Tavy Links February/March 2022

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legally speaking...

widespread digitisation across social care. • Workforce training and wellbeing support - at least £500 million so the social care workforce have the right training and qualifications, and feel recognised and valued for their skills and commitment. • Support for unpaid carers, and improved information and advice - up to £25 million to work with the sector to kick-start a change in the services provided to support unpaid carers. More than £70 million to increase the support offer across adult social care to improve the delivery of care and support services. • Innovation and improvement - £30 million to help local areas innovate around the support and care they provide in new and different

Our regular law column with

people less so and to be fair they may well welcome some of these proposals as another step on their long road to equality. Sir Andrew Dilnot, the architect of the ‘cost cap’ concept, has said he is ‘very disappointed by this change to the way the cap on care costs was expected to work’. He recently told the Treasury select committee2 that, “the change meant about 60% of older people who end up needing social care would lose out, compared with the plan he proposed…..it would hit people in regions of the country with lower house prices (and) the people who are most harshly affected by this change are people with assets of exactly £106,000. But everybody with assets of less than £186,000,

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selling where to dealalso withknown your as “assisted adult or social careyour system and a sure white paperto Commercial care” facilities, Please call Anne Reed on 01822 612535 Company NHS Continuing Healthcare Company Commercial Nand HS Continuing Healthcare Conveyancing Human Rights Judicial Review commercial wouldhome? follow. Residentialstart? living”, which allow elderly people to straddle whose wealth of experience will be transactions? Litigation Assessments and Appeals Litigation Assessments and Appeals Commercial Property Mental The new Government Social Care White Paper independent living and nursing careHealth and theLawable to help you and your family navigate Offering tailored, individual legal solutions inin the areas of:of: and Offering tailored, individual legal solutions the areas Wills, Estate Planning and Social Care Assessments People at the Heart of Care: adult social care Wills, Estate Planning Probate Social Care Assessments Company improvement in and theProbate technology used in care through these challengingand times. Commercial NHS Continuing Healthcare 1 sets out how some of this money will be reformNeed a fast Want to leave Require a Lasting Powers ofof Attorney representation settings, will be welcomed as important Lasting Powers Attorney representation Litigation Assessments and Appeals Residential Conveyancing Human Rights and Judicial Review Residential Conveyancing Human Rights and Judicial Review effective your affairs prompt and social care spent and to begin to transform the adult social carein developments insolutions making fi tAccess for Deputyship applications Medical Records Offering tailored, individual legal in the areas of:to Deputyship applications Access to Medical Records Wills, Estate Planning Probate Social Care Assessments and to buying order but efficient service Commercial Property Mental Health Law Offering tailored, individual legal solutions in the areas of: systemsolution in England, such as new investments in:notand Commercial Property Mental Health Law purpose, potentially boosting the independence or selling your where to appointment to deal with Professional of your Arrangement ofof Care Provision Professional appointment Arrangement Care Provision • Housing and home adaptations -sure atCompany least Lasting Powers of£300 Attorney ofCommercial people rely onof carerepresentation and helping them Commercial NHS Continuing Healthcare Residential Company Nand HS Continuing Healthcare Human Rights who and Judicial Review Conveyancing Residential Conveyancing Human Rights Judicial Review home? start? commercial million to integrate housing into local health Attorneys and Deputies Health and Welfare Advocacy Attorneys and Deputies Health and Welfare Advocacy stay Health at home for longer. Access to Medical Commercial Property Mental Law Deputyship applications Records transactions? Litigation Assessments and Appeals Litigation and Appeals Commercial Property Mental HealthAssessments and care strategies, with a focus on increasing Company Commercial NHSThe Continuing strategyHealthcare paper comes amid rising fearsLaw Professional appointment of Arrangement of Care Provision Wills, Estate Planning and Probate Social Care Assessments and Wills, Estate Planning and Probate Social Care Assessments and the range of new supported housing options Litigation Assessments and Appeals Company Commercial N HS Continuing Healthcare among care providers about how they will cope Wills, Planning and Probate Social Care Assessments and Attorneys and Deputies Health and Welfare Advocacy available. A Estate new practical support service to representation Lasting Powers of Attorney representation Lasting Powers of Attorney