22 minute read
Class Notes
Photographs of alumni are now indicated with . If you see this symbol, a photo featuring a class member is either on the page or nearby!
Betty McAllister Brown writes that “All is well here in Minnesota... I have just received the happy news from Seattle of the arrival of our sixth great-grandchild. Where have the 79 years gone since we received our diplomas from MFS in 1942? We are blessed with happy memories of particular classes and teachers we had over those years. After graduation it was off to college for some of us, but not all. Many of the boys were in some form of military service by Christmas of that year. To MFS - ’thanks for the memories.’ “
Charlie Rose shared that he has given up driving (“no need for it”), and remains President of the Princeton University Class of 1950. His family is far-flung and thriving. He reports that his oldest daughter, Beth, is a professor of international business in New Zealand. Daughter Chris is a Lutheran pastor in South Carolina whose daughter is working on a Ph.D. Daughter Meg just started a new job in California and has one son in graduate school at the University of Georgia and another in the Air Force in his second year of medical school, which Charlie notes is more enjoyable than his previous time in Mongolia.
Saundra Griffith Nottingham shares that “It is amazing how great I feel entering my eighth decade - age 81. I look back at the wonderful educational opportunities I’ve had during this time - MFS is certainly a highlight. I am grateful for the beginning it afforded me and especially the friendships I’ve carried with me during the years... I wish our new Head of School, Julia, blessings for many years to come at MFS. To my classmates, welcome and stop by any time.”
From Atlanta, Martin Lehfeldt emailed that “There’s nothing like attending the wedding of a grandchild to remind you that you are getting older!”
A celebration of the life of Charlie Haines was held on August 28 at the UrbanaChampaign Friends Meetinghouse in Illinois.
Longtime Alumni Class Representative Bill Archer wrote in to share that he enjoyed seeing the great turnout of classmates during their virtual 60th Reunion, held over Alumni Weekend.
“The Lost Year?” A Reflection by Pat Metzer ’59
School Committee Treasurer Patricia Ann Metzer ’59 penned a reflection on her time spent during the pandemic. Below is an excerpt. You can read Pat’s entire piece online as part of Among Friends Extras at www.mfriends.org. Click on the Alumni section and then “Among Friends Magazine.”
What does one do in a pandemic – apart from working from home, glued to the computer and socializing over Zoom – to top it off with a husband stranded in Europe for over a year? Walking, of course. And where? Well I discovered, of all places, the Cambridge Cemetery, a public cemetery which dates back to before the Civil War. For the first time in my life I watched the seasons pass before my eyes: SPRING with its blossoms, new leaves appearing, and varieties of migrating birds; then SUMMER with new wildlife sightings - a groundhog, chipmunks, black squirrels usually found much further north, and baby rabbits with their fluffy white tails; then on to FALL with its pallet of colorful leaves, and the sighting of a coyote; next WINTER, sometimes with white-coated landscapes and snow-capped gravestones; and – ah!, once again SPRING, my attention drawn now to the colorful wildflowers and various forms of mushrooms…
...I want to tell you about the most meaningful legacy of my walks – what I came to learn about some individuals who lived over a century ago, whose names appear on memorials scattered throughout the Cambridge Cemetery. As I read and re-read the inscriptions on their memorials, my mind wandered back into the past and my desire to know turned me into Sherlock Holmes. I solved some of the mysteries, others I did not – but I was left with an historical timeline filled with people whose own uniqueness contributed to the world in which we live...
1968 1971

Laurie Mitchell still loves painting and in retirement is enjoying painting with local art groups. In June, she completed this mural for the Woodbury (NJ) FAF Art and Concert Series.

