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UPS Healthcare continues investment in personalized medicine; expands global cell and gene services capacity

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CDK Global

Addi on of eight centers of excellence to support Marken’s global network of cell and gene services brings total to 14 cer fi ed sites.

UPS Healthcare announced today an investment and further expansion of its capabili es in cell and gene services via Marken, a UPS company. UPS Healthcare is adding eight centers of excellence to support Marken’s global network of cell and gene services, bringing the total to 14 cer fi ed sites. The expanded network will support Marken’s well-established services including cryogenic transport services, pa ent data protec on, superior temperature monitoring technology and real- me GPS tracking.

As an important part of UPS Healthcare’s off erings, Marken’s worldwide network includes 56 cer fi ed loca ons to handle the sensi ve shipments required during the clinical development of cell and gene therapies. The eight new loca ons – New York, Miami, Amsterdam, Paris, Melbourne, Sidney, Tokyo and Seoul – strengthen Marken’s global Center of Excellence network, which already includes centers in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Philadelphia, London, Frankfurt and Singapore.

Marken has established a global control center in its Research Triangle Park headquarters where it monitors all ac vi es rela ve to its cell and gene clinical trials. The control center monitors loca on and temperature in real me for all shipments, leverages UPS’s expansive global network, monitors fl ight status and manages all poten al supply chain disrup ons.

Wes Wheeler, president of UPS Healthcare, commented, “UPS Healthcare con nues to expand our service por olio to support our growing number of cell and gene clients. These new breakthrough therapies are among the most complex and sensi ve in our industry and we are planning on a best-in-class level of performance. We will con nue to invest in our capabili es and maintain Marken’s leadership posi on in the clinical trial logis cs industry.”

About UPS Healthcare and Marken

UPS Healthcare delivers unparalleled logis cs exper se to its customers around the world. UPS Healthcare has more than 10 million square feet of cGMP- or cGDP-compliant healthcare distribu on space globally. UPS Healthcare services include inventory management, temperature-controlled packaging and shipping, storage and fulfi llment of medical devices, labs and clinical trial logis cs. UPS Healthcare’s global infrastructure, its newest UPS Premier visibility service, its track and trace technology, and its global quality system are well-suited to meet today’s complex logis cs demands for the pharmaceu cal, medical device and laboratory diagnos c industries.

Marken is a wholly owned subsidiary of UPS and is a cri cal part of UPS Healthcare. With Polar Speed and Marken included, the UPS Healthcare division staff s 128 loca ons with 5,500 employees worldwide. Marken off ers a state-of-the-art GMP-compliant depot network and logis c hubs for clinical drug product storage and distribu on in 56 loca ons worldwide, while maintaining the leading posi on for Direct to Pa ent and Home Health care services, biological sample shipments and biological kit produc on. Marken’s dedicated 1,600 staff members manage 100,000 drug product and biological sample shipments every month at all temperature ranges in more than 220 countries. Addi onal services such as ancillary material sourcing, storage and distribu on, shipment lane verifi ca on and qualifi ca ons, as well as GDP, regulatory and compliance consultancy add to Marken’s unique posi on in the pharma and logis cs industry.

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