticket, including all children. Ticket Prices: $10 General Admission; $8 General Admission for Students, Seniors (65+) and Active Duty Military. Handling fees are included in the ticket prices. Visit occc.universitytickets.com or call the VPAC box office at 405-682-7579.
OYO, OYW & Festival Winds Winter Concert
Sunday, February 12, 23, 6:30 p.m. Oklahoma Youth Orchestra presents its Winter Concert. Family Pass - A special group ticket price of $20 is available for families / groups of four to eight and can be purchased by contacting the OCCC Box Office by phone at: 405-6827579. The Family Pack cannot be purchased online. One (1) Family Pass per household. Everyone entering needs a ticket, including all children. Ticket Prices: $10 General Admission; $8 General Admission for Students, Seniors (65+) and Active Duty Military. Handling fees are included in the ticket prices. Visit occc.universitytickets.com or call the VPAC box office at 405-682-7579.
Step Afrika!
Tuesday, February 28, 7:30 p.m. Step Afrika! is the first professional company dedicated to the tradition of stepping. The show blends percussive dance styles practiced by historically African American fraternities and sororities; traditional African dances; and an array of contemporary dance and art forms into a cohesive, compelling artistic experience. Performances are much more than dance shows; they integrate songs, storytelling, humor and audience participation. The blend of technique, agility, and pure energy makes each performance unique and leaves the audience with their hearts pounding. Tickets are $29 - $57. Visit occc.universitytickets.com or call the VPAC box office at 405-682-7579.
The Yellow Rose Dinner Theater
1005 SW 4th Street
Trent Smith as Young Elvis/D. Hill as Ray Charles
February 10 - 14
Valentine's Day Show!!!!One week only!!!
Come join us for a memorable evening with "The King of Rock & Roll",Elvis Presley and the "King of Soul",Ray
Charles, performing together on the same stage! Hear all of your favorite love songs and make unforgettable memories in this new show starring Trent Smith & D.Hill. February 10thFebruary 14th!! 5-star Meal provided with price of show. Tickets are selling fast, so call 405-793-7779, now!! 1005 SW 4th st. Moore,Oklahoma.
Fresh Start Community Church Food Pantry
Open the third Thursday of each month, 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. 309 N Eastern Avenue, West Campus-Family Life Center. Canned and dry goods available. Must be a resident of Moore (please bring an ID).
Celebrate Recovery
Monday nights from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Faith Crossing Baptist Church, 13701 S. Pennsylvania. For more information, contact Nancy at 405-514-9990.
Parks Board Meeting
Tuesday, February 7 at 6:00 p.m. The Station at Central Park, 700 S. Broadway.
Friday, February 10, 7:00 p.m. –9:00 p.m.
The Station, 700 S. Broadway. Live Band: 80'z Enuf. For Ages 21+ Beer/ Wine sales will be available on-site. Brewery: 405 Brewing. Light refreshments with cake and punch table, door prizes, photographer for your prom photos. 80's Formal Wear Encouraged. Fee: $25 single ticket, $40 for a couple ticket. Tickets available for purchase online at cityofmoore.com or at The Station front desk. For more information, please call 405-793-5090.
Urban Renewal Authority
Monday, February 13 at 6:30 p.m. Moore City Hall, 301 N. Broadway, Moore
Senior Sweetheart Dance
Friday, February 17, 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Brand Senior Center, 501 E. Main St. $5.00 per person, Ages: 55+. Live Band: John the Franklin, Snacks and Door Prizes.
Tickets will be on sale at The Station and Brand Senior Center
Tuesday, February 14 at 5:30 p.m. Moore City Hall, 301 N. Broadway, Moore.
Tuesday, February 14 at 7:00 p.m. Moore City Hall, 301 N. Broadway, Moore.
