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Pioneer Library System Calendar
Many programs do require advance registration. Find out more through the library’s website, www.pioneerlibrarysystem.org, or the library Facebook page, www.facebook.com/pioneerlibrarysystem.
Story Time
10 a.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays Join children’s librarians from around the Pioneer Library System for stories, songs and fun on the library’s Facebook page, www.facebook.com/pioneerlibrarysystem.
Bedtime Story Time
7 p.m. Tuesdays It’s an evening version of the twice-weekly Story Times presented by PLS children’s librarians.
Lego Club
4 p.m. Thursdays, April 1, 8, 15, 22 and 29 Children ages 8 to 12 have a chance to learn from the Lego Lady in a weekly Zoom presentation.
Ask an Expert
11 a.m. Saturday, April 3 Debra Woods, Mayo Clinic certified health and wellness coach, answers questions on self-care and stress management.
PLS Reads: Spark a Change: Let’s Talk About Poverty
Noon Thursday, April 8 Look into an understanding of how poverty affects the world, in particular within local communities, as part of the theme for this year’s PLS Reads initiative. Dr. Danne Johnson, Constance Baker Motley Professor of Law at Oklahoma City University, will lead the discussion.
PLS Reads Book Discussion
6:30 p.m. Thursday, April 8 Join in a virtual discussion of this year’s PLS Reads title, “The Other Wes Moore,” by Wes Moore.
Ask an Expert
11 a.m. Friday, April 9 Representatives from the Central Oklahoma Workforce Innovation Board will answer questions about unemployment, resume and interview skills, high demand jobs, and scholarship opportunities.
Meditation and Mindfulness
2 p.m. Monday, April 12 and 26 Members of the Norman Meditation Group lead a presentation of techniques appropriate for all experience levels. No previous experience with meditation or mindfulness is needed. Advance registration with a valid email address is required.
Sacred Panels: A Comic Book Club
7 p.m. Thursday, April 15 This discussion group dives into the world of comic books and graphic novels with monthly looks at titles available through the Hoopla service. This month’s title is “Invincible Vol. 1: Family Matters” by Ryan Ottley and Cliff Rathbun.
Knit Knights
6 p.m. Monday, April 19 Join the library’s new virtual knitting circle, by bringing your own projects and ideas for the group.
PLS Reads: Spark a Change: Let’s Talk About Poverty
Tuesday, April 20 This event continues the conversation from the April 8 program, with Dr. Danne Johnson again facilitating the talk.
Virtual Healthcare Job and Career Discovery Fair
8:30 to 10:30 a.m. Thursday, April 29 Meet employers and educational career specialists within the health care field in a virtual setting. The program will be conducted via Zoom and those interested should sign up with a valid email address.