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Ph.D., Philosophy Marquette University
B. A., Classical Languages University of Nebraska
Jensen, Kipton, ed. Preston King: History, Toleration, and Friendship. New York: NY, Peter Lang Inc., 2021.
Jensen, Kipton E. “A Short History of Black Marxism in the USA.” In Probings and Re-Probings, pp. 110-140. Routledge, 2021.
Gordon, J. A., Guru, G., Sarukkai, S., Jensen, Kipton E., & Perina, M. L.. “Creolizing the Canon: Philosophy and Decolonial Democratization?” Journal of World Philosophies 5, no. 2 (2020): 94–138. Retrieved from https://scholarworks.iu.edu/iupjournals/index.php/jwp/article/view/4048
Jensen, Kipton. “To Teach or Not to Teach, and If So, How Best to Teach Hegel at Historically Black Colleges and Universities?” Journal of World Philosophies 5, no. 2 (Winter 2020): 110-118. https://scholarworks.iu.edu/iupjournals/ index.php/jwp/article/view/4048
Jensen, Kipton. “Short History of Black Marxism in the USA” in Essays in Marxian Reawakening, ed. Ray and Gupta (Akbar Publishers, 2020).

Jensen, Kipton Howard Thurman: Philosophy, Civil Rights, and the Search for Common Ground. Columbia: University of South Carolina Press, 2019.
Jensen, Kipton. “Howard Thurman and the African American Resistance Tradition” in Concerned Philosophers for Peace, Brill Press: Leiden and Boston (2019).