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REGULARS UNTIL 31 OCTOBER TIDE AND TIME To commemorate Mayflower 400, we’re exploring the global connections of the Tudor house and collections at Cotehele. Normal admission, NT Cotehele, PL12 6TA. 01579 351346; nationaltrust.org.uk/ cotehele

01822-613221 bedford-hotel.co.uk Jazz Sunday Lunch Sunday 3rd March Sunday 7th April A delicious 3-course Sunday Lunch, with a generous helping of live jazz. £25 Valentine’s Dinner Thursday 14th February Five superb courses by candlelight. £55 Mother’s Day Lunch Sunday 31st March 3 delicious courses, in the stylish setting of The Bedford Hotel. £26 Jazz Sunday Lunch 3rd May & 7th June A delicious 3-course Sunday Lunch, with a generous helping of live jazz. £26 Murder Mystery Dinner Good food, great company, and more than a hint of murder and mystery. £45 Father’s Day Lunch Sunday 21st June Including a free bottle of Jail Ale for Dad to take home! 3 courses £26 (children £20)


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www.bedford-hotel.co.uk 01822 613221 1 Plymouth Road, Tavistock, PL19 8BB DAILY 23 MAY - 4 OCTOBER RICHARD GRENVILLE: EXPLORATION TO COLONIZATION Find out about Grenville’s voyage to the West Coast of America, his life at Buckland, the transformation from abbey to stately home. Plus learn about life as a Tudor explorer with the Explorers Family Trail. 11am-4.30pm at Buckland Abbey 15-31 MAY ROSEMOOR LIVE! RHS Garden Rosemoor presents a wide variety of live music events from tribute acts to folk groups and choirs. See rhs.org. uk/gardens/rosemoor for details. FROM 16 MAY MAYFLOWER 400: LEGEND AND LEGACY The national commemorative exhibition for the Mayflower 400 anniversary features 300 items on loan from 100 museums, libraries and archives around the world at The Box, Plymouth. Tickets: adults £5; U18 free entry. UNTIL 6 MAY SPRING ART EXHIBITION A selection of new work from local artists at Wildwood Art Gallery, Horrabridge, PL20 7SP. Visit wildwoodartsdartmoor.co.uk or see Music & Art for details, or call 01822 258529. SATURDAYS 4 APRIL – 27 JUNE DISCOVER TAVISTOCK HERITAGE WALKS A variety of walks with Tavistock Heritage Trust discovering Tavistock’s history. £5, Meet at 2pm at Tavistock Visitor Information Centre. Except on 30 May - meet at 2pm at Whitchurch Parish Church. For details see www.heritageintavistock. org/events 1 - 31 MAY DELAMORE ARTS EXHIBITION Sculpture and art exhibition at Delamore House and gardens at Cornwood near Ivybridge on the edge of Dartmoor. Open daily from 10.30am to 4.30pm, £8 entry, café, disabled access. www.Delamore-art. co.uk or contact 01752 837663. FRIDAYS, 3 APRIL-1 MAY TAVISTOCK HISTORY TALKS A series of one-hour illustrated talks by archaeologist and historian Andrew Thompson exploring Tavistock’s history and heritage at Tavistock Library, 2-3pm. Book at Tavistock Library, £5 per lecture. Further information: 01822 612218. SATURDAYS & SUNDAYS DARTMOOR HILL PONY EXHIBITION Open year-round on Sat & Sun, 10.30am5pm, free entry. Designed and curated by Friends of the Dartmoor Hill Pony to explains history of the ponies. Plus, cream teas & crafts at Powdermills Pottery, between Two Bridges and Postbridge. friendsofthedartmoorhillpony.co.uk and powdermillspottery.com 26 APRIL, 31 MAY JAZZ AFTERNOON TEA Enjoy a traditional afternoon tea at the Two Bridges Hotel with live jazz with duo Fine Whines, or add a glass of fizz for a treat. 3pm – 5:30pm, £16.50 per person (£22 with prosecco). Book on 01822 892300. MAY LEARN TO GIG ROW Try one of the monthly 4-week, learn to


