19 minute read
North Tawton referendum - have your say!
Residents of the parish of North Tawton can vote on their Neighbourhood Plan on May 6th. If the plan is endorsed by a majority in this referendum, the Neighbourhood Plan will be considered in future planning decisions by West Devon Borough Council.
The plan has been put together over several years, involving hundreds of townspeople in questionnaires and consultation events. It puts forward a vision for the town from 2016 until 2034 covering housing, employment, community life, transport, commerce and the environment. It is available online - a leaflet outlining its contents and how it was developed has gone to every address on the electoral register. The referendum to be held on May 6th will ask residents a single question: ‘Do you want West Devon Borough Council to use North Tawton’s Neighbourhood Plan to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?’ People can vote ‘yes’ or ‘no’. Jean Trewhitt, chair of the Neighbourhood Plan steering group, said: ‘Communities were given the power to produce Neighbourhood Plans in order to have a say in the future development of their localities. A strict process of statutory consultation is laid down and must be followed before a plan can be drawn up.
‘In North Tawton, some issues raised fell outside the scope of planning
Dartmoor Railway Supporters Association
Dartmoor Railway Supporters Association (DRSA) is the all volunteer organisation dedicated to preserving the heritage of Okehampton station and the Dartmoor Line.
The group is currently working in partnership with Network Rail, GWR, Devon & Cornwall Rail Partnership and other stakeholders towards the re-opening of daily trains from Exeter to Okehampton. Its volunteers have helped maintain and look after the station for many years, including providing a museum and railway themed shop.
If you’d like to get involved, or for further details, please see the DRSA website or Facebook page at www.dartmoorrailway-sa.org or www.facebook.com/ dartmoorrailway.sa regulations, these have been noted as community actions to be taken forward in different ways.
‘The final stage for a Neighbourhood Plan is a referendum, so now the people of North Tawton have the final say on whether the plan should be used in planning decisions made about the town in the future.’
The plan can be viewed at www. northtawtonneighbourhoodplan.co.uk - if you can’t access the internet and want to see the plan please phone 01837 880121. For further information contact North Tawton Town Council on 01837 880121 or Jean Trewhitt at jean.trewhitt@northtawtontowncouncil. gov.uk

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The Beacon Shared Path
Sticklepath is a small village with few buses and roads and lanes busy with motor vehicles. Very few have verges or pavements, making walking, cycling, horse riding and buggy use risky, especially for school children walking between villages to school or using the main road.
A group of villagers have got together to try and get a dedicated shared/cycle path from Sticklepath to Okehampton, about five kilometres away. We also want to link the path to the primary school in South Zeal.
We have a vision of safe, active travel for everyone across our area. Many more people would walk or cycle if it was safer to do so. Enabling children and young people to get to school and college other than by car or bus would enhance health and wellbeing. Reducing traffic congestion associated with schools would be beneficial also.
A shared path would provide a route onto Dartmoor for walkers and cyclists from Okehampton and train users too, so has potential for tourist businesses.
We have had an initial report from Sustrans - the next stage is raising £6,500 for the full feasibility study. We have had a generous donation from Okehampton Medical Centre and have a crowdfunder to raise as much as we can. When we reach our target the project funding will need to come from government, local and national. Ultimately we would like to see a joined up shared way encircling Dartmoor. To support this project go to crowdfunder. co.uk/beacon-shared-path
Cllr Lyn Daniel

Story bags at Okehampton Library

Friends of Okehampton Library have successfully secured a £500 grant from the local county councillor’s Locality Budget to fund story bags for families. Staff have been able to purchase enough books, puppets and wooden characters to put together 18 story bags, available for loan to families in the community.
Families have been missing their weekly story time sessions in the library, a time when staff read to the children and include props and story sacks to enhance the experience. Unfortunately, due to social distancing measures, this valuable activity is not currently available.
Reading together helps to develop many skills including listening, language, communication, empathy, and reading, while also helping to build bonds between adult and child. Using props with stories brings the story to life and helps to improve a child’s imagination and ability to make and tell stories of their own, in addition to developing social and emotional skills. For these reasons, staff at Okehampton Library were keen to find a way to help local families enjoy story time at home. Each story bag contains a picture book and either puppets or wooden characters, plus hints and tips on reading with your child. Contact Okehampton Library on 01837 52805 for the list of story bags available for loan.
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What Rotary means to me

