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Revealing Plymouth’s shipwrecked histories with 3D scanning
Archaeological artefacts recovered from shipwrecks in Plymouth Sound that reveal Plymouth’s links to empire, slavery and indenture have been brought to life through 3D scanning at Fab Lab Plymouth, in a MoorswayMoorsway collaboration between Plymouth College of Art’s Smart Citizens Programme, local archaeological team the SHIPS Project and internationally-renowned artist and FederationFederation photographer, Dr Mohini Chandra. Using 3D scanning technology important maritime Where learning is Where learning is an adventure!an adventure!
objects discovered by the SHIPS team were digitally recorded in intricate detail and reproduced through 3D printing. The objects scanned include a copper manilla - an early trade token for the West Africa trade - recovered from a likely slave wreck in Plymouth Sound (c. 15801680) and a copper rag bolt recovered from a Royal Navy ship, HMS Amethyst (1811). Through the innovative use of digital fabrication processes, the archaeological fi nds were recorded for future research and had their stories brought to life, creating accurate 3D printed replicas that can be handled without causing damage to the original artefacts. The SHIPS Project, an independent archaeology research group and community interest company, can now use the 3D prints as an educational tool, allowing the public to physically connect with elements of Plymouth’s maritime histories that were previously hidden on the seabed of Plymouth Sound. n
Stray Finds
As part of the collaboration local people were invited to join the Stray Finds event at Plymouth College of Art to view Dr Mohini Chandra’s exhibition Paradise Lost at MIRROR, examine shipwreck artefacts and ‘treasure’ and visit the Fab Lab. Local divers and collectors from the South West were also invited to bring favourite fi nds along to show and to discuss them with archaeology experts from the SHIPS Project team. Mallory Haas, Director of the SHIPS Project, said: ‘We started the Stray Finds Project so we could see what the diving community has recovered over the last 50 years. The diving community is very active in Plymouth and in the South West, and because the sports divers hold a great deal of knowledge on the shipwrecks and fi nds recovered from the coast, it’s important to record this information before we lose the chance. Many of these fi nds are common things, like Victorian bottles and bass material recovered from metal wrecks. However, in many divers’ collections is a rare item that may be misidentifi ed, as we have seen many times before. This is how we discovered the only seen many times before. This is how we discovered the only Roman-Greeco lead ancho core to be found in the UK, or several Bronze age stone anchors, and the most amazing roman pottery and amphoras. ‘The information these artefacts hold tells the story of the earliest trade with Britain, these artefacts are of great signifi cance and are vital to telling the story of Plymouth as a maritime landscape. By holding events like the Stray Finds day at Plymouth College of Art, we are building a relationship with the diving community and locals who have an interest in history. By holding the event at the College we are expanding the reach events like this can have beyond the diving and maritime community, and involving students and academics that usually may not know this type of culture exists.’ This activity has been supported by The Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport, who fund the Cultural Development Fund, which is administered by Arts Council England.

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