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What’s On
July, August & September Dartmoor Fell Race Series
Photo courtesy of Plymouth Sports Gazette
Six race organisers have collaborated to bring you this series of ten great races, with junior races also featuring at eight of the events. Enter each race via the organiser’s website and enjoy great open moorland running on Dartmoor with brilliant camaraderie. Results will be collated using your best seven race scores out of the ten, and prizes will be awarded to series category winners. So how many can you do?
Saturday 12 June: Marilyn’s Meldon Madness Start at Meldon Reservoir; for details see okehamptonrunningclub. com Wednesday 23 June: Solstice Start at Dartmoor Inn, Merrivale; for details see runventureonline. com Saturday 26 June: Burrator Horseshoe Start at Meavy; for details see entrycentral.com/ burratorhorseshoe2021 Saturday 3 July: Cosdon For details see okehamptonrunningclub.com Saturday 17 July: Haytor Heller Already fully booked; for details see teignbridgetrotters.co.uk Wednesday 28 July: Neolith Start at Dartmoor Inn, Merrivale; for details see runventureonline. com or tavistockathletics.co.uk - website bookings live 1 June Friday 30 July: Yartor Start at Dartmeet; For details see wildrunning.co.uk Wednesday 25 August:Tavy Trio of Tors Start at Dartmoor Inn, Merrivale; for details see runventureonline. com or tavistockathletics.co.uk - website bookings live 1 July Wednesday 8 September: Sourton For details see okehamptonrunningclub.com Wednesday 22 September: Great Links Tor Flyer Start at Fox & Hounds, Bridestowe; for details see runventureonline.com or tavistockathletics.co.uk - website bookings live 1 Aug
19 & 20 June ‘Rainbow Run Your Way’
Last year, due to the pandemic, the event went virtual, and around 2,000 people raised an incredible £100,000 for Children’s Hospice South West (CHSW). This year, the event is again open to anyone who wants to get involved; it’s a chance to don a bright outfit, pick a distance and complete it by running, skipping, walking, skating or riding and have fun along the way. We hope to raise £30,000 for each of the charity’s three children’s hospices: Little Bridge House in North Devon, Charlton Farm in Somerset and Little Harbour in Cornwall - a poignant target for the charity’s 30th anniversary year. It’s free to take part but CHSW encourages everyone to register at www.chsw.org.uk/rainbow for access to event information and free resources.
Summer Fetes
Saturday 26 June St Eustachius’ Summer Fete
11th annual fete, 10:30am to 3:30pm on the church green with stalls for plants, books, pre-loved clothing, vintage green, white elephant and a bouncy castle, plus hot dogs and burgers & other delicious refreshments. All monies raised by The Friends of St Eustachius’ help enhance and maintain the church.

Saturday 17 July Brentor Fete and Produce Show
The Fete and Produce Show will take place in Brentor Village Hall from 12:00 to 3:00pm. The traditional village fete will have craft stalls, games, tombola, a grand draw, lunches and cream teas. Produce entries should be brought to Brentor Village Hall between 10:00 and 10:30am on 17 July. There is a 20p entry per class and only one entry is allowed per class. For more details, please contact Sheryl on 01822 870554. More details will also be published nearer the date at www.brentorvillage.org and Facebook: Brentor, Lydford & Mary Tavy Hub. Brentor Produce Show Classes
1. Lemon drizzle cake 2. Cheese scone x 3 3. Sausage roll x 3 (men’s) 4. Jar of jam 5. Jar of marmalade 6. Jar of chutney 7. Vase of 5 mixed herbs 8. Eggs x 3 9. Soft fruit x 5 (on a plate) 10. Potatoes x 3 11. Broad bean x 3 12. Plate of up to 5 salad items (tomato, cucumber, lettuce, etc) 13. Courgette x 3 14. Roses x 3 mixed 15. 5 stems of mixed flowers 16. Flower arrangement in a boot 17. Photography – ‘Two of a kind’ Children’s classes
(up to age 11), free entry 18. Funny veg 19. Painted pebble 20. Photography –
‘My favourite animal’
The West Devon Club An ideal venue for celebrations, parties and special events such as weddings and wakes. Enjoy the sunshine in our beautiful walled garden!
Our friendly, welcoming club has a light and airy lounge, dance fl oor, good food with separate dining area. Two bars, cosy cellar bar with great function area, meeting rooms, and large screen TVs. We have two Snooker tables, pool room, darts room and a wonderful walled beer garden. Interested in becoming a member? we welcome new members - please pop in and see our friendly bar staff.
12 June Dockneys • 2 July Paul Eastwood, Comedian • 31 July Lineup • Other events such as Hog Roast, Tribute Acts, Steak Nights and themed nights - dates to be confi rmed. Get online and checkout the website and facebook, look at the notice boards to see the latest events at the club. 3 Abbey Place, Tavistock, PL19 0AB • 01822 613025 thewestdevonclub.com

