2 minute read
Editor's Note
During these pandemic times, remembering is a gift. Through this oppressive season of 2020-2021, many lives have been lost in the fight against this unforeseen virus that has pervaded our very existence, not altogether different than the many wars Canadians have fought in where lives and limbs were lost, and families torn apart. But at this time of the year, in our annual Remembrance Day magazine, we take time to remember the sacrifices of our war heroes, to remember and thank our veterans, peacekeepers, military and police, and all those who continue to stand against the evils that befall mankind. We also remember and thank those who have given much during our current COVID-19 health battle, the doctors and nurses, paramedics and all health care workers who continue on the front lines of saving lives. The sacrifices have been great. When I consider the fights of the Great War (WWI) and WWII, I remember they were battles for FREEDOM… “As the first pan-European War since Napoleon, 'Great' simply indicated the enormous scale of the conflict, much as we might today talk of a 'great storm' or a 'great flood'. However, the term also had moral connotations. The Allies believed they were fighting against an evil militarism that had taken hold in Germany.” https:// www.google.com/search?q=what+are+the+great+wars&rlz=1C1CHBF_enCA782CA782&oq=what+are+the+great+wars&aqs=chrome..69i57j0i22i30j0i22i30i395.6445j1j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 Let us never lose sight of our freedoms that our war heroes fought so hard to preserve. We will always be grateful to them…and we should continue to be vigilant in guarding our freedoms that seem to be gradually eroding. “Lest We Forget…We Will Remember Them.”
Joan Ritchie, Editor Moose Jaw Express/MooseJawToday.com
TABLE OFContents
The Royal Canadian Legion Smaller Remembrance Day Service To Be Held Online This Year Editor's Note Poem "In Flanders Fields" By John Mccrae Battle of Vimy Ridge Produced Four Victoria Cross Recipients Unveiling of Vimy Ridge Monument "Made Deep Impression" on Attendees Legion Lowers Flag to Honour Vimy Ridge Day, Death of Prince Philip Legion Celebrates Poppy's 100th Anniversary as a Remembrance Emblem Defeat in Hong Kong was First Major Loss for Canada During WW11 Museum Acquires Folding Bicycle Used During the Battle of Normandy Despite Reachin 100, Poppy's Importance is just as Relevant Today Canadian Museum Prepares to Honour 80th Anniversary Air Base Honours 21 Airmen Who Died in Estevan Crash in 1946 'Heroes' of Battle of Britian Represented the Best of Canada 'Ordinary Soldier' George Price Honoured with New Plaque Canadian Airman Sgt. James I. Drake He Also Served...A Short Story by George Pratt The First RCAF Aerobatic Demonstration Team Eighty Years Ago, Corvette HMCS Moose Jaw Launched Spitfires Fly Beer Support Operations into France World War Two in the Pacific - Hidden Secrets Mortlach Museum Features Nearly 1,000 Model Planes and Vehicles Eighty Years Ago, Train Kills Two Airmen Air Training Program Made Canada the 'Aerodrome of Democracy' Artist Hopes Updated Legion Mural Inspires Yourth to Better Understand War Amputee Veterans Started 100-Year Legacy Air Force Vet Honoured to Receive Recognition from Federal Gov't Korean War Vet Helped Keep Armoured Vehicles in Fighting Shape Tribute to Veteran Members of the War Amps Mechanic Herman Nuhn Kept Canada's Jet Fighters Flying Saskatchewan an Early Stronghold of Legion Support and Leadership Legion Project Honours 500 Area Residents Who Died in Both World Wars 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 14 16 17 18 19 20 22 24 25 26 28 29 30 32 34 36 37 38 39 40 42 44