5 minute read
Sparkwell Primary School
Learning to make a difference
Situated just over a mile outside Plympton, Sparkwell Primary school is in an enviable location with woods on the doorstep, lots of birdsong, clean air and a rural setting. There can’t be many schools where you can hear the lions from the Zoo nearby roaring as you arrive in the morning! We have a purpose built school that we relocated to in 2016 (from the older cramped Victorian school), with modern, airy classrooms and a large playing fi eld. We can take 15 children into Foundation each year and classes from Year 1 to Year 6 have two year groups per class. We have a growing number of families that live within Sparkwell or outlying rural hamlets, but the majority of our children live in the Chaddlewood area of Plympton. We have 98 children in the school across four classes, which enables us to keep a family feel and know all of our families really well. We are a Single Academy Trust, which means we are not part of any large multi academy trusts and can make the decisions that are right for our children. The school has a headteacher, four class teachers, two offi ce staff , caretaker and cleaner, a school cook and seven teaching assistants (including two forest school leaders). We also have a school dog, Luna the cavapoo! We have a Board of Trustees who are the governors for our school and meet half termly. Children join us from a wide range of pre-school settings and childminders and we have good links with the Little Orchard Montessori Nursery in the village. At the end of Year 6, most of our children move on to Plympton Academy or Ivybridge Community College, but we also have children going onto Heles, the grammar schools or further afi eld to Totnes or into Plymouth. Since opening as a free school in 2015 we have had two ‘Good’ Ofsted reports - the last in 2019 stated: ‘The school environment is calm and purposeful. During lessons, pupils across the school are focused, respectful and attentive. The innovative curriculum motivates and engages pupils.’

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Our mission statement is ‘learning to make a diff erence’ and we do this by making sure children are put at the heart of all we do, while also preparing them for life in a global society. We teach the core values of respect, resilience, responsibility and creativity through a broad and balanced curriculum and ensure we give children of all ages opportunities to go out on trips and to enjoy visitors, especially artists and musicians. We enjoy PE and sports and take part in inter-school in Plymouth where all your non recyclable rubbish gets competitions and off er a range of sports clubs. We teach burned and converted into energy. Forest School to children from Reception to Year 6 and As with all schools, the last year has been challenging but Moorsway Federation Moorsway Federation were the fi rst school in the UK to be accredited as a recognised forest school provider by the Forest School Association - we have successfully renewed this three times and we attract students coming to visit from other parts of the UK as well as international students. we are pleased to be coming out the other side and back to some normality. During lockdowns our families did an excellent job of supporting learning at home, teachers worked incredibly hard to deliver online learning and all staff worked well together to support the children of key Where learning is Where learning is Research shows that time outdoors supports mental health and builds resilience and communication skills. workers who were in school. In the summer term we are looking forward to visits an adventure!an adventure! Last year we were ready to take part in Junior Ten Tors and have fi ngers crossed it will go ahead in 2022, as the from a musician and an author and hopefully trips to the beach, Dartmoor and a residential visit to Dewerstone children have been disappointed to miss out. Cottage. We practised our maypole dancing for a May We believe it is important to make children Day celebration, hope to hold sports day, organise a litter environmentally aware; we were the third school in Devon pick and are planning a sleepover. to achieve Eco School’s highest award, the ‘Green Flag’ Although we are over-subscribed for this September we and we have the Plastic Free schools award. We have have some spaces in other year groups and we welcome an eco committee who help plan events such as World enquiries from families wanting to fi nd out more for entry Ocean Day or Switch Off fortnight and this term we Ocean Day or Switch Off fortnight and this term we to school in 2022. You can also fi nd out more about us at have completed a virtual tour www.sparkwell.devon.sch.uk or c sparkwellschool n of the Energy from Waste plant Fran McLoughlin, Headteacher
Moorsway Federation Shaugh Prior Primary School Shaugh Prior Primary School Moorsway Federation Where learning is an adventure! The Erme Primary School Cornwood C of E Primary School The Erme Primary School Cornwood C of E Primary School Where learning is • Small class sizes • A broad and balanced curriculum an adventure!• Experienced teams of dedicated staff • Weekly Forest School programme • Each child is valued and known to all the staff Shaugh Prior Primary School Shaugh Prior Primary School The Erme Primary School 01752 839373 shaughprior @moorsway.devon.sch.uk The Erme Primary School 01752 839373 shaughprior @moorsway.devon.sch.uk Cornwood C of E Primary School 01752 892247 theerme @moorsway.devon.sch.uk Cornwood C of E Primary School 01752 892247 theerme @moorsway.devon.sch.uk 01752 837375 cornwood @moorsway.devon.sch.uk 01752 837375 cornwood @moorsway.devon.sch.uk • Residential opportunities in years 4, 5 & 6 • Outdoor adventurous activity opportunities ll Please contact us to arrange a visit with our Head Teacher, Mr Hall, or Assistant Head,