7 minute read

Kat Monteiro

The View From My Offi ce

With Kat Monteiro

It is with a heavy heart that I sit down to write this ar cle. On January 11, 2022, we lost another Mopar Master and dear friend, Mike Gerber. Mike became ill and went into the hospital on Christmas and never made it back home. He will be missed so much by so many. But especially by his wife Sherrie, who he was married to for the past 34 years. There was never a doubt about how much they loved each other. What I remember about Mike is that he had this way about him. He was quiet, and calm, always had a li le smirk of a smile on his face and could make friends easily. One of my favorite of memories of Mike is when we all converged on Park City, Utah for a Performance Group mee ng. Rick and some of the other guys went to play golf (No surprise there! And yes Marvin Windham, Dan Hu on, Allen Yancey - you and some others all tagged along with him!!) The rest of us headed to Sherrie’s Mom and Dad’s house in Midway. It was so nice, we had some tea and snacks, then walked around their beau ful yard. Then it was “Road Trip” me! My favorite thing. We loaded up the rental mini vans - I think Mike was driving a Toyota and Paul Allred was driving a Caravan. I was in the Caravan with Paul, Barbara, and Charlsee & John Gilbert. In the other vehicle, Mike had all the girls! Sherrie, Laura, Wanda, Jamie and Sharon Olsen! Well we ended up going up this dirt road - no big deal because Paul’s Garmin GPS said the main road was just up ahead. So, on and on we went. Things were ge ng pre y bumpy and sketchy. Should we turn around? Heck no! The main road is just ahead! There was a point when there were more rocks in the road and that made us stop to deliberate about if we should go on or turn around. It was such a beau ful view from up there. Well, I voted we should just keep going and I guess I won because that is what we did. There was one point that Mike let all the girls out of his van so he could make it up this li le hill. I will let you know the Caravan made it up fi ne! (Even though I was encouraging Paul to go go go!!) There was one point we were going along and the road became not so much of a road any more as it was a large trail. We encountered these guys out riding their dirt bike motorcycles who rode up to us and asked us what the hell we were doing all the way out here! Well Paul just told them we were out for a drive and looking for the main road! They just shook their heads, and seemed like they were thinking, “those crazy tourists in their rented vans”!

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When Paul asked them about the road condi ons up ahead, they told us it was not advisable for a minivan! Now, I know there were ladies in the Caravan that were becoming very concerned about our situa on, so I just kept telling them we are fi ne, no worries, and kept encouraging Paul to drive on. But I heard that it was a bit more on the side of hysteria in Mike’s van!

Jamie was very concerned about driving off the cliff and dying and Wanda was having her say too and asking our good Lord to get them to safety! (Sorry ladies, it’s just too funny to leave out) Laura and Sharon were in the back observing, and I know there was a lot of laughter going on. And there is Mike, just calm as can be, telling everyone it will be fi ne, as the bo om of the van is bo oming out on rocks and ruts. I just have to laugh at this. But that was Mike. Calm, in control, and nice as can be. But if I were to guess, he might have gained a couple extra gray hairs that day! Needless to say we made it to the other side and found that main road. I will never forget this adventure. And neither will anyone else that was in those 2 vans that day. We laughed so hard and just had a great day. And at the end of it all we have a great story to share. I o en wonder what the heck those mini vans looked like underneath when they were turned back into the rental place at the airport! I know it wasn’t pre y.

Mike was a good soul. He re red in 2017 and then in 2018 he and Sherrie moved from the Sea le area up to Sequim, Washington way up north. They had bought a house there for re rement. Mike loved to play music and gathered a li le band together. They played at all the town’s fes vals, at the Elks club, and such. He really got to know his community and was well liked. He was loving life in Sequim. They bought a li le RPod camper and started camping. They recently just took a month-long trip through 5 states, visi ng Na onal Parks and family. As soon as they were home, they were planning their next adventure.

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Mike was also an avid Sea le Seahawks fan! He loved football and those Hawks. He and Don Cushing had a Super Bowl bet when the Seahawks played the New England Patriots. The loser had to paint their beard in the colors of the winning team. Both Mike and Don really thought that the Seahawks had won that game and were tex ng back and forth……. un l that dreaded intercep on at the very end. Don knew that Mike was so broken hearted but being the good sport that was Mike, he dyed his beard Red, White and Blue and paid off his bet. That had to hurt. Says Don, “Mike never made excuses. He was a very classy guy, and

he was well respected by all his peers in the Mopar Masters Guild. He lived up to the Guild mo o by sharing his ideas and informa on. He never had a bad thing to say about anyone. He will be sorely missed.”

Mike will be missed by all that knew him. I want to say I am honored and happy that I had the opportunity to become friends with Mike and Sherrie. We really had some good mes together. Rest in Peace Mike, I’m sure you have already gathered your li le band up in heaven and are playing music. As diffi cult as it is to follow that type of news, we need to talk Vegas! It will be here very soon. This is a Mopar Masters Special Edi on since the Guild will be celebra ng their 30th Anniversary. What a great accomplishment this is. I know I say this a lot, but I feel truly blessed to have been a part of this group for 29 of those years, well I lied, Rick is 29 I’m 28!! At the recep on we will be honoring all past Presidents of the Mopar Masters Guild. It will be a fun evening strolling down memory lane. Sherrie will be in a endance honoring Mike so if you have any special memories of Mike, I am sure she would love to hear them.

See You Soon, Kat Monteiro

Michael B. Gerber, age 69, a talented and most beloved musician, passed away January 11, 2022 a er a brief illness. He was born in Salt Lake City, Utah to Marvin E. Gerber and Alene Banks Gerber. Married to Sherrie K. Gerber and they have enjoyed 34 loving years together. They relocated to WA state in 1990 which they s ll call home today. Michael is survived by his parents, four siblings, two sons: Jus n (Tracie), Travis (Melissa) and three adorable grandchildren: Olivia, Lila, and Hudson. Michael was a kind and gentle soul; a gi ed musician and loved playing his guitar every opportunity he could. A Celebra on of Life will be planned at a later date.

I miss you so much my love.

'The song is ended, but the melody lingers on.' - Irvin Berlin

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