12 June Upcycled & Eco Market
Re-use not refuse - it’s the way forward! This trailblazing event showcasing a myriad of innovative recycling ideas will be staged in Tavistock’s historic Butcher’s Hall, also focusing on ecofriendly shopping locally. 25 exhibitors will demonstrate how you can create clothes, furniture, homewares, jewellery, glass and wooden objects through imaginative recycling. Entry is free, 10:00am to 3:30pm.
19 June, 10 July Love Local Gift Market
An array of local gift exhibitors at Butcher’s Hall, Tavistock offer the perfect chance to seek out that special gift! So look no further than this market for a collective of the finest traders specialising in gifts to treasure. Entry is free, 10:00am to 3:30pm.
27 June to 26 September Brentor Car Boot Sales
2021 dates: 27 June, 25 July, 29 Aug, 26 Sep Sellers: cars £5, vans £10; Buyers: free entry! The car boot sales are held in aid of village funds on Brentor Playing Field, Burn Lane, Brentor, PL19 0ND. Sellers to arrive from 8:30am, buyers are welcome from 10:00am. We will be adhering to Covid-19 rules and a oneway system will be in place to ensure social distancing. Refreshments will be available. Please call 07706 972906 or email belarusness@hotmail.co.uk to book a space.
9 July Upcycled, Eco & Gift Market
This new market is being held on a Friday throughout the summer in Butcher’s Hall, promoting the ethos of re-use, not refuse, as well as focusing on eco-friendly and local artisan businesses. 25 exhibitors will demonstrate how you can create clothes, furniture, homewares, jewellery, glass and wooden objects through imaginative recycling, plus artisan gift stalls. Entry is free, 10:00am to 3:30pm.
From 19 July Tavy Turners and Carvers Club
From July, Tavy Turners and Carvers Club will resume its regular meetings on the 3rd Monday of the month, 7.30 to 9.30pm at the Scout Den, Pixon Lane, Tavistock. New members are always most welcome. See www. tavistockwoodturners.co.uk for further information.
25 July Church in the Park
Redeemer Church and Abbey Chapel invite you to take part in an informal and family-friendly open-air service at the bandstand, Tavistock Meadows at 10:30am, with games for the kids and face painting afterwards. All are welcome!
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(From Tavistock Pannier Market) Custom Made Footstools
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Talks & heritage walks
Friends of the Wharf Lunchtime Lectures
Organised by Dr Ann Pulsford, the Friends of the Wharf Lunchtime Lecture series resumes at Tavistock Wharf on the first Monday of August 2-3pm,
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running monthly until December - cost £5.00 including tea and cakes afterwards (FOTW £4.00). The Wharf will be closed to other visitors during talks and strict Covid hygiene, mask wearing and social distancing measures will be followed.
2 August: Ian Gasper An illustrated talk on birds and their behaviour This talk will cover many aspects of how birds live: their physiology (what makes them different), their movement, their feeding methods and abilities, their breeding methods and intelligence, plus migration and navigation strategies. Ian will use mainly his own wonderful photos from travels across the globe. The talk should be of interest to those with an awareness of birds to those with a keen interest.
6 September: Simon Dell Tavistock’s Policing Past Simon Dell’s new talk ties in to his two recent books: Tavistock’s Policing Past and Tavistock Guildhall - A Story of Policing, written to celebrate the restoration and opening of Tavistock Guildhall as a ‘gateway’ centre for the Cornwall and West Devon Mining Landscape World Heritage Site, and commemorating over two centuries of policing in Tavistock and West Devon. His talk charts the life of this unique building which housed the magistrates’ court and police station from 1848 until 2012.
13 September: Richard Thomas A Day in the Life of a Thames Tug A close look at the work done by the Cory tug General VIII, which was one of a fleet of five vessels engaged in the movement of refuse lighters on the Thames. The talk features a voyage from Wandsworth to the aptly named Mucking in Essex. It gives an insight to one of the remaining commercial operations on the tidal Thames and how this has changed since the closure of the dumping site at Mucking

