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Virtual Alumni Gatherings
In February and March, Head of School Julia de la Torre and the Development Office, along with a senior and a faculty/staff member, hosted a number of virtual regional alumni gatherings. Thanks to all who joined in these special events.
New York City Area February 4
Attended by Kennette Banks ‘02, Ina Schachter Bransome ‘61, Vincent Cebula ‘82, Adrian Concepcion ‘04, Jennifer Donato ‘09, Sarah Fischer ‘09, Janice Johnston ‘88, Ruth Ann Geyer Jurgensen ‘91, Pilar Martinez ‘15, Ethan Medley ‘97, Urbi Utley Medley ‘97, Anastasia Pozdniakova ‘96, Alex Schank ‘04, Alyss Vavricka ‘08, Charis Warchal ‘84, Dorothy López - Faculty Host, and Evan Schlotterbeck ‘21 - Student Host.
New England Region February 10
Attended by Sonia Ananthakrishnan ‘93, Anne Blood ‘87, Susan Blood ‘92, Ethan Carilli ‘13, David Cebula ‘83, Maurice Collins ‘54, Helen Archer Crawford ‘58, Shelby Deibler ‘20, Sophia Demuynck ‘09, Emily Einhorn ‘04, Ryan Flynn ‘06, Thomas Hedges ‘67, Aaron Klein ‘20, Kenneth Mayer ‘68, Patricia Metzer ‘59, Vernon Miller ‘64, Andrew Searle Pang ‘80, Tyler Radack ‘17, Kevin Schlagle ‘08, James Scott ‘54, Michael Strambler ‘92, Debra Galler - Faculty Host, and Nolan Schenk ’21- Student Host.

Washington, DC, Virginia & Maryland February 18
Attended by Fanny Mixter Babajide ‘03, David Berg ‘15, Gregory Billings ‘84, Jennifer Briones ‘08, Morgan Burgess ‘08, Mark Dann ‘97, Steve Decker ‘10, Rebecca Fallick ‘20, Jeffrey Harris ‘03, Gary Holtzman ‘89, Charles Hurley ‘63, Lance Johnson ‘88, Mark Johnson ‘20, Sami Keim ‘20, Tom Kennedy ‘76, Charles Kropiewnicki ‘17, Alison Borton Libshitz ‘58, Jillian Mackuse ‘20, Tineke Mulder ‘84, Warren Nelson ‘58, Helen Pettigrew Partridge ‘95, Lawrence Riesenbach ‘78, Judd Ullom ‘02, Judith Wallner ‘95, David White ‘15, Simone Hall Wood ‘06, Jocelyn Ziemian ‘91, Clark Thomson - faculty host, and Kathleen Johnson ’21 - Student Host.

Southeast Region (NC, SC, GA & FL) February 22
Attended by Robin Bachin ‘84, Calvin Bell ‘20, Bethell Forbes ‘87, Seth Garcia ‘78, Barbara Gardiner ‘70, Martin Lehfeldt ‘57, Joan Herbst Lumb ‘50, Will Miller, Jay Novick ‘68, Ki Perry-Cooney ‘91, Rodney Sadler ‘85, Nancy Horner Sjostrom ‘64, Will Miller - Faculty Host, and Christine Chandran ‘21 - Student Host.

West Coast Region March 10
Attended by Naomi Alterman ’08, Lindsay Auer ’95, Palav Babaria ’98, Dave Barber ’67, Darcy Berenberg ’08, John Henry Beyer ’62, John Blair ’63, Joe Bundens ’01, Wyatt Cain ’08, Ann DeCou Cranmer ’62, Katharine Darlington ’72, John Donnelly ’71, Carol Henry ’71, Laura Duffy ’05, Liana Hershey ’13, Karan Hiremath ’12, Tim Johnson ’63, Debra Basilicato McLaughlin ’93 Sean Meckley ’98, Mark Mitchell ’86, Chelsea Norton ’09, Nathan Owens ’11, Bonnie Greenfield Reagan ’64, Steven J. Poliakoff ’70, Ben Spielberg ’06, Chris Tegley ’88, Bonnie Wood ’75, Peter Winsky ’03, Michael Omilian - Faculty Host, and Maddie Bouggess ’21 - Student Host.

