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With spring well and truly in bloom and summer just around the corner, it is a great time for new beginnings. Many will have known Anne Reed through Chilcotts Law, but recent exciting opportunities have arisen and Paladin Advocates & Attorneys opened it’s doors on 1st April 2022. We are just next door at No.12 Plymouth Road.
In recent years Anne has witnessed the dramatic increase in the need for her professional services specifi cally relating to her work as an Advocate and Attorney. Acting and guiding clients through some of the most challenging decisions they need to make, often at a time of crisis on a range of circumstances to include the need for care provision; arranging and setting up 24-hour live-in care; applications for Lasting Powers of Attorney; Deputyship Applications; navigating through NHS and Social Services funding options; advising on the protection and preservation of a client’s home and fi nancial assessment disputes.
The new venture means Anne and her team are able to continue to develop their specialist practice but also to support new clients during their time of need for advice and care.
We will continue to act for clients not only UK wide but also for family members who live abroad but whose loved ones live locally – acting as an advocate and voice to represent their wishes. We currently have clients in Argentina and Australia so distance is never an issue.
Anne’s role as an appointed Attorney means for clients who do not have family or who may live a distance away, she can act for both Financial and critically, Health and Welfare appointments given her dual qualifi cation as a Solicitor and former clinician in the NHS.
Both Anne and her team really look forward to continuing to fl ourish and welcome your call to seek our help and advice on 01822 610303. Our website provides further information on the range of services we are able to offer so please visit: www.paladinadvocates.com
Anne Reed
Solicitor & Advocate Paladin Advocates

12 Plymouth Road VHF Tavistock PL19 8AY VHF annereed@paladinadvocates.com VHF paladinadvocates.comVHF