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Aboriginal rock art
Tavistock Local History Society
8 June, 7pm (virtual walk by zoom) ‘Lydford: Burgh, Mint & Stannary Prison’ with Andrew Thompson 13 July, 7pm (outdoor visit) ‘Powdermills: 19th Century Gunpowder Factory’ with Drew Campbell, author of ‘Powdermills – The story of the Dartmoor gunpowder factory’ (2019) 10 August, 7pm (outdoor visit) ‘Gunnislake Chapels & Church’ with member Stephen Docksey Outdoor visits may move to Zoom - please see www.tavistockhistory.co.uk for the latest updates.
Tavistock Heritage Trust Heritage walks
From June till July, Tavistock Heritage Trust and Tavistock Guildhall will be presenting a programme of town and heritage walks. For £5 per person, you will be taken on a journey through the history of this World Heritage Site in the company of our team of local historians, opening doors to the past and providing an unforgettable experience. Ideal for new visitors to the area and local residents - we promise you’ll learn something new. Walk topics include local heritage, railway history, pubs and breweries, canals, curiosities and many more. See www.heritageintavistock.org for full details.
Zoom talks
3 June, 7.00pm: David Rosier - ‘Heaven’s Embroidered Cloth’: The History and Development of Chinese Imperial Silk This talk traces the origins, and myths, that surround Imperial Chinese Silk, an exquisite product that has mesmerised the World and on occasions exceeded the value of gold. Starting in the Neolithic era David will take us on a journey from the early Dynasties of China to the expansion of the silk industry and the role of the Silk Road in bringing this coveted product to the Middle East and on to Europe. 17 June, 7:00pm: Dr Jen Fraser - Down Under: Australian painting from ancient times to European Colonisation ‘The land owns us’ is a statement used by Aboriginal people to describe their relationship to their ancestrally created land - but that lies in polar opposition to European notions of land ownership. This Zoom lecture invites you to explore
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the connection between the land and the cultivation of identity by looking at the art of both cultures from 50,000 BC to the mid-19th century. Zoom talks cost £5; further information and booking details at heritageintavistock.org/events, richard. rundell@tavistockguildhall.org or 07470 774842.
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June & July The Box
Wampum: Stories From The Shells Of Native America
The exhibition centres on a wampum belt created for The Box by 100 Wampanoag craftspeople of Massachusetts, displayed alongside seven historic wampum belts on loan from the British Museum and Saffron Walden Museum. Wampum belts use shells to tell stories of communities and culture. The exhibition runs until 11 July.
Mayflower 400: Legend and Legacy
The exhibition reopened in May with a large collection of new artefacts from across the globe including the Second Peirce Patent from Pilgrim Hall Museum. Signed in 1621, this is the oldest existing state document of New England and gave the Mayflower passengers English permission to settle in America.
Smeaton’s Tower, and Elizabethan House
Also part of The Box family are Plymouth’s famous striped red and white lighthouse, Smeaton’s Tower, and Elizabethan House - one of the few remaining buildings from this era in Plymouth. An exceptional example of an Elizabethan boarding house, the Grade II Listed Elizabethan House has been undergoing a six-year restoration and has not been open to the public since 2015. Visitors will be taken on an immersive, multi-sensory journey through Plymouth’s history by the house and the people who lived there between 1599 and 1926 when the house was saved for the nation. Elizabethan House’s planned public opening is in July 2021. Smeaton’s Tower Lighthouse will open to visitors once social distancing measures are lifted by the UK Government. Both venues are ticketed.
For more details visit www.theboxplymouth.com
Sunday 11 July Mayflower 400 Four Nations Ceremony
The ceremony is the UK’s flagship Mayflower 400 event and the 70-metre stage will host an epic production, telling the story of the Mayflower Pilgrims’ journey in search of religious freedom and exploring the impact of this on the world. A massive array of singers representing choirs and schools from the region will be accompanied by the full concert orchestra of HM Royal Marines Band Plymouth. Together they will perform brand new music, accompanied by actors on stage and bespoke film footage, all narrated to tell this unique story. The script and lyrics have been written by Nick Stimson, associate director at the Theatre Royal Plymouth, with music by Chris Williams. For the first time ever, this commemoration event will include leading representatives of the Native American Wampanoag tribes, who have historically been excluded from the narrative despite having been greatly affected by the Mayflower’s arrival and subsequent European settlement. All four nations involved in the story – the UK, USA, Netherlands and the Wampanoag tribes – will be represented by high-ranking dignitaries. Gates open at 1pm, with activities on stage from 2pm, and the ceremony taking place from 3pm to approximately 4.30pm. Food, drink and toilets are available; visitors are welcome to bring their own food and drink with them, as well as blankets or camping chairs as seating will not be provided. Tickets are free but must be booked prior to entry at: visitplymouth.co.uk/ mayflower400ceremony. Saturday 17 & Sunday 18 July SailGP
One of the world’s most impressive sail racing events, SailGP, will stop in Plymouth in 2021, following the season opening events in Bermuda and Taranto, Italy. Known as Britain’s Ocean City, Plymouth has been selected to host the Great Britain Grand Prix, the third event of SailGP Season 2. SailGP features eight national teams made up of the sport’s top athletes, including Britain’s own Sir Ben Ainslie, the world’s most successful Olympic sailor, leading the Great Britain SailGP Team. The highspeed, adrenaline-filled racing will take place on Plymouth Sound each day, alongside onshore activity throughout the afternoon in the race village where you can watch the action ‘close- up’ on big screens whilst looking out over the racecourse from Plymouth’s famous Hoe.
Until March 2022 Our Nature Challenge
Dartmoor National Park Authority is celebrating its 70th anniversary with a special Time for Nature challenge, encouraging people to discover, enjoy and protect landscapes, and connect with the world around them in new or different ways. To get involved all you need to do is: download an activity sheet or pick one up from a National Park Visitor Centre, choose activities to do, tick them off when done and share your experiences on social media. Points are earned for each activity completed and they can be done on Dartmoor, in other green spaces or at home. If people complete activities adding up to 70 points, they’ll get a gold award and be in with a chance of winning a goodie bag. You can find the full information including all activities at www.dartmoor. gov.uk. National Parks exist to protect the landscape’s natural beauty, wildlife and cultural heritage; to promote understanding and enjoyment of its special qualities, and to foster the economic and social wellbeing of local communities. They’re also important for recreation, tourism and wellbeing for millions of people each year. Dartmoor National Park’s official birthday is on 30 October and was one of the first National Parks to be set up alongside the Peak District, Lake District and Snowdonia.