@ The Knightstone Tea Rooms

Crapstone R0ad, Yelverton PL20 6BT 01822 853386/07447744427 • modwan@sky.com Serving freshly prepared hot lunches and light bites, selection of home-made cakes, cream teas, high teas and Prosecco afternoon teas Roast dinners served every Sunday (booking recommended). OPEN EVERY DAY BETWEEN 10AM AND 4PM DOG FRIENDLY AREA • FULLY LICENSED • FREE WIFI VE DAY 75TH. ANNIVERSARY STREET PARTY - 8TH MAY Plus RAF Harrowbeer Archives Open Day Buffet lunch including authentic wartime recipes, tea, coffee and squash Period music played throughout Second-hand books and bric-a-brac stall Tickets now on sale just £12 each

row courses at Weir Quay. Social and competitive rowers of all ages from 12 years upwards welcome for club expeditions and regattas. For information see www.tamarandtavygigclub.co.uk or email info@tamarandtavygigclub.co.uk 6,14,19,24 APRIL & 5,11,17,29 MAY VOLUNTEER DAYS AT BURRATOR RESERVOIR Meet at Burrator Discovery Centre. Please wear old clothes, sturdy footwear, rainwear etc, & bring lunch and drink. Mon, Tues & Fri: 10am-3pm; Sun: 10.30am-3.30pm. Contact 01822 855700 for more info. 1ST SATURDAY OF MONTH TAVI ARTS MARKET High quality, handmade wares from local artists - unique products not found on the high street and a chance to meet the artists and makers themselves. 9.00am to 4.00pm in Butchers’ Hall, Tavistock (free entry). WEDNESDAYS UNTIL END APRIL DARTMOOR BORDER MORRIS Every Wednesday through the winter Dartmoor Border Morris practice night at 8pm in Meavy Parish Hall is open to anyone www.dartmoorbordermorris.com LAST TUESDAY IN MONTH PARKINSON’S SUPPORT GROUP Join us at the Anchorage Centre, Tavistock from 10.30am to noon. We also have monthly exercise classes and social coffee mornings. Contact Pam on 01822 614204 or Val on 07778 552325. 2ND & 4TH WEDNESDAY OF MONTH CHARLESTON FRIENDSHIP CAFE

Trophy Room Now Open Pens and Moor Trophy Room Now Open Pens and Moor

A new initiative meeting from 2.00-4.00 pm in Buckland Monachorum Village Hall, supporting those living with dementia and their carers - join us for a cuppa and a chat. For more information phone Margie (01822) 853152, Mandy 855347, or Trish 852163. EVERY WEDNESDAY THE CITY OF PLYMOUTH CREDIT UNION OFFICE Savers can obtain loans at 2% or less. Children can save too. All savers are covered by a free life insurance. Call in for more information or ring 01752 201329. 11.00am - 1.00pm in the Princetown Community Centre, Tavistock Road, Princetown, PL20 6QE APRIL UNTIL 5 APRIL TAMAR VALLEY SPRING EXHIBITION Art exhibition from 10.00am to 4.00pm daily (10:00am - 2.00pm 5 April) at Tamar Valley Centre, near Gunnislake, PL18 9FE 2 APRIL C.S. RETIREMENT FELLOWSHIP Retired? Why not join us for a friendly chat and a cuppa at 12.30pm in the restaurant of the Prince of Wales Hotel, Princetown. Guest speaker, Ron Howard: ‘Diving on Shipwrecks’. 2 APRIL YELVERTON LADIES OPEN GROUP Wild Flowers with Michael Stephens at 7:30pm at Yelverton Memorial Hall. 3 APRIL GIG ROWING TASTER DAY

A happy place to b ...

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Buckland Monachorum Village Hall Preschool for 2-4 year olds • 9am-1pm Monday, Wednesday and  ursday 9am-3pm Tuesday & Friday - Term time only Contact Jane Beard on 01822 853634 bucklandbeehive@hotmail.com www.bucklandbeehive.com

See our community website www.dartmoorlinks.co.uk WHAT’S ON

Come and try rowing with Tamar and Tavy Gig Club on the River Tamar at Weir Quay - a day of tuition for 12 to 16-year-olds, 10am – 4pm. Keep fit, have fun and learn a new skill e.g. for Duke of Edinburgh award. Places are limited. For info see www.tamarandtavygigclub.co.uk or contact info@tamarandtavygigclub.co.uk 3 APRIL CINEMA MEAVY The Good Liar: career con artist (Ian