Having spent a 35-year career as a lecturer in London, I took early retirement and moved to Okehampton ten years ago and set up my own educational consultancy company. What struck me first about the South West and especially Okehampton, was the sense of community - around this time four employers closed with a loss of jobs, but the community rallied around and supported those affected. When attending a Rotary May Fair I was impressed with the professional set up, and made enquiries on how I could make a difference, and put something back into the community that had welcomed my family. So eight years ago, I joined Okehampton Rotary, part of Rotary International which has Rotary Clubs in almost every country in the world. The overriding principle of Rotary is ‘service to others before oneself’, a simple principle which is not connected to any religious organisation, although a lot of members from all faiths are members.
When the WHO declared the Covid-19 pandemic in March 2020, Rotary Okehampton decided we could best serve the community by supporting the Covid-19 Support Group and the Food Bank, as a means of identifying those most in need. To date we have supplied food vouchers, gardening and craft tokens, freezers, washing machines, beds and computers via the response team. This year in conjunction with Okehampton United Charities and Oaktree Occasions, we supplied and delivered Christmas dinners to some of the most vulnerable on behalf of the community. If you feel you would like to know more about Rotary, contact us at rotaryokehampton@outlook.com. Alternatively, if you would like to support our efforts, we can collect donations towards our dwindling funds through: www.easyfundraising. org.uk , Amazon Smile and Crowdfunding on JustGiving. Further details will be available on the club website and Facebook page. Donations can also be made directly via BAC’s to the Rotary Club of Okehampton: Sort Code 54-21-14 Account 22093400.
We are now gearing ourselves up for the number of requests for support that will inevitably come in post-Covid, so any assistance would be gratefully received. As part of this process, we shall be selling raffle tickets for a family day at Harry Potter World, for two adults and two children under 11. Further details will be available soon.
Thank you Okehampton for making our work possible.
Hugh McPhillips
Rotary President
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News from Belstone CC
In mid-March, work started on the longplanned new pavilion, with a morning’s hard toil with picks and shovels and a mechanical digger. A 10-metre long, one-metre deep trench was dug, later filled with concrete, as the first stage of the foundations at the back of the building. Hopefully, this summer normal service will be resumed on the cricket field. At Belstone a full program of Division One North Devon League Sunday afternoon fixtures are in place. There will be fewer teams in the mid week evening T20 Buckley Cup than previously so, giving the opportunity to arrange more friendly games against old friends like Yeoford, Spreyton and Tedburn. If you are a regular player new to the area, or fancy playing for the first time in a while for a friendly, we’d love to hear from you – contact Club Secretary Chris Walpole on 01837 840498 or email chris.walpole1@ outlook.com.
In 2019 Belstone joined the All Stars Cricket initiative for five to eight year olds organised by the England and Wales Cricket Board – it was great fun for the 35 youngsters who got involved, and for the adults who helped run it.