Summer Moor Otters Arts Trail
Eighty-one stunning sculptures of otters with cubs - all designed and decorated by local and national artists – can be found around the national park and places near Dartmoor. There are four trails with prizes and competitions designed for people to explore and learn about Dartmoor on foot, bike, car or public transport, plus another trail in Plymouth. People will have the opportunity to own a sculpture by bidding online anytime up to 1 October. Twenty-five selected ‘Golden Otters’ will also go to a live auction at Bearnes, Hampton and Littlewood on 2 October. Money raised will go towards Donate for Dartmoor, the authority’s conservation fund. For all the information visit www.dartmoor.gov. uk/moorotters or join the Moor Otters Facebook group. ‘Otter spotters’ can follow trails in:
Okehampton, Lydford & Tavistock Ashburton, Buckfastleigh & Princetown Bovey Tracey, Haytor, Moretonhampstead & Chagford The Yelverton area
Plymouth’s Mayflower Trail

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This year’s Tavistock Carnival will be somewhat different from previous years but as the country gradually returns to near normality after the pandemic, the Lions Club decided to organise some form of celebration for the local community. So, for this year only, Carnival will be taking place over just the weekend of 17th/18th July, provided COVID restrictions allow. The club is planning a vehicle cavalcade on Saturday 17 July featuring representatives of key workers, emergency services, support organisations and local traders who have provided a service to the community during lockdowns. This will be a vehicle-only procession starting from Down Road at 6pm to tour various housing estates around the town where a circular in and out route is possible. Local residents will be notified in advance giving them the opportunity to show appreciation in a similar way to the ‘clap for carers’. Organisations that consider it is appropriate for them to take part and would like to join the cavalcade, are asked to contact Lion, John Dawson on jdawson526@ btinternet.com.
On Sunday 18 July from 1pm to 5pm, there will be a celebratory ‘Party in Park’ in The Meadows when local residents are invited to come together for a great afternoon’s entertainment. Stannary Brass Band, Blowzone and the Tavy Tars will be performing in the bandstand whilst at the other end of The Meadows, there will be a disco, and local bands will perform on the sound stage kindly provided by Barry Lowton. Plymouth Pipe Band will also be in attendance so there will be music to suit all tastes! Other attractions include a dog show, a duck race on the canal, two engines from the Robey Trust and a selection of stalls from local charities. Food and drink will be available, including the Lions’ BBQ and tea & homemade cake stall. Discussions are also in hand with the fairground organisers to see if some of their rides could open on the day. The club is very keen to involve as many local organisations as possible and if any others would like to join in, they should contact Lion, John Dawson. So, all in all, an afternoon of fun and entertainment not to be missed after almost a year and a half of effective hibernation!
In addition to the cavalcade and Party in the Park, the club would also like to encourage people to become involved in their own local celebrations such as street parties and barbecues, all of which could be promoted on social media as a ‘Virtual Carnival’. Please note that the plans for the weekend were correct at the time of going to press but please check the Lions’ Facebook page and www.tavistocklions.org.uk nearer the date for final details.
Carnival Duck Race

