10 Things I Learned About My Christian Walk Through My Daily Run

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Ten Things I Learned about my ChrIstIan WaLk while doing my daily Run

by Denise D. Chavis 1. More injury occurs while running downhill than running up hill or on flat terrain. I really learned this one the hard way. I thought I could build my running times by finding some downhill terrains. Wow, was I ever wrong. I experienced my first shin splint of my life and all the pain that goes with it. I didn’t want to rest my leg because I wanted to keep running. Well, it stopped me. I learned I had to walk a little before I could begin to run again. This is just like our Christian walk. Wouldn’t we all like to coast with no problems or trials. What we don’t see is the damage that may be going on while we go down the hill with little effort. We may get a little slack in our prayer life and church attendance or our daily devotion. After all, why do we need to do those things when all is going so well? Then one day, a “shin splint” hits without warning, and we are not ready for the trial because we have an injury.

2. If you try to run too soon after an injury, you will get hurt again quickly. Runners like to run. I learned that I did not want to wait and give myself time to heal. Then I got hurt again because I didn’t build my muscles before stretching them again. After a hurt in our Christian life, we must give ourselves time to heal.

3. When running long distances, the first minutes are harder than the last. After I ran my first five minute run, I couldn’t believe how much I wanted to keep running. This reminds me of a new Christian. Once we experience the Christian life, we want to keep going, but in reality we need to build our muscles a little more before stretching ourselves again.

4. You must hydrate days before you run. You can’t wait until the day of the race. I experienced my first dehydration soon after beginning to run. I learned that hydration occurs many days before the race just as a Christian must be caught up on Bible reading and prayer days before the trials of life. I got very weak and sick because of my dehydration. I had to put extra water and Gatorade into my system to gain my strength again. When a Christian becomes “dehydrated,” he/she must “hydrate” with scripture and prayer to regain strength.

5. You must have a strong foundation under your feet or you will cause damage. This one speaks volumes. Just as all of the above reasons state. You must have the strong foundation or your body can’t stand the pounding you get from the run. As a Christian, we will be pounded. If the foundation is weak, you will fall.

6. You must replace your shoes after so many miles or damage will be caused. Running experts say you should replace your running shoes after 350-500 miles. Christians can’t run on the same foundation without ever rebuilding it.

7. Once you begin to run, it is hard to walk. However, walking is necessary at times. I find it hard to walk now. I catch myself wanting to run instead of walking and “smelling the roses” so to speak. Sometimes we need to walk and listen to what God needs us to hear. If we run to fast, we might miss the gentle talks.

8. Once you run, you want others to run with you. I find myself wanting those around me to have the same love for running that I have. Christians need this same enthusiasm to make others have the same love for Jesus Christ that you have.

9. Never run with cold muscles. You must warm-up your muscles before running or damage will once again occur. If you are going to sing in the choir, teach Sunday School, direct the drama team, sing a special, etc…, you must “warm-up” or you will fail.

10. Every time you step up a level, you can expect sore muscles. No pain, no gain! Any time you try to add more running time, you can expect some pain. Any time we step up in our Christian walk, we can expect some pain. A closer walk will bring trials!

Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. Hebrews 12:1-2

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