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Norman Regional patient living with less worry, medication after WATCHMAN procedure


Donnie Goodnight, 78, is taking less medication and living with less anxiety and fear since undergoing the WATCHMAN procedure at Norman Regional Health System.

Goodnight has atrial fibrillation (AFib), a condition in which he has an irregular heart rhythm that puts him at risk for a stroke. A person with AFib is five times more likely to suffer a stroke than someone with a regular heartbeat, according to the National Stroke Association. He was taking oral anticoagulants, or blood thinners, for his AFib, but could no longer take them due to continual bleeding complications.

Muhammad Salim, MD, a board certified cardiologist at Norman Regional, recommend the WATCHMAN implant – a minimally invasive, one-time procedure that reduces stroke risk without the worry that comes with lifelong blood thinners.

Goodnight worked with Dr. Salim and Sarah “Katy” Walsh, APRN-CNS, a certified nurse practitioner who serves as Norman Regional’s cardiovascular coordinator for procedures like the WATCHMAN procedure, to determine if he was a fit for the implant and be fully informed about the implant prior to undergoing the procedure.

Goodnight underwent the WATCHMAN procedure in January of this year and said he’s happy he did.

“I’m thankful I went through the WATCHMAN procedure so that I could stop taking the medication,” Goodnight said. “I’m feeling a lot better and a lot less anxious. I also have a lot more energy.”

Goodnight added that he had a good experience and would recommend anyone with AFib to Norman Heart and Vascular Associates.

“They were very professional and I trust them,” he said. “I appreciate all of what the heart team as done for me.”

The WATCHMAN implant is placed in the heart while the patient is under general anesthesia. It usually takes about an hour and requires an overnight hospital stay before being discharged home the next day. The patient still takes blood thinning medication for about 45 days while your heart heals.

For those living with AFib and suffering through the same anxiety Goodnight had, please know you don’t have to continue to do so. The WATCHMAN implant design enables it to fit the greatest number of patients, giving more people a safe, effective alternative to blood thinners, according to WATCHMAN.com.

Call Norman Heart and Vascular Associates at 405-515-2222 to see if you’re a fit for the WATCHMAN procedure and reduce your risk for stroke.

Are carbohydrates really that bad for you?

In today’s society, we are taught carbohydrates are bad and lead to an unhealthy life. Contrary to popular belief, carbohydrates are in most foods you consume on a daily basis. Carbohydrates are the body’s main fueling source which means they provide the body with energy. It is important to understand that not all carbohydrates are “bad” for you. Yes, there are carbohydrates that are not necessarily the best choice for a healthy lifestyle but are not actually harmful to your health if consumed on an occasional basis. We need to focus on balanced meals with a variety of different foods rather than follow strict food restrictions. Maybe instead: “Focusing on balanced meals with a variety of different foods is more beneficial than following rigid food restrictions.”

One of the common myths about carbohydrates I hear is that fruit is high in sugar and has too many carbohydrates to be healthy. But if you look at fruit, they are filled with natural sugars as well as a variety of vitamins and minerals. Some fruit such as apples, pears, and berries are a great source of fiber. Fruit also contains vitamin- A, B, C, E, K, and folate which can help reduce your risk for heart attacks and stroke.

Another myth I’ve heard about carbohydrates is that you should not eat anything that is white. As a dietitian, I try to encourage eating a variety of different foods in a variety of different colors. Avoiding certain foods based on color is another restrictive behavior. It also gives some fruits and vegetables a bad rap because another food that is the same color may be considered unhealthy. It also begs the question “can fruits and vegetables really be guilty by association?” Potatoes are definitely one of the white foods that get a bad name. Potatoes are higher in carbohydrates, hence, all white fruit and vegetables are bad. However, if you look at the nutrient breakdown of a potato, you will see that they are a good source of fiber (if the skin is consumed), B6, vitamin C, and potassium. Bananas are also white but contains vitamins and minerals that help support energy metabolism. Cauliflower is another vegetable that gets over looked with the “color avoiding” mindset. Cauliflower contains vitamin C, vitamin K, and only has ~5g of carbohydrate in a cup serving. Therefore, we can’t simply put all fruits and vegetables in a box together and label them as bad.

One of my favorite myths about carbohydrates that I hear, is that bread and pasta are fattening. If consumed in large quantities, most foods could be considered fattening. I would recommend staying away from highly process grains such as white rice, white bread and refined pasta, because they are lower in fiber and higher in calories. Instead, consume whole grain breads, pasta, and brown rice, because they are higher in fiber, iron, magnesium, and zinc. Fiber also helps regulate blood sugar and keeps you feeling fuller longer.

So when it comes to answering if carbohydrates are bad, my expert opinion is no. Carbohydrates have a purpose in your daily needs. Understanding which foods need to be consumed on an occasional basis should be the focus rather than eliminating a whole macronutrient group. Eat fresh fruits, switch to whole grain pasta, and eat that occasional baked potato!

"Focusing on balanced meals with a variety of different foods is more beneficial than following rigid food restrictions.”

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