Wedding Fair Sunday 19th April Planning your Special Day? Come along and take a tour of our beautiful wedding venue, and meet a host of wedding-day suppliers. Free entry and free  zz! 12 noon – 4pm. Jazz Afternoon Tea Sundays 26th April & 31st May A traditional afternoon tea, with smooth vintage jazz from local duo Fine Whines. £16.50 Spring Breaks Escape for a two night Spring Break on Dartmoor, including breakfast and award-winning 3-course dinner. From £80 per person, per night

B ridges H otel Two


McKellen) meets a wealthy widow (Helen Mirren) online. Certificate: 15, £5 adult, licensed bar, 8pm at Meavy Parish Hall www.meavy.org.uk 4 & 5 APRIL EXHIBITION OF LIFE DRAWINGS A remarkable collection of Edwardian drawings by Eleanor Grace Scarborough highlights the struggles faced by women artists in the early 1900s, in aid of the newly refurbished community


Bere Alston United Ch U r C h, Fore s treet 1st & 3rd wednesd A y e AC h month


April 1st STAN & OLLIE (PG) (Steve Coogan, John C. Reilly) April 15th DOWNTON ABBEY (Maggie Smith, Hugh Bonneville) May 6th BOOK CLUB (12) (Diane Keaton, Jane Fonda) May 20th MURDER ON THE ORIENT EXPRESS (12) (Kenneth Branagh, Penelope Cruz)

this project is supported by tASS. If you would like transport to and from the film tASS will try to provide it for you. contact tASS on either 01822 617525 or transport@tasstavistock.org.uk contact either 01822 841021 or 01822 841185 if you would like to know more. building, The Printworks. 10am to 5pm at The Printworks, Pym Street, Tavistock. printworkstavistock.org.uk 4 & 5 APRIL HEALTH & WELL-BEING EVENT Bringing together suppliers who provide products, services or advice to improve your health and well-being in the tranquil setting of RHS Garden Rosemoor, 10am4pm. 4 – 19 APRIL NATIONAL PARKS FORTNIGHT 2020 Discover Dartmoor with fun-filled family activities, cultural history, walks and much more. For details see dartmoor.gov.uk 5 APRIL WAGS WELLBEING DAY Learn more about the physical, emotional and training needs of your dogs with specialist speaker seminars, as well as stalls and exhibitors from the best local and national dog related businesses. Refreshments served for pooches & humans! Tickets £10 on www. adoggydayout.co.uk, U16s free entry, 11:00am at Tavistock Town Hall. 5 APRIL EASTER MUMMERS’ PLAY Come and watch a traditional Mummers’ play at Buckland Abbey, with lots of dancing, dressing up and a silly plot. Great for families of all ages. See website for timing information. 6 APRIL EASTER TREE WORKSHOP Workshop led by H. Watts at 2:00pm at the Moorland Garden Hotel, followed by a wonderful cream tea. £30 per person, book on 01822 852245. 7 APRIL PRINCETOWN HISTORY CLUB Terry Faull talks about ‘Holy Wells of Cornwall and Devon’ at 7:30pm at Princetown Community Centre. princetownhistoryclub.weebly.com 9 APRIL MOOR’S EDGE U3A Monthly Meeting, 2:30pm at the Woolwell Community Centre – ‘Plymouth Shops’ with speaker, Alan Bricknell 9 APRIL INTRODUCTION TO BEE KEEPING First of 8 sessions between April and August - Clare Densley of Buckfast Abbey Bee Department provides all the core skills as well as hands-on practical advice at Buckfast Abbey/farms on Dartmoor, £120 (inc VAT). 10 - 11 APRIL EASTER FOOD & CRAFT FAIR A fabulous selection of artisan food, drink and crafts at the Easter Fair in Butchers’ Hall, Tavistock from 9:30am to 4:00pm each day. 15 & 25 APRIL TAI CHI AND NATURE Taster outdoor workshops at The Garden House, near Yelverton. A chance to immerse yourself in the beauty and tranquillity of the gardens. 10-11am, more info & booking at www.thegardenhouse. org.uk 16 APRIL WEST DARTMOOR U3A ‘Shock! Horror! Probe! - The Art of Fleet Street’ – a talk by Geri Parlby. The monthly

