21 minute read
What’s On
August to November Days out with a difference!
As part of its commitment to expanding its conservation and education programmes on the Moor, the Dartmoor Pony Heritage Trust is looking for new volunteers to join its wonderful conservation team helping to look after its land at Bellever, Postbridge. Opportunities range from checking the ponies to brush cutting, stone walling, fencing, putting up signs, strimming and unearthing and recording Bronze Age archaeology! Dartmoor Moorland Guide and conservationist Paul Rendell will be leading work party events as follows: Wednesday, August 5th; Monday, August 17th; Saturday, September 5th; Saturday October 3rd; Wednesday, October 14th; Saturday, November 7th; Wednesday, November 18th and Saturday, November 28th. In addition, FREE guided walks at Bellever are being offered for groups of six persons or more, to learn more about the heritage, history, archaeology, fl ora and fauna of Dartmoor and hopefully to meet our herd of Dartmoor ponies. Walks can be tailored for people of all ages, interests and abilities, looking for a good half-day out on the Moor. Ponies graze the land as part of the Charity’s work to reveal, maintain and manage the archaeological treasures and to keep the foliage under control!
Get involved:
Contact the DPHT on ✆ 01626 833234 or email: admin@dpht. co.uk to fi nd out more about joining our conservation working parties, to see how else you can get involved with preserving the Dartmoor pony on Dartmoor, or to organise a date for a guided walk.
August 15 VJ Day 75th Anniversary
Join Plymouth FEPOW (Far East Prisoners of War) group for a memorial service to commemorate the end of World War Two at 11am in the Minster Church of St Andrew, Plymouth, followed by a celebration with live music in Plymouth Guildhall hall. A time to refl ect the true end of the war, remember those taken prisoner in the Far East and those fi ghting in the Pacifi c and surrounding Islands, in Java, Hong Kong, Sumatra and Burma. Those held on the ‘hell ships’ and all Allied and Commonwealth military, civilian men, women and children affected during this awful period. Everyone is welcome to attend the day. Entry to the church is free, entry to the Guildhall is via a £3 security wristband. Fantastic live entertainment with music from the 40s, 50s and 60s will be played by Sandy Sparkle, Neil Kristopher, 2 Unique and Ocean City Sounds between 1.15pm and 9pm. If you are not able to dance, you can tap your feet or sing along to the songs. Please purchase a wrist band by visiting Plymouth FEPOW members at The Treasury Café Bar and Restaurant, PL1 2AD between 11am and 2pm on Saturday, August 1st or by visiting www.vjday75plymouth.co.uk. For more information call ✆ 07398 057074. Plymouth FEPOW would like to thank Decorations and Celebrations, Endsleigh Garden Centre, Identify Design, Morrisons of Plymstock and Plym Links for their support. Covid-19 – Should we have to postpone this event, we will re-arrange for another date as soon as possible. Any purchased wrist bands will be valid to be used on the new date. We look Plymouth FEPOW
forward to seeing you there.

Following offi cial safety advice relating to mass participation events during the COVID-19 pandemic, one of Plymouth’s best-loved charities has announced the cancellation of two of its fl agship fundraising events for this year. But St Luke’s Hospice is not letting lockdown restrictions dampen the community spirit of its many ardent supporters. Having made the diffi cult decision to cancel the popular Men’s Day Out and Ladies’ Midnight Walk events, after previously hoping to just postpone it, is inviting local men and women to create their own fundraising challenge instead. Sponsorship money raised by those who sign up for the charity’s Make your own Midnight Walk event this August, in collaboration with Nash & Co Solicitors, will help ensure the much-loved charity can continue to provide bespoke end of life care for terminally ill patients at home, in hospital and at its specialist unit at Turnchapel, and support them and their loved ones during these turbulent times. Whether participants choose to walk, jog or run, and whether they take on the challenge solo, with members of their household – children are welcome - or friends (including the four-legged variety!), their personalised event will be an opportunity to have fun – safely - in the great outdoors. For the many who look forward to taking part in Men’s Day Out and Midnight Walk as a tribute to their lost loves ones, it is also a chance to keep the memory of that special person alive and celebrate their life.

