6 minute read
What a year
Time to refl ect - and to look forward

As another academic year has drawn to a close at Cornwood C of E Primary School, we have taken time to not only look back at possibly the most unpredictable academic year in our collective memories, but also to look forward to the beginning of a new academic year! But what have we, as school leaders, learned from the challenges of delivering education during a global pandemic?
C- Creative thinking and sharing our experiences with our sister schools has helped us solve problems, such as how to deliver learning to all pupils, whether in school or at home. O – Our team became stronger as we faced adversity together. Our ability to adapt at short notice was paramount and everyone had a part to play in supporting the children and families in our care. R - Resilience is a key skill in times of change and our children’s resilience shone through even when everything felt like a challenge. We are so proud of them all! N – Not all superheroes wear capes! Ours are our staff , who consistently go the extra mile and have kept us all safe, supported and motivated to learn W – Wellbeing has been key – both emotional and physical. Acknowledging the pressures that have faced both staff and pupils, at home and at school, during a time in which life has been far from ‘normal’. O - Outdoor learning enabled us to retain a sense of ‘normal’ and Forest School is great for our mental health. O – Opportunities present themselves in the most unexpected ways. Curriculum teams were strengthened and knowledge and expertise further shared. D – Determination to succeed has been consistently displayed by all at Cornwood School and we are truly proud of, and grateful to, our wonderful staff , children and families!

The Christian ethos of our school has been further strengthened this year with the transformation of a small grassed area into our very own Spirituality Garden. The amazing PTA team designed and built this incredible space for the children to use, allowing a peaceful area for thoughts and refl ection. The many diff erent fl owers, shrubs and plants were all chosen specifi cally to add a variety of senses to be experienced. The water feature allows the mind to drift in calm relaxation - let’s just hope for some more sunshine to warm us as we take those moments. Our Year 6 children, in particular, have led by example and remained focused throughout the uncertainty of the year. They missed many traditional milestones, such as their leading roles in the Christmas Nativity, Junior Ten Tors, a celebration residential to Grenville House, assemblies and opportunities to showcase their talents and even their SATs tests due to stringent lockdown rules. However, they embraced the adaptations to school life and had a wonderful day of outdoor challenges and activities at The Dewerstone at Shaugh Prior, where

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they worked as a team within their class bubble. There was a collective sigh of relief when it was confi rmed that Sports Day could go ahead, with a parental audience, the fi rst event for nearly 18 months. There were also end of term events to enjoy, including a pool party and leaver’s celebration assembly. We wish each of them every success as they move forward into their secondary education and the next phase of their educational journey, we will miss them greatly. Moorsway Federation Moorsway Federation As we look forward to the new academic year, we have high hopes for the return of some normality and the chances to mix across the school and our wider Federation, enjoying the Where learning is Where learning is company of others beyond our own classrooms! an adventure!an adventure!Already our staff are busy planning next year’s curriculum. We are looking to ensure that our children know their place in the world and with curiosity they will enquire and explore through their geography units on earthquakes, volcanoes and mountains and others. As historians we want our children to think critically about the facts and opinions of the past, investigating signifi cant fi gures such as Nelson Mandela and how he infl uenced the modern world they are now a part of. We are excited to again be creative across our art and technology curriculum, exploring “ Already our staff are busy planning next year’s artists, such as Cezanne, Anatsui and Klee. We want to be able to deliver a curriculum. We are looking wide range of inspiring artists from across the world, who will ignite our to ensure that our children children’s talents and originality. know their place in the As the second academic year in a world and with curiosity pandemic comes to a close, we really can refl ect on how adaptable we all they will enquire and are and how we can certainly make explore. ” the best of the opportunities that we have. We are a team that support and encourage each other, no matter what comes our way. We are so very proud of our school and all that we continue to achieve. n Sara-Jane Baker Assistant Executive Head, Cornwood Primary School

Moorsway Federation Shaugh Prior Primary School Moorsway Federation Where learning is an adventure! Where learning is • Small class sizes • A broad and balanced curriculum an adventure!• Experienced teams of dedicated staff • Weekly Forest School programme
The Erme
Primary School
Shaugh Prior Cornwood C of E Primary School Primary School
The Erme
Primary School
Cornwood C of E
Primary School
Shaugh Prior Shaugh Prior Primary School Primary School
The Erme Primary School 01752 839373 shaughprior @moorsway.devon.sch.uk The Erme Primary School 01752 839373 shaughprior @moorsway.devon.sch.uk Cornwood C of E Primary School 01752 892247 theerme @moorsway.devon.sch.uk Cornwood C of E Primary School 01752 892247 theerme @moorsway.devon.sch.uk 01752 83737501752 837375 cornwoodcornwood @moorsway.devon.sch.uk @moorsway.devon.sch.uk
• Each child is valued and known to all the staff • Residential opportunities in years 4, 5 & 6 • Outdoor adventurous activity opportunities ●● Please contact us to arrange a visit with our Head Teacher, Mr Hall, or Assistant Head,
Mrs Baker, where we can share in your child’s journey www.moorswayfederation.org.uk
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