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It's OK not to be OK
A self-help hub grounded in love and humour
A personal project to help one woman cope with her mental health has blossomed into a lifesaving signposting system where anyone can fi nd help relevant to their needs.
When Nicky Nurrish was diagnosed with Bipolar 2 around 12 years ago she felt lost and was only armed with a prescription for medication to help with her mental illness. She was given no clear direction on how she could cope with having bipolar. ‘I was lost and struggling and didn’t know what to do about my bipolar. I went searching on the internet and I soon realised that there was help out there but it was all over the place.’ The system for self-help on the internet was chaotic and unhelpful and in 2019 Nicky decided to channel her energy into creating something that has since not only helped her, but thousands of others - the creation of Marbles, an information hub for mental health. Throughout the website, people can fi nd links and contact information for mental health and warrior services; self help services including nutrition or aromatherapy; and even blogs from those with lived experience “ My group is different. I want to make sure that when they leave they leave with coping tools and that they are around people that understand - there is no judgement in this environment. ”

with mental health. ‘Here at Marbles I want people to realise they are still "able with a label" and “it's ok not to be ok”. I have pieced together all I personally know about mental health from my own journey as well as help and support on here from others.’ Nicky said that the whole experience has been a ‘learning curve’ but would love to see the link for the website given out to people when they visit their GP. ‘There is no way that a GP will know everything about that person in 15 minutes but I feel that Marbles is a lifeline and it gives awareness in a crisis whether that is money or life or mental health. It also gives you information on how you can fi nd information anywhere around the world.’ The website proved so helpful that in January this year Nicky established her fi rst support group ‘with a diff erence’ which is held on the second Tuesday of the month at Moments Café
in Plymouth, and attracts between 15 to 20 people. ‘My group is diff erent. I want to make sure that when they leave they leave with coping tools and that they are around people that understand - there is no judgement in this environment. They can mix and mingle, enjoy cake made by my Nan, and there is always a guest speaker. Then after a break we have coping referrals to other organisations. People are loving it, it’s a diff erent kind of group.’ It’s been a very busy and exciting time for Nicky and Marbles - just recently, as part of its worldwide status, Marbles was recognised by students at Michigan University who said that the website was universal, helpful and informative. Nicky was asked to give a talk to students at the American university as part of their ‘Mind Matters’ series. Nicky has also been working with Plymouth Mental Health REG (Recovery and Empowerment Group), where people with lived experience of mental health work alongside mental health professionals to open up better communication and answer questions to those in need. Nicky has also been working on a loneliness project at Moments Café in order to off er a location to discuss life in general and organise social days to those who are on their own. ‘Marbles has defi nitely saved my life,’ said Nicky. ‘Before Marbles I was a defi nite bipolar 2 person. I would ride with my emotions and I was highly medicated. I wasn’t coping well and it was hard for my family to watch. ‘I got to a point where I thought “I can’t be like this, there has to be more to me than my mental health - I have to be more than my mental health”. ‘Marbles helped me a lot and taught me about what is going to help. Marbles helped me grow and taught me that medication only takes the edge off ! ‘My family are amazed by Marbles - they do worry about the amount of work that goes into managing Marbles but I am more stable thanks to Marbles.’ Nicky credits the name Marbles to her Grandad: ‘My great Granny had personality disorder and he would always say “she’s lost her marbles”. It makes me smile and laughing is good - I want people to not take it too seriously. Yes, it is serious but we should look at the positive side so that’s what I have done with Marbles.’ Two years ago Nicky set Marbles up as a Community Interest Company (CIC) to help with funding in order to spread the Marbles’ net further. Nicky has funded and continues to fund Marbles herself, but is currently recruiting for directors who can help take Marbles CIC to the next level. n

If you would like to donate to Marbles visit: www.marbleslostandfound.co.uk