Penny Hannah, Head of Fundraising at St Luke’s, said: ‘Over the years, Men’s Day Out and our Ladies’ Midnight Walk have become legendary in our city with thousands taking part. They’ve done us proud, highlighting the need for local hospice care and raising hundreds of thousands of pounds to ensure our vital service continues. ‘Cancelling both events for this year is disappointing for our supporters and us, but it’s the right thing to do to protect our community during the pandemic. It does mean that alternative ways of fundraising are key to our charity surviving in these uncertain times. ‘That’s why we’re calling on existing supporters and new to sign up to Make your own Midnight Walk. Not only is registering easy and completely free of charge, there’s the fl exibility to do everything from a gentle walk or jog to a full-on marathon distance. ‘What counts is taking part because it’s the sponsorship raised by sharing your JustGiving page with family, friends and neighbours that will help keep St Luke’s doing what we do best. ‘This is a great opportunity for people of all ages to have fun while doing good in their community.’
For more information and to sign up:
Visit www.stlukesmidnightwalk.co.uk
Help us reach your community! your community! PLYM LINKS LINKS Do you have a story, know someone who is know someone who is extraordinary, or have a extraordinary, or have a local event to promote? local event to promote? email jane.honey@ linksmagazines.co.uk linksmagazines.co.uk
Fresh plans to look forward to... Plymouth is bouncing back in 2021 with new plans for a year of events and activities starting from the exact date the Mayfl ower ship set sail 400 years ago. A brilliant line-up including a signature Mayfl ower 400 commemoration and city events will re-energise Plymouth next year. Sadly, the coronavirus pandemic forced the cancellation of major events planned for this summer, including the British Firework Championships, Ocean City Blues ’n’ Jazz Festival and Mayfl ower Week. But a new programme incorporating already confi rmed activity is now taking shape. The Mayfl ower 400 commemorations will run into next year, with a digital event on September 16th, 2020 marking the 400th anniversary of the Mayfl ower ship sailing. The major public commemoration will now take place next summer as part of a Mayfl ower International Festival including: • Mayfl ower Four Nations Ceremony • Mayfl ower Military Muster • Rehabilitation Triathlon hosted by the Royal Marines The British Firework Championships will return to Plymouth next August. Cllr Pete Smith, deputy leader of Plymouth City Council, said: ‘We are incredibly disappointed so many major events planned for summer 2020 are not possible, but the changes we have made mean Plymouth will still be able to maximise the opportunities offered by Mayfl ower 400 as part of Resurgam, the city’s economic recovery plan. ‘We’re now looking forward to 2021 which is going to be a fantastic year for our city, with loads for everyone to enjoy and a great line-up of cultural happenings.’ Mayfl ower Community Sparks, a programme funding grass-roots community, arts and cultural activity in Plymouth will continue. Adrian Vinken, chair of the national Mayfl ower 400 partnership, said: ‘We’re amazed at the level of public interest in the real story of the Mayfl ower and the impact it had on the world today. ‘Because of that attention, all 13 other UK Mayfl ower destinations plus our partners in Holland and the US remain equally enthusiastic and committed to delivering their planned events through well into 2021. There’s a lot of great stuff to look forward to, it’s really encouraging.’

