A century of giving Larger Life to Moravian ministries
he Larger Life Foundation is celebrating currently supporting churches’ capital needs. its 100th anniversary in 2020, rejoic Because of its financial ministry, the ing in giving “larger life” to hundreds Larger Life Foundation’s beneficiaries have of ministries and churches in the Moravian enhanced God’s work in many ways. Here are Church Northern Province through grants and a few examples: loans. In its 100 years of service, the Founda• Providing ministerial candidate tuition paytion has distributed more than $13,000,000 ments at Moravian Theological Seminary; through its permanent endowment fund. With • Funding most of the Middle States Youth careful management, capital appreciation, Ministries’ camping program; and essential contributions and bequests, the • Enhancing pensions and health care of refund itself has grown to over $11,000,000. tired Moravian clergy; While that’s the Foundation’s current • Supporting the Board of World Mission in status, it isn’t the real story of the impact the responding to new ministry opportunities Foundation has made on churches and minand disaster response; istries throughout the entire province. Foun• Helping Moravian Open Door, New York dation support encompasses world mission, City, to offset actual operating expenses ministerial pensions/health care, ministerial and also address sudden, urgent needs; training, educational institutions, camps, re• Maintaining a strong commitment and tirement communities, social services, financial partnership with three Moraarchives, provincial administravian educational institutions and tion, plus discretionary grants four Moravian retirement comand loans for important munities. church needs. In 2019 over • Upgrading youth spac$500,000 was distributed to es and nursery rooms at 38 entities in the Province, First Moravian Church in providing both semi-annual Riverside, N.J.; support to key ministries and • Start-up funds for Trickalso smaller but substantial lebee Café, Milwaukee, Wis. to discretionary grants buy kitchen equipto churches ment and later to and ministries. help fund their In addition, the part-time manathird focus of gerial position; the Foundation • Adding is loans, nine an accessibility of which are MORAVIAN CHURCH NORTHERN PROVINCE
Larger Life
The Moravian