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Colebrook Support Services
Improving lives - putting people first
Colebrook has been supporting vulnerable adults for over 35 years. Over the years, like other charities we have had to respond to local need, take opportunities as they’ve arisen and adapt to a changing world, so we look quite different now than we did then!
What is Colebrook Support Services?
We are a local charity which supports vulnerable adults to lead independent and fulfilling lives. Some people find managing a home, having relationships and being healthy and happy quite challenging, so at Colebrook, we aim to teach everyone the skills needed to live as independently as possible. Our clients are usually people who have a severe and enduring mental health condition, a learning disability, or are vulnerable in some other way - maybe they have experienced trauma in their lives or were never quite taught the skills that are needed to manage in everyday life.
How we do this?
We find out what area a person may have difficulties in – initially, we all need shelter, food and warmth. We then get to know the person better and aim to teach people the skills to meet other needs, while developing a plan with our clients to address other areas: for example, do they have any debt? Can the client look after their home and keep safe? Are they meeting their nutritional and health needs? Can they understand any medication and manage any symptoms? But life isn’t all about paying the bills and running a home! We also support people to improve their quality of life through their friends and relationships. Hobbies, recreation and spiritual needs are addressed and of course, meaningful activity and good citizenship, such as work, study and volunteering. Throughout all this we support our clients emotionally and signpost them to other services as appropriate.
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Where do we do this?
We have eight supported living projects in Plymouth – but some people receive support in their own home.We have many success stories – here’s a letter of thanks from one of our clients: ‘When I first moved into a Colebrook accommodation, I was a complete mess, and without any direction. But in time, I started a journey to get my life in check - a journey my support workers were with me on. They believed in me when I did not. It was enough to spur me on and to fight my battles and demons. Very early on I knew my support workers were with me, and not going to do it for me - I had to do it for myself. They of course encouraged me. ‘At first, I did start slipping back, but I spoke to all my support workers and started to believe in myself. I found strength and the fight I never knew I had, but with thanks to Colebrook, I knew I could do it, I just had to put my mind to it. So, I worked hard, and I made a commitment to myself to never hurt myself ever again, to never give up like I did in my past – giving up is not an option!! Today I am finally free from my past affecting me like it did. Life is to be cherished and lived to the full, with my dog I never thought I would have. Thank you to you all for being with me on my journey.’
Then and now
When we opened in 1983, our organisation only provided the direct support services described above. Now we have many other teams and services including the Healthwatch service for the whole of Devon, the Headspace and Headscount, community centres, a Wellbeing Hub, self-help groups funded by the lottery, and a gardening project. We have been working with individuals, communities and organisations in and around Plymouth for more than 35 years now and pride ourselves in putting people at the heart of everything we do. Our mission is to inspire and empower people and communities to achieve their independence and aspirations. We will achieve this by supporting people to achieve skills, realise goals and improve independence, support community independence and sustainable growth and involve people, providing them with a voice to help shape our services. If you are interested in receiving a support service from Colebrook, you would usually need a social worker to refer you – but some people also pay for their own support. We do not provide any personal care and support is a minimum of two hours – contact us via email on referrals@colebrooksw.org for more information. We are currently looking for board members who volunteer some time to help steer our organization; we also have other volunteering opportunities available. If you are interested in volunteering, please email us via enquiries@colebrooksw.org or call on 01752 205210. Finally, we are always interested in hearing from supportive and passionate people with the right ethos to help us achieve our mission and join our fantastically dedicated staff team. If you think this could be you please have a look at the vacancies on colebrooksw. org/jobs and see the wonderful and varied work our colleagues do at colebrooksw.org/colebrook-services.
Shelley Sanderson Senior Support Services Manager
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