Phil Dennis and Barry Woods (foreground) cut the first sods for the new pavilion. Picture by Chris Walpole
This had to be cancelled last year but now All Stars is kicking off again and it will be joined by Dynamos Cricket, specially designed for eight to eleven year olds. Both all-action programmes look to get lots of youngsters involved in the game over eight Friday evenings at Rew Meadow, starting on Friday, June 4th. The activity and game based sessions are suitable for all skill levels, providing your child with the foundations to begin a lifelong love of physical activity and cricket, while making friends in a safe and enjoyable environment. All Stars kids receive their own personalised kit bag of cricket stuff and Dynamos kids get personalised T-shirts and play a fast-paced and exciting game of 60-ball countdown cricket every week, mimicking the new Hundred professional game. At Belstone the sessions will be led by senior player Richard Drake, All Stars running between 5.30pm and 6.30pm and Dynamos between 6.45pm and 7.45pm. For more details and to register your child visit www.allstarscricket.co.uk or www.dynamoscricket.co.uk and search for Belstone.
Chris Walpole
Belstone Cricket Club
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The Dartmoor Diary
Good news at The Toy Shop
Just published is a very special edition of the Dartmoor Pony Society (DPS) ‘Dartmoor Diary’, celebrating 50 years since the first black and white issue in 1971. The full colour illustrated diary is a celebration of Dartmoor ponies worldwide as well as a source of information for breeders and enthusiasts alike.
The DPS is the ‘Mother’ Society for the traditional Dartmoor pony worldwide. The Diary includes stallions at stud, updates from Members and ‘Daughter’ Societies from as far afield as Orkney in the UK to Europe and America, as well as highlighting characters of the Dartmoor pony world, past and present, four-legged and two!
There are articles on pony registration and showing rules and a particular focus on rare bloodlines – including an appeal to all those interested in the breed to come forward if they know the whereabouts of any of the ponies that have these bloodlines - or their progeny.
It is included free with Dartmoor Pony Society Membership (see website www.dartmoorponysociety.com)
Despite recent lockdown restrictions, times are exciting for Jade OliverDeacon, owner of The Toy Shop in Okehampton.
She celebrated her fifth anniversary at the shop at the end of last year and recently learned she is the recipient of a national industry award, earning ‘Super Hero’ recognition from the Toy, Craft and Hobby Association. Jade said: ‘They launched it last year because of lockdown. They went to all the suppliers and manufacturers and asked them to nominate people who had gone above and beyond to keep their businesses going and more importantly, support their customers. I was amazed and completely delighted to have won it!’ Jade is also delighted to announce that thanks to the generosity of her suppliers and customers, a charity fundraiser she ran at the end of last year raised an incredible £1,300 for Hospiscare - despite the shop being closed for November due to coronavirus lockdowns.
‘I’d like to say a huge thank you to everyone - without you I couldn’t have done it,’ said Jade, who has just launched a new, easy to navigate website for the shop www. thetoyshopoke.co.uk
‘I’m trying to offer the level of service online that customers expect when they walk into the shop - the feedback so far has been really positive!’ or can be purchased separately for £12 including P&P from Viv Brown, DPS Secretary, email: secretary@ dartmoorponysociety.com or call 01269 844303.
We look forward to s ing you again soon! A small independent toy shop, stocking all the popular brands such as Lego, Orchard Toys, Green Toys, Lottie, Schleich, Smart Games, Djeco & Nerf. If you’re looking for something a little bit different, then come and see our range of toys that you wont see anywhere else in town! Receive a warm welcome and helpful advice.

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Thank you to Pat!
Pat Sawyer joined Okehampton and District Community Transport Group (ODCTG) in 2000 when she and her husband Tony moved to the area. Tony became a volunteer driver and Pat joined the committee before taking on the role of Chairman. Pat also worked at Okehampton Library and was involved with West Devon CVS. Tony worked at Castle Drogo for the National Trust and Pat volunteered as a ‘meet and greet’ or in the office.
They have now taken a much deserved retirement from their roles but will still be volunteering at the castle when it is able to re-open to visitors. Pat recently stood down as ODCTG chairman but has agreed to stay on as a trustee. The new chairman is Cllr Tony Leech, who became a trustee after sitting on the committee for many years.
Tony said: ‘I would like to thank Pat for her long term dedication to the Okehampton and District Community Transport Group. She joined the group some twenty years ago when it was in its infancy, and has helped it grow into the extremely well and professionally run organisation that it is today. ‘She should be very proud of what she has been able to do to help the many thousands of people who have used, and continue to use, our community transport services.’ Due to the current restrictions ODCTG has been unable to have a get together to celebrate but hopes to hold its annual volunteers’ cream tea in the summer.