Betsy Alexander reports that she has been retired from Dartmouth College since 2014, and is now self-employed as an editor, and as a sometime herbalist, making body care products. She is also serving on the board of a recently established teen center in Bradford, VT.
Just before COVID hit, Janet Lippincott retired after 31 years of being at her clients’ beck and call as a realtor. She writes that “the peace and quiet was wonderful. I’m now playing tennis, paddle, pickleball, kayaking, and paddle boarding for fun. And to be useful, I volunteer at the Hilltop Bookstore in the Chestnut Hill neighborhood of Philadelphia and at NOVA, a fantastic thrift shop for victims of abuse in Bucks County. I live happily in Chestnut Hill with my nine cats, two gerbils and a native plant certified wildlife pond and sanctuary in my backyard. I enjoy watching wildlife and posting nature photos on my Facebook page.”
Laurie Mitchell
John Donnelly See “Alumni Connections,” page 72.
Rob Farr reports that he “recently retired after 33 years with Arlington County, Virginia, achieving the life goal of never having done an honest day’s work.” His plans to remain busy include continuing teaching two classes at George Mason University, and completing his biography on the husband-and-wife comedy team who billed themselves as “Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Drew.”
Jeff Miller writes, “It was great seeing so many of my classmates during our 50th reunion Zoom calls. I never got around to telling them my most recent book news. My newest book, Yanks Behind the Lines, was published by international publisher Rowman & Littlefield in October Author Jeff Miller with his latest history book, Yanks Behind the Lines
2020. Since then it has received some great reviews (e.g. ‘This is a powerful work of history, as informative as it is dramatically gripping. An impressive blend of painstaking historical scholarship and riveting storytelling.’), has been named an “Editor’s Pick” by Publishers Weekly Booklife, and is an eight-time finalist in six contests (four national, two Colorado). I also created a book trailer that can be seen on YouTube. While I am definitely not a starving artist, it would certainly be helpful if people consider buying my book on Amazon - thanks!” Since Jeff wrote, the book recently captured honors in the History category of the Colorado Humanities State Book Awards.
Paul Harrison has retired from Middlesex School as of the end of June, 44 years after arriving. Per Paul, “...just in time to clear the decks and get ready for the MFS Class of 1972’s 50th reunion!!!” Paul hopes to take in an MFS soccer game sometime this Fall, as it is his MFS team’s 50th anniversary of their 1971-72 winning (8-2) season.
Jim Wilson p.68
1972 1974

Jim Wilson at Commencement with his daughter Hannah ’21.


Chris and Jenny Eni with their youngest son Chase ’21 as he graduated from MFS on June 12.
1974 1973
Trish Soffer Mainwaring, along with her husband Bob, son Jesse, and daughter-in-law MFS Third Grade Teacher Rachel Mainwaring, and their daughters Chloe ’29 and Jane ’32, enjoyed a wonderful day together over the summer gathering lavender.
Chris Eni
The Eni family, C.J. ’15, Chase ’21, Chris, Jenny and Dylan ’16, following the Class of 2021’s Senior Meeting for Worship, which was held outdoors on a steamy Sunday evening this year.
Middle Left: Trish Soffer Mainwairing and her husband Bob. Bottom Left: Jesse and Rachel Mainwaring with their daughters Jane and Chloe.
Allison Barclay Young’s daughter Nicki Young ’06 was married in 2020, and had a wonderful celebration with family and friends on May 21, 2021. See the Class of 2006 for photos.
Marie Hageman is now co-leading a team to record all species of life found in Tall Pines, the newest NJ State Preserve over the course of this year, for iNaturalist. com, in conjunction with National Geographic and California Academy of Sciences. They would love to have some
1980 1982/1983

While on vacation in Oahu this past summer, Samuel and Andrew Searle Pang report that they had a long, lovely picnic with classmate Dina Rudolph Yoshimi.