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Beautifully appointed cottage in village surroundings. Ideal for holiday breaks, visiting friends, business and wedding stays.

meeting takes place at 10am in Tavistock Methodist Church Hall. 18 APRIL NEWBRIDGE 500 Bridge Building Day in Gunnislake Village Hall. Build your own bridge, and enjoy other activities, stalls and displays, suitable for all ages. 18 APRIL SPRING CAKE SALE Cancer Research UK’s Spring Cake Sale will be at The Rock Inn, Yelverton from 10am to 12noon, with lots of cakes, savouries, jams and marmalade to buy as well as a raffle. 18 APRIL VINTAGE & SALVAGE FAIR The fair will be held in Butchers’ Hall from 10am - 4pm 19 APRIL CRAFT FAIR The fair is open from 10:30am until 4:30pm on Sunday at Walkhampton Memorial Hall. Entry is free and light refreshments will be available. 19 APRIL & 17 MAY ANTIQUES & COLLECTABLES FAIR Come and browse Tavistock’s Antiques & Collectables Fair at Butchers’ Hall. 19 APRIL NEW BORN LAMBS EVENT The Buckland Abbey tenant farmer introduces his new flock of baby lambs. Watch the bottle-feeding sessions in the Great Barn and get to know more about farming here at Buckland. 12:00-15:00pm 19 APRIL THE CANTERBURY TALES A one-man performance of Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales - an ironic and critical portrait of English society in the Middle Ages, told with wit and plenty of nonsense! Doors open 7pm at Clearbrook Village Hall, cash bar. Tickets: £10 Adult, £7 Child, £25 Family. Contact 01822 853911 for booking. 19 APRIL THE SUNSET CAFE STOMPERS A fine traditional jazz band overflowing with talented musicians. 7.30pm at the Royal British Legion Club, Tailyour Road, Plymouth. Tickets on the door £10 (members £8, full-time students £5) information 01752 721179, plymouth-jazzclub.org.uk 20 APRIL WALKHAMPTON COTTAGE GARDEN SOCIETY Talk by Rick Hoskins on ‘Growing and Showing Dahlias’ at 7.30pm in Walkhampton Village Hall. Rick is an experienced and enthusiastic dahlia grower. £3 per person, refreshments & rooted dahlia cuttings available to buy. 20 APRIL MEAVY GARDEN SOCIETY A talk on `The Fascination of Ferns` by Mike Stephens at 7.30pm in Meavy Parish Hall. Refreshments, time to chat and often plants for sale from 7pm. Enquiries 01822 852672 and 01822 852984, www.meavy. org.uk/mgs 21 APRIL YELVERTON & DISTRICT LOCAL HISTORY SOCIETY

‘Haytor Granite’ (history of the industry and the people who ran it) - a talk by Stuart Drabble at Meavy Parish Hall at 7.30pm 23 APRIL C.S. RETIREMENT FELLOWSHIP ST GEORGE’S DAY LUNCH Coach trip to a Dartmoor hostelry for lunch. Booking essential, reservations & deposits taken at meeting on 5th March – or contact Mike on 01822 890799


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May 2nd Tavistock Arts Market 9th Miss Ivy Events Upcycled Market 15th & 16th Butchers’ Hall Foodies Delight Fair 17th Antiques & Collectables Fair 24th & 25th Tavistock’s Country Garden Show April 4th Tavistock Arts Market 10th & 11th Butchers’ Hall Easter Food & Cra Fair 18th Vintage & Salvage Fair 19th Antiques & Collectables Fair


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or mikeandkate3@talktalk.net. Coach picks up from Bedford Hotel, Tavistock; Prince of Wales Hotel, Princetown; Yelverton Roundabout bus stop and anywhere in