Latest Plymouth information:
Vist: www.visitplymouth.co.uk - for more information about Mayfl ower 400, see www.mayfl ower400uk.org/plymouth.
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Plymouth College of Art and Design student Michael Hanrahan, 24, has been selected as one of eight painters to be featured in the Freelands Painting Prize 2020 exhibition this autumn. The Freelands Painting Prize celebrates outstanding painting practice at undergraduate level, culminating in an exhibition at the Freelands Foundation gallery in London. Inviting every higher education institution in the UK that offers a BA Fine Art or Painting course, a fi nal year student is nominated to submit a piece of work for the prize.
Untitled by Michael Hanrahan

All submissions are reviewed anonymously by a judging panel of established art historians and painters, as well as the chair and founder of the Freelands Foundation Elizabeth Murdoch, who selected the eight winners. Inspired by the likes of Hieronymus Bosch, Francisco Goya and Salvador Dali, Michael said: ‘I was actually lost for ideas and the piece I submitted was the only thing I had. I didn’t think much of it at the time. It just goes to show never give up on what you think is a bad idea, someone may like it.’ Robert Manners, joint subject leader for the BA (Hons) Painting, Drawing & Printmaking course, said: ‘For one of our students to win the painting prize in its fi rst year is a great achievement, especially with so many students and institutions involved in the competition. Michael is a focussed student with a great love of painting - I’m thrilled his work made such an impression.’ The Freelands Foundation was established in 2015 to support artists and cultural institutions, broaden audiences for the visual arts and to enable all young people to engage actively with the creation and enjoyment of art. It also plays a vital role in research. September 12-27 Devon Open Studios Devon Artist Network (DAN) is delighted that Devon Open Studios will take place this year - despite the Covid 19 pandemic and its associated restrictions. For 16 years (DAN) has championed the individual, self-employed artists and galleries in Devon, including supporting artists through economic hard times. This year will be no exception. After consultations between the board and the 200 artists who signed up to open their private studios to the public, the agreed plan is that Devon Open Studios will run from September 12th to 27th, connecting artists with local art lovers and the many visitors to the region. Devon is brimming with talented artists working in studios who are keen to open to the general public, giving their work exposure, feedback, and sales. Many Devon artists have suffered extreme fi nancial hardship during the lockdown period and Devon Open Studios enables them to sell their work without commission straight to the public, allowing a crucial economic boost in these unprecedented times. After consultations the participants felt that they could manage and control the social distancing procedures and allow the public access to their studios many of which are separate buildings or annexes. A spokesperson for DAN said: ‘Our organization understands the crucial role Devon Open Studios plays in fostering connections between local artists and the public annually. Over the years, Devon Open Studios has seen nearly half a million visitors enjoy the event and we hope both regulars and those new to us will seek us out again.’ For the most up to date information follow DAN on social media including Facebook, Instagram and Twitter or go to www. devonartistnetwork.co.uk to see your free digital guide to the event.

Billy Rowney (Propeller repair in dry dock, Newlyn harbour) by Julia Odell
Dartmoor Border Morris had a wonderful winter season, collecting £1,760 for Children in Need and staging fi ve Wassails over Christmas, including one at Buckland Abbey where 750 people attended. The summer diary was fi lling up nicely and winter practice was going well, when lockdown arrived. Mark ‘Treggie’ Tregaskis said: ‘With social media, we have managed to keep contact with each other and help each other out with ideas and helpful hints, like where to get bread fl our, though for some, getting to grips with Zoom and other functions was a battle in itself! ‘The musicians have played at home and kept themselves in tune. It’s a bit harder for the dancers, but fortunately, our governing body, The Morris Federation, has come up with clever ideas to keep people dancing, despite being alone. ‘There has been a “Lone Morris Festival”, where members can get fully kitted up and fi lm themselves dancing in their gardens, alone to the tune. There are several variations of a dance, commonly known as a one man jig, where a lone musician stands six feet away from a single person, who dances a jig. The Morris Fed have been promoting this through social media and some Dartmoor Border Morris members have been keen to learn at home.’ Mark said all the members have missed meeting up in costume with fellow Morris buddies and having a laugh, a dance, talk about latest tunes, where to fi nd pheasant feathers and to have a break from the norm. ‘Even Chatterley, our Morris beast, is getting restless in his stable and sadly, he doesn’t do social media!’ said Treggie. All this summer’s cancelled dates have been carried over to next year, but Dartmoor Border Morris hope to be on Meavy village green during August, armed with a Dartmoor Rescue group collecting pot. Complying with restrictions, the musicians plan a ‘Morris Musical Mayhem’ session when a single jig along with bells and tatters might even get performed. Seen their Facebook page for dates. From September and social distancing allowing, you will fi nd Dartmoor Border Morris in Meavy Parish Hall on a Wednesday night, planning and practicing for another season ahead!

