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Passages: Mike Cervantes Stellantis Eyes Canada for

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Kat Monteiro

Kat Monteiro

Passages: Mike Cervantes Echo Park/Sonic Automotive

Countless lives have been lost to COVID. Many of us read the ar cles online and are astounded as to how a virus could aff ect so many. And then it aff ects someone we know.

On Monday April 19,2021 Mike Cervantes, 56 passed away unexpectedly from Covid. He was the husband of Leslie Cervantes. Mike was born in Sacramento California on September 22nd, 1964 to Fred and Sheri Cervantes. Mike and Leslie were married on 10/16/2004 Mike loved to travel and enjoy a cra beer with friends. He had an infec ous laugh and loved to make people laugh. He was very kind and generous. At all the restaurants he frequented, he considered all the people family. He was very social, he loved talking to people. Mike was employed at EchoPark/Sonic Automo ve for 30+Years. His work was his passion, he loved to mentor and loved to problem solve. He was very proud to be part of EchoPark from the ground up. Mike has been a member of the Mopar Masters Guild since the 90’s when he was elected Vice-President of the MMG. He was always ready to welcome a new member to the group, always looking to share ideas and knowledge, as was the guild’s mo o. He and Leslie became a part of the Mopar Masters Guild family, and they will always be.

A few of the Mopar Masters Members sent in their thoughts: “Mike was one of the fi rst Mopar Masters that I met. This was back in the late 90’s at the fi rst Performance Group meeting with Mopar. Mike made me feel welcome, even though my store was one of the smallest Masters at that me. He always had a smile on his face and loved to joke around with everyone.” Ole Olson – Parts Director (Ret) - Buff alo, MN

“Though I didn’t get to know Mike well, I always remember his constant smile and infec ous laugh. He was one of the fi rst to welcome me to the guild and made everyone feel welcomed and appreciated. His advice and comments were always spot on, and it was obvious he had a deep understanding of our business. From a self-standpoint I was sad to see him leave the guild, but I know it was an advancement for him. He is missed.”

Marvin Windham – Parts Director (Ret) and Past President of the MMG

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“I met Mike in 1994 at the Second annual Mopar Masters mee ng in San Francisco. Being from the le coast we were called out by our eastern friends as “Surfer Dudes” since both of us hailed from California. Mike turned this into a lifelong friendly tug of war with our friends from the east coast calling them out using Y’all, Bubba, I Reckon among many other southernisms. Mike became my Vice President during our 2 year term in offi ce 2000-2001 and would have become the next MMG president if he hadn’t joined Sonic Automo ve as a Regional Fixed Opera ons Director. His talents for fi xed opera ons were excep onal and he was rewarded @Sonic. He could bring any room or venue to complete laughter with his wonderful sense of humor and dis nc ve laugh which made our me in offi ce together one of the best mes in my life. Our offi cer partnership ended at the 10th anniversary of the Mopar Masters Guild in New Orleans in 2001. Not only did we lead a street parade to our farewell dinner down Bourbon Street with a marching Band, but we also had the honor of recognizing the founding fathers of the MMG at the annual farewell Dinner. Over the years Kat and I became lifelong friends with Mike and Leslie and always looked forward to seeing them at NADA conven ons or when they would come to San Diego. As long as I have his memory he will never be gone. You always made me smile when you were here and I always smile when I think of you now that you are in heaven. Rest in peace my friend. As the mo o goes “Once a Mopar Master Always a Mopar Master”.” Rick Monteiro – Parts Director – Jack Powell DCJR – Escondido, CA - Past President of the MMG

Mike said it best in this quote from a Mopar Masters Guild Newsle er in 1995, “I’ve always been

one to believe that you should not complain

about something that you have made no eff ort to change for the be er.” And “I have no doubt that 1995 will

prove to be a very produc ve year for members of this guild and for Chrysler Corp. as well.” Our strength is

in our numbers.” (Quotes from Mike in same ar cle).

I believe this could have been Mike’s mo o for life itself. He was instrumental in many areas of the guild and always with a smile and posi ve a tude. May you rest in peace. Gone too soon. And as I’ve been known to say at the end of several Guild events. “I love you man.” Gerry Oakes – Parts Director (Ret) and Past President of the MMG

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