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between. 23 APRIL YELVERTON LADIES OPEN GROUP Quiz night plus fish & chip supper at Yelverton Golf Club 24 APRIL ST LUKE’S OPEN GARDENS Sparkwell Gardens, PL7 5DF - delightful local gardens with large lawns, majestic trees, quirky garden features and clever use of spaces. Open 11am-4pm; £5; refreshments available. stlukes-hospice. org.uk/open-gardens 24 APRIL PEPPER & HONEY The play is timed to deliver a perfect Croatian pepper biscuit, baked in front of, and with the help of, a live audience, intertwined with a story about settling in a different country, and family traditions. 7.30pm at Milton Combe Village Hall. For tickets contact 01822 854865 25 & 26 APRIL RHS NATIONAL RHODODENDRON SHOW Marvel at these beautiful, spring-flowering plants at RHS Garden Rosemoor, with more than 60 classes covering all types of rhododendrons, as well as trade and advice stands plus magnolias and camellias too, 10am-4pm. 26 APRIL ST LUKE’S OPEN GARDENS Weir Cottage, Weir Quay, PL20 7BT - once owned by wife of curator of Kew Gardens, this lovely sheltered riverside garden includes historic daffodils, and specimen trees. Open 11am-3pm; £5; free parking;

refreshments available; stalls & tours. stlukes-hospice.org.uk/open-gardens 27 APRIL BERE LOCAL HISTORY GROUP Illustrated talk by Dr Chris Smart on ‘Understanding Landscapes: Exploring the Roman and Medieval Heritage of the Tamar Valley’. All meetings take place in Holy Trinity Church Hall, Bere Alston at 7.30 pm. All are welcome, admission is £2 and includes tea/coffee and biscuits. 27 APRIL - 1 MAY NATIONAL GARDENING WEEK RHS Garden Rosemoor provides activities, advice & walks for gardening novices and those with more experience, 11am–3pm, Mon-Fri, free with normal garden admission. Walks last 30 mins. MAY 1 MAY DARTMOOR BORDER MORRIS We start summer with a sunrise dance at Leeden Tor car park at 5.30am, on Princetown/Yelverton road, regardless of the weather. Sunrise is at 5.47am, then join us at the Foxtor Cafe for breakfast at 6am www.dartmoorbordermorris.com 1 MAY CINEMA MEAVY Mrs Lowry & Son: chronicling the life of the renowned artist L. S. Lowry. Certificate: PG, £5 adult, admission £2 for children under 12 with an adult, licensed bar, 8pm at Meavy Parish Hall www.meavy.org.uk

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2 MAY REQUIEM IN BLUE Mount Kelly Choral Society, Mount Kelly College soloists, a children’s choir and an instrumental ensemble present Requiem in Blue by Harvey Brough at 7:30pm, St Eustachius’ Church, Tavistock. Tickets £10 from Book Stop, Tavistock or ticketsource. co.uk/mount-kelly-choral-society or on the door. U18s free entry. 3 MAY BLUEBELL WOOD WALK Enjoy a walk in a bluebell wood followed by a cream tea, 2.30pm - 5.00pm at Foxhams, Bedford Road, Horrabridge PL20 7QR, by kind permission of Keat Cawrse. Woods and grounds are beautiful with or without bluebells, plus wonderful terrace views & refreshments. Entry £2, parking available. Directions signed from Horrabridge. Proceeds in aid of Friends of St John’s Church. 3 MAY CHARLOTTE SALUSTRE-BRIDOUX Mount Kelly Concert Society presents one of the most exciting young solo violinists in Europe. 7.30pm at St Eustachius’ Parish Church, Tavistock. Tickets: adults £8; aged 18 and under free entry, available from www.ticketsource.co.uk/mountkelly, Book Stop or on the door. 5 MAY PRINCETOWN HISTORY CLUB Tim Jenkinson talks about the Dave Brewer archive at 7:30pm at Princetown Community Centre princetownhistoryclub.weebly.com 6 MAY DARTMOOR BORDER MORRIS 8pm at the Royal Oak Inn, Meavy for the first ‘pub out’ of the season, with guests Tavistock Based Lodestone Border Morris and lots of dancing & singing. We will be collecting for the Dartmoor Rescue Group. 7 MAY C.S. RETIREMENT FELLOWSHIP MEETING Retired? - Come along to enjoy a friendly chat and a cuppa or something a wee bit stronger, at 12.30pm in the restaurant of the Prince of Wales Hotel, Princetown. 7 MAY YELVERTON LADIES OPEN GROUP Dartmoor Ponies with Sue Martin at 7:30pm at Yelverton Memorial Hall. 8 MAY DARTMOOR BORDER MORRIS 10.30am at the Black Prince Flower Boat Day at Cawsands & Kingsands, along with approx. 5 other Morris sides. Check Facebook for details. 8 MAY VE DAY 75 Remembrance service on Plymouth Hoe at 11am - afterwards local bands, choirs, vintage military vehicles, re-enactments, veterans’ organisations, junior field gun competition, local bugler at 2.55pm, Pipe Band, tea dance on the Hoe. 8-10 MAY ART & CRAFT EXHIBITION & SALE View original paintings and craft work by local artists at Buckland Art Group Exhibition in Buckland Monachorum Village Hall, 10am - 5pm. Tea, cakes and other refreshments available. Free admission. 8 - 10 MAY VE ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATIONS Join the nations’ toast at Buckland Abbey as we celebrate the heroes of WW2. There will also be a special display in the barn over the bank holiday weekend, 10:00- 16:30pm. 9 MAY UPCYCLED MARKET A new innovative market showcasing the benefits of innovative recycling by promoting re-use not re-fuse at Butchers’ Hall, Tavistock. Free entry 10am – 4pm, plus taster workshops and coffee & cake bar.

