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Senior Living
Taking Time to Enjoy the Change of Seasons
We have all heard the old adage, “it is almost impossible to make others happy if you are not happy yourself.” With that in mind, here are nine small changes that you can make to your daily routine that, if you are like most people, will immediately increase the amount of happiness in your life. Give a few of them a try!
Fall is in the air; I can feel it! After a hot summer there is nothing better than a crisp fall day with orange, red and yellow leaves dropping from trees.
The change of season brings a new variety of activities, sights, smells, and flavors. Coffee shops bring back their pumpkin spice lattes, apple cider appears in grocery stores, hay bales and pumpkins decorate front porches, and the smell of burning wood at bonfires and in fireplaces fills the air.
As you age, one of the most important things you can do for your health is to remain active. A new season brings a new opportunity to try new things, here are some suggestions:
Go for a walk: Take the time to enjoy the weather before it gets too cool. Enjoy the crisp blue sky and the bright-colored leaves and flowers. For an added bonus invite someone to join you.
Visit a pumpkin patch: If picking out a pumpkin is too strenuous an activity, bring a friend, child or grandchild with you. Visiting a pumpkin patch is a great way to enjoy the outdoors.
Decorate your front door: Get festive and buy or make a wreath, set up a scarecrow, carve a pumpkin. You can be as creative as you wish.
Attend a fall festival: Oklahoma has many fall festivals that can be fun and interactive for friends and family.
Take a drive: Enjoy the fall foliage by taking a drive with family or friends. Roll the window down and breathe in the fresh crisp fall air.
Volunteer at a school: Enjoy helping children learn. Help with reading, math, music – pass on your knowledge.
You can also enjoy the season from the comfort of your home: • Enjoy a warm cup of cider on a cool day. • Stay in touch with friends and family by writing letters and sending fall inspired cards. • Curl up by a fire and enjoy a good book. • Root for your favorite football team.
Whatever you decide to do, immersing yourself in the good things of the changing of seasons will be nourishing, create new memories, and keep you engaged and active.
Editor's note: this article was originally published in the September 2018 edition of the Moore Monthly.