Roald Dahl’s most outlandishly vulgar stories about a ‘whizpopping’ Big Friendly Giant Duration : 1 hour Tickets: £5 Time: 7pm Dates: 6/7/12/21/29
Guys & Dolls
Frank Loesser’s classic tale of gangsters, nightclub singers and Salvationists Duration : 1 hour Tickets: £5 Time: 8pm Dates: 14/25 Latest updates µ ² @Stertsartscentre
Upton Cross • Liskeard • Cornwall PL14 5AZ
Twelfth Night
Shakespeare’s classic romantic comedy centred on the twins Viola and Sebsatian Duration : 1 hour Tickets: £5 Time: 7.30pm Dates: 13/22
Little Mermaid & Friends
Sterts Junior Youth perform in this preview show Duration : 1 hour Tickets: £5 Dates: 22 - 7pm/23 - 2pm
BOX OFFICE: Phone bookings ONLY 01579 362382 - Open weekdays between 10am-1pm BOOK ONLINE: www.sterts.co.uk SOCIAL DISTANCING: Please visit www.sterts.co.uk for COVID19 procedures and policies Sterts Theatre • Upton Cross • Liskeard • Cornwall PL14 5AZ
MUSIC & ART Framing precious memories...

Tavistock Picture Framing Gallery is delighted to welcome customers back to our Covid-safe environment. Using our framing skills we have installed a large booth so our customers can chat with us, and select framing in safety and comfort. Whether you’ve had a clear-out during lockdown and want to frame some treasures, have created your own masterpiece, or have redecorated and want to breathe new life into a room with a stunning piece of art, we’ve got what you need. Simply bring your framing items into the gallery and let our skilled framers work their magic, helping you to choose from a huge array of frames and mounts to display your items in the best possible way. Whether it’s a treasured album cover, a sentimental piece of jewellery, a sports shirt, or your child’s fi rst shoes – we’re the people you need to speak to. Don’t hide these items in the attic – hang them on your walls and let the memories come fl ooding back. You may have a piece of art which needs reframing to fi t in with

your new room. This is a great way to fall back in love art you’ve had for a while – bring it in and let us show you what we can do. We have a treasure trove of original artwork for you to explore in our spacious gallery – making social distancing easy. Come along and see what we’ve got.
Welcome back!
We can’t wait to see you in Plymouth

Plymouth off ers a fantastic shopping experience, with an amazing mix of top brand names and creative independents. As businesses continue to reopen, we’re looking forward to welcoming you back to Britain’s Ocean City. You’ll fi nd there are lots of additional measures in place in the city centre and across the waterfront to help keep you safe. There are also steps you can take to protect yourself and others from the spread of coronavirus.
Your safety
We’re committed to keeping you safe when you shop, here’s what we’ve done: • New signs in place about social distancing • Enhanced cleaning for the public toilets • The street cleansing team will be paying particular attention to contact points like bins and seats • We’ve made our car parks cash free, so you can pay by card or by phone What you can do: • If you or anyone in your household has symptoms of coronavirus, please stay at home and self-isolate • Remember to follow the latest Gov.uk website guidance on social distancing • Wash your hands regularly, or use hand sanitiser when out and about • Wear a face covering that covers your nose and mouth in situations when it’s hard to stay two metres away from people, such as in shops or on public transport • Follow social distancing and queueing instructions set out by businesses, and be mindful that you may have to wait to be allowed in to some stores to allow for a safe shopping experience.