Saturday, February 11 at 8:00 a.m. to Tuesday, February 14 at 10:00 p.m. The Moore Parks and Recreation Department is hosting a Valentine’s Day Scavenger Hunt in the Parks. The Scavenger Hunt will run Feb. 11-14, and residents are encouraged to visit Central Park, Kiwanis Park, and Parmele Park in search of a Valentine picture card. One card per person can be traded in for a treat at the Station Front Desk, 700 S. Broadway Ave. Park locations can be found at: cityofmoore.com.
City Council Meeting
Tuesday, February 21 at 6:30 p.m. Moore City Hall, 301 N. Broadway, Moore
Moore Animal Shelter, S-I35 Service Road. Open Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Saturday 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., closed on holidays. For additional information call (405) 793-5190.
Big Trash Pick Up
Moore residents will be allowed two FREE big trash pick-ups a year and one free voucher to the city landfill for each physical address in Moore. Call (405) 793-5070 to schedule your trash pick-up.
Neighborhood Watch Program
Moore Police Dept. is starting a Neighborhood Watch Program. If you’re interested in helping your neighborhood reduce crime, contact Sgt. Jeremy Lewis, (405) 793-4448.
First Tuesday of each month, 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. 2800 SW 131st Street. For more information contact Connie Daniels at 405703-2300.
Moore Rotary Club Meeting
Weekly on Wednesdays, 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Moore Chamber of Commerce, 305 W. Main St. Moore Rotary Club meetings are held weekly. At our meeting, we aim to have fellowship and fun, enjoy a good meal and listen to an interesting speaker as well as communicate activity updates to members. There are membership fees associated to Rotary International. Come visit at least once and we’ll be happy to discuss membership options. Rotary International is an international service organization whose stated purpose is to bring together business and professional leaders to provide humanitarian service and advance goodwill and peace around the world. It is a non-political and non-religious organization. For more information contact Dee Ann Gay at 405-300-6202. For more information contact Dee Ann Gay at 405-300-6202.
South Okc Chamber Of Commerce Seriously Fun Networking Event
Thursday, February 2, 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
HarborChase of South OKC, 10801 S May Ave. Our networking groups invite Chamber members to join them for fun, food, and connections. There is no cost to participate in the networking sessions! The only cost is the food and beverages which you purchase.
Any South OKC Chamber member can attend, non-members are also invited to attend to learn about the Chamber. Register online at business.southokc. com/events.
Wednesday, February 8, 1:30 p.m. to 12:30 p.m
Granny’s Kitchen, 9101 S Pennsylvania Ave . Our networking groups invite Chamber members to join them for fun, food, and connections. There is no cost to participate in the networking sessions! The only cost is the food and beverages which you purchase. Any South OKC Chamber member can attend, non-members are also invited to attend to learn about the Chamber. Register online at business.southokc. com/events.
Friday, February 10, 11:45 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Yellow Rose Theater, 1005 SW 4th St. We will hear from Heidi Convery Liscum, founder/CEO of Flourish LLC, a Gallup-certified strengths coach and best-selling author of two books: The Closet Check-In and Mazel and the Magical Closet. Liscum will present
"Everyone Needs a Safe Space - What my clients and my closet have taught me about meaningful connection."
Tickets: $30 – individual Chamber member/$225 – table of 8 Chamber members, $30 – non-member/$275 – table of 8 non-members. For more information contact Kim Brown at 405794-3400 or email kbrown@moorechamber.com.
Moore Chamber Of Commerce Networking Lunch
Tuesday, February 14, 11:45 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Toby Keith’s I Love This Bar & Grill, 1199 S Service Road. Join us for great food and an opportunity to grow your business knowledge, share new ideas and connect with our business community. Each attendee is given the opportunity to present information regarding their business to all in attendance. So, bring your best sales pitch - make it innovative and memorable. To make sure that the restaurant is fully prepared for our arrival if you plan on attending, we will need you to register. Thank you. For more information contact Amy Lee at 405-794-3400 or email alee@moorechamber.com.
