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Moose Jaw Gaming Community Growing with Longest-Running Gaming Marathon in Province
Moose Jaw Gaming Community
Growing with Longest-running
Gaming Marathon in Province The Moose Jaw Gamers Association has brought gamers and non-gamers together for over ten years, making an impressive wave in the community and using a shared love of gaming to give back to the city. Members of the MJGA bring all types of interests to the table, with a welcoming attitude to anyone interested in getting involved with some no-stress gaming. The group regularly volunteers at The Gamers Expo is open to all ages, and offers an impressive variety of gamMoose Jaw’s high school tableing options for anyone to try their hand at. top gaming convention and runs ing environment for all types of ily growing every year and now board game afternoons to share gamers, they’ve also been able to takes over almost every room new games with the public. grow Saskatchewan’s largest and available at the Moose Jaw CulThey run a Discord channel for longest-running charity gaming tural Centre. local gamers and are usually weekend. The entire weekend is a fundpresent at the Canada Day fesThe Gamer’s Expo — known raiser for the MJGA’s charity of tivities on July 1 and the annual as GAX — runs twice a year in choice, which usually focuses on Sidewalk Days Festival every Moose Jaw and draws attendsupporting kids in the commusummer. ees from all over the province. nity. In 2019, the MJGA chose The MJGA have also been nomiGamers bring their own personal the Moose Jaw & District Food nated for a Moose Jaw Business gaming setups, either console or Bank’s new Mighty Munchies Excellence Award several years computer, or old-school tabletop program, dedicated to providing in a row, recognizing their comgames. snack bags for kids to take to munity-minded initiatives. It’s not just about showing off school. The group hosts a regular Dunyour gaming rig. The MJGA also Although Summer GAX 2020 geons & Dragons Adventure has mini-tournaments of popular won’t be taking place this year, League, open to the public and games organized throughout the the MJGA is hard at work plancompletely free to join in. Gamweekend, a sea of tables featurning fundraisers to help support ing sessions are bi-weekly, and ing board games and tabletop this year’s charity of choice, the ready for all levels of adventurRPGs, local vendors with gamCreative Kids Saskatchewn Proers — both beginner and experiing merch and a selection of rafgram, for 2020 and into 2021. enced. fle items to top it all off. Keep up with the Moose Jaw Because the organization is so The GAX event has been steadGamers Association through focused on providing a welcomtheir social media.