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Outdoors & Active
Out and About with Tavistock Ramblers
A lovely walk for an early summer’s day, with John Noblet of Tavistock Ramblers. It is 6 miles but can be reduced to 4½ miles by taking the short-cut.
The lanes and hedgerows are full of flowers at this time of year and, on a clear day, the views are great. There is also the opportunity to visit Buckland Abbey and a couple of pubs along the way. Park on the roadside near the former Moorland Garden Hotel just off the A386 on Roborough Down. SX509654. Nearest postcode PL20 6BZ 1. Walk down the lane, over the cattle grid, and continue past Broad Oak
Farm. Go right at the next junction and just after Coombe Farm turn right through a metal gate signed as a public footpath. 2. Cross the footbridge and go up the field to a gate. Turn sharp left through a second gate and continue uphill keeping close to the hedge. Ignore a footpath sign and continue to a gate in the field corner. Go straight across the next field to reach a lane. 3. (For the short option turn left, then go right at the crossroads and straight on at the next crossroads to rejoin
the walk at waypoint 6.) Otherwise cross the lane and take the footpath almost opposite, into a field. Keep close to the hedge on the right, go through a gate and bear diagonally left to a small bridge over a stream. Follow the track uphill through a gateway, and then bear right, away from the track towards a gate in the top corner of the field. Emerge onto a lane and go straight ahead to reach another lane.

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4. Cross this and go through a gate onto a farm track.
Pass through two more gates, across a private drive and down towards an old stile close to a stone wall of an old kitchen garden. Continue straight ahead with the wall on the left to reach steps onto a lane.
5. Turn left but keep a look out for traffic. Pass a
T-junction to Buckland Monachorum and take the next left signed to Milton Combe. Continue on this lane for about half a mile.

6. Just after North Lodge go right though a gate onto a footpath into the grounds of Buckland Abbey. Cross a driveway into a field to reach a gate beside a second drive which is the main entrance to the abbey, if you wish to visit. Otherwise, continue straight ahead, crossing two fields to reach a road by a bus turning area. 7. Go right, passing the Milton Combe sign and continue for 300m to a footpath sign on the left. Go down this footpath, known as Goosey Lane, high above the village of Milton
Combe. Turn right at the bottom and go straight on to the church (unless you want to stop at The Who’d Have Thought
It Inn). Go left over the bridge and turn immediately right in front of a row of cottages. The route goes sharp left and up a steep old green lane which can be slippery if wet, so take care. 8. At the top, continue straight ahead, now climbing more gently as far as a gate with a footpath sign on the left.
Take the footpath into the field which has good views across the valley and towards Dartmoor. Go through five metal gates, keeping close to the hedge on the right, to reach a wooden gate and a lane. Turn right and almost immediately left. After 100m turn right onto a rough track. At the end, continue walking through the trees keeping the wall on the left all the way back to the lane where you parked. Hopefully by now, lockdown is a thing of the past and Tavistock Ramblers will have their usual programme of walks for the summer months. Visit www.tavistockramblers.org.uk to find out what is on offer.
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