5 minute read
Provincial Court Report:
Five Ontarians accused of robbing local restaurant freed on cash bail
been released on cash bail and must return to court in late August.
Geani Nicolae Costache, Stelian Grancea, Livu on July 23.
Judge Brian Hendrickson read their alleged offencthey had obtained by crime.
the country. He indicated that Canadian Border Security
Jason G. Antonio - Moose Jaw Express because of their immigration status and were consider- rants didn’t exist since he was following the Criminal him to take. Furthermore, a cash bail was normal in this situation because none of the accused has connections to Saskatchewan. ily to acquire the money, to which the Legal Aid lawyer said both were likely. them later that day. us,” one of the individuals said.
The investigation is ongoing.
Man accused of attempted murder released under conditions
Jason G. Antonio - Moose Jaw Express murder and assault, has been released from custody on several conditions and is scheduled to return to court on agreed to the man’s release, as long as he followed several conditions and returned to court in a month. job.
Service received a call about a disturbance on the south idence who required medical attention after sustaining
The male remains in serious condition. into custody at the scene.
Police continue to investigate the situation.
Sentencing date set for Calgarian accused of shooting at Moose Jaw police
The courts have scheduled a sentencing date for Jirard rant against him. reached a resolution. However, he wanted another week to clarify some outstanding items. sentencing would be a joint submission, it would likely
Jason G. Antonio - Moose Jaw Express be lengthy. warrant issued out of Calgary for being unlawfully at large. ers, administration members, crisis negotiators, and a
Judge Brian Hendrickson agreed to the extension and adjourned the matter to Aug. 3.
Man gets probation for stabbing sister’s boyfriend with a knife
Angry that his sister’s boyfriend had allegedly injured “stabbing one’s friends in the back” by taking a kitchen knife to his sibling’s beau. non-life-threatening wound.
said while reading the case facts. victim and then stabbed him.
Jason G. Antonio - Moose Jaw Express stabbed his sister’s boyfriend because the latter had allegedly broken the jaw of the siblings’ mother in an unrelated historical assault. he did was wrong,” Schaeffer said. “There is some some of these issues.” tact with or being near his sister’s boyfriend, and taking conditions. born with cognitive challenges that affected his learning
She urged Judge Brian Hendrickson to consider the relatives went through residential school. This led to the breakdown of his family — including the use of drugs offence, while it was fortunate that the injury was not life-threatening.
There is no good excuse to attack someone, even if cannot take the law into their hands. ing to me in terms of your behaviour, sir, and as sim-
July 27, 2023
Saskatchewan continues to receive great news on its economy. The province’s AA (low) credit rating and staMorningstar. When ratings from three major rating agen-ered, Saskatchewan has the second highest credit rating among all provinces.
The province’s wholesale trade for May 2023 was up 89.8 per cent from May 2022, for a total value of $7 billion. This is also an increase of 47.9 per cent above April 2023. This record wholesale trade growth is proof that Saskatchewan’s economic momentum continues.
Our province’s strong and growing economy allows our government to invest in the programs and services that matter most to Saskatchewan people. The Seniors In- better support seniors across Saskatchewan. SIP provides needs, in addition to income they receive through the Old Age Security and the Guaranteed Income Supplement. El- million investment will support 14,500 seniors and marks the eighth increase to SIP since 2008 when the maximum
Our government just announced an investment of $530,000 to provide bursaries for students and recent graduates joining Emergency Medical Services (EMS) here in Saskatchewan. You can learn more at www. saskhealthauthority.ca.
As Saskatchewan’s economy continues to grow, we celebrate the industries that create this economic growth. August 5 is Canada Food Day, an opportunity to celebrate Saskatchewan’s world-class, environmentally sustainable products that feed people all over the world. Canada Food Day highlights the farmers and ranchers who grow the products served at consumers’ dinner tables.
This year, as those agricultural producers are facing many challenges due to dry conditions, our government is supporting them in many ways. The Saskatchewan Crop
Insurance Corporation (SCIC) has doubled its low yield threshold for this year to allow additional acres of low yielding crops to be diverted to feed. For more information, call 1-888-935-0000 or visit scic.ca.

Agriculture Minister David Marit requested the federal government conduct an AgriRecovery assessment to determine what assistance could be provided to livestock producers. The province also requested an early designation of the federal Livestock Tax Deferral Program to provide producers facing potential feed shortages with more options as they consider if they need to liquidate part of their herd. Our government is committed to supporting our farmers and ranchers to lessen the impact of these challenging conditions.
Our government also continues to urge the federal government to do everything within its power to facilideeply concerned about the impact on our province’s exof goods through these ports is key to maintaining Saskatchewan’s reputation as a dependable trading partner.
As summer continues, there are many opportunities to enjoy what Saskatchewan has to offer. It will soon be Saskatchewan Day on August 7. I wish everyone a safe and fun long weekend!
If you have questions, concerns or feedback, pleasetel.net.

Young’s Equipment marks training location in style
A new combine parked outside Moose Jaw Events Centre marks location of harvest-season training
Aaron Walker - Moose Jaw Express / MooseJawToday.com

You might have taken a second glance if you drove past the Moose Jaw Events
Centre on July 26, as a large combine was conspicuously parked by the east entrance.
The combine belongs to Young’s Equipment Inc. and is one of their new 50-series models.
This combine marked the location of the harvest training program for customers of the business. At the centre, farmers are being shown the ins-and-outs of their latest equipment and given in-depth training to optimize productivity.
Every farming season, Young’s Equipment Inc. hosts a training program to ensure their customers get the most out of out their equipment. This is part of their customer service program.
“We are here with customers who have bought combines from us, and we’re just going through a pre-season run-down of new features and explaining how to best optimize their equipment,” said Rob Langley, Advanced Technology Specialist at Young’s Equipment Inc.

“We’re concentrating on our 50-series combines, which are automated,” he explained, noting that inputs have changed and now include more automatic features.
Some of the customers in attendance have just purchased new equipment, and others have returned for a refresher before harvest kicks off.
“We’ve had this (model) out for the last four years, so lots of our customers have used it already. For them, we’re just building on what they’ve learned,” said
Training takes place on two occasions throughout the year: one course takes place in the spring before seeding, and one course takes place in the late summer before harvest.
“During the spring we do seeder and sprayer events for our customers, and just before harvest we do a combine event. in whatever season they are working in,” he added.
Construction is still underway on the new facility for Young’s Equipment Inc., and no completion date has been announced. Langley stated that future training courses will be hosted at their own facility once it is available. The new facility is located west of town along the Trans-Canada Highway.
The current Young’s Equipment Inc. facility is located along the Trans-Canada Highway just east of Moose Jaw and can be reached at 306-694-1800.

To rent a classroom at the Moose Jaw Event Centre, they can be reached at 306-624-2040 or through their website at MosaicPlace.ca/Contact. The facility is located at 110 – First Avenue Northwest in Moose Jaw.