Mike Kowalski with his sons Marcus ’21 and Matt ’19 at Commencement.

more team members. All are welcome. No scientific knowledge necessary - just enthusiasm for the natural world. No special equipment either - a cell phone can shoot a photo, or record a sound, and a tap will add it to the project. Marie shares, “It’d be great to see old friends again, and meet new ones.”
Larry Riesenbach’s son Aaron has graduated from high school in Arlington, VA and is attending Northeastern University in Boston this Fall. Larry and his husband Tim will be taking advantage of their empty-nester status to move to Madrid, Spain in early 2022. They will use it as a base to travel around Europe and see the world. They encourage classmates to let them know if they’re in town!
Andrew Young ’82 with an impressive swordfish caught during a trip with
Steve Walsh ’83.
Sheila Seidman Montoya was sorry to have missed getting together with her class for their reunion. A certified nursing assistant, she reports that she has settled in Thornton, CO to care for her father-inlaw and now another client in the area.
Andrew Searle Pang
Steve Walsh ’83 and Andrew Young ’82 had a successful fishing trip together in Fall 2020, with Andy reeling in a nice swordfish in the canyon 60 miles off of Ocean City, MD.
Steve Walsh is proud to share that his daughter, US Naval Academy alumna (2012) Lt. Commander MaryCate Walsh, has been selected to represent the US Navy as an advisor to the Senate and Congressional Armed Services Committee. During the pandemic, MaryCate served as the public relations spokesperson for the Naval hospital ship that went to New York City.
1989/1995 1995/1989

Ivy Brown ’89 (front row, second from right) and Jamie McCracken ’95 (back row, second from right) with their championship mixed doubles team. Jamie McCracken ’95 and
Ivy Brown ’89

Congratulations to Glori Gayster on the 20th anniversary of GDG Consulting, Inc., her Voorhees-based boutique marketing, communications and design agency.
Mike Kowalski p. 69
MFS School Committee Clerk Ivy Brown is on a United States Tennis Association mixed doubles team with fellow alum Jamie McCracken ’95 which has advanced to national competition. The team competed this winter/spring in the 7.0 level in the 40+ age division. They won their South Jersey division beating local teams, which then qualified them for NJ district competition. They won that in May, which then moved them forward to Middle States Sectionals in Lancaster, PA at which they went undefeated to win and advance to Nationals, which will be held in November in Arizona. Ivy reports, “MFS tennis alumni moving to the big stage!” Go Foxes!

Nicole Legato Fox
Adi Fox ’21 with his mother Nicole Legato Fox, father Tim Fox, and sister Margaux ’18 at Commencement. Lisa Kastner, while involved with a corporate career in technology, started Running Wild, LLC, which consists of Running Wild Press, which publishes “great stories that don’t fit neatly in a box,” and RIZE Press, which publishes “genre stories written by people of color and other underrepresented groups.” Running Wild has been honored with two Best of 2019 and two Best of 2020 books
Thank You, Meg Hollingworth! Alumni Association Clerk Steps Down After Six Years
Meg Parrington Hollingworth ’97 is stepping down after six years of service as Clerk of the MFS Alumni Association. In this role, Meg has been appreciated for bringing personal warmth and enthusiasm to the work, contributing new ideas for alumni engagement, and using her “toastmaster” skills to good effect, emceeing the annual May Dinner Among Friends (including doing it virtually in 2021) and other events. Meg is a Product Director at United HealthGroup. She lives in Haddonfield with her husband Anthony and daughters Ruby and Emma. Last Spring, she was recruited to stand for election for the Haddonfield Board of Education there and will be taking up those duties this Fall.

