3 minute read
Business Spotlight

Tim Burg
Economic Developer
Burg joined the MNTC staff in August of 2021. Prior to that he was the Economic Developer for Shawnee Forward, a business alliance of the Shawnee Economic Foundation and the Shawnee Chamber of Commerce. Burg has decades of experience working with municipalities in business, economic development, and workforce development.

Business Building Blocks
Economic Development
Can you give us an overview of why economic development is important to MNTC?
For me, a Career Tech serves as the connecting point for economic development activities in a region or the district they serve. Economic development can often be described as a “If not but for” process, meaning if someone doesn’t act good things might not take place. In the business of economic development, one small step can lead to an outstanding opportunity.
At MNTC we are blessed to serve such a wide spectrum of individuals, businesses, municipal and county organizations, along with supporting other educational institutions, that it only makes sense to share what we can offer to all those groups. Our school is perfectly suited to be a part of the ongoing economic growth of this district and the larger metro area. The “why

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it’s important” is that it is what we, (Career Tech), were created for in the first place. Economic Development work is a natural occurrence at MNTC. It’s what we do, although it might not always be called by that name.
How can MNTC's focus economic development impact the people who live and work in Cleveland County?
The easiest way for me to explain what I’m tasked to do at MNTC is to share three main goals.
#1: Assist in the creation and retention of wealth producing jobs for our area.
#2: To attract capital investment to the region.
#3: And to raise the per capita income of the average resident of Cleveland County.
If we are consistent in focusing on those areas, economic development, business growth, individual’s prosperity and all the good things that come with those things are going to happen.
What are some of the kinds of opportunities you hope to offer the local community?
The message that we have received early on from our leadership was to “Go forth and help others.” That is a simple statement that can mean a lot of different things depending on who the audience is.
MNTC can offer customized training in a plethora of skills development areas. We can serve as a business advocate to companies who have been here for a long time or those who are looking for a great place to locate. We have workforce solutions, ideas, and resources that others may not know about, but that we are willing to share. We are allies to a wide group of partners and associates that want to accomplish similar goals, and who realize that by working together we can accomplish a lot of wonderful things.
Being a business advocate and resource is one of the reasons we come to work each day. It’s an honor to be able to do this kind of work.
How can folks contact you and/or keep up with what's going on in economic development at MNTC?
I can be reached at tim.burg@mntc.edu or my direct line at MNTC is 405-801-5896