Philadelphia Area March 24
Attended by Robert Abramowitz ’67, Kara Brown ’07, Mike Carter ’91,Gary Deutsch ’81, Sarah Lynn Geiger ’05, Lauren Hawkins ’08, Bethanie Baker Henderson ’83, Maeve Kelly ’09, Karen Kozarsky ’77, Karinne Damadio Lindner ’97, Brian Litten ’82, Rebecca Salowe ’09, Adam Serlin ’02, Hannah Spielberg ’09, Donna Basilicato St. Germain ’89, Katie Stutz ’09, Ann Stouffer Thornton ’07, Luke Van Meter ’05, Jordan Zaid ’10, Danielle Dayton - Staff Host, and Priya Shah ’21 - Student Host.

Photographs of alumni are now indicated with . If you see this symbol, a photo featuring a class member is either on the page or nearby!
George Krusen has shared that he recently caught up by phone with classmate Richard Hollerith, Jr. who lives with wife Romy in Williamsburg, VA. George was also pleased to report that he had a visit at his home in Massachusetts from his granddaughter Jennifer Krusen, her husband Marc Lucas, and George’s first great grandchild, Grace Reinhardt Helitte Lucas, all of whom live in Paris, France.
Jack Murray writes from Santa Barbara, CA, that he has turned 90 and is doing much better than he expected. The biggest news lately is that, after his father’s separation from his mother shortly after Jack was born, Jack has finally gotten in touch with his father’s family through Ancestry.com. They have welcomed him with open arms, provided him with photos and lots of information. “We are all thrilled to have found each other. I guess it pays to live a long time!”
Frances Janney Ventola, in Melrose, MA, was sorry to miss Class Reunion 2020. She “prays things will get back to normal,” and had a good visit with family last summer on Long Beach Island, but misses her sister Nora (Nora Janney Dunfee ‘53), who passed away in 2019. Frannie’s message for her classmates is to stay “safe and warm.”
Joan Herbst Lumb writes from Riviera Beach, FL: “Still acting as a docent at the Norton Museum of Art, but this time doing virtual group tours from home. Like everyone else, I’m anxious for this pandemic to get behind us. Solitary confinement is for the birds...or really moles and other reclusive creatures.”

The Class of 1963 held a virtual reunion on January 30.
Elizabeth (Betty) Rose Heiney says that she is “obeying the rules and doing well up here in Connecticut.”
Janet Aaronson writes that - due to the pandemic - she is still in Columbus, NJ, “waiting on the virus shot,” although she would much rather be in Florida. She hopes that all her classmates are well and sends her best.
Checking in from Queenstown, MD, Galt Siegrist, Jr., reports that they are transitioning from hard crabs to oysters on the beautiful Wye River.
Paul Roland has an exciting year in store. Although he plans to retire from the active practice of law this year, his last client has become the CEO and President of McLaren Racing. Paul will attend the Indianapolis 500 and the Monaco Formula One Race, and travel to Italy to spend time with his Italian family. He will also visit the mayors of Milan, Padua, and the commissioners of Venice, whom he has come to know in his role as the former Vice Consul of Italy for Indiana. He wishes all a happy 2021, and safety from the virus.
Nancy H. (Nan) Elsbree sends greetings to classmates. “We’re doing well. Active in Annapolis Friends Meeting (for 45 years)... daughters (3) live nearby. We have two grandsons and two granddaughters, all growing up fast, 26 years to 16 years. We’re blessed.”
Alfred Driscoll writes that he and Ann are fine, and surrounded by their family in Moorestown.
Brenda Kumpf Donahue writes words of encouragement from Cleveland, OH, to her fellow alums: “2021 will bring a vaccine and a need for patience as we attempt to re-stabilize our country and grief stricken population. We can do it!”
Faithful correspondent Saundra Griffith Nottingham in Berryville, VA, wishes that her daughter Robin could come to Moorestown with her for an MFS reunion and meet her 1958 classmates. Happily settled in her apartment, she is continuing to work on her memoirs. Her sister Bonnie Griffith Jamison ’59 is living in Raleigh with Bonnie’s daughter Lisa and son-in-law Doug.