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Calendar of Events
Due to positive tests for the coronavirus across the area and the constant changes still taking place as of our press deadline, please confirm the events and services listed in this calendar are still in place before making your plans to attend or participate. It’s especially important to ensure the safety of your family, loved ones and yourself by practicing safe COVID-19 recommendations. ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT
OCCC VISUAL AND PERFORMING ARTS CENTER The Midtown Men: Stars from the Original Broadway Cast of Jersey Boys Friday, October 29 at 8:00 PM
“Sliding up to the microphone, the singers had the air of the Rat Pack, Motown and a nightclub act rolled into one.” -The New York Times
This TONY-award winning quartet reunites stars from the original cast of Broadway’s Jersey Boys, making them the first vocal group ever formed by the principal cast of a high-profile Broadway show. After sharing the stage for over a thousand performances, Tony Award-Winner, Christian Hoff, Michael Longoria, Daniel Reichard and Tony Award nominee J. Robert Spencer decided to take their signature sound and chemistry to audiences everywhere. For tickets or more information, call the OCCC Box Office at 405-682-7579.
FRED JONES JR. MUSEUM OF ART 555 Elm Avenue, Norman, OK 405-325-3272
The The University of Oklahoma’s Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art is one of the finest university art museums in the United States. Strengths of the more than 20,000 object permanent collection (including the approx. 3,300-object Eugene B. Adkins Collection and the more than 4,500-object James T. Bialac Native American Art Collection) are the Weitzenhoffer Collection of French Impressionism, 20th century American painting and sculpture, traditional and contemporary Native American art, art of the Southwest, ceramics, photography, contemporary art, Asian art and graphics from the 16th century to the present. Temporary exhibitions are mounted throughout the year that explore the art of various periods and cultures.
EVENTS Tuesday Noon Concert October 5 – 12 p.m.
Tuesday Noon Concerts is a weekly series coordinated with OU's School of Music. These 30-minute concerts occur during the semester in the Sandy Bell Gallery located in the museum's lower level. This week's performance is Robin Cotton’s Voice Studio. October 12 – 12 p.m.
Tuesday Noon Concerts is a weekly series coordinated with OU's School of Music. These 30-minute concerts occur during the semester in the Sandy Bell Gallery located in the museum's lower level. This week's performance, however, is Damin Spritzer's Organ Studio and will take place across the street from the museum in the Catlett Music Center.
October 19 – 12 p.m.
Tuesday Noon Concerts is a weekly series coordinated with OU's School of Music. These 30-minute concerts occur during the semester in the Sandy Bell Gallery located in the museum's lower level. This week's performance is Rod Ackmann’s Sooner Bassooners.
October 26 – 12 p.m.
Tuesday Noon Concerts is a weekly series coordinated with OU's School of Music. These 30-minute concerts occur during the semester in the Sandy Bell Gallery located in the museum's lower level. This week's performance is Jonathan Nichol’s Saxophone Studio.
The renowned art historian Dr. Creighton Eddy Gilbert (1924–2011), a scholar of Italian Renaissance art and one of the foremost authorities on Michelangelo, spent nearly seven decades dedicated to scholarship, collecting, and teaching. An academic prodigy, Gilbert entered college at age 14, became a professor at 21, and eventually completed a doctorate from New York University’s Institute of Fine Arts in 1955. Following positions at the Ringling Museum, Brandeis University, Queens College, Harvard University, and Cornell University, he joined the faculty of Yale University in 1981. In addition to his work mentoring students—many of whom went on to achieve acclaim as art historians and curators in their own right—Gilbert served as editor-in-chief of the leading art history journal Art Bulletin between 1980 and 1985 and published extensively. He penned numerous books and articles on Caravaggio, realism in Renaissance art, and the Northern Baroque, as well as two seminal works: Michelangelo: On and Off the Sistine Ceiling (1994) and Caravaggio and His Two Cardinals (1995). Gilbert also collected, taking particular delight in discovering works by major artists hidden away in Italian print shops and especially in his acquisition of a jewel-like Madonna and Child by the Renaissance master Romanino. In 2005, Dr. Eric Lee, a former student of Gilbert’s and then-director of the Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art, encouraged his mentor to leave his private collection to the museum. The bequest, 272 objects, spans the fourteenth to twentieth centuries with an emphasis on Old Master prints and drawings from the Renaissance, Baroque, and Rococo periods. Gilbert’s wide-ranging interests are evident in this exhibition, guest curated by University of Oklahoma art history faculty members Dr. Allison Palmer and Dr. Erin Duncan-O’Neill. Through themes of religion, architecture, allegory, portraiture, and humor, A Life in Looking: The Creighton Gilbert Collection explores a collection built on seven decades of expertise by this influential scholar, educator, and connoisseur.
