7 minute read
SPRING gardening
Time to rejuvenate those borders...
Early spring is a great time to revitalise garden borders that have become lacklustre, overcrowded, or somehow never quite satisfactory. New plants can be settled in before the growing season really kicks off ; mature shrubs may be rejuvenated by hard pruning; herbaceous perennials and ornamental grasses can be divided to turn single plants or small groups into large, eye-catching drifts. It’s easy to overlook how plants grow and change over time and a once-attractive border will have plants that have grown at diff erent speeds to become unbalanced. Start by looking at the largest plants – usually shrubs, sometimes conifers. Even quite mature plants, particularly evergreens, can be moved to a new site if done with care. It very much depends on the type and the root system, but if a plant is in the wrong place, it’s worth a go. Do check for nesting birds fi rst, though, and delay until autumn if you have any residents. Get the new planting hole prepared fi rst; dig round the plant and slip a piece of tarp underneath to keep as much soil round the roots as possible. The other option is to hard prune: the usual method of rejuvenating a mature plant is to thin out about a third of the oldest stems near the ground, letting light and air through the congested

centre and encourages new growth. However, there are some shrubs such as camellias and laurels that can be taken back almost to the ground, even when mature, and which will regrow really well. Also late-summer fl owering shrubs such as butterfl y bush (Buddleja) can be hard pruned in total too. Introducing just a few new plants to a border can make an astonishing transformation. Think about contrasting shape, foliage, and stem colour, as these will impact all year. Flowers are delightful, of course, and choosing blooms for a succession of colour through every season will pay dividends. Choose pollinator-friendly plants wherever possible: bees, butterfl ies and other insects need every bit of help we can give. Go to www.rhs.org.uk for an extensive downloadable list of Plants for Pollinators. Fortunately, garden centres and nurseries have mostly remained open during lockdown (check opening times fi rst though) and it’s great to continue to support local businesses wherever possible. n
Plant lily bulbs in tubs or in the ground, into soil or compost that is organic matter and well drainage. Not all are scented, so if perfume is your priority, plant regal lily (Lilium regale) and sumptuous Oriental hybrids. Big clumps of crocus and snowdrops can be transplanted now by lifting the clump, separating into several clusters of bulbs, and replanting. Keep on top of weed seedlings. A regular whizz round with a hoe to slice off young weeds – on a dry day - saves hours of backbreaking work later. Avoid weedkiller and instead kill weeds the slow and easy way, by covering the ground with lightexcluding brown cardboard or landscaping fabric. Plant seed potatoes, onion sets, shallot, and garlic varieties that are suitable for spring planting. Add or expand the water in your garden to benefi t wildlife. A pond is fantastic and can be made to any size. Even just a bird bath will be a big attraction: do clean and refresh the water regularly and remember to clean bird feeders too.

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Can a garden be both beautiful and low maintenance?
Gardens off er a natural escape and a haven from the pressures of life. However, ‘I love my garden, but not the work!’ is a common complaint amongst householders. For some people life is just too busy to fi t those precious gardening hours into a hectic weekly schedule. For others, whilst passionate about gardening, they fi nd that keeping on top of the mowing is getting too much. So what are the options for a beautiful but low maintenance outdoor space? One increasingly popular option is artifi cial grass. Latest manufacturing technologies mean that modern, fake grasses are very realistic with brown thatch woven into the root zone to resemble real biomass. Artifi cial grass provides the perfect lawn without the mowing, mud and maintenance hassle of natural grass, and by retaining plant borders, the overall eff ect looks very natural. Artifi cial grass is both pet and child-friendly, and is an ideal solution for sloping, smaller, unusual shaped lawns or tricky-to-access areas with a lawn mower. Front lawn installations are just as popular as back lawns, since artifi cial grass can give a property instant ‘kerb appeal’ – looking tidy and well-kept all year round. Decking is an attractive option for creating a social space in your garden. There are some fantastic natural-looking decking boards which are anti-slip and eco-friendly, made from recycled materials. These decks look amazingly like wood but come without the maintenance headaches and they will outlast wood by many, many years. Yelverton-based family fi rm Green Scheme has been creating low maintenance, outdoor spaces for over 10 years for both domestic and commercial customers. One recent Green Scheme customer, Brian Crawford, said: ‘A large acer tree shaded the lawn a lot of the time, so it was always patchy and tatty. It was high maintenance. Now, it’s a piece of cake. And it looks entirely authentic – I don’t think anyone would look at the lawn and think it’s not real.’ For expert advice and a free quote contact 01822 855427 or visit: greenschemegrass.com n

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