according to Kirkus Reviews, as well as several starred reviews. Lisa was named to Yahoo Finance’s Top 10 Entrepreneurs to Watch in 2021, and nominated to “Forbes Next 1,000,” a list of American self-funded entrepreneurs who continued to strive during the challenging times of COVID. She also was included in the September/ August 2021 edition of Forbes. In addition, she was named to New York Weekly’s Top Ten Females to Watch in 2021 and LA Wire’s Top 10 Businesses to Watch in 2021.
Following the Spring 2021 publication of the best-selling book The Mission Corporation, co-authored by Michael Carter and Michael Moe, in June Carter and Moe launched The Mission Corps Institute, a global think tank and research center. The institute’s central idea is that mission-based, entrepreneur-led capitalism can change the world for the better. The Institute was expected to announce its inaugural fellows, and release its first research study soon.
Mike Carter, Mark Friedenthal and Tony Yi, see “Alumni Connections,” page 72.
Christopher Hourigan was awarded the 2020 Orloff Science Award in March 2021 at the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute in Bethesda, MD, where he leads research in the Lab of Myeloid Malignancies. His research in precision medicine will help better target Acute Myleloid Leukemia, and provide better treatment outcomes to increase survival.
Maria Aseron Ramos is a co-author of Women Who Shine, a collaborative book with 30 inspiring stories by 30 women, which became available on Amazon in August 2021.
(p.70) Jamie McCracken and mixed doubles partner Ivy Brown ’89 will compete in a national tennis competition in November. See Class of 1989 note.
Best wishes to Shani Adia Evans who will be joining the faculty of Rice University this fall as an Assistant Professor in the Sociology Department. Her research and teaching is focused on “race and racism, space and place, urban education, and qualitative research methods.” Shani also has a book under contract with the University of Chicago Press titled The World Was Ours: Race, Memory, and Resistance in the Gentrified City.
Meg Hollingworth
(p. 72) Congratulations to Tiffany Taylor Jenkins, who has completed her doctorate from Grand Canyon University. On July 9, her dissertation manuscript was signed, and she officially became Dr. Tiffany M. Jenkins! The title of her dissertation was “Clinical Supervision and Leadership Practices Among Behavioral Health Professionals.” Her degree is a Doctorate of Education in Organizational Leadership with a concentration in Behavioral Health.
“Paul Bunyan” - the spider plant that Greg Rollins nurtured in his sixth grade science class with the late Reid Bush returned to MFS this past summer. When moving to Virginia, Greg’s mother Sandra Rollins needed to find a good home for the nowenormous plant, affectionately known to her family as “Paul Bunyan.” It is now in the sunny bay window of Van Meter Hall, where alumni gatherings will be hosted post-COVID.
(p. 72) Lloyd Henderson and his wife welcomed another boy to their family, Logan Daniel Henderson, who was born on April 19, weighing in at 9 lbs and 9 oz. and 21 inches long. Lloyd shared that the family is doing well, and older brother Trey can’t wait to play with Logan.
Adam Serlin was part of a panel discussion with Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner, following a preview screening of the acclaimed eightpart PBS documentary series Philly D.A.,
Alumni Connections
Alumni experts from the classes of 1971 to 2008 connected with current MFS students this Spring in some exciting project-based learning.
As part of the Middle School Seventh Grade Quest Program, teams of students were challenged to imagine solutions to problems identified within the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Their work culminated in making virtual presentations to real-world experts, in front of their teachers and classmates. This year’s experts included John Donnelly ’71, past president of Global Healing and principal at Vaccinology; Mike Murza ’06, attorney with the California Energy Commission; and Chris Setz-Kelly ’04, immigration attorney with GianGrasso, Tomczak and Hufe, P.C. in Philadelphia.
Also, the Upper School Economics class hosted The MFSBiz Entrepreneurship Competition for the first time, underwritten in part by the Herman Hollerith Endowment at MFS. Student teams were required to come up with original business or nonprofit startup ideas and pitch their concepts to a panel of four guest alumni judges. The judges, all of whom have first-hand successful entrepreneurial experience, included: Ashley Edwards ’08, Founder and CEO of MindRight, a Newark based tech startup in the behavioral health space; Mike Carter ’91, CEO of Biz Equity in Wayne PA, a financial technology firm; Mark Friedenthal ’91, President of Friedenthal Financial a Marlton investment advisory; and Tony Yi ’91, Senior Vice President for Corporate Strategy and Partnerships at Open Slate in NYC.