Over a 40-year career, Patrick Nagatani (1945-2017) created a diverse body of work that pushed the contours of photography. Constant themes of his work include truth in photography, the looping of time back on itself, magic realism, visual joy, apocalyptic moments, atomic bombs, photographic puns, color for healing, and Japanese internment. In Nuclear Enchantment Nagatani continued to fabricate reality as he explored the true after-effects of uranium mining, radioactive mine tailings, missiles, and nuclear waste. In his artist statement, Nagatani wrote, "My intentions are to raise public consciousness about the effects of New Mexico's nuclear industry that continues to grow despite the damage it has already caused and will continue to bring to the state. The series, Nuclear Enchantment, attempts to awaken the many New Mexicans who still believe nuclear power poses no threat and that defense spending promotes the economy. Culturally and geographically connected to New Mexico, it is perceived by the elite powers as a place that can be abused and even reduced to rubble."
FRESH START COMMUNITY CHURCH FOOD PANTRY open the third Thursday of each month, 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., 309 N Eastern Avenue, West Campus-Family Life Center. Canned and dry goods available. Must be a resident of Moore (please bring an ID).
CELEBRATE RECOVERY Monday nights from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Faith Crossing Baptist Church, 13701 S. Pennsylvania. For more information, contact Nancy at 405-514-9990.
FALL MARKETPLACE 2021 Saturday, October 9, 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Central Park Multipurpose Pavilion, 700 S. Broadway Ave. In case of inclement weather, the event will be moved inside The Station Recreation Center. Vendors selling handmade items, crafts, quilts, yard art, food, farm produce, direct sale products, and other types of crafts. Food Truck: Tiny Trailer Eats & Treats. Email Kasey Dean at kdean@cityofmoore.com for application to participate as a vendor. (Only one direct consultant of any direct sales company). For more information contact Moore Parks & Recreation at (405) 793-5090.
CITY COUNCIL MEETING Monday, October 4 at 6:30 p.m. Moore City Hall, 301 N. Broadway, Moore
MUMMY AND SON DANCE Friday, October 22, 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. The Station Recreation Center, 700 S. Broadway. For parents and children ages: 4 - 14 years. Dancing; Treats and Prizes. Ticket prices: $10.00 per person (pre-purchased), $15.00 per person (the day of the dance) For more information please call (405) 793-5090. Mummy and Son shirts are now on sale. Shirts can be ordered in person at The Station or call (405) 793-5090 to order. Shirt Size: YM YLg AS AM ALg XXLg. XXXLg. Prices: $15.00 - YM - ALg., $16.00 - XLg., $18.00 - XXLg., $20.00 - XXXLg.
PARKS BOARD MEETING Tuesday, October 5 at 6:00 p.m. The Station at Central Park, 700 S. Broadway
MOORE URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY MEETING Monday, October 11 at 6:30 p.m. Moore City Hall, 301 N. Broadway, Moore
BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MEETING Tuesday, October 12 at 5:30 p.m. Moore City Hall, 301 N. Broadway, Moore
PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING Tuesday, October 12 at 7:00 p.m. Moore City Hall, 301 N. Broadway, Moore
CITY OF MOORE RECYCLE EVENT/DEA TAKE BACK EVENT Saturday, October 23, 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Moore Recycle Center, 220 N. Telephone Road. Paper Shredding and Electronics – printers, copiers, & TV’s over 32” not accepted. DEA National Prescription Take Back Event: the Moore Police Department will be at the recycling event accepting your unused or expired prescription drugs. For more information call 405-793-4373.
CITY COUNCIL MEETING Monday, October 12 at 6:30 p.m. Moore City Hall, 301 N. Broadway, Moore

ADOPT-A-PET Moore Animal Shelter, S-I35 Service Road. Open Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Saturday 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., closed on holidays. For additional information call (405) 793-5190.
BIG TRASH PICK UP Moore residents will be allowed two FREE big trash pick-ups a year and one free voucher to the city landfill for each physical address in Moore. Call (405) 793-5070 to schedule your trash pick-up.
CT CLOTHING CLOSET Last Saturday of each month, 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. CrossTimbers United Methodist Church, 3004 S. Sunnylane, Moore. CrossTimbers UMC Clothing Closet is a place where those in need can find men’s, women’s and children’s clothing along with shoes and accessories. All sizes are available and are free for community members.
NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH PROGRAM Moore Police Dept. is starting a Neighborhood Watch Program. If you’re interested in helping your neighborhood reduce crime, contact Sgt. Jeremy Lewis, (405) 793-4448.
MOORE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ANNUAL AUCTION – MYSTERY AT THE DISCO Friday, October 1, 6:00 p.m. to 9 p.m at the Visual and Performing Arts Center at Oklahoma City Community College, 7777 S. May Avenue. This year’s theme is “Mystery at the Disco,” and the Chamber is planning a night of intrigue, mystery and fun. Due to the new location this year, space is limited so it is important to reserve a table or seat as soon as possible. The Chamber is encouraging all participants to embrace the theme and come dressed in their best 70s disco attire. Otherwise, dress is business casual. The Chamber would like to thank its Presenting Sponsor – Oklahoma City Community College. Several new sponsorship levels have been added to this fundraising event to give the Moore Chamber members more options to best highlight their business, including a Wine Sponsor and Auction Sponsor. Plus, corporate table sponsorships are also available. For more details contact the Moore Chamber at 405-794-3400.
