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Our regular law column with
The Post-Covid Care Landscape
As we emerge post covid together with all the associated lifting of restrictions, not only does this bring a sense of relief, but also a very different landscape within the NHS and Social Services provision.
My experience of working in the sector for over 40 years now witnesses a landscape that is thwarted by a staffi ng crisis and scarcity of resources. Never has there been a time when every service I come into contact with is struggling to deliver a standard of care they so desperately aspire to.
What this means in real terms and at the coalface for clients and patients of such services, is limited options in how and where they may receive care and support. Waiting times and waiting lists are beyond anything I have ever experienced. In turn this signifi cantly restricts choice. The demand for my role as an Advocate and Professional Attorney is ever more paramount in order to help meet the needs of my clients. Being able to navigate my clients through the system, attend and support individual choices and decision making is critical – so often at a point of crisis.
Families approach me to support them through the process of obtaining and receiving care for their loved ones. Alternatively, clients who don’t have family or perhaps live too far away to help practically, approach me to act as their Professional Health and Welfare Attorney. For many clients I also act as their Property and Financial Attorney to manage their day to day fi nances.
My role as an Advocate and Professional Attorney are very similar in that I am able to represent, organise and convey the wishes of my clients. Being able to understand the various access to services, pathways and processes to secure help with funding, hospital discharge planning, arranging and supporting 24-hour live in care packages at home, together with the ongoing arrangements and monitoring of care within the home setting.
My experience and network of contacts means I am able to create options and solutions for my clients. This may require some lateral thinking, but almost anything is possible. Working together I can make that difference for you and your loved ones.
Please call me to discuss how I can help you on 01822 610303.
Anne Reed
Solicitor & Advocate Paladin Advocates
12 Plymouth Road VHF Tavistock PL19 8AY VHF annereed@paladinadvocates.com VHF paladinadvocates.comVHF
At Paladin Advocates we aim to go the extra mile and make a difference for every client.
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