Plan your visit
Check what’s open Not all businesses will be reopening at the same time, and some may have reduced opening hours, so check before you visit. You’ll probably need to book in advance for lots of places, including attractions and restaurants. You can fi nd out what businesses are open by visiting Shop4Plymouth.co.uk, keeping an eye on our social media channels or by checking the individual businesses’ website and social media before you visit.
BUSINESS Open for business!
Tavistock is open once again for business and we are thrilled to welcome you back to town. COVID-19 has presented huge challenges to all of us and affected the way that we live our lives. Things feel very different - but what the town has to offer is not. We are all hopeful about what the future holds. Businesses, some of which did not close at all through this crisis, are doing everything they can to adapt, so we would ask you please to have patience with the changes that you may find in your favourite places. What you can expect in the town centre: • New signs reminding people to keep their distance • Extra space to keep you safe • Street graphics to make queuing easier • Visual reminders to drivers to consider
pedestrians • Enhanced cleaning regime of the public toilets • Businesses complying with government guidelines Over the summer, the BID has two safe

trails planned that will appeal to all: ‘Windows in Time’ offers the chance to

explore 40 businesses in the town through a series of photo boards giving a glimpse into their history, showing what these premises were like in times past. Maps are available from the Visitor Information Centre and can be downloaded from www.visit-tavistock. co.uk/trails. We are also proud to be a host for the national ‘MonsterHero Safari’. This is a family, fun story-trail to help spread joy, support the NHS and give families a safe reason to return into town. Search the streets for 10 cute and colourful MonsterHeroes to unlock a free e-book. Go to www.visit-tavistock.co.uk/trails for more details or connect with us on Facebook @visit-tavistock. COVID-19 has shown us how important it is to be able to shop locally. Tavistock has a unique high street, wonderful cafes and restaurants and lots of wideopen space for you to enjoy. We are thrilled to welcome you back and thank you for supporting this beautiful, worldheritage town. n
The heart of


During lockdown Tavistock Town Council has
been working hard to continue to deliver essential services to Tavistock during the challenging Coronavirus pandemic.
Staff in our Works Department have been busy keeping our cemetery open, as well as tending to parks and open spaces, including The Meadows, Whitchurch Down and the smaller local parks, keeping them neat and tidy to provide pleasant havens for the community to enjoy during such challenging times , and to ensure they are ready for the normal use we all used to appreciate prior to lockdown. Although the Town Council organised part of the 2020 Goose Fair will not be able to proceed on safety grounds work is already in hand for 2021 to welcome residents and visitors back in better times.

The Council has been working in partnership with the Tavistock Business Improvement District (BID) and West Devon Borough Council to manage the safe reopening of shops in the Town Centre, as circumstances and Government policy permit and will continue to do so as lockdown eases. Recognising the importance of a vibrant Pannier Market to our historic town, Offi cers liaised with market traders and made the necessary operational arrangements and safely reopened the Pannier Market on Thursday 2nd July, this will hopefully be followed by themed markets in Butchers’ Hall and on Bedford Square from August onwards. Also help in the form of deferred rent and other assistance has been offered to commercial tenants to support the local economy and the wider community together with a grant scheme assisting community organisations to help the most vulnerable and disadvantaged affected by coronavirus.

More generally all Council services are being kept under review to ensure that they comply with government guidance and the Council is delighted to have been able to reopen children’s play areas from 4th July. Parents and guardians are asked to respect the safety guidance applying to these facilities, and ensure their charges do, to keep them open and safe to use.
Your Council wishes all in Tavistock, your friends and family safe and well in these diffi cult times, please continue to follow the applicable guidance, stay alert and protect yourself and others.


Please visit the website for the latest opening times
OPEN TUESDAY - SATURDAY 9am - 4:30pm OPEN TUESDAY - SATURDAY www.tavistock.gov.uk
9am - 4:30pm
‘ Shopping heaven in the heart of Tavistock’ ‘ Shopping heaven in the heart of Tavistock’ 01822 611003