9 MAY DARTMOOR BORDER MORRIS 1pm at the Tamerton Foliot May Carnival, bringing a bit of colour to the local fair. For more information, www. dartmoorbordermorris.com 9 MAY NORTH DEVON SINFONIA Winner of BBC’s All Together Now: the Great Orchestra Challenge plays Vaughan Williams, Chopin and Dvorak. 7.30pm at St Eustachius’ Parish Church, Tavistock. Tickets: adults £12; 18 and under £6, www. ticketsource.co.uk/tavistock-festival, Book Stop, or on the door. 9 MAY CELLO AND PIANO CONCERT Hannah Griffiths on cello and Stella Searson on piano at 7.30pm in St Leonard’s Church, Sheepstor. Tickets £9, available from Patrick Drennan on 01822 853186, or drdartmoor@doctors.org.uk. Doors open at 6.45pm plus refreshments available then for a donation. Proceeds split equally between Friends of St Leonard’s Church and Sheepstor Village Hall. 9 MAY TAVISTOCK SCHOOL REUNION Our annual reunion is at Gallery 26, The Bedford Hotel, Tavistock from 7pm. Admission £3; membership: single £7, couple £10. For information contact Sue on 07905 208728 or tsra@btinternet. com 9 & 10 MAY PLANT HERITAGE SPRING PLANT FAIR Offering a wide variety of rare and unusual trees, shrubs and perennials from local Devon nurseries for sale, this is a rare chance to access more unusual plant varieties. RHS Garden Rosemoor, 10am3pm 10 MAY STANNARY BRASS BAND 25TH ANNIVERSARY Join Stannary Brass Band for its 25th anniversary in the Wharf in Tavistock from 6:30pm. Tickets are available from Tavistock Wharf. 10 MAY SIMON SPILLETT & MARTIN DALE QUARTET A Leading British saxophonist joins the region’s finest quartet for an evening of swinging jazz standards. 7.30pm at the Royal British Legion Club, Tailyour Road, Plymouth. Tickets on the door £10 (members £8, full-time students £5) information 01752 721179, plymouth-jazzclub.org.uk 13 MAY FREE GUIDED WALK Explore the Cotehele countryside on a circular walk in the estate taking in the sights and stories with our wonderful volunteer Jane. Meet at the Information

