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October 17 Okehampton Carnival
While Okehampton Carnival 2020 cannot be the usual packed social family occasion that it normally is due to the restrictions of the Covid 19 pandemic, this year’s event will still aim to provide fun for all, with its aptly named theme ‘A Little Light Relief’.
With the coronavirus situation remaining fluid and subject to change at short notice, the organisers reluctantly decided that the traditional procession would not be appropriate in such difficult conditions. The carnival committee is holding some fancy dress classes and hopefully a small parade in the afternoon. Details of the fancy dress classes can be found on the entry forms which will be available, as usual, from Donald’s Menswear in the high street. Sponsorship for these classes will be much appreciated.
The Best Decorated Shop Window Competition will also be taking place. There’s no theme this year offering plenty of scope for the imagination. If you wish to enter or would like to sponsor one of the classes, please contact the committee through its Facebook page or telephone Karen (07434 161606) or Sally (07821 049538)
As some people may still have reservations about large gatherings, some classes can be entered while being ‘socially distanced’. For logistical reasons, these classes are only open to residents of Okehampton or Okehampton Hamlets. These classes are: Class 1 - Decorated paper plate - ages 5 and under; Class 2 - Decorated paper plate - ages 6 to 11; Class 3 - Decorated paper plate - ages 12 to 17; Class 4 - Decorated paper plate - ages 18 and over. Please use only felt pens, crayons, pencils and paint to decorate your plate, put your name and contact details on the back and bring it along to the Jubilee Bridge in Simmons Park between 10am and noon on Sunday, October 11th.
Class 5 - Decorated hat - ages 5 and under; Class 6 - Decorated hat - ages 6 to 11; Class 7 - Decorated hat - ages 12 to 17; Class 8 - Decorated hat - ages 18 and over. Take a picture of the hat, either with someone wearing it or on its own, and either private message along with contact details to the carnival Facebook page or send to Sally Wilson, 16 Holley Park. Okehampton EX20 1PL by October 1st.
Class 9 - Decorated window. Decorate one window that can be seen from the pavement, so the judges do not have to enter your property, and either private message your contact details to the carnival Facebook page or pick up an entry form from Donalds Menswear. Closing date for entries 1st October. Judging will take place between October 10th and 14th.
There will be four fancy dress classes for girls and boys aged between four and under and eleven to 15 years of age which will be judged on October 17th during the carnival. More details can be found on the entry forms available from Donald’s Menswear.
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