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Veteran focused events are a hit at Age UK Plymouth

Funding from the Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust makes Veteran project a reality
Earlier in the year Age UK Plymouth was awarded funding from the Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust for Armed Forces Veterans, aged over 50 or living with a disability in the city of Plymouth. After appointing Michael Truelove, a former Royal Marine Commando with over 25 years service, as project lead, Age UK Plymouth started to deliver a number of events for Armed Forces Veterans across the city. An instant hit, Sticky Bun Morning held at Age UK Plymouth’s HQ in Mount Gould every Tuesday has become a mainstay of the weekly calendar at the centre. With an enviable selection of pastries, a steady stream of tea and coff ee and a regular crew chatting and socialising, the organisation has been delighted by the engagement and new ‘recruits’ continue to join every week. Michael also established the Veterans Brunch Club held across two Age UK Plymouth Centres on various days throughout the month. A full English with tea, coff ee and toast for just £5 is the perfect weekend treat with just the same opportunities for connecting with and enjoying the company of fellow veterans. After all that good grub, the Veterans Walking Football Team is a welcome bit of exercise! Meeting each Monday at Brickfi elds Sports Centre the team are on the lookout for new players; facilities are available to play both indoors and out, so the beautiful game faces no threat from the unpredictable weather. Michael Truelove, Armed Forces Veterans Project Lead, said: ‘We’d like to thank the Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust for their funding of this project. It’s wonderful to be able to provide a space and a service for Veterans to come along, drag up a sandbag and swing the Lantern on some incredible experiences while serving and have some banter. No matter whether it was Navy, Army or RAF, we all have one thing in common - we are all veterans!’ Whilst attendance has continued to grow, so have the ideas for the project. Suggestions are coming in from the group and so far plans include: day trips, walks, pub lunches and visits to places of interest chosen by the group. There is also an ambition to take a longer trip to the National Memorial Arboretum in Staff ordshire. Age UK Plymouth Team has just started facilitating a free weekly shuttle service to transport Plymouth
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Veterans to The Eden Project to take part in their Space To Grow Programme; a 12 week series supported by The Veterans’ Foundation to encourage managing mental health and wellbeing through practical horticultural skills. Over the course of the programme veterans are invited to join a small group of like-minded people in a safe and secure garden situated in the grounds of the Eden Project. Anyone over the aged of 50 or living with a disability in the City of Plymouth is welcome to join the group, for more information visit https://bit.ly/ AUKPVeteranSupport or email michael.truelove@ ageukplymouth.org.uk. n
Lindsay Turpin
For the latest news: Follow Age UK Plymouth on social media and sign up to the newsletter at www.ageuk.org.uk/plymouth, you can follow the links on the website to make a donation to Age UK Plymouth and help make projects like these possible.
Veterans Club walking football

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