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The Tepeyac Hill
The Tepeyac Hill at the Blessed Stanley Rother Shrine is a re-creation of the site in Mexico City where Mary is said to have appeared to Saint Juan Diego in 1531, asking him to tell the local bishop to build a church. The Tepeyac Hill was dedicated on December 11, 2022, during the first Mass celebrated on the Blessed Stanley Rother Shrine site.


The hill features painted bronze statues of Our Lady of Guadalupe and Saint Juan Diego, created by Georgina Farías Nicolópolus, an artist based in Mexico City, Mexico. The statue of Our Lady stands at more than 12 feet tall and weighs approximately 4,400 pounds. The statue of Saint Juan Diego stands around 8 feet tall and weighs approximately 3,300 pounds.

ongratulations to everyone who was nominated for the Best of Moore & South OKC Awards 2023. We'd also like extend a hearty “Thank You!” to everyone who participated in the nomination process for sharing your choices with us!

Time is running out for voting. You can still cast your vote up until midnight on March 15, 2023. This will be the only round of voting and all voting lakes place online at MooreMonthly.com. You may vote multiple times in as many categories as you like. Heck! Go ahead and vote in every category! If you have any questions regarding the voting process please email rob@mooremonthly.com or aleta@mooremonthly.com
The top three finishers in each category will be invited to our festive Best of Moore & South OKC Dinner in April at OCCC. That’s where the "#1 vote-getter" will be revealed. The runners-up will also be recognized at the “Bommies”, so that everyone goes home a winner.
You can check out all the categories and entries here: