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Library Schedules
August brings the final stretch of the Pioneer Library System’s annual Summer Learning Challenge, running through August 15. Take part by engaging in one of many activities offered virtually by the library that are streamed on these dates and times.
Find out more at facebook.com/pioneerlibrarysystem. Some of the programs do require advance signup. You can check that information out on the PLS Facebook page or at www.pioneerlibrarysystem.org for more information.
Minecraft Online, 4 p.m. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays
Using a private server donated by Nitrado, Minecraft fans can join in games hosted by the library three times a week. Register with an email address or sign up by emailing htritz@pioneerlibrarysystem.org.
Story Time, 10 a.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays and 7 p.m. Tuesdays
Join children’s librarians from around the Pioneer Library System as they present special story times and activities via video. The library will host morning activities twice a week and a bedtime story time on Tuesday evenings.
Book Recommendations, 1 p.m. Wednesdays
Librarians are checking in with ideas for readers’ needs with book suggestions based on topic, genre or just another book that readers liked in this question-and-answer session. Get a personalized recommendation based on reading interests. Lego Club, 4 p.m. Thursdays
Children ages 8 to 12 will learn from the Lego Lady in a weekly Zoom presentation. Projects will include a magic carpet zip line for Aladdin, a Zoom puppet theater for Pinocchio and more.
Teen Dungeons & Dragons Online, 1 p.m. Saturdays, Aug. 8 and 22
It’s a virtual version of the fifth edition of Dungeons & Dragons for teens. New adventures will take place each week, and players should prepare a character at third level and try to follow D&D Adventurer’s League rules. Sign up online at www.pioneerlibrarysystem.org.

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