MOORE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BUSINESS AFTER HOURS Tuesday, October 5, 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. First United Bank, 2101 Interstate 35 Frontage Road. This event is a free business networking opportunity for Moore Chamber of Commerce Members. Attendees can make meaningful connections that can result in successful business leads. Food and beverages are served. Check out the Chamber Calendar for the location of the next one! For more information email Kelly Arnold at karnold@moorechamber.com
PARKINSON’S SUPPORT GROUP Tuesday, October 5, 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. 2800 SW 131st Street. For more information contact Connie Daniels at 405-7032300.
SOUTH OKC CHAMBER INSTANT CONNECTIONS Thursday, October 7, 3:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Southwest OKC Public Library, 2201 SW 134th Street. This ninety-minute networking event is in a roundtable format and will allow attendees to share information about their respective businesses. Attendees are allowed ninety seconds at each table to share information and then move to a new audience and repeat the process. Be sure to bring your business cards to hand out! The session is free; but a $10 no-show fee applies to any cancellations after October 4, 2021. Instant Connections is limited to the first 36 respondents and is a members-only event. For more information call 405-634-1436.
MOORE INVOLVED HOLE-O-WEEN Tuesday, October 12, 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. HeyDay Entertainment, 3201 Market Place, Norman. Join us for our annual family-friendly Hole-O-Ween miniature golf tournament and costume contest! Festivities kick-off at 6:00 pm at HeyDay with registration. The costume contest will start at 6:45 pm. Golf starts at 7:00. Don't have a group of people to play with? We will pair you with other individuals to make up a team! Cancellation Policy: If you register for an event and do not cancel your reservation at least 24 hours prior to the attend you will be charged, regardless of attendance.
MOORE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE EGGS & ISSUES: CITY INSIGHT Wednesday, October 13, 8:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. Moore Chamber of Commerce, 305 W. Main. Please join us for our October Eggs & Issues with Deidre Ebrey, Director of Public Affairs/Economic Development, on Wednesday, October 13, from 8 to 9 a.m. at the Chamber office at 305 W Main. Thank you to our Eggs & Issues sponsor Moore Norman Technology Center. Eggs & Issues is the Moore Chamber of Commerce's forum where our business community gathers to discuss business and legislative issues. Cancellation Policy: If you register for an event and do not cancel your reservation at least 24 hours prior to the attend you will be charged, regardless of attendance. For more information email: kbrown@moorechamber.com.
2021 WOMEN’S RESOURCE CENTER GALA Friday, October 21, 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. The Nest at Terra Verde, 800 36th Ave SE, Norman. The Women’s Resource Center cordially invites you to the fifth annual WRC Gala! Join us on Friday, October 15 for an evening of hope with keynote speaker Elizabeth Smart. Enjoy a catered dinner by Benvenutis Ristorante, silent auction, wine pull, and program from our guest speaker. The event will be held at The Nest at Terra Verde, 800 36th Ave SE, Norman, OK. Schedule: V.I.P. Reception: 6 PM, Doors open: 6:30 PM, Dinner: 7 PM, Program to follow. Tickets available for purchase at wrcnormanok.org/tickets. Cocktail attire suggested. For more information email wrcgala2021@gmail.com or call 405-364-9424.
MOORE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE STATE OF THE SCHOOLS LUNCHEON Tuesday, October 19, 11:45 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. The Yellow Rose Theater, 1005 SW 4th Street. General Membership Luncheons provide informative presentations and expert speakers on topics of significance and trends in the business community. Cancellation Policy: If you register for an event and do not cancel your reservation at least 24 hours prior to the attend you will be charged, regardless of attendance. For more information email Cheryl Patterson at cpatterson@moorechamber.com MOORE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MORNING BUZZ Friday, October 22, 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Norman Regional Moore, 700 S. Telephone Road. The Morning Buzz is a breakfast series which aims to connect businesses by facilitating the exchange of ideas and strategies for business growth and success through connections. For more information email Cheryl Patterson at cpatterson@ moorechamber.com
P.A.L.S. PROGRAM FOR SENIORS Seniors are assigned to a buddy who will call every day to check on you. Sign up with Sgt. Lewis, Moore Police Dept., (405) 793-4448.
PROJECT RETURN HOME FOR ALZHEIMER’S PATIENTS IN MOORE For information about enrolling a loved one, contact Virginia Guild at (405) 793-4478 or Sgt. Jeremy Lewis at (405) 793-4448.
TRANSPORTATION: • Metro Transit will provide van service for age 60 and older on Tuesdays and Thursdays from the Moore area to Oklahoma City for medical appointments. Call Jackie at (405) 297-2583.
• Moore Council on Aging. Seniors may have transportation anywhere in the city of Moore for errands or appointments. 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m., Monday – Friday. Call (405) 799-3130 at least one day in advance.
• “Share-A-Fare” for age 60 and over or disabled. Purchase taxi fare at 40% off.