South Okc Chamber Happy Hour Networking
Wednesday, February 5, 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
HarborChase of South OKC, 10801 S. May Avenue. HarborChase will be hosting a Happy Hour Networking Event in our Fusion Lounge every 3rd Wednesday of the month! Come join us for complimentary signature cocktails, an assortment of appetizers made by our Executive Chef, and live music! For more information contact Staci Seilkopf at 405-229-4528 or email sseilkopf@ harborchase.com.
Moore Chamber Of Commerce Business After Hours
Thursday, February 16, 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Check moorechamber.com for location. This event is a business networking opportunity for Moore Chamber of Commerce Members. Attendees can make meaningful connections that can result in successful business leads. Food and beverages are served. Check out the Chamber Calendar for the location of the next one! For more information call Kelly Arnold at 405-794-3400 or email karnold@moorechamber.com.
Friday, February 17, 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.
Saddleback Inn & Conference Center, 4300 SW 3rd St. Our networking groups invite Chamber members to join them for fun, food, and connections. There is no cost to participate in the networking sessions! The only cost is the food and beverages which you purchase. Any South OKC Chamber member can attend, non-members are also invited to attend to learn about the Chamber. Register online at business.southokc. com/events.
Moore Chamber Of Commerce Business Before Hours
Wednesday, February 22, 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.
Moore Norman Technology Center, 4701 12th Ave NW, Norman. This event is a business networking opportunity for Moore Chamber of Commerce Members. Attendees can make meaningful connections that can result in successful business leads. Food and beverages are served. Check out the Chamber Calendar for the location of the next one! For more information call Kelly Arnold at 405-794-3400 or email karnold@ moorechamber.com.
Moore Chamber Of Commerce Salute To Excellence Awards Mixer
Thursday, February 23, 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
The Station at Central Park, 700 S Broadway. The Moore Chamber of Commerce will proudly recognize members of the Moore community that reach exceptional achievements in leadership and business growth with our Chamber "Salute to Excellence" Awards Mixer. The Mixer, which is an annual event, will serve to raise the profile of the businesses and professionals of the Moore area that exemplify the excellence that makes our community world-class. Thank you to our Premier Sponsor First United Bank. Individual tickets are $50. Sponsorships available include: Executive - $1,000 - Award presentation, premier seating, logo in promotional material & event recognition, Advocate
- $750 - listed in promotional material & event recognition, Associate - $300 - listed in promotional material & event recognition. For more information contact Kelly Arnold at 405-794-3400 or email karnold@moorechamber.com.
Senior Connection
Seniors are assigned to a buddy who will call every day to check on you. Sign up with Sgt. Lewis, Moore Police Dept., (405) 793-4448.
For information about enrolling a loved one, contact Virginia Guild at (405) 793-4478 or Sgt. Jeremy Lewis at (405) 793-4448.
• Metro Transit will provide van service for age 60 and older on Tuesdays and Thursdays from the Moore area to Oklahoma City for medical appointments. Call Jackie at (405) 297-2583.
• Moore Council on Aging Seniors may have transportation anywhere in the city of Moore for errands or appointments. 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m., Monday – Friday. Call (405) 799-3130 at least one day in advance.
• “Share-A-Fare” for age 60 and over or disabled. Purchase taxi fare at 40% off.
This is a partial list of schedules, activities, and classes available through the Moore Parks & Recreation department. You can find something of interest for everyone by visiting The Station website at: activiecommunities.com/mooreparks/home or by calling The Station front desk at (405) 793-5090.
Walk The Parks
Walk The Parks
Begins: March 13, 2023
Walk the Parks is a physical activity tracking program that encourages participants to practice healthy walking habits while exploring our exercise-friendly parks in the City of Moore. The goal of Walk the Parks is to promote health, wellness and community by encouraging physical activity and highlighting free resources for all ages.
As a Walk the Parks participant you will have access to free nutrition sessions over the span of the Walk the Parks for the spring semester. Join the Walk the Parks program and learn about physical activity and how to engage in healthier eating habits. Register online at cityofmoore.com/walktheparks.