Tiffany Taylor Jenkins

which concerns the system-level reforms the D.A.’s Office is undertaking. The event was hosted by the Stoneleigh Foundation, where Adam is a Fellow. In this capacity, he works in the District Attorney’s Office, running a project entitled, “Using Data to Improve Outcomes for Justice-Involved Youth.” Adam also is the founder/CEO of Independent Variable Consulting.
Jennifer Harris is now a registered professional engineer in the State of New Jersey, and is working as a project manager for Environmental Resolutions, Inc., in Mt. Laurel.
(p. 73) Whitney Pennington Rodgers and her husband Dr. Mark Rodgers welcomed their first child, daughter Masai Amal Rodgers, on October 25. Whitney shares that “She loves smiling and being read to and is the absolute joy of our lives.”
The documentary movie, Crime on the Bayou, executive-produced by musician John Legend, was acquired for distribution this Spring by Shout! Studios. Directed by Nancy Buirski, and the third part of her trilogy of Civil Rights Era films exploring racial injustice (including also The Loving Story, The Rape of Recy Taylor), it was inspired by Matty Van Meter’s nonfiction book Deep Delta Justice. The film has received positive reviews in The New York Times and the Los Angeles Times. This past summer, Buirski and Van Meter appeared at a joint screening and book signing event in New Orleans promoting both the film and the book.
Lloyd Henderson welcomed Logan Daniel Henderson to his family.
Chris Setz-Kelly See “Alumni Connections,” story above.
(p. 73) Jane and Chris Lloyd welcomed their first child, Andrew Benjamin, on March 2.
2003 2006

Masai Amal Rodgers, daughter of
Whitney Pennington Rodgers,
arrived in October 2020.


Chris Lloyd and his wife Jane welcomed their first child Andrew Benjamin Lloyd in March. Nicki Young and Peter Mauer, married in 2020, were finally able to celebrate with family and friends on May 21, 2021.

Briana Pressey Ellerbe and her husband Keith Ellerbe, Jr. report that their son Keith III was excited to become a big brother in February to baby sister Emiko.
Maura Burk and her husband, Keith Nagy, shared the good news that they are expecting the arrival of their first child, a girl, in October 2021.
Mike Murza See “Alumni Connections,” page 72.
While they tied the knot in 2020, Nicki Young and Peter Mauer enjoyed an outdoor tented reception at the historic Anthony Wayne House in Paoli, PA in May 2021.
Briana Pressey Ellerbe
Creator Anni Weisband has signed with Netflix to develop an hour-long series titled Nice Jewish Girls. According to Deadline, “Nice Jewish Girls is a darkly comedic family crime drama about four sisters in the aftermath of a death in the family. They know they would do anything for each other, but come to realize they don’t know everything about each other.” Anni is working alongside producers Jessica Rhoades and Dara Resnik.
Ashley Edwards See “Alumni Connections,” page 72. Bridesmaids surrounding Nicki Young from the MFS Class of 2006 are (standing, left to right) Stephanie
Kaczmarski, Danielle Chung
Couture, and fourth from left, Caitlin Baiada, and (seated, left to right) Simone Hall Wood, and fourth from left, the bride, and sixth from left, Jodi
Schantz Laughlin.

(p. 74) Alexandra Hovatter
A young mother and child from El Salvador were granted asylum in the United States in September, thanks to the legal advocacy of Notre Dame Law School student Sophia Aguilar. Sophia, a third-year law student, worked with her client through the Law School’s National Immigrant Justice Center externship. Her client fled gender violence in El Salvador and came to the United States several years ago with her son, then a toddler. In early 2021, Aguilar began preparing her client’s case as a National Immigrant Justice Center extern by writing her affidavit, gathering supporting evidence, and finding family members who might write affidavits on her behalf. This summer, her client had the opportunity to move up her court date to seek relief from the courts. At the Chicago Immigration Court on September 9, Sophia presented opening and closing statements, conducted the direct examination of her client, and engaged in oral argument on the parameters of asylum law against the Department of Homeland Security