Point on the quay. 10.30am-12.30pm. 14 MAY MOOR’S EDGE U3A Monthly Meeting, 2:30pm at the Woolwell Centre – AGM & speaker Ayshea Cross, Provide Devon Charity 15 MAY DISCOVER TAVISTOCK HERITAGE WALK Tavistock Heritage Trust’s Discover Tavistock Abbey. Talk, walk and lunch, The Bedford Hotel. £30 including coffee and 2-course lunch. Seats are limited and booking is essential - please contact the hotel reception on 01822 613221, www. heritageintavistock.org/events 15 MAY PLANT SALE IN AID OF NSPCC Our annual plant sale with cream teas takes place at St Paul’s Church Hall, Yelverton 2pm till 4pm. Donation of plants welcome. More information from Sonja Cheadle, 01822 854710. 15 MAY FROM GARBO TO GARLAND Lights, camera, action! A fascinating and entertaining talk by Dr Geri Parlby on Hollywood’s colourful history. 7-8:30pm at The Bedford Hotel, Tavistock. Tickets £6. 15 & 16 MAY FOODIES DELIGHT FESTIVAL Treat yourself to a delicious selection of foods and drink in Butchers’ Hall, Tavistock from 9:30am to 4:00pm each day. 15 - 17 MAY ARCHERY GB’S BIG WEEKEND Try archery at our Big Weekend event at Tamar Valley Archers, Old Rectory, Gulworthy, near Tavistock, PL19 8JA, daily from 10:00 to 16:00 - open to families, people of all ages, beginners. All equipment provided. Visit archerygb. org/bigweekend or contact Declan RossThomas Tamar Valley Archers on 01822 481731 16 MAY ST LUKE’S OPEN GARDENS Fardel Manor, Cornwood, PL21 9HT - 13th century manor house with 5 acres of gardens, including rose garden, arboretum & lake. Open 2pm - 5pm; £5; refreshments available; plant sales. stlukes-hospice.org.

uk/open-gardens 16 MAY THE BIG SING Join Plymouth Philharmonic Choir for their 50th anniversary ‘Big Sing’ all-day workshop, to sing The Armed Man: A Mass for Peace by Karl Jenkins, followed by a free performance with orchestra. 9:30am for 10am start, Plymouth Guildhall, £10. registration forms at plymouthphilchoir.org 17 MAY FAMILY FUN & OPEN DAY Buckland Food Growers Open Day from 1 to 4pm, free entry - sheep shearing demonstration, pig racing, BFG snail race, craft stalls, children’s activities, cider competition and BFG barbecue at Buckland Food Growers’ community farm at Buckland Abbey, Yelverton. bucklandfoodgrowers.org. 17 MAY YELVERTON TRACTOR RALLY & DOG SHOW Family day out with stalls, BBQ and hog roast, licenced bar, bouncy castle, face painting, raffle from 10am to 4pm, next to The Knightstone Tearooms on Yelverton aerodrome, PL20 6BT. Tractors leave at 11am, family fun dog show at 12 noon. Facebook: Yelverton Tractor Rally and Dog Show. Contact Sophia Buckingham-Wood at sophiab-wood@hotmail.co.uk 18 MAY MEAVY GARDEN SOCIETY A talk on `A Year on the Plot` (vegetables) by Mike Poultney who is on the RHS vegetable growers list. 7.30pm in Meavy Parish Hall. Refreshments, time to chat and often plants for sale from 7pm. Enquiries 01822 852672 and 01822 852984, www.meavy.org.uk/mgs 18 MAY PRINCETOWN NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH MEETING 8.00pm in the restaurant of the Prince of Wales Hotel, Princetown. All residents of the Dartmoor Forest Parish Council area are welcome to attend. 19 MAY YELVERTON & DISTRICT LOCAL HISTORY SOCIETY ‘The History and Art of the Catacombs of Rome’ (origins, traditions and unusual habits) - a talk by Dr Geri Parlby at Meavy Parish Hall at 7.30pm. 20 MAY HOTEL ENDSLEIGH GARDENS OPEN DAY Visit the gardens and enjoy entertainment from St Austell Ukulele Band - proceeds in aid of Milton Abbot bell project. 11am4pm, £5 admission to include tea/coffee & biscuits. 21 MAY WEST DARTMOOR U3A ‘An Island Odyssey – life on 3 small Atlantic Islands on the edge of Europe’ – a talk by Paul Gentle. The monthly meeting takes place at 10am in Tavistock Methodist Church Hall. 21 MAY YELVERTON LADIES OPEN GROUP Mrs Ronnie… Royal Matchmaker with Janet Cowlard at 7:30pm at Yelverton Memorial Hall. 24 & 25 MAY TAVISTOCK’S COUNTRY GARDEN SHOW Show gardens and nurseries in the Tavistock Pannier Market Hall and perimeter, garden and food-themed stalls in Bedford Square and eco-fair in Butchers’ Hall, plus street food & drink, and live entertainment. Free Entry 27 MAY DARTMOOR BORDER MORRIS 8pm at the Leaping Salmon in Horrabridge with guests, The Plymouth Maids Clog Dancers. Free entertainment for all the family & a chance to have a go. Check out our Facebook page. 28 MAY C.S. RETIREMENT FELLOWSHIP OUTING Join our coach trip To Tiverton and enjoy a cruise along the Tiverton canal by horse drawn barge, including brunch and a refreshment stop on the return journey. Booking essential, reservations & deposits taken at meeting on 7th May.