Charity Open Gardens
Sunday 13 June Lower Birch Farmhouse
Lower Birch Farmhouse, Bere Alston, PL20 7BY is perched on a hillside with views across the River Tamar. This gently sloping and nicely maturing garden boasts creative use of vibrant colours in its many diverse borders, while the central feature, a large landscaped pond area, provides a wonderful environment for both flora and fauna and a perfect point to take in the views. Open 11am-1pm & 2 – 4pm; refreshments, free parking, plant sales and crafts; sorry no dogs; wheelchair access limited. Entry: adults £5, children (U16) free entry (plus booking fee) in aid of St Luke’s Hospice – book tickets at www.stlukes-hospice.org.uk
Park House
Saturday 19 June, 11am – 5pm Park House Open Garden
Situated in the beautiful Lyd valley, the attractive 3-acre garden at Park House, Coryton near Okehampton EX20 4AB

Lower Birch Farmhouse
will be open to visitors. Walk through banks of interesting and unusual planting combinations to a meadow with a stunning view of Dartmoor. Winding, mown paths lead to vibrant, traditional herbaceous borders and running water. There is also a well-stocked greenhouse, and polytunnel. Homemade teas will be available and there will be plants on sale. Admission: adults £5; children under 14 free. Wheelchair access is limited; dogs on leads welcome. In aid of Lamerton Hunt and ‘Send a Cow’ (www.sendacow.org). There will be signs from the Lydford to Tavistock road at Brentor and from 1 mile north of Chillaton on the Lewdown to Tavistock road. Enquiries to 01822 860275.
Sunday 18 July, 11am - 4pm Hotel Endsleigh Open Day
This 200-year-old Repton-designed garden is in three parts: a formal garden around the house, a picturesque dell with pleasure dairy and rockery, and an arboretum. The gardens were laid out in 1814 and have been carefully renovated over the last 14yrs. Bordering the River Tamar, it is a hidden oasis of plants and views. The hotel was built in 1810 by Sir Jeffry Wyattville for the 6th Duchess of Bedford in the romantic cottage Orné style. A plant nursery adjoins the hotel’s 108 acres. Pre-booking is available or you can just turn up and pay on the day. Admission: adult £8.00; child free entry. For more National Garden Scheme Open Days see ngs.org.uk.
Hotel Endsleigh

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RHS Garden Rosemoor
The largest rose gardens in the South West are an amazing treat for the senses, whilst the Wildflower Meadows change into a dramatic yellow and purple haze. Then the Fruit and Vegetable Garden matures, and the vibrant colours of the Hot Garden, the Mediterranean and Exotic Gardens start to develop. At the same time the Cool Garden is a calm oasis of running water complemented by white, blue and yellow flowering plants. Get the most from your visit by picking up our self-guided summer seasonal trail. Please book visits online at rosemoorevents@rhs.org.uk, to avoid disappointment, as capacity is still limited.

Saturday 5 June to Sun 18 July Rose Festival
This takes place over six weeks celebrating England’s iconic flower. Come and experience the spectacular fusion of colour and scent from the largest rose gardens in the Southwest with over 2000 roses. There are two late evening openings (until 9pm) when the rose scent is at its peak, accompanied by live acoustic music on 2 & 16 July.
Friday 25 to Sunday 27 June Rose Weekend
Free guided walks and talks as well as a floral-themed craft market.
Saturday 31 July & Sunday 1 August Vintage Weekend
Join us for RHS Garden Rosemoor’s 1940s themed weekend, including Second World War living history re-enactors, military displays, 1940s music and Lindy Hop dancing. The weekend also includes a Vintage Vehicle Rally, with a magnificent display of vehicles on the Arboretum Lawn and a Vintage & Upcycled Fair including clothes, textiles and other memorabilia.
Festival of roses

5 June–18 July

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Supported by RHS Registered Charity No. 222879/SC038262. © David Austin Roses