I think I’m being underpaid
I am over 25 and entitled to the National Living Wage, but suspect I am being underpaid. How can I find out if I’m being paid the right amount, and claim what I am owed from my employer? If you think you’ve been underpaid, you should act quickly. Check your payslip - you will be able to see the number of hours you’ve worked, the rate you’ve been paid at and if there have been any deductions. Ask your employer to explain anything you don’t understand, and tell them why you think you have been underpaid. If there was a genuine mistake, ask your employer to pay you straight away. You shouldn’t have to wait until next payday.
If your employer refuses to pay back your wages you can formally raise a grievance, either by writing to your employer or following your company’s
Planning to buy or sell property is exciting, but there’s a lot to it! Be as prepared as you can be by getting conveyancing advice early. We offer face-to-face appointments every Wednesday afternoon in Okehampton.
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31 High Street, Crediton, Devon, EX17 3AJ grievance procedure. If this still doesn’t work, you can take your employer to a tribunal. Contact the Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (Acas) on 0300 123 1100, or visit www.acas.org.uk, who will see if your employer will agree to a conciliation process, rather than go to court. Otherwise you can take your employer to a tribunal.
From April 1st, 2021, the Government has announced that the national living wage will apply if you are aged 23 and over, and will rise to £8.91 per hour. Otherwise, the following national minimum wage rates apply: Aged 21 – 22, £8.36 per hour; Aged 18 – 20, £6.56 per hour; Aged under 18, £4.62 per hour; Apprentice £4.30 per hour.
Further advice and information is available from citizensadvice.org.uk
New trustee for Okehampton United Charities
The trustees of Okehampton United Charities, the organisation which distributes grant support to groups, schools and individuals in Okehampton and its hamlets, has welcomed a new member.
Joanna Drew has lived in Okehampton for 18 years, having lived in Devon for nearly her life. She is a single parent of two children - one of whom is now a trainee solicitor, while her youngest is studying Economics at university. Her daughter was the first of her family to go to university. Jo said: ‘I am the fundraising manager at Gilead Foundations Charity, which provides a supported living service, giving me valuable experience helping women who have had addictions, experienced homelessness and domestic abuse. I have been involved with Gilead since I was 18, having had my last work experience from college there. I enjoyed house parenting and catering for large numbers and this led on to finding much joy in all kinds of fundraising for the charity. Some funders have paid residents’ debts, provided laptops for education and paid for a gardener to teach horticultural skills.’
As an active member of Okehampton Baptist Church, Jo often plays the drums or guitar and has worked with the youth at the church for ten years. She has also taken up running over the last few years, enjoying the wonderful countryside on our doorstep. Jo added: ‘It’s with great excitement and gratitude that I have been chosen to join the Trustees to serve the community of Okehampton.’
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Tips for a healthy pond this summer
Now’s the time to ensure your pond is 100% fit for Summer. Fish have starting getting active again, as has sunlight.
Here are some top tips:
1. Make sure your equipment is running effectively. Check your pump, clean the impeller of sludge. Ensure filter foams are OK – if not, replace – 1-2 foams to start with, and a few weeks later the rest - this gives good bacteria time to grow.

2. Check pond hoses and fixings and replace if necessary.
3. Use a filter booster, especially if replacing foams. Live Filter Bacteria helps establish your filter and will reduce sludge.
4. Replace your UV Bulb, if not done already. With stronger sunlight, algae will grow quickly. 5. If you have sludge in the bottom of your pond use a PondVac, or a natural Sludge bomb.
6. Remove dead or rotting plants and replant with new, ensuring you have oxygenating plants. 7. Fertilise pond plants with a slow release aquatic food for maximum growth.
8. Start to feed your fish with regular protein food. 9. Test your water – this can tell you a great deal about the state of your pond.
10. Keep your fish safe from herons with netting or heron deterrents.
If you have any problems with your pond that you can’t fathom yourself, visit Bow Garden & Aquatic Centre at Bow near Crediton or call 01363 82438 and one of their friendly team will be able to help you.
Hat trick of awards for Devon Yurt
Devon Yurt, established in 2007, is a pioneer in the Glamping world. It remains at the peak of its game as for a third consecutive year, it has won a top award from Visit Devon, for the best Glamping business in Devon. This year, they were awarded Silver, last year, they clinched Gold and previously, a Silver. Devon Yurt, owned by Julia Martin, are also finalists for best Glamping in the South West Tourism Excellence Awards, the third consecutive year they will scoop a major title at this level - they also have a gold award from Green
2019/2020 SILVER

Devon Yurt
Luxury Glamping Holidays
Seclusion and privacy at its very best
Tourism, recognising a business with a significant investment in green issues and sustainability.
With just two yurts in their own private paddocks on a beautiful West Devon farm overlooking Dartmoor, guests enjoy natural surroundings in luxury. Each yurt has its own firepit and log-fired hot tub; Julia has even ordered a new barrel sauna, arriving later this season.
There are rare breed animals to meet, great places to visit and a range of local food items can be delivered to the door - from breakfast baskets, BBQ packs - even a pizza pack. To sample a touch of glamping luxury close to home this summer, use code LINKS21 to qualify for a free hot tub session during your stay. For further information visit www. devonyurt.co.uk or telephone Julia on 01822 870366.