For a full list of events see our community website at dartmoorlinks.co.uk

Dive into a week of sea-themed fun at the Mayflower Ocean Festival! From 4 to 10 May 2020, Plymouth’s waterfront will be buzzing with activities for everyone to enjoy:

10 May: Start of the OSTAR and TWOSTAR transatlantic yacht races 9-10 May: Pirates Weekend Plymouth 9-10 May: Horizons’ RYA Discover Sailing – free sailing sessions 8-10 May: Shanty Shindig – a festival of sea songs and maritime music 8-10 May: Ocean Sailing Activity Zone 8 May: On the Water Plymouth – free watersports sessions 4, 5 and 7 May: Ocean Cinema Film Screenings at the National Marine Aquarium

Find out more at visitplymouth.co.uk/mayfloweroceanfestival

What’s On

get out on the water to try new activities for yourself on Plymouth waterfront.

5 April Plymouth Philharmonic Choir A concert in celebration of the choir’s 50th year, with Vaughan Williams: A Sea Symphony, Elgar: Sea Pictures, Parry: Blest Pair of Sirens, and soloists, Catherine Hamilton and Julian Rippon. Tickets at wegottickets. com/event/482886 or Mainly Stationery in Tavistock, plymouthphilchoir.org.

9 to 10 May Pirates Weekend Plymouth Grab your Jolly Rogers and eyepatches to make sure you look the part, before hopping on board tall ships, meeting lovable rogue Captain Jack Sparrow, following the pirate trail, watching the street entertainers and much more at the Barbican and Sutton Harbour.

23 May Lord Mayor’s Day Welcome the city’s new Lord Mayor to the role with a day of free family fun in the city centre. Making the most of this year’s Mayflower 400 commemorations, the day will have an American theme and there will be lots to see and do, with entertainers, a trail and free activities.

6 to 10 May Mayflower Ocean Festival Hoist the main sail with a week of ocean activity as part of the Mayflower 400 commemorations. Watch the start of the historic OSTAR and TWOSTAR yacht races, enjoy family fun at Pirates Weekend Plymouth, sing along at the three-day Shanty Shindig and

8-31 May Plymouth History Festival This city-wide programme of activity includes talks, tours, re-enactments and exhibitions run by local people and organisations in Plymouth. Coordinated by The Box and supported by Plymouth City Council, this celebration of Plymouth will also link with the Mayflower 400 commemorations.



The Wranglers Theatre

Company is proud to present Chicago at the Muse Theatre, Lipson Cooperative Academy. Be ‘Razzle Dazzled’ by this satirical tale of fame, murder and the media machine with some of the most well-known musical THE WRANGLERS THEATRE COMPANY THE MUSE THEATRE • LIPSON CO-OPERATIVE ACADEMY 27 - 30 MAY 2020 EVENINGS 7:30PM • SAT MATINEE 2:30PM TICKETS £12 • CONCESSIONS £10 • FAMILY £40 BOX OFFICE: 07754 823719 • WWW.THEWRANGLERS.CO.UK THIS AMATEUR PRODUCTION OF CHICAGO IS PRESENTED UNDER SPECIAL ARRANGEMENT WITH SAMUEL FRENCH, LTD.

theatre numbers. It’s an audience favourite for a reason and not to be missed! Tickets: 07754 823719 or thewranglers. co.uk

RHS members go free

RHS National Rhododendron Show supported by AFWM 25 & 26 April Spring Design for Living Craft Fair 1 – 3 May Rosemoor Live! Music and theatre 15 – 31 May A celebration of William Wordsworth’s daffodils until 27 April The Secret Garden family trail until 3 May Plant Heritage Spring Fair 9 & 1 May

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