Alumni Boys’ Lacrosse Game
On June 5, the annual boys’ lacrosse alumni game was held. This year marked the 20th anniversary of the start of the boys’ lacrosse program at MFS. Thanks to Tim Yingling ’09, who led the plans to organize the game, which was the first alumni game held since the start of the pandemic. Standing: Carrington Mizelle ’21, Adi Fox ’21, Will Kinzler ‘20, Sean Wiseman ’21, Harrison Kelly ’21, Jackson Blanchard ’17, Michael Murray ’08, official John Murray, official Chris Delaney, Josh Kirkpatrick ‘14, Sam Madamba ’14, Joe Beideman ’15, Dylan DiFlorio ‘16, Miles Oglesby ’20, and former Varsity Coach and current volunteer coach Steve Yingling. Kneeling: Former Varsity Coach Michael McGinn, Varsity Assistant Coach Jake O’Donnell ’11, Aidan Connolly ’21, Jordan Edelstein ‘19, Daniel McGinn ’14, Varsity Coach Greg Yingling ’11, former Varsity Assistant Coach Tim Yingling ’09, Tyler Radack ’17, Dylan Eni ’16, Andy Cook ‘15, Roman Daniel ’18 and Chase Eni ’21.

Alexandra Hovatter became engaged in May to Jason Wilkins. She will be completing her master’s degree in interior architecture at Thomas Jefferson University this fall.

Aseeli Coleman
attorney. The judge granted asylum based on Aguilar’s legal arguments, client testimony, and supporting evidence.
Aseeli Coleman graduated with her M.A. in Exhibition Design from George Washington University in May. Her graduation thesis focused on using flowers and other flora as a way to foster community and connection, both interpersonally and with nature. She also launched her own small business, &Flora Studio, with a line of hand-crafted soy wax candles.
Nicole Hovatter’s proud mother shared that after finishing Clemson undergrad in three years, and working at KPMG for three years, Nicole is now attending the University of Pennsylvania Carey Law School.
Lawrence Mullen

Lawrence Mullen was selected for the University at Buffalo’s Social Impact Fellowship for the summer of 2021, involving a 10-week full-time position with the University’s Educational Opportunity Program to create a comprehensive portfolio for the program Director and Senior Counselors. The portfolio will contain data and financial analysis and programmatic recommendations.
Stockton University grad Samantha Hovatter started a master’s in counseling at Thomas Jefferson University this Fall. In reporting this news, as well as updates on sisters Alex ‘11 and Nicole ‘13, their mom Kim Hovatter shared, “All (of my daughters’) achievements are a result of their MFS education.”

Classmates Joseph Abate and Evan Fenska (pictured) were among the competitors this summer during lifeguard contests on Long Beach Island at the Jersey shore. Joe is a lifeguard with the Beach Haven Crest Beach Patrol and participated as an Iron Relay boat crew member in the July competition. Evan is a lifeguard at Spray Beach, which won the 2021 Long Beach Township Beach Patrol Cup. Each year, lifeguards from the township’s five beaches compete in various challenges that test skills that are critical for success in ocean and surf rescues. On June 10, the Class of 2021 joined members of MFS Classes of 2017 and 2018 for a College Alumni/Senior Class Meet & Greet on June 10. The alumni answered questions about the transition from high school to college.

Evan Fenska Share Your News with Friends
Moorestown Friends School encourages all alumni to share their news for Class Notes. To contribute, please email communications@ mfriends.org with updates on your life and any high resolution photos you would like to submit for publication. If you prefer, you can also write to Director of Marketing and Communications Mike Schlotterbeck Moorestown Friends School, 110 E. Main St., Moorestown, NJ 08057.
Class Notes received after September 1 will be printed in the next issue of Among Friends.