if the Omicron variant increases the strain on Litigation Assessments and Appeals Lasting Powersand of Attorney make minor repairs changes in people’s representation services. The sources said there was expected Deputyship applications Access toto Medical Deputyship applications Access Medical Records Deputyship applications Access to areas Medical Records Social Care Wills, Estate Planning and Probate Assessments and Records Offering tailored, individual legal solutions in the of: homes to help people remain independent and to be no announcement of funds to deal with a Anne Reed “Thank you for all your expert and Professional appointment “Thank you for all your expert and of Arrangement of Care Provision Professional appointment of Arrangement of Care Provision Professional appointment of representation Arrangement of Care Provision Lasting Powers of Attorney safe in Residential their home, alongside increasing the waiting list for care assessments and packages. Solicitor Director Conveyancing Human Rights and Judicial Review Attorneys and Deputies timely Health and Welfare Advocacy advice. The support and timely advice. The support and Attorneys and Deputies Health and Welfare Advocacy upper limit of the Disabilities Grant for Attorneys and Deputies Health and Welfare Advocacy Commercial Property Facilities Mental Health Lawappear to Nor does there be anything in the short Deputyship applications Access to Medical Records Chilcotts Law kindness shown kindness shownthroughout throughoutsuch such home adaptations such as stairlifts, wet rooms Company Commercial NHS Continuing Healthcare We canaverage deliver prompt and effective term care worker pay, whose “Thank youafor all your expert and Professional appointment ofto boost Arrangement of Care Provision stressful period was invaluable. a stressful period was invaluable. Assessments and Appeals Litigation and home technologies. ¹ Peoplelegal at the Heartrequirements of Care: adult social care reform, DHSC 2nd wage is £9.01 ancome hour in the independent solutions sector. to all your timely advice. The support and Your firm will Your firm willcertainly certainly come with and Welfare Wills, Estate Planning and Probate Social Assessments and Attorneys and with Health Advocacy 2021 • Technology digitisation - and atDeputies least “Thank youand for all your expert TheCare organisations and agencies representing December PRINT kindness shown throughout such the highest recommendation toto our ² HOC Treasury Committee, Oral evidence: Autumn Budget and Lasting Powers of Attorney the recommendation our timely advice. The support and £150 million of additional funding tohighest drive representation older people have been quick to respond Spending Review 2021, HC 825 18 November 2021 a applications stressful period was invaluable. Deputyship Access to Medical Records shown throughout such contacts.” contacts.” greaterkindness adoption of technology and achieve n Assessments and Appeals n Wills, Estate Planning and Probate critically, with those representing disabled www.committees.parliament.uk/oralevidence/3038/pdf/ a Professional stressful Your period wasindividual invaluable. “Thank you for expert and you forallallyour your expert and appointment of “Thank Arrangement of Care Provision Offering tailored, firm will certainly come with n Social Care Assessments and n Lasting Powers of Attorney Your firm will certainly come with Health and Welfare Advocacy Attorneys and Deputies legal solutions in the timely areas of:advice. The support and timely advice. The support and highest recommendation to our representation n Deputyship applications the highestthe recommendation to our kindness throughout such kindnessshown shown throughout such n Access to Medical Records n Professional appointment of ncontacts.” Residential Conveyancing contacts.” We can deliver nprompt and effective “Thank youafor all yourperiod expert and Arrangement of Care Provision Attorneys and Deputies n Commercial Property was astressful stressful period wasinvaluable. invaluable. solutions to all your legal n Health andrequirements Welfare Advocacy n NHSand Continuing Healthcare n Litigation timely advice. The support Your firm will certainly come with Your firm will certainly come with “Thank youkindness for all your 10-12 expert and Plymouth Road, Get in touch today: 10-12 Plymouth Road, shown throughout such Get in our touch today: the highest recommendation toto our the highest recommendation timely advice. The support and Tavistock, Devon, 8AY Tavistock, Devon, PL19 8AY 10-12 Plymouth shown Road, Get in touch today: a stressful period was PL19 invaluable. kindness throughout such contacts.” contacts.” Tavistock, Devon, PL19 8AY n Assessments and Appeals n Wills, Estate Planning and Probate a stressful Your period firm wasindividual invaluable. Offering tailored, will certainly come with info@chilcottslaw.com info@chilcottslaw.com ¨Attorney 01822 612535 ¨ 01822 612535n Social Care Assessments and info@chilcottslaw.com n Lasting Powers of Your firm will Plymouth certainly come with ¨ 01822 10-12 Road, in our touch today: legal solutions in the areas of: 612535 Getto chilcottslaw.com chilcottslaw.com